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While demand collaboration is crucial to supply chain performance, there is divergence over what demand collaboration really means. Currently, one perspective stresses the use of electronic communication systems for real‐time data exchange (e.g., EDI, VMI) to increase speed of response and reduce costs, thereby improving operational efficiencies. Another perspective stresses relational elements to create close, long‐term links. These links, facilitated largely through the use of non‐electronic communication channels, serve the purpose of developing complementary capabilities, sharing more information, and engaging in more joint planning. In this study, we provide a framework that considers both elements of demand collaboration individually and jointly. The relative effectiveness of the various forms of demand collaboration is assessed via the use of a controlled simulation experiment.  相似文献   

Research has indicated that the attitudes of teachers are often reflected in their students.1 If so, then what are the attitudes that potential community consumer educators may pass on to the people in their localities? Is there a relationship between their knowledge of consumer rights and responsibilities, and their opinions and behaviours? The knowledge, opinions and behaviours concerning consumer rights and responsibilities of community consumer educators may be reflected in their effectiveness in conducting community programs. Are they knowledgeable of their consumer rights and responsibilities? Do their own reported marketplace behaviours support their attitudes, or are they different? This study was designed to seek answers to these and related questions.2  相似文献   

The renaming of the Council of Logistics Management (CLM) to the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP) ushered in some interesting definitional dialogue and debate within the practitioner and academic communities. Inherent in emerging definitions is the notion that SCM encompasses activities traditionally considered aspects of production, logistics, marketing, and operations management. Defining SCM in such a broad scope (i.e., a “within” and “across” functions perspective), while considered by many scholars as the true representation of the essence of SCM, creates confusion regarding the appropriate organizational level within a business that is best suited for managerial decision making regarding the phenomenon. This paper contributes to the emerging SCM dialogue by highlighting the functional spaces (the “within” function perspective), relationships, and conceptual overlaps (the “across” functions perspective) between marketing, logistics, production, operations, and supply chain management. By comparing and contrasting the literature‐based conceptual boundaries of each discipline, a framework is proposed that more clearly captures the essence of the SCM decision making sphere. Managerial insights and future research implications are presented.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider a multinational firm under exchange rate and interest rate risks in a multiperiod model. We analyze the impact of exchange rate uncertainty and the use of currency futures on the risk-averse firm's decisions about home and foreign production. Without any hedging markets exchange rate risk lowers foreign investment and output. However, when futures markets exist, the separation property holds. Introducing another source of uncertainty, such as the interest rate, which is nondiversifiable, affects the production in both countries, i.e., the separation property does not hold. However, we show that the adverse effect of the missing financial market (to hedge against this additional risk) disappears when international borrowing is available.  相似文献   

This paper aims to place household production in cross-cultural and cross-national perspective. It begins with brief comments on the meaning of household production and some assumptions about it. Then, in Part I of the paper, four important aspects of socio-cultural context or environment are described: types of production by scale of social organization; non-agricultural production and scale of economic development; sex and role differences in everyday work; and value shifts affecting family functions and productive behaviour. In Part II are presented illustrations of house-hold production from different regions and cultures of the world, and in Part III, suggestions about measures of household production patterns, which may permit cross-cultural comparisons.  相似文献   

This paper deals with an open economy with heterogeneous capital and linear processes of pure joint production from a long‐period perspective. It is shown that: (1) an effective exchange rate change has ambiguous effects on the distribution of income and the competitiveness of domestic output; (2) the matrix of super‐multipliers linking exports to gross output is not always uniquely defined; and (3) the volume of exports and the volume of total employment may be inversely related, even if prices and distribution do not change.  相似文献   

董琳 《北方经贸》2004,(8):9-11
人类社会从工业经济时代进入知识经济时代 ,引起了经济结构、文化和价值观念等一系列变革 ,马克思的劳动价值论也面临着新的挑战 ,出现了“劳动知识价值论”、“知识价值论”等价值理论。本文从劳动价值论与知识价值论的关系入手 ,分析了理论界流行的“否定论”、“取代论”和“发展论”三种关于两者关系的观点。在此基础上 ,指出价值理论遵循从“劳动价值论”到“劳动知识价值论” ,再到“知识价值论”的发展规律。  相似文献   

A theoretical model of the economics of production and consumption within the household is developed into an empirical path model. With data from a representative Iowa sample the impact of household production on expenditure patterns is examined with estimates of the implied income equivalence or marginal value of nonmarket production.  相似文献   

In a two‐sector model it is entirely arbitrary to take the depreciation rate to be the same in both sectors; capital is being used differently in the two sectors! With differential depreciation rates factor‐intensity‐reversal can arise even when both sectors have a Cobb–Douglas technology. Efficient allocations do not involve mutual tangency points between consumption–good and capital–good isoquants.  相似文献   

We present a dynamic, non‐scale general‐equilibrium model with female and male human capital where Schumpeterian R&D and human‐capital accumulation are the engines of growth and gender wage inequality. Gender wage inequality is encouraged by changes in relative supply and relative demand of both human‐capital types. Relative supply restricts the levels of employed human capital. Relative demand is affected by the technological‐knowledge bias, which is driven by the price channel and is affected by human‐capital accumulation. In particular, the female‐premium per unit of human capital and per worker increases when the observed discrimination against women decreases or is removed.  相似文献   

A classical model of production is used to study the effects of environmental taxes on relative prices and on the choice of technique. It is shown that a taxation of energy inputs can induce cost-minimizing producers to switch to a technique that requires more total energy. An explanation for such a ‘perverse’ substitution is provided by showing that with a positive rate of profits the relative prices of (relatively) energy-intensive products can be higher with a higher tax rate.  相似文献   

There have been significant structural changes in research markets in recent years reflected in the increase in the number of academic journals. This paper uses a differential game model of authors and journal editors to examine the effects of an increase in competition among academic journals. Does an increase in the number of academic journals lead to an increase in scholarly articles published? Will an increase in publishing outlets adversely affect research quality? The results show greater competition does not affect research output and in fact enhances research quality. The number of journals and the relative discount rates of authors and editors are crucial determinants of the effects of competition.  相似文献   

A conceptual model to use in explaining influences on household production time of wives in the United States and in Japan is presented. This model is tested on a national U.S. sample using variables suggested by both U.S. and Japanese time-use studies. The results support and expand those of earlier studies. It is suggested that the model be tested with Japanese data to determine its usefulness in cross-cultural comparisons.  相似文献   

This paper presents a model that introduces in an unbalanced growth framework à la Baumol the hypothesis of an endogenous productivity growth due to a positive externality of the service sector on manufacturing productivity and a learning‐by‐doing process inside both sectors. The model shows that a policy aimed at keeping the ratio between outputs in the two sectors constant in real terms may improve the aggregate productivity performance of the economy, depending on the parameters' values. Then the model derives the dynamics of the intersectoral transfer which is necessary to keep the ratio between outputs constant, and verifies that the amount of the transfer turns out to be always lower than the output of the manufacturing sector, and only asymptotically approaches it.  相似文献   

This paper by Dr. Erhan Erkut was published in the June 2002 issue of CJAS. In light of the importance of the topic and findings, we invited the Deans of two Canadian business schools to respond. We are pleased that Dr. Baba of McMaster University and Dr. Toulouse and Dr. Richard Déry of École des Hautes Études Commerciales Montréal accepted the invitation and we present their responses below. In the December 2002 issue of CJAS, we will present Dr. Erkut's rejoinder. Iraj Fooladi and Philip Rosson, co‐editors Cet article du Dr. Erhan Erkut a été publié dans la RCSA, numéro de juin 2002. Vu l'importance du sujet et des conclusions, nous avions invité les Doyens de deux écoles de commerce à y, réagir. Nous sommes heureux d'annoncer que le Dr. Baba de McMaster University et le Dr. Toulouse et le Dr. Richard Déry de L'École des Hautes Études Commerciales Montréal ont répondu favorablement à notre requête et nous présentons cidessous leurs réactions. Dans le numéro de décembre 2002 de la RSCA, nous présenterons la réplique du Dr Erkut. Iraj Fooladi et Philip Rosson, co‐rédacteurs  相似文献   

作者分析了外资并购的动机和历史背景 ,预测了未来外资并购的六大趋势 ,阐明了建立和完善外资并购监管体系的必要性 ,提出了以政府监管为核心 ,其他社会监督力量为补充的新观点。  相似文献   

葛慧妍 《北方经贸》2003,(12):60-62
作者分析了外资并购的动机和历史背景,预测了未来外资并购的六大趋势,阐明了建立和完善外资并购监管体系的必要性,提出了以政府监管为核心,其他社会监督力量为补充的新观点。  相似文献   

Many empirical studies indicate that the deviations of actual prices of production from labour values are not too sensitive to the type of measure used for their evaluation. This paper attempts to theorize this rather ‘stylized fact’ by focusing on the relationships between the traditional and the numéraire‐free measures of deviation. On the empirical side, it provides an illustration of these relationships using input–output data from the Japanese economy.  相似文献   

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