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Recent empirical evidence that forward exchange rates are biased predictors of future spot rates can also be interpreted as evidence against the hypothesis of a constant risk premium. Consequently, reconciliation of this evidence with efficient international capital markets requires the existence of time-varying risk premia. This paper modifies Kouri's (1977) asset pricing model to allow time-varying exected returns on assets, eliminates the assumption of a risk-free real asset and derives the characteristics of the risk premia in the forward market as well as the equilibrium yield relationships among the equities and riskless nominal bonds of all countries.  相似文献   

Entrepreneurial orientation (EO) and market orientation (MO) have received substantial conceptual and empirical attention in the marketing and management literature and both orientations have consistently been linked to stronger financial performance. Yet the way in which market-oriented firms seek to achieve superior rents is substantively different from that of entrepreneurially oriented firms which could lead to differential impacts of EO and MO on firm risk. In this study, the authors employ a text mining technique to assess firms' EO and MO and examine the impact of these two strategic orientations on shareholder risk outcomes. The results show that while EO increases idiosyncratic risk, MO decreases it. However, only EO decreases systematic risk. Overall, the results of this study demonstrate that a firm's decisions regarding strategic orientation should be examined in light of both likely risks and returns in order to make appropriate resource allocation decisions.  相似文献   

A recent study by McInish of the influence of term-to-maturity on municipal bond default risk premia concluded that default risk premia were not invariant with respect to maturity. That study, as well as an earlier one by Robinson, failed to consider the effects of issuer credit quality. Using a large cross-sectional sample of general obligation bonds sold between 1977 and 1980, the influence of issuer credit quality on the relationship between term-to-maturity and default risk premia is investigated. The results indicate that default risk premia were an increasing function of maturity, and that this effect was larger for lower rated bonds.  相似文献   

This study tests the presence of time‐varying risk premia associated with extreme news events or jumps in stock index futures return. The model allows for a dynamic jump component with autoregressive jump intensity, long‐range dependence in volatility dynamics, and a volatility in mean structure separately for the normal and extreme news events. The results show significant jump risk premia in four stock market index futures returns including the DAX, FTSE, Nikkei, and S&P500 indices. Our results are robust to various specifications of conditional variance including the plain GARCH, component GARCH, and Fractionally Integrated GARCH models. We also find the time‐varying risk premium associated with normal news events is not significant across all indices. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 32:639–659, 2012  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the impact of the exchange rate volatility on the performance of the Peruvian economy using financial information from 163 non-financial listed firms. We find evidence that, for firms holding dollar-denominated debt, investment decisions are negatively affected by real exchange rate depreciation. The reasons behind this result are: (i) the high degree of liability dollarization and currency mismatch that create the conditions for a balance sheet effect and a financial stress in the aftermath of a currency depreciation; (ii) the strong bank-lending channel that follows and reinforces the balance sheet effect; (iii) the domestic demand shrinkage that affects severely firms’ sales; and (iv) the relatively small and poorly diversified export sector.  相似文献   

The role of agglomeration economies in firm performance has been extensively studied. Existing studies, however, almost invariably focus on firm, industry or city characteristics to examine the performance-enhancing effects of agglomeration while overlooking the attributes of the top executives involved in shaping corporate practices. In this study, we change that focus by empirically examining the moderating role of two particular top manager characteristics (age and educational level) on the agglomeration economies–firm performance relationship. Using a top manager-firm matched panel data set, we find that top manager age rather than educational level helps firms to realize the potential benefits of agglomeration. This paper contributes to the agglomeration literature by stating the importance of individual top managers.  相似文献   

This study investigates how asymmetric risk preferences and national institutions co-determine how firms are financed across countries. We include prospect theory into the discussion of uncertainty avoidance and the institutional envelope in IB, and argue that country-specific bias in the evaluation of downside risks and upside potentials explain variation in how otherwise similar firms raise funds. Exploiting a unique dataset on risk preferences, we show that risk perception in general, and asymmetric risk preferences as predicted by prospect theory in particular, affect corporate capital structure. We also show that the national institutional envelope constrains these effects and discuss implications for international business research beyond capital structure. We test our predictions on a panel of 10,355 firm-year observations.  相似文献   

This article examines the empirical association between analyst coverage and corporate social responsibility (CSR) by investigating their simultaneous and causal effects, and its joint effects of CSR engagement and analyst coverage on firm risk. We find a positive association between the level and change of CSR engagement and the level and change of analyst coverage after considering simultaneity and causality. Based on the first‐difference approach, we further find that the change in analyst following from the previous year affects the change in CSR in the current period, whereas the change in CSR from the previous period does not influence the change in analyst following in the current period. Furthermore, we find that the change in CSR engagement as well as the interaction effect of changes in CSR and analyst coverage reduces the change of firm risk. When we examine the CSR strengths and concerns separately, analyst following does not significantly influence firms’ CSR strength but CSR concern activities decreases significantly as firms have more analyst followings. We further find the mediating role of financial analysts between CSR concerns (but not CSR strengths) and firm risk. We maintain that analysts provide indirect but additional social pressure to the firms to eventually reduce their irresponsible activities. Taken together, we interpret these results to support the stakeholder theory‐based conflict‐resolution explanation that considers CSR engagement as a vehicle to reduce conflicts of interest between managers and noninvesting stakeholders but not the overinvestment hypothesis that views CSR as a waste of valuable resources at the cost of shareholders.  相似文献   

This study considers the effect of freezing defined benefit pension funds on shareholder risk and returns. The conditional models used in this study directly assess the effects of a pension fund freeze on returns and on systematic and residual risk. While pension fund freezes do not significantly affect performance or systematic risk, they do significantly reduce short‐term residual risk. Pension fund freezes therefore do not generally present significant financial advantages to shareholders. Only shareholders of firms with pension funds in crisis would benefit from significant systematic risk reductions. Copyright © 2015 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine how changes in the exchange rate and its volatility affect the export behavior of manufacturing firms. We also investigate whether both exchange rate changes and exchange rate volatility affect firms of different sizes differently. Applying the two-step system generalized method of moment estimator on our data for a sample of 221 Pakistani manufacturing firms, we find that the real exchange rate depreciation has positive impacts, whereas the exchange rate volatility has negative impacts on firms’ exports. We also find that compared to large-sized firms, small- and medium-sized exporting firms are more likely to benefit from currency depreciations. Yet, regarding the effect of exchange rate volatility, we find that the adverse impact of exchange rate volatility is weaker for large-sized firms as compared to small- and medium-sized firms. Our findings confirm the presence of nonlinearity in export-deterring (favoring) effects of exchange rate volatility (depreciation) on exporting behavior depending on firm size. Pakistan should design and implement export-favoring preferential policies by emphasizing on real exchange rate stabilization and providing incentives to large firms to come into being. Small- and medium-sized enterprises should develop such export strategies that help reduce their size disadvantages, particularly in managing exchange rate risks.  相似文献   

Existing studies examining how geography affects firm outcomes primarily consider how clusters affect performance. We examine how regional geographic signature—industry clusters, regional economic diversity, region size, and regional innovativeness—affects firm value and systematic and unsystematic risk using a sample of publicly traded American bank holding companies. After controlling for endogeneity of clusters, we find that locating in large and innovative regions enhances firm value, while locating in clusters and diversifying into many regions reduces value. Clusters reduce systematic risk and increase unsystematic risk, while economic diversity and innovativeness increase systematic risk. Thus, geographic locales exert multifaceted influences on value and risk, and we need to consider more than industry clusters and geographic diversification when considering geographic influence. Copyright © 2013 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Marketing capability and research and development intensity are firm resources used to increase firm performance and reduce investor risk. This study aims to link marketing capability and research and development intensity, and their interaction to firm default risk. This study is the first to examine marketing capability and research and development intensity regarding their influences on firm default vulnerability and to demonstrate how marketing capability may strengthen research and development intensities’ power on risk reduction. The results reveal a U-shaped relationship between research and development intensity and firm default risk, while marketing capability’s impact is unidirectional. Further, marketing capability strongly moderates the relationship between research and development intensity and firm default risk. For low marketing capability firms, the U-shaped pattern is more significant. For high marketing capability firms, the pattern is not salient and the risk reduction power of research and development intensity is stronger. This research provides useful implications for marketing theories, as well as business practice.  相似文献   

Motivated by the considerable changes over the last two decades in the form and composition of executive remuneration schemes and the increasing use of performance-vested stock options (PVSOs), this study examines the determinants of PVSO grants. Using data on 4193 executive-year observations of 1373 executive directors in 243 FTSE 350 non-financial companies from 1999 to 2004, I examine the factors that influence PVSO grants at both the firm and the executive level. While controlling for unobservable industry, firm, and executive level fixed effects, the evidence shows that the PVSO grants awarded to individual executives are associated with observable features of corporate governance and indicators of managerial power. More specifically, the results support the following statements: (1) good corporate governance structures facilitate the use of PVSO plans; (2) the proportion of PVSO grants in the total compensation package is smaller for top mangers with more controlling power; (3) PVSO plans are less frequently used to compensate managers who are approaching their retirement and/or have a large equity stake in the firm; (4) relative to non-CEO executives, CEOs are more likely to be rewarded with PVSOs.  相似文献   

This paper reports the announcement effects of insider transfer trades and relates these with firms' characteristics. Regulations in Taiwan specify that insiders give three days prior notice to the competent authority of stock transfers and this news can stimulate market participants' investment decisions. We find both the positive and negative abnormal returns exist following insider transfer trade announcements, especially for smaller firm. However, smaller firm sizes associate with larger magnitudes of negative abnormal returns. Furthermore, the connection between smaller firms and those with higher book-to-market ratios strengthens for larger negative abnormal returns.  相似文献   

This paper uses a new data set on innovation output to assess the degree to which the level of innovation in manufacturing firms is influenced by firm size and firm age. Indicators of innovation output used are the number of new products introduced as a function of firm sales and the proportion of firm sales obtained from products first introduced in the previous five years. While the evidence is mixed, the results tend to indicate that it is possible to separate the effects of age and size in assessing the level of innovation. Both firm size and firm age tend to be inversely related to innovative output.  相似文献   

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