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随着可再生能源规模化发展和技术快速进步,在资源优良、建设成本低、投资和市场条件好的地区,已基本具备与燃煤标杆上网电价平价的条件。本文从可再生能源补贴的发展历程出发,分析了可再生能源补贴对新能源发电企业带来的积极作用和可再生能源补贴退坡机制对其带来的挑战,并就如何应对可再生能源补贴退坡机制提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

经济激励政策是市场经济环境下推动可再生能源卢业实现商业化、产业化、规模化发展的最关键、最有效的政策手段.本文回顾了我国实施可再生能源产业经济激励政策的实践,在分析其存在的问题和完善机遇的基础上,提出了具体政策建议.  相似文献   

<正>以风能和太阳光伏能为动力的可再生能源的主要作用是生产电力向输电网供电,因其动力(是否有风或阳光,由老天决定)来源的不确定,尤其是规模化可再生能源发电场与输电网相连接,对电力供求关系必须给予平衡的输电网将会造成极大的不稳定。伴随着可  相似文献   

发展可再生能源是推动经济绿色发展和可持续发展的必由之路,也是创建"美丽杭州"、建设低碳城市的重要内容。本文以工业企业可再生能源的利用为切入点,分析了杭州市规模以上工业企业可再生能源利用的现状,指出其在企业自主利用意愿、利用结构上存在的主要问题,并提出进一步推动可再生能源发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

一、项目背景可再生能源的开发利用日益受到重视,产业规模持续扩大,技术水平逐步提高,成为世界能源领域的一大亮点,呈现出良好的发展前景。中央高度重视可再生能源的利用开发,把加快发展可再生能源作为"十一五"时期能源发展的一项重要任务。  相似文献   

"中国能源发展正在面临着一次新的转型——由传统化石能源向新能源和可再生能源的‘绿色转型’。"5月22日召开的"中国能源战略转型和绿色革命电力论坛"上,来自国家能源局  相似文献   

近年来,可再生能源发电上网和市场消纳问题日益凸现,已成为可再生能源进一步发展的最大瓶颈。现有的可再生能源电力支持政策主要集中于发电侧,对于可再生能源电力的上网和消纳、实现可再生能源电力的全额保障性收购等问题无法有效解决,迫切需要创新,引入新的机制和政策。根据国际经验,可再生能源配额制政策能有效地为可再生能源电力上网和配额部分的电力收购提供保证。目前,我国正积极制定可再生能源配额制管理办法。但是,配额制政策  相似文献   

贺艳萍 《数据》2013,(10):37-37
"十二五"时期,发展以污染预防、清洁技术、新能源和可再生能源等为核心的绿色产业将成为推动经济转型的主要力量。延庆结合本区域的功能定位,利用资源丰富的风能,有序推进风电规模化发展,使得风电产业获得了快速发展,并大幅度带动了经济的增长。风电产业,发展蓬勃2008年以来,延庆风电产业蓬勃发展,成为延庆工业经济发展的产  相似文献   

晏清  袁平红 《企业经济》2012,(9):114-118
在研究英国海洋可再生能源发展实践的基础上,结合对中国海洋可再生能源发展现状的分析,指出制约中国海洋可再生能源发展的因素和存在问题,进而通过英国海洋可再生能源发展的经验启示,提出发展中国海洋可再生能源,必须建立健全海洋可再生能源管理机构和法规、加强国际间技术合作和开辟多元化融资渠道,并配合实行配额制和税收改革,以实现海洋可再生能源的有效供给和市场吸收。  相似文献   

正吉林省吉林市制定了产业低碳化、交通清洁化、建筑绿色化、新能源和可再生能源规模化、污染物减量化、城乡大地绿化美化的"六化"发展目标和任务,探索低碳发展转型路径和模式。从传统的重化工业基地到新兴产业沃土,从过去典型的"石化经济"到如今的多产业支撑,从原来的工业区、商业区、人居区混杂到如今空间布局不断优化……近几年,通过低碳转型发展,吉林省吉林市正全力建设成为东北  相似文献   

我国可再生能源的开发与利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘清志  陈思羽 《价值工程》2010,29(26):122-123
经济的迅猛发展,低碳、可持续发展的道路要求我们必须尽快调整能源产业结构,大力发展可再生能源。中国地大物博,资源丰富,可再生能源的开发具有大规模的物质基础。风能、太阳能、水能、生物质能和海洋能等可再生能源的开发利用已取得了一定的成效,同时加强公众的节能环保意识和完善相关的政策法律体系等问题也不容忽视。大力开发我国的可再生能源,将会在满足资源-环境-人口的约束条件下,减缓我国能源压力,带来巨大的经济效益。  相似文献   

Renewable energy consumption brings sustainable economic growth and pollution reduction. Despite the worldwide increase in renewable energy consumption, global energy-related carbon dioxide emissions are rising and there are still considerable differences in the share of renewable energy consumption in national energy portfolios. These concerns require further effort at the policy level, especially by countries that make extensive use of energy imports. These countries could improve their lack of energy independence by using renewable energy sources and leveraging a few factors to facilitate their transition. This study aims to investigate renewable energy consumption drivers, focusing on the role of socio-technical (rather than economic) aspects such as policy stringency, lobbying, public awareness, and education. We employ a panel vector autoregressive model in first differences to test the complex dynamic relationships among renewable energy consumption, policy stringency, lobbying, public awareness, and education, controlling for variables such as per capita income and import levels, for 12 European Union net energy importing countries. Results show that the positive income effect prevails in the influence of the level of carbon dioxide emissions (negative) on renewable energy consumption, despite the latter being more significant in countries with higher levels of education. Increasing energy needs push traditional sources towards complementarity with renewable energy consumption, implying a positive lobbying effect. Public awareness is not enough to facilitate the transition to renewable energy consumption. By contrast, policy stringency has positive direct and indirect effects on renewable energy consumption, suggesting that the approach adopted by the European Commission in the recent Green Deal is a step in the right direction. Moreover, as shown, policymakers are able, through renewable energy consumption, to generate a decrease in carbon dioxide emissions and electricity production from oil, gas, coal, and nuclear sources in the first instance, but also in net energy imports, even if at a later stage.  相似文献   

Motivated by the gained momentum of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) under the umbrella of the United Nations organization, in the light of the SDG‐7, which stipulates the access to affordable, sustainable, and modern energy, this paper explores the dynamic relationship between renewable energy and the pillars of sustainable development. Its insights are driven using a simultaneous equation model based on a panel of 25 African economies covering the period 1990–2014. The results show that renewable energy is important for sustainable development and that higher levels of renewable energy can increase sustainability. The findings also confirm the positive influence of renewable energy on the economic, environmental, social, and institutional dimensions. These positive effects stem from investment in clean energy in the whole of Africa, combined with structural changes promoting the use of clean energy and the achievement of the millennium development goals. The findings should be useful for policymakers in Africa. Aggressive renewable energy policies will be crucial for achieving energy‐policy goals and the “multiple benefits” of renewable energy, such as reducing climate change and air pollution, improving energy security, and increasing access to energy.  相似文献   

The integration of renewable energy criteria in mutual fund investment decisions could channel private resources into the funding of environmentally related projects implemented by firms contributing to sustainable development. This paper examines the performance of European renewable energy funds that invest globally by comparing their risk‐adjusted returns with those achieved by black energy and conventional mutual funds. It uses Carhart's model on a sample of 81 renewable energy funds, 125 black energy funds, and 4,337 conventional mutual funds. The results indicate that 32.1% of renewable mutual funds—most of which adopt energy producers, renewable energy technology, and energy efficiency‐focused criteria—perform significantly better than the S&P Clean Energy market benchmark, this percentage being affected by the different states of the economy. However, none of them are able to beat the fossil fuel energy (S&P Global 1200 Energy Index) or conventional market benchmarks (S&P Global 1200 Index). Furthermore, 37.04% of renewable energy funds significantly underperform the S&P Global 1200 benchmark. Therefore, the investment in renewable energy funds has a financial cost for investors in relation to conventional fund investors.  相似文献   

文章介绍了欧盟可再生能源政策的概况,以及促进可再生能源使用指令2009/28/EC。指令规定到2020年,整个欧盟的能源消耗中至少有20%来自可再生能源,且每个成员国运输领域的能源消耗中至少有10%来自生物燃料。  相似文献   

姜伟 《价值工程》2010,29(9):177-177
为应对能源短缺和环境问题,各国都高度重视可再生能源的发展,本文介绍了英国、德国和美国的可再生能源促进政策的最新进展。在党和政府的高度关注下,我国近年来可再生能源事业获得了巨大的发展,但仍存在一些限制性问题,学习国外的有关经验,对我国可再生能源促进政策的制定具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This work aims to determine the most important aspects of an integrative strategy to end the stagnation of Venezuela's energy sector (VES). The first step is to extract the various stakeholders' perspectives on policies needed to improve VES. Q methodology combines qualitative and quantitative approaches to learn the subjective opinions of a group of individuals on a specific topic to determine the different perspectives at hand. Using Q methodology we analyzed the preferences of VES-involved stakeholders regarding the structure of the industry, its services, the infrastructure framework, and, finally, energy governance design. Analyzing commonalities and disagreements between perspectives resulted in three perspectives or mindsets: i) a partial vertical restructuring of the industry, ii) the development of hydroelectricity and large-scale renewable energies, and iii) the improvement of control mechanisms to increase the sector's efficiency.  相似文献   

单一可再生能源,都有各自的优势和弱点。农村地区应根据当地现有可再生能源资源,采用因地制宜、有机联合的发电方式,可达到扬长避短、降低成本的效果,使农村这一广阔的市场成为我国可再生能源战略的主战场,对实现低碳经济、孕育农村新能源产业意义重大。  相似文献   

秦永丽 《价值工程》2011,30(13):102-103
太阳能是一种绿色的可再生能源,绿色建筑的设计理念就是充分利用太阳能等可再生能源以减少建筑和居住生活中的能耗,太阳能的利用在绿色建筑中具有巨大的市场潜力。由于造价和技术等方面的原因,太阳能在建筑中的使用是有限的,要充分挖掘太阳能的市场潜力,必须不断钻研、开拓创新,用先进的技术引领太阳能的充分利用。  相似文献   

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