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企业的天生全球化现象近二十年来日渐引起广泛关注.文章运用我国珠三角地区的企业数据,以社会资本和创业导向的调节效应为基础,考察影响我国企业天生全球化活动的驱动因素.研究显示,社会资本的横向联系和社会联系维度对于企业的国际化活动都具有正向影响,纵向联系维度对于企业国际化活动的影响统计上不显著.创业导向的主动性维度、冒险性维度和创新性维度对于企业的国际化活动都具有正向影响.其中,不管是经济显著性还是统计显著性,创新性维度的影响都最为显著.创业导向的主动性维度和创新性维度对于社会资本与企业国际化活动的关系都具有积极的调节效应,冒险性维度在国际化活动的结构绩效上对于社会资本具有积极的调节效应,但在经济绩效上的调节效应为不显著.另外,无论是统计显著性还是经济显著性,创业导向的三个维度对于社会资本影响的调节效应,在企业国际化活动的结构绩效上都要高于经济绩效.  相似文献   

全球化在给中国家庭文明带来积极影响的同时,也产生了贫困家庭增加、贫富差距加大、社会关系紧张等负面影响。资本全球化、全球都市化、文化大众化、休闲普遍化、汽车社会化给家庭文明、社会和谐建设带来了新的问题。推进家庭文明、社会和谐建设需要进一步明确对社会现代化的认识。  相似文献   

基于对我国艾滋病流行较为严重的五个省份进行的问卷调查,对比分析了931户感染者家庭和995户非感染者家庭的相关数据。研究发现,艾滋病对感染者个人及其家庭造成了极大的影响,如导致家庭结构改变、就业机会减少、劳动收入下降、医疗支出明显增大;同时也引发一系列社会经济问题,如贫富差距加大、性别不平等加剧、贫困家庭儿童教育机会减少及社会歧视扩大。最后提出了缓解艾滋病造成影响的对策建议。  相似文献   

徐杨杨 《科技和产业》2016,(11):126-131
基于网络视角研究企业合作伙伴选择行为是研究关于伙伴选择问题的新领域。企业嵌入在特定的网络中,社会资本作为企业间网络的本质属性,与企业合作伙伴选择行为有着紧密的联系。基于网络视角,通过对随机选取的京津冀三地100家企业进行问卷调查,采用结构方程方法从社会资本的三个维度(关系维度、认知维度和结构维度)方面分析企业合作伙伴选择的影响机理以及三个维度间的内在关联机制,结果表明企业合作伙伴选择成效最终取决于三个维度的共同作用,其中关系维度起中介效应。  相似文献   

社会资本作为公共项目的客观情景因素,能够弥补公共项目中正式制度的不足并改善项目管理绩效。文章分析了社会资本三个维度对管理绩效的影响,围绕着公共项目管理绩效的可控影响因素,引入知识共享作为中介变量,在公共项目中构建出“社会资本→中介变量→公共项目管理绩效”的假设模型,并依此完成实证研究。结构方程模型(SEM)的验证结果表明,在社会资本与公共项目管理绩效之间的作用关系中,知识共享充当了中介变量的角色,社会资本各构面在不同程度上对公共项目管理绩效产生间接的正效应。  相似文献   

文雯 《上海经济研究》2021,(2):36-47,97
最低生活保障制度是我国社会保障体系中兜底性、基础性的制度安排,是保障民生、促进分配公平、维护经济安全和社会稳定的重要机制.本文通过对城市低保制度消费改善与劳动供给效应的综合评估发现,我国城市低保从整体上改善了受助家庭的消费状况,影响了受助家庭的消费结构,起到了提升经济福利的效果,但是对受助家庭的劳动供给激励效应还比较小...  相似文献   

结合阿玛蒂亚·森的可行能力框架理论对家庭福利进行了刻画,并运用模糊综合评价法对家庭福利水平进行了更加精准的测算,在此基础上研究家庭负债与家庭福利的关系,取得不同于以往研究的新发现:第一,发现了家庭杠杆率与家庭福利水平的倒U型关系,即当家庭资产负债比达到一定比例(4.65)后,负债对家庭福利的影响从正向转为负向;第二,家庭负债类型对于家庭福利的影响不同;第三,家庭人力资本投入在家庭负债行为和家庭福利水平之间发挥了重要的中介效应,即负债通过解决在消费、教育、医疗等方面的资金需求,提高了家庭人力资本的投入水平,从而改善家庭福利。文章的研究为家庭做出合理的金融决策和政府制定相关政策提供思路和启示。  相似文献   

文章基于中国家庭金融调查(CHFS)2015年的数据,实证分析了金融素养、社会资本对家庭创业的影响。研究发现,金融素养和社会资本均对家庭创业产生显著的正影响,且社会资本的影响作用更明显。进一步探讨金融素养和社会资本的交互作用,发现金融素养和社会资本对家庭创业的选择具有替代作用,具体来看,同村/同城亲戚数量促进了金融知识对家庭创业选择的影响作用,而文化娱乐支出削减了金融知识对家庭创业选择的影响。因此,在金融素养培养上,金融机构及相关部门应积极开展金融知识普及活动,引导创业者主动学习金融知识;在社会资本加强上,相关部门应搭建创业者与企业家交流联系的渠道,创业者也要有意识积累创业人脉,拓展社会资源。  相似文献   

在企业社会资本的内涵上,有企业主体论、个人主体论和混合主体论三种观点.在企业社会资本的层次分类上.有内外社会资本之分以及社会资本的不同维度之分,在企业社会资本的测度上.目前还没有一个统一的标准.社会资本的测度仍然是一个难题。在企业社会资本与企业绩效、企业社会资本与技术创新方面,理论界的认识比较统一.即企业社会资本有利于提升企业的绩效.有利于促进企业的技术创新.然而,对其影响机理的解释却各有不同.  相似文献   

从风险累积效应和风险传染效应两个视角揭示跨境资本流动对银行风险的影响机理,并基于2000年第一季度至2020年第四季度时间序列数据进行经验检验,结果表明:跨境资本流动、跨境资本流入、跨境资本流出均显著增加了银行风险,且三者对银行风险的影响均存在显著的风险累积效应;跨境资本流动、跨境资本流入、跨境资本流出均通过影响金融机构人民币各项贷款余额同比增速、金融机构外币各项贷款余额同比增速、金融机构本外币各项贷款余额同比增速以及境内住户中长期消费贷款同比增速等信贷渠道显著提高银行风险承担水平,实现银行风险累积,从而增加银行风险;跨境资本流动、跨境资本流入、跨境资本流出均显著提高了股票价格、房地产价格和实际汇率的波动水平,且跨境资本流动通过股票市场、房地产市场和汇率市场将波动水平传染至银行系统,增加了银行风险,股票市场、房地产市场和汇率市场更是强化了这种传染效应。  相似文献   

Returns to social network capital among traders   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Using data on agricultural traders in Madagascar, this papershows that social network capital has a large effect on firmproductivity. Better connected traders have significantly largersales and value added than less connected traders after controllingfor physical and human inputs as well as for entrepreneur characteristics.The analysis indicates that three dimensions of social networkcapital should be distinguished: relationships with other traders,which among other things help firms economize on transactionscosts; relationships with potential lenders; and family relationships.We find no evidence that social capital favors collusion.  相似文献   

王笳旭  王淑娟  冯波 《南方经济》2017,36(9):118-134
理论分析表明,二元经济结构下人口老龄化能够通过要素禀赋结构调整和社会福利改善对城乡居民收入产生不同的收入效应和替代效应,进而影响城乡收入不平等。利用中国2000-2014年省际面板数据进行实证检验发现:中国人口老龄化显著的扩大了城乡收入不平等,但要素禀赋结构和社会福利水平对老龄化条件下的城乡收入不平等影响效应不同;随着对老年人口供养负担的加重,社会福利支出对老龄化条件下的城乡收入不平等主要表现为替代效应,城市偏向的社会福利支出使得农村因照料老人引起的劳动力供给减少扩大了城乡收入不平等;而要素禀赋结构的转变则使得老龄化主要表现为收入效应,劳动力相对资本的稀缺性导致转移劳动力工资上涨,从而缩小了城乡收入不平等;随着老龄化深化,通过社会福利改善和要素禀赋结构调整能够有效抵消老龄化对城乡收入不平等的负面影响;研究也证实了二元经济结构的优化和农业规模化经营对城乡收入不平等的缩小作用,而失业率上升和城乡投资差距却会加剧城乡收入不平等。  相似文献   

With China's economic development and capital accumulation in the industrial sectors, the human capital level of the labours moving from the rural areas could no longer meet the demand of the industrial sectors. Therefore, “structural shortage of technical labour” emerged in the labour market as a result of excess of demand for high‐skilled workers. Previous literature mostly focused on the relationship between rural human‐capital level and labour movement, income change and economic growth, but in this article, the authors focus on the study of the relative disparity of urban and rural human capital and labour movement, as well as the effect of the change of urban–rural human capital gap on industrial output, profit and social welfare. This article shows that bridging the urban–rural gap in respect of human capital level could not only improve the situation of the “structural shortage of technical labour,” but also have a positive effect on the general social welfare.  相似文献   

We study the effects on the macroeconomic equilibrium, the wealth distribution, and welfare of adverse selection in private annuity markets in a closed economy inhabited by overlapping generations of heterogeneous agents who are distinguished by their health status. If an agent’s health type is private information there will be a pooling equilibrium in the private annuity market. We also study the implications for the macro-economy and welfare of a social security system with mandatory contributions that are constant across health types. These social annuities are immune to adverse selection and therefore offer a higher rate of return than private annuities do. However, they have a negative effect on the steady-state capital intensity and welfare. The positive effect of a fair pooled rate of return on a fixed part of savings and a higher return on capital in equilibrium is outweighed by the negative consequences of increased adverse selection in the private annuity market and a lower wage rate.  相似文献   

Poor targeting performance is a common concern in the increasingly implemented decentralized targeted antipoverty programs in developing countries. Different from previous literature that focuses on targeting errors caused by elite capture, we explore the role of villager social capital as a whole in poverty targeting in the context of China's Targeted Poverty Alleviation (TPA) policy. The empirical analysis uses a unique census-type data from three administrative and seventeen natural villages in the poverty-stricken county in Western China in 2017. Villager social capital is measured by a proxy index by combing reciprocity, support time, gift expenses, and political connection of villagers. We verify that the villager with rich villager social capital is more likely to be a beneficiary of TPA by using instrumental variable estimation. The nonpoor can mobilize their higher level of social capital than the poor to capture the beneficiary quotas that should be allocated to the poor, resulting in mistargeting. Such effect persists after controlling political elite capture effects. The findings point out villager social capital is the root cause of poor targeting in decentralized targeting programs in rural China and also lend new support from China to the classic debate on social capital is not the capital of the poor.  相似文献   

I empirically investigate the effect of social capital on family control in a comprehensive data set from Italy. Exploiting historically-driven variations in social capital provided by the experience of self-government during the Middle Ages, I find that when social capital is weak, family control and management of companies are more prevalent. These results provide novel evidence on the pervasive influence of culture on organizational structures.  相似文献   

Increasing calls for a social security reform of switching from the pay-as-you-go (PAYG) system to a funded system has been seen in recent decades. This paper examines the effect of this reform on capital accumulation and the welfare of each generation. Three methods are used to finance the pension debt, government debt financing, tax financing, and government asset financing. With government debt or tax financing, the market equilibrium remains unchanged and all generations are as well off in the new system as in the PAYG system. Thus, switching from the PAYG system to a funded system is neutral. With government asset financing, the interest rate will decrease, private capital will increase, but the total output may either increase or decrease. The welfare effect is also ambiguous in general, depending on the rate of return of government assets. With plausible parameters, our simulation shows that the reform will lower the interest rate, increase private capital, and lower government capital in the short run, but raise government capital and increase output in the long run.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the effects of China's upcoming value-added tax (VAT) reform of removing investment from the tax base on capital accumulation and the welfare of the rich and the poor. Three alternative methods to make up for the loss of tax revenue are considered. The VAT reform with consumption tax being endogenous increases capital accumulation and the utility of both the rich and the poor. The VAT reform with the labor income tax rate being endogenous increases capital accumulation; and it decreases the utility of the rich and increases the utility of the poor (increases the utility of both the rich and the poor) if the rich has a higher rate or the same rate of time preference (if the rich has a lower rate of time preference). The VAT reform, accompanied by a cut in transfers to the poor, has no effect on capital accumulation if the rich and the poor have the same rate of time preference; it decreases (increases) capital accumulation if the rich has a higher (lower) rate of time preference; and it increases the utility of the rich and decreases the utility of the poor.  相似文献   

This article estimates the contribution of poor relief to the household economies of the labouring poor in the two case‐study communities of Campton and Shefford, east Bedfordshire, and thereby throws further light on the standard of living of workers during industrialization in the south and east. Utilizing the technique of nominal record linkage between poor law sources and family reconstitution for the period c.1770—c.1834, the article charts the growth in social welfare and estimates the proportion of inhabitants benefiting from regular relief payments, the changing family circumstances of recipients, and the proportion of total income made up by poor relief.  相似文献   

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