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通过对国内外航空公司国际竞争力的比较,得出中国航空公司国际竞争力较弱。而并购重组能扩大企业规模、提高企业运营效率,是提升航空公司国际竞争力的重要途径。本文在分析并购重组与国际竞争力关系的基础上,构建了基于并购重组视角的航空公司国际竞争力评价指标体系。采用因子分析法进行评价,并以东航并购上航为例进行了实证研究,得出并购重组能够带来并购效应,提升航空公司国际竞争力。  相似文献   

随着世界金融危机的出现,航空公司的运营效益受到了很大的影响,如何提高航空公司的经济效益是当今民航界的又一主题。文章对提高我国航空公司运行效率有一定的理论指导意义。  相似文献   

探索航空公司高质量发展的驱动因素可以形成高质量发展的"测量仪"和"风向标".在创新、协调、绿色、开放和共享五大发展理念的基础上增加安全维度,构建了由30个微观指标组成的航空公司高质量发展评价体系.评价结果显示,燃油效率、服务水平、安全保障是航空公司高质量发展中最重要的表征.以我国45家客运航空公司为研究样本,基于2019年运营数据,采用OLS多元线性回归方程,探索分析航空公司高质量发展的驱动因素.研究发现,我国航空尚未进入全面高质量发展阶段,显示出资源依赖和重资产的特征.我国航空公司发展的主体动力仍处于投资驱动阶段,并逐步从资本依赖型发展向技术进步依赖型发展演化.研究结论对推动航空公司高质量发展具有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   

当今航空公司根据服务类别分为三大类,即全服务航空航司、低成本航空公司、干线航空公司。对于大部分航空公司而言,这一年则是按下了暂停键,在庚子年初始全球迎接了一场史无前例的大流行病,对全球运输业影响深远。各航空公司纷纷以成本控制为导向调整运营模式,低成本市场空间不断被压缩,加速了低成本航空公司探索新的运营模式的进程。论文以AA航空公司为例,探讨在后疫情时代下低成本航空运营模式,希望能为其他航空公司转型提供参考。  相似文献   

航空公司的运营具有高投资、高风险、低回报的特点,其发展和运行需要大量资金来支持.筹资风险是航空公司面临的主要风险之一,在筹措资金的过程中进行适当的控制对航空公司具有重要意义.文章通过对我国航空公司筹资风险表现形式及其来源进行分析,提出了相应的控制措施.  相似文献   

以战略为导向的绩效管理是航空公司促进战略有效实施、确保战略目标实现的重要手段与驱动力量。战略绩效评价的科学性成为战略绩效管理活动成功开展的关键。准确把握航空公司收益脆弱性、技术密集性、固定成本高且成本可控性差、运营的复杂性和系统性等行业特性,研究其对航空公司战略绩效评价所产生的影响。基于此,应用平衡计分卡绘制航空公司战略地图,构建了航空公司战略绩效评价指标体系。结合该指标体系特性,提出了基于网络层次分析法的模糊综合评价方法,作为航空公司战略绩效综合测评定量模型,并对前述成果进行案例应用验证,为航空公司战略绩效的科学评价提供方法支撑。  相似文献   

胡俊 《集团经济研究》2007,(25):182-183
一、航空公司风险管理现状 航空运输业是一个资金、劳动和技术密集型行业,行业的自身特点导致它比其他行业面临更大的风险.有数据显示航空公司在1个月内流失其价值1/4的概率是财富500强企业平均值的5倍.航空公司的收益变化受环境变化影响十分明显,使得资本市场对投资航空公司的收益缺乏信心,航空公司的股票价值大打折扣.航空公司股票的市盈率仅是世界股票市场平均水平的1/3左右.航空运输业的特点决定了其运营管理风险明显高于其他行业.  相似文献   

目前中国航空业竞争不断加剧,低成本航空公司在市场竞争中不乏成绩优异者.客户维度调查显示,低价格并不只是低成本航空公司的唯一竞争砝码,在生产运营、市场销售、品牌推广等方面,低成本航空公司对市场都有着强烈的冲击.作为传统型航空公司,南航要以客户体验为导向,内善其身、外联纵横.通过发展电子商务、提高运行效率、加大枢纽网络建设、抢滩高端旅客市场,不断塑造企业形象,打造南航国际化服务品牌.  相似文献   

采用DEA-Malmquist指数方法,分析航空公司燃油效率问题并剖析影响航空公司燃油效率的因素.采用经济附加值(EVA)的方法确定消耗燃油量为投入指标,收入吨公里、 营业收入、CO2排放量缩减指数这三项作为产出指标.选取12家航空公司2008年到2015年的数据对其燃油效率进行排序,发现经济危机对航空公司燃油效率影响不大.Malmquist指数表明技术进步对航空公司燃油效率影响很大.近八年,我国航空公司燃油效率的提升主要是依靠技术革新.  相似文献   

朱健 《管理观察》2015,(22):86-87
本文对航空公司保障基地建设供配电工程进行了回顾和思考,对建设经验进行分析和总结,为供配电规划、设计、施工、运营相关人员提供参考意见。  相似文献   

钟宣勇 《价值工程》2014,(23):44-45
随着全球经济一体化的不断发展,机械自动化设备制造企业面临着前所未有的竞争压力,中国产业结构正经历一个重大的改变,其影响在制造业领域尤为突出,中国的生产企业面临着严峻的挑战。智能生产管理系统和自动化技术是急需要解决的关键问题。通过对机械自动化设备创新思路进行研究和分析,结果表明创新自动化设备研发对提高企业生产效率、降低成本、实现绿色生产具有实质意义。  相似文献   

This research investigates the relationships between airline flight networks, aircraft cycle times, and carrier profitability for ten large US domestic airlines. We find that direct point-to-point flight networks and short cycle times are operational factors that airlines should exploit to improve profitability. These findings are based on the analysis of 11.9 million flight records from 2004 through 2006. The results contradict earlier research validating performance advantages of hub-and-spoke flight networks. Today, the advantages of passenger consolidation at hub airports are lost to lower aircraft utilization and productivity problems created by the extended cycle times at hubs. We also find that airline operating profit can be increased by improving the efficiency of the aircraft turnaround process and decreasing aircraft fleet complexity. This research also provides an estimate of the marginal opportunity cost of ground time. A 1-min reduction in aircraft fleet ground time increases the average sized carriers’ operating income by $12 to $18 million.  相似文献   

A positive relationship betweencompetitive pressure and technical efficiency has been demonstratedby several studies; other studies hold forth that airline marketsbehave strategically. We bring these two literatures togetherby presenting a time series methodology to examine strategicpricing behavior and discussing the implications for airlineefficiency. We find evidence of dynamic, route-level, parallel( i.e. strategic) pricing despite highly variable price structures.A stable price relationship is consistent with successful coordinationof dynamic oligopolists and may highlight those routes wheresignificant market power exists. In light of previous research,this indicates that the airlines on these routes may not be attainingmaximum technical efficiency. For policy makers, this methodologyis useful for analyzing other markets which behave strategically.  相似文献   

The task of airline network management is to develop new flight schedule variants and evaluate them in terms of expected passenger demand and revenue. Given the industry's trend towards global cooperation, this is especially important when evaluating the potential synergies with alliance partners. From the econometric point of view, this task represents a discrete choice modelling problem in which one has to account for a large number of dependent alternatives. In this paper we discuss the applicability of recently proposed approaches and introduce a new multinomial probit specification designed for the airline network management task. The superior performance of the new model is demonstrated in a real‐world application using airline bookings data. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

陈力 《价值工程》2006,25(7):111-114
随着竞争的加剧,企业在经营过程中不得不重视客户的感受。互联互通中存在的问题使得客户满意度受到一定程度的影响。本文从提高客户满意度的角度探讨互联互通的意义,并提出了相应的措施。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the potential for human resource management (HRM) to influence the green performance of airlines. The focus is on the management of airline pilots, in particular, who have unparalleled opportunities to affect green performance through their control of the machines that directly impact the industry's carbon footprint. As a result it is vital that the HR function finds ways to engage them in the greening of the organization and works to reduce the triggers to actions that have the potential to sabotage the green aims of the airline industry. To this end, the paper discusses first the indirect effects of HRM in terms of its influence on employee job satisfaction, commitment and involvement in the airline, which can reduce the propensity of pilots to engage in actions detrimental to the green performance of the airline. Second, it explores the nature and purpose of direct green HRM initiatives and airline pilot responses to these. It concludes that the role HR managers can play via their management of the employment relationship on the green performance of airlines in the UK is crucial but that they face considerable challenges.  相似文献   

overview of OR techniques for airline revenue management   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
With the increasing interest in decision support systems and the continuous advance of computer science, revenue management is a discipline which has received a great deal of interest in recent years. Although revenue management has seen many new applications throughout the years, the main focus of research continues to be the airline industry. Ever since LITTLEWOOD (1972) first proposed a solution method for the airline revenue management problem, a variety of solution methods have been introduced. In this paper we give an overview of the solution methods presented throughout the literature.  相似文献   

零售业上市公司业绩的DEA有效性分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文应用DEA模型对零售业上市公司的业绩进行了实证研究,通过DEA有效分析和规模收益分析对八家上市公司的业绩进行了效率衡量,为投资者理性投资提供了参考依据,也为上市公司提高效率提供了数据借鉴。  相似文献   

Two major controversies in strategic group research have been whether strategic groups actually exist and if so what is the best methodological approach to identify them. One perspective on strategic groups suggests that a strategic group exists if and only if the performance of a firm in the group is a function of group characteristics after controlling for firm and industry characteristics. We test this theoretical position by developing and estimating a model for the airline industry using latent class regressions. Our analysis finds evidence for the existence of four distinct strategic groups of firms in the airline industry. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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