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两岸入世对台商投资祖国大陆的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李非 《亚太经济》2002,(1):41-43
本文从WTO的基本架构与两岸入世进程,两岸入世将扩大台商在祖国大陆投资的空间,以及入世后逐步清除投资与贸易阻碍等方面分析了两岸入世对台商投资祖国大陆的影响。  相似文献   

宋学对日本镰仓、室町文化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本镰仓、室町文化的一大特色是引进以宋学和禅学为主的宋代文化,以宋学的道德观念为思想基础创建了日本武士文化的精髓.而禅学的融入又将日本文化推向一个新的高潮,宋代儒学为日本新儒学的发展及早期教育的形成起到了关键性的推动作用.  相似文献   

刘芳 《亚太经济》2002,(2):29-31
本文从WTO对两岸农业影响和应对措施、祖国大陆农业基础地位空前提高,以及进一步发展两岸农业合作等方面,对入世后两岸农业合作的发展态势进行探讨。本文认为,由于两岸相互开放市场,在农业领域更将形成互相融合格局。  相似文献   

一、台商投资大陆浅析 1979年大陆实行改革开放,并采取了各种优惠条件吸引台商投资。由此,台商经过暗中探梅、探视考察、投资兴起和投资密集四个时期,到2001年底,据国家外经贸部统计,大陆共批准台资项目5万多个,实际使用台资达301.75亿美元。其中,仅2001年,大陆新批台资项目就达4214个,比前一年增加了36%。从投资结构看,台商投资大陆的重点是传统制造业,但已由劳  相似文献   

随着互联网这种新型的媒体在中国的发展和普及,网络交际也成为现代人的一种新型的交际方式.一种用于网络交流全新的言说方式--网络语言--应运而生.对于这一特殊的语言现象,引起了众多人的关注,有人批评,有人倡导.网络语言具有新词新语多、变化灵活、个性化强等特点,是一种特别的文化现象,对于网络语言的发展我们应该宽容对待,积极引导.本文在社会语言学的理论框架下,首先概括分析了网络语言的起因与发展现状.对网络语言争议的现象进行了初步的探讨和研究,笔者认为在当前情况下应该正确对待网络语言的出现和发展,并且对网络语言应采取的态度及对策等问题,提出一些个人浅见.  相似文献   

复制群居链——台商在祖国大陆投资的“集群”特征分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
继80年代中后期和90年代初期两次台商对祖国大陆的投资热潮之后,2000年以来,台商掀起投资大陆的第三次高潮.据台湾"经济部"的调查指出,目前所有已对外投资的岛内企业中,73.6%的企业选择投资祖国大陆.较1999年的69.1%再增4.5个百分点,显示台商对祖国大陆的投资热潮有逐渐升温的趋势.  相似文献   


Economic and social history was already being practised in Finland before the Second World War, although it became established as an independent academic discipline only after the war. The terms social history or economic history were not used then; what we now recognise for instance as social history was then called “cultural history” or “history of the culture”. This approach was often characterised the collective approach to distinguish it from the individualistic approach of more historicist study. Nearly all economics research was historical before the 1950s, and practically all professors of economics were actually historians by training and had defended their dissertations in history, usually after having studied some economic problem of the past. But our discipline has also other roots. In Finnish universities the discipline called social policy, usually included in faculties of social science, has always had strong ties with social history.  相似文献   

严正 《亚太经济》2001,(6):34-36,63
本文认为,台湾经济每况愈下的主要原因,一是抵制“一个中国”原则引发信心危机,二是国际经济影响和自然灾害影响,三是民进党执政无能决策失误等6个因素。  相似文献   

第五次并购浪潮给世界经济带来了什么?现在下结论似乎为时过早。中国的并购正孕育着一场量变到质变的过程,一场大规模的并购将在中国大地上兴起,将给中国市场经济发展带来深远的影响。反思第五次并购浪潮将给走向市场经济过程中的并购重组的中国经济某些重要启示。  相似文献   

This article looks at the responses of foreign business firms to crisis in a comparative historical perspective. The focus is on Indonesia in the 1930s and the late 1990s. The main approach is one of case studies in order to gain an insight into strategies of adjustment to deteriorating business conditions. For the late 1990s, such information is supplemented by macroeconomic evidence covering a wider range of firms. The article reaffirms a basic resilience of foreign direct investment in times of economic crisis even when there is an overall economic decline, as in Indonesia in the 1990s. The capacity of foreign firms in Indonesia to adjust successfully was considerable both in the 1930s and the late 1990s. Yet, prospects for a swift recovery are far better in the latter case than in the former period, reflecting the different nature of the two crises.  相似文献   

基于引力模型的大陆居民赴台旅游实证研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
大陆居民出境旅游近年呈现出蓬勃发展之势,由于赴台旅游还处于起步阶段,在此方面的研究还较少,对其进行研究有一定的现实意义。文章在前人对引力模型的研究基础上,引入了新的变量,运用SPSS软件进行了回归分析,构建了大陆居民赴台旅游的模型。研究发现,大陆人口数量、人均GDP、出境人数、价格和距离对大陆居民赴台旅游有较大的影响。  相似文献   

本文选取海南西部(昌江县和东方市)作为研究区,分析1959~1975年约20年间,人口和聚落的发展变化及相互间的关系。1950年代和1970年代人口数量和聚落面积的相关系数分别为0.794和0.710,当时的生产力水平还比较低下,人口数量和农业发展关系比较紧密,人口的不断增长是聚落不断外扩的首要因素。  相似文献   

世界金融危机来袭,重庆如何应对,2008年12月16日17日,重庆市召开经济工作会议。深入分析了当前的经济形势,研究部署2009年的经济工作。市委书记薄熙来指出,世界经济形势风云突变,中国和重庆都难以置身事外.全市干部群众要上下一心。携手共济。要按照中央的要求,把市委、市政府的决策和部署,逐项分解细化,层层落实责任,点对点落实到位。各级领导干部要靠前指挥,亲历亲为,确保明年经济社会发展目标的实现。市长王鸿举对明年的经济工作作了部署,提出了一系列具体的扼下滑、保增长的措施。  相似文献   

美国和我国台湾封闭式基金转开放对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前我国的封闭式基金面临边缘化的危险,基金的封闭转开放政策不仅能够实现封闭式基金向开放式基金的顺利过渡,还能够增加封闭式基金的吸引力。美国在基金封闭转开放方面积累了一定的成功经验,而我国台湾省在实施封转开政策过程中却出现了一些失误,借鉴美国成功的经验并吸取台湾的教训无疑对我国将要实行的封闭转开放政策具有很强的启示作用。  相似文献   

We identify turning points in the value of the yen during the 1920s to determine which factors were perceived by market participants as affecting Japan’s probability of returning to the gold standard. The 1920s were marked by military expansionism, political turmoil, and other dramatic political and institutional events. We conclude that changes of power between the Kenseikai and Seiyukai parties and worsening diplomatic relations with China were primarily responsible for turning points in the value of the yen. The democracy movement and the associated expansion of suffrage seem not to have been viewed as important by contemporaries.  相似文献   

This article deals with the so-called Schleswig-Holstein campaign, whereby about 800 – mostly female – young Germans arrived in Sweden in 1950–1951. The campaign was a German initiative, emphasising vocational training for young and unemployed refugees and expellees, even though it ended up in a more pragmatic labour recruitment. Firstly, the article investigates the international relationship between West German and Swedish labour-market authorities, and secondly, it concentrates on industrial relations in the Swedish garment industry. Thirdly, on local level it focuses on the streamlined clothing factory Algots in Borås. Thereby, the article deals with the mutual interplay between migration and industrial relations. It clarifies how industrial relations on different levels of society intersected and reciprocally moulded a framework for the actors involved in the migration process. Contrariwise, the article illuminates how the campaign affected the industrial relations. It also observes to what extent perceptions of gender, age, ethnicity, and class among the actors involved influenced their argumentation and agency.  相似文献   

台湾的经济发展虽与美国支持下的经济和政治背景有关,但其主要依赖技术创新产业群落的模仿创新取得的成功经验,对祖国大陆地区仍有一定借鉴意义。本文探讨了台湾以中小企业技术引进的模仿创新为主的技术创新产业群落发展模式和与地区发展相协调而形成的技术社区发展战略,并与韩国、新加坡、意大利等相似地区进行了比较,在此基础上,提出了对大陆地区技术创新产业群落培育和发展的建议。  相似文献   

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