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The pharmacist possesses the knowledge and skills required of a materiel manager. The pharmacist must be willing to adapt to the materiel management environment. The resultant loss of certain clinical skills is inevitable. The pharmacist who does not accept this will not succeed. The CEO should expect this.  相似文献   

The skill sets and attitudes required for materiel management professional survival continue to change. Just as the industry has evolved for calculators and three-part forms, so too must today's managers evolve into facilitators and information-oriented management. While these new skills are being perfected, three focused strategies initiated right now can enhance your chance for survival. First, get to know your customers intimately. Go to their meetings. Tour their departments. Second, assume responsibility and report materiel cost data that has meaning to senior management and customers. Fill rates and inventory turns offer little value to other managers, but supply cost per discharge can be of value. Third, be proactive in competing with outsourcing competitors. Do not wait until they are on your doorstep before developing a strategy to compete.  相似文献   

The next century of opportunity is less than a decade away. Materiel management must involve itself in the strategic changes occurring within the health care industry and its respective institutions. Those materiel managers who are aggressively ensuring that their operations are supported by a well-developed and well-orchestrated operational infrastructure are now well positioned to address the future challenges of this decade. Unfortunately, many other materiel managers are focusing their attention and efforts solely on the management of materiel for which they currently have control. Materiel managers must develop an acute awareness of the support needs of their respective organizations. Those who are not apprehensive about venturing from the traditional materiel management world will be exposed to incredible educational opportunities and will receive responsibilities of unparalleled organizational importance.  相似文献   

In summary, it's important for the materiel manager to have an understanding of the clinical aspects of pressure ulcers. By understanding how ulcers are staged, treated, and prevented, the materiel manager will have a better idea why certain products are needed and how they are used to reduce overall patient costs. Specialty beds, replacement mattresses, and high-end overlays represent a significant cost--approximately $500,000 to $1 million based on studies cited in this article. Further proven by research is the fact that these costs can be reduced by carrying out utilization plans with specific criteria for patient selection. Finally, materiel managers can be key coordinators in the entire process since they are often on the front lines in any institution's cost containment efforts.  相似文献   

Strategies that involve supplier partnerships and pose high risk for both hospitals and suppliers are an increasing trend. The materiel management professional who is proactive and able to assess risks in a managed care contractual environment will be the winner as materiel management becomes a network function rather than individual hospital function.  相似文献   

Several issues must be considered for implementation in order to decrease inventories and make them more manageable. Physician consensus on products, strict vendor control by the department manager, setting and maintaining low par levels, inventorying stock daily, negotiating just-in-time deliveries, conservation-minded staff, and working in concert with central supply and materiel management personnel are steps that when employed correctly can lead to more manageable inventories in cardiac catheterization departments. If these steps are implemented, they will enhance the liquidity of the department and ultimately that of the medical center.  相似文献   

In today's health care environment, it is possible even for the successful health care manager to be fired or demoted. To ensure continued success, the manager must view a termination or demotion as a normal transition of life and find ways to "move on". Given today's volatile environment, anticipatory planning for job loss or job change, which includes attention to continued professional training, visioning changes in health care, and maintaining strong professional contacts, is an imperative.  相似文献   

There is a gold mine of potential inventory reductions, expense reductions, and revenue increases in most hospitals that can be tapped by more intensive materiel management. The first step is incorporating the necessary ingredients for a strong materiel management effort--the right people and a state-of-the-art computer program. Reorganization may be necessary to establish a more unified, consolidated approach to materiel management. Second, conduct an audit of the entire hospital to identify opportunities for improvement and to establish baseline management data. Finally, push forward the process of system changes (which also establishes necessary controls) until results are accomplished--a process that usually requires one to three years. The alliance between the materiel manager and the CFO is definitely beneficial to the hospital and to the individuals involved.  相似文献   

This article has highlighted some of the specific needs of adult critical care units and the role that both the nurse manager and materiel manager play in today's changing health care system and environment. The key to success in meeting the specific needs of critical care patients lies in open communication and collaboration between the materiel management department and the department of nursing. The challenges are many, yet cooperation and an understanding of one another's needs can do much to create successful relationships within critical care settings and ensure optimal patient safety.  相似文献   

Materiel-intensive expenditures account for a significant portion of all hospital costs, second only to salaries and wages, yet materiel managers may often be overlooked as key members of the management team. This is alarming since the potential exists for materiel managers to impact annual savings of hundreds of thousands of dollars by operating efficient departments. Materiel managers have a tremendous opportunity to enhance their image and improve hospital productivity in the coming decade. The challenges of the 1990s will stretch materiel managers' skills toward enhancing their professionalism and achieving the expectations of themselves and top management. If materiel managers will effectively utilize (C3)PO they will increase their educational levels, continue to learn new skills, maintain a customer-oriented management style, exercise creativity, develop and adhere to standards, and be proactive in their responsibilities. The benefits of their success will be felt by patients, hospitals, the industry, and materiel managers everywhere.  相似文献   

The ability to achieve advancement for materiel management is a potential that few have challenged and achieved. Reasons for this lack of growth vary in degree, but the opportunities in the 1990s will be tremendous. The political skill and team leadership ability expressed by materiel managers throughout hospitals will ultimately result in whether this challenge is met or not. Materiel managers will need certainly to change their perception of their own role, as well as the perception of hospitals, in order to achieve this. The road will be challenging, but with the winning attitude, skill building, and proven management ability, I believe that materiel managers will become successful in hospital executive management in the 1990s.  相似文献   

Simply stated, understanding how hospitals receive money enables materiel managers to save money. Reimbursement in the health care industry is a complex phenomenon, and the rules and regulations change annually, so that it is sometimes difficult to budget appropriately and estimate the hospital's bottom line accurately. The savvy materiel managers who can utilize the reimbursement concepts effectively will be highly regarded within their institutions.  相似文献   

The success of any manager depends highly on the ability to seize on opportunities that will achieve the organization's goals. Hospitals are currently searching for ways to reduce costs while maintaining or enhancing the quality of services. Quality services are increasingly being defined as those that are most responsive to customer needs. It is important, as hospital management restructures materiel systems or methods of operation for reduced costs, to focus on the user departments as the customers. The consolidation of materiel management activity should not be seen as a loss of control at the user department level. Instead it can be seen as a new way of providing service with higher quality. User departments should see concrete benefits on a weekly basis, including reduced time spent on materiel management functions; increased planning of purchasing, inventory, and distribution functions; and assistance in meeting restricted supply budgets.  相似文献   

This study examines the performance of managers over time, as well as its persistence, taking into account both manager characteristics and market conditions. Applying parametric and non-parametric methodologies, we examine a sample of UK equity pension fund managers. Our results help to understand the importance of manager assignments in the industry and reveal the importance and benefits of management specialization. We find certain manager performance persistence, revealing that some managers are better than others and possess superior investment skills. Additionally, we find that managers achieve better results when they run a single fund or one investment-objective funds, which allows managers to focus on specific tasks. Nonetheless, manager performance varies with market conditions and highlights managers’ different skills. Specialist managers perform better in bullish markets, and generalists perform better in bearish periods.  相似文献   

This is not a great number of groups, only 50 individuals, which is "the most leadership of the 50 CEO" by "contemporary manager" award annual. As business leaders, who must bear the responsibility of leaders. "Leadership" has become a standard to measure them as a business leader is qualified, and many experts evaluate whether or not a business animportant competitive factors.  相似文献   

Today's nurse manager is a leader in the 1990s health care delivery system. Collaborating with managers throughout the organization, the nurse manager calls upon skills and advanced education to carry out functions in the areas of clinical systems management, human resource management, environmental management, and financial management. This article describes this health care management role and presents case studies where collaboration with other disciplines was successful.  相似文献   

Change rarely comes easy. There are frequently obstacles of various shapes and sizes throughout the implementation process, and in order to ensure success a project manager must have the right tools and know how to use them. Just as craftspeople master the tools of their trade, so too must project managers--not only if they are to succeed but also if they are to survive. This article focuses on the "how to"--the skill set needed to be a successful project manager. It describes the project management process and reviews some basic but invaluable tools.  相似文献   

As materiel management executives in today's market, the challenges of not only operating effectively but with fewer resources is a reality that has no end in sight. The role of the materiel executive in hospitals is moving from supply manager to resource consultant. This may be quite appealing to many of us; however, not all are prepared to assume these responsibilities. As a result, we find ourselves overwhelmed with information and examples of case studies from different facilities describing how they are resolving their individual issues. Reactions to these changes are met in different ways, ranging from marveling at others' imaginations to fear from not understanding how to commit to these radical new processes. Is there a proper way or a mold to use? I suggest not.  相似文献   

Searching the literature is easier than ever with the advent of CD-ROM. Cost effective and simple to use, this technology is being used for clinical patient management as well as health care administration. For the materiel manager, literature searches can provide additional information, and access to research and other data to assist in making objective, informed, defensible purchasing decisions.  相似文献   

The selection of a medical-surgical distributor has become one of the most important decisions made by a hospital materiel manager today. It is therefore critical that before a distributor is selected a clearly defined development process and master plan be established. This master plan should contain, at a minimum, (1) a comprehensive strategic plan, (2) a detailed request for proposal, and (3) a detailed project implementation schedule. A well-structured, well-executed plan will help to ensure that the best distributor is selected and that the best possible distribution agreement is designed.  相似文献   

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