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The aim of this paper is to analyse co-location patterns of manufactures and service industries at a microgeographic level using Spanish data from the Mercantile Register. Our approach allows us to analyse joint-location and co-location patterns of firms in different industries, and to overcome previous technical constraints in this type of analyses, partially thanks to using homogeneous cells instead of administrative units. This paper contributes to the empirical literature on industry location by developing a multisectorial co-location index computed by comparing differences between observed data about firms’ location and randomly generated data. Multisectorial relationships are analyzed by transposing bilateral relations onto an n-dimensional space. Our results show that dispersed industries tend to locate jointly and that industries with lower joint-location patterns have spatial structures similar to those obtained through input–output relationships, suggesting weak role of co-location patterns as interindustry linkages are not the main location determinants.


This paper explores the process by which an international newcomer may increase her influence in workgroup decisions. We present a theoretical approach to cross-cultural impression management to describe how the link between cultural differences and workplace influence may be effectively enhanced, specifically by focusing on proactive behaviors shaping self, target, and contextual perceptions. This perspective makes conceptual additions to the human resources, impression management, and cross-cultural management literatures and provides a foundation for increasing the benefits of diversity in organizations.  相似文献   

Contribution to the panel session at the Hoover Institution conference on “Frameworks for Monetary Policy for the Next Century,” May 30, 2014.  相似文献   


This paper extends the endogenous growth agent-based model in Fagiolo and Dosi (Struct Change Econ Dyn 14(3):237–273, 2003) to study the finance–growth nexus. We explore industries where firms produce a homogeneous good using existing technologies, perform R&D activities to introduce new techniques, and imitate the most productive practices. Unlike the original model, we assume that both exploration and imitation require resources provided by banks, which pool agent savings and finance new projects via loans. We find that banking activity has a positive impact on growth. However, excessive financialization can hamper growth. Indeed, we find a significant and robust inverted U-shaped relation between financial depth and growth. Overall, our results stress the fundamental (and still poorly understood) role played by innovation in the finance–growth nexus.


R Dusansky  M Ingber  J Walsh 《Socio》1981,15(5):255-262
Expenditures on a public institution represent not only a cost to the taxpayer but an economic benefit to the region in which it is located. The economic impact on a region's income is here calculated through an econometric model and associated multipliers. The impact on government income tax recepits is similarly calculated. The tax revenues are also used in determining the net cost of operation of the institution. These calculations are performed for the expenditures associated with the new State University Hospital at Stony Brook, N.Y. located in the region formed by Nassau and Suffolk Countries. The regional income multiplier is found to be 1.64.  相似文献   

The sudden appearance of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic triggered extreme and open-ended “lockdowns” to manage the disease. Should these drastic interventions be the blueprint for future epidemics? We construct an analytical framework, based on the theory of random matching, which makes explicit how epidemics spread through economic activity. Imposing lockdowns by assumption not only prevents contagion and reduces healthcare costs, but also disrupts income-generation processes. We characterize how lockdowns impact the contagion process and social welfare. Numerical analysis suggests that protracted, open-ended lockdowns are generally suboptimal, bringing into question the policy responses seen in many countries.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2020,44(3):100807
Economic insecurity is a key well-being outcome because the anticipation of future economic distress reveals itself as a true threat to current well-being. Insecurity has been shown to affect quality of life and to change an individual’s consumption, fertility, labor supply and even political support decisions to mitigate risk. This paper provides evidence on the dimension, nature and distribution of economic insecurity for 27 European countries during a whole decade by using a multidimensional individual approach that considers both objective and subjective indicators. The young, the less educated and the unemployed living in households with dependent children have significantly higher levels of economic insecurity everywhere. However, insecurity affects the population in the middle class only in some countries but not in others, and the level of insecurity in liberal regimes is more linked to large income losses than elsewhere. The role of objective versus subjective dimensions is larger in post-transition Eastern European regimes than in long-standing capitalist countries.  相似文献   

For the invariant decision problem of estimating a continuous distribution function F with two entropy loss functions, it is proved that the best invariant estimators d 0 exist and are the same as the best invariant estimator of a continuous distribution function under the squared error loss function L (F, d)=∫|F (t) −d (t) |2 dF (t). They are minimax for any sample size n≥1.  相似文献   

A social systems model of the health services system serving the state of Indiana is presented. The model specifies the causal relationships hypothesized as existing among a set of social, demographic and economic variables known to be related to the supply of health manpower and facilities. Inclusion of feedback into the model as well as lagged values of physician supply variables permits the examination of the dynamic behavior of the social system over time. Estimates of the model parameters are based on data obtained from the U.S. census, the American Medical Association's physician distribution series and the annual guide issue of Hospitals, the journal of the American Hospital Association.Methods for deriving the reduced form and the final form of the structural model are presented along with the reduced and final form equations. These equations provide valuable information for policy decisions regarding the likely consequences of changes in the structure of the population and in the supply of health manpower and facilities. The structural and reduced forms of the model have been used to examine the likely consequences of several proposed policies that would affect the delivery of health services in the state of Indiana.  相似文献   

The problem of invariant estimation of a continuous distribution function is considered under a general loss function. Minimaxity of the minimum risk invariant estimator of a continuous distribution function is proved for any sample size n ≥ 2.  相似文献   

Innovation has mainly been analysed as a rather narrow phenomenon. This has been an obstacle to a more operationally useful understanding of innovation processes. Two main approaches to explain innovation exist, namely economic innovation theory and the theory of entrepreneurship. Both are criticized in the article, the economic innovation theory for being based on a technological reductionism, the entrepreneurship theory for being based on an individualistic determinism. The two theories have not been coordinated to form a more comprehensive synthesis. The concept of technological paradigm within the economic innovation theory and the concept of entrepreneurial networks within the entrepreneurship theory mark some improvement in establishing a broader understanding of innovation, but have not yet been synthesized. The idea of paradigms is used in the article for a broader, synthesizing conception of innovations as being determined by shifts in strategic paradigms. A theoretical model of factors causing shifts in the strategic paradigm is set up.  相似文献   

Wider economic impacts of heavy flooding in Germany: a non-linear programming approach. Spatial Economic Analysis. This paper further develops a new methodology to estimate the wider, indirect impacts of major disasters, and applies it to the 2013 heavy flooding of southern and eastern Germany. We model the attempts of economic actors to continue their usual activities, as closely as possible, by minimizing the information gain between the pre- and post-disaster pattern of economic transactions of the economy at hand. Findings show that government support of local final demand substantially reduces the indirect losses of the floods, while having a disaster at the top of the business cycle increases them. Moreover, we find that assuming fixed trade origin shares and fixed industry market shares, as in all multiregional input–output models, leads to implausibly large estimates of the indirect losses.  相似文献   

This paper examines the determinants of employment growth in metro areas. To obtain growth rates, we use a Markov-switching model that separates a city's growth path into two distinct phases (high and low), each with its own growth rate. The simple average growth rate over some period is, therefore, the weighted average of the high-phase and low-phase growth rates, with the weight being the frequency of the two phases. We estimate the effects of a variety of factors separately for the high-phase and low-phase growth rates. Growth in the high phase is related to both human capital and industry mix, while growth in the low phase is related to industry mix only, specifically, the relative importance of manufacturing. Overall, our results strongly reject the notion that city-level characteristics influence employment growth equally across the phases of the business cycle.  相似文献   

This paper examines the determinants of employment growth in metro areas. To obtain growth rates, we use a Markov-switching model that separates a city's growth path into two distinct phases (high and low), each with its own growth rate. The simple average growth rate over some period is, therefore, the weighted average of the high-phase and low-phase growth rates, with the weight being the frequency of the two phases. We estimate the effects of a variety of factors separately for the high-phase and low-phase growth rates. Growth in the high phase is related to both human capital and industry mix, while growth in the low phase is related to industry mix only, specifically, the relative importance of manufacturing. Overall, our results strongly reject the notion that city-level characteristics influence employment growth equally across the phases of the business cycle.  相似文献   

Overlooking the explanatory consequences of human nature assumptions (models of people) may compromise the internal coherence of leadership theories that use two or more models of people. However, judging the internal coherence of theories based on their human nature assumptions can be challenging, partly due to the complexity of human nature. I attempt to reduce the complexity by proposing human nature as heuristics that provide explanatory leverage to theoretical narratives. The other part of the challenge lies in the near absence of appropriate conceptual tools for straightforward comparisons of human nature assumptions. To tackle this challenge, I propose a typology of human nature heuristics and illustrate its usefulness in judging the internal coherence of multiple leadership theories. The human nature heuristics typology can also provide a conceptual framework for integrating leadership and human resource management literature.  相似文献   

This article develops a regional input-output model which deals with both the environmental sector and the traditional treatment of the economy. The model differs from previous work in that environmental interactions are treated non-linearly and explicit account is taken of environmental feedback to the economic sector. Estimation of non-linear environmental feedback makes it possible to more accurately assess the sensitivity of the regional economic-environmental structure to shifts in final demand over time.  相似文献   

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