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This study investigates the roles foreign investors play in a representative emerging market, focusing on the relationship between foreign ownership and stock market liquidity as well as this relationship's response to foreign exchange (FX) liquidity. Our analyses yield three main results. First, the bid–ask spread and price impact of stock trades decrease along with foreign ownership, supporting the view that foreign investors tend to improve stock liquidity. Second, foreign ownership decreases along with a decline in FX liquidity, suggesting that foreign investors care about FX liquidity when determining their stock holdings. Third, stock liquidity increases continuously along with foreign ownership as FX liquidity decreases. Overall, this study's evidence indicates that foreign investors, as liquidity providers, can play a positive role in an emerging economy even when FX liquidity declines.  相似文献   

The intention of this paper is to examine the impact of the inflation rate on the performance of the Egyptian stock market. Particular attention is paid to the effects of the rate of inflation on various stock market performance variables, in terms of market activity and market liquidity. From the co-integration analysis through error correction mechanisms (ECM), significant long-run and short-run relationships between the variables are found, implying that the inflation rate has had an impact upon the Egyptian stock market performance generally.  相似文献   

Using data assembled from all non-financial firms traded on the Malaysian stock exchange, we provide evidence of a nonlinear relationship between the number of shareholders and liquidity. While more shareholders are associated with higher liquidity, the negative effect of wider spreads kicks in when shareholder base exceeds a threshold level due to higher volatility induced by noise trading. However, the threshold level is considerably higher than the number of shareholders of most Malaysian public listed firms, suggesting much room for shareholder expansion in the local market. Our findings call for corporate managers to actively manage and expand their shareholder bases.  相似文献   

Algorithmic traders use their advantage of speed to execute a large number of small-sized trades in a very short time. In the presence of a minimum trading unit (MTU) restriction, they are forced to trade at the smallest possible sizes, often restricted by the MTU. Using a novel data set of single stock futures market obtained from the National Stock Exchange of India, we show that the MTU restriction acts as a binding constraint for traders while optimizing trade sizes. Contrary to expectation, we find weak evidence that liquidity is positively impacted by the contract size revision.  相似文献   

The aim of the paper is to analyze theoretically and empirically the impact the macroeconomic cycle has on the accumulation of capital by organized crime, using estimates for the global drug market. So far, the economic literature has neglected the relationships existing between illegal markets, money laundering and the business cycle. We propose a dynamic model where the business cycle influences the criminal economy via two different channels. On the one side, illegal markets grow at variable rates, depending on the health of the legal economy. Second, a pass‐through effect can exist, since the business cycle affects the legal markets which criminal operators use to launder their revenues. Furthermore, we analyze the consequences of a ‘saturation effect’ limiting maximum accumulation of illegal capital. We find that overall illegal capital is affected by the business cycle through a capital multiplier; in addition to this, the dynamics of interest rates in financial markets can influence such multiplier.  相似文献   

Focusing on the IPO market, we examine the influence of corporate hedging on firm valuation. Consistent with the argument that hedging reduces information asymmetry, we find that hedging IPO firms are associated with lower price revisions and underwriting fees. More important, hedging reduces IPO underpricing, especially for informationally opaque firms. This provides strong evidence that corporate hedging increases firm valuation. We also show that corporate hedging lowers aftermarket idiosyncratic volatility, enhances aftermarket liquidity, and improves the long-term performance of IPO firms. We use both an instrumental variable approach and a regulation change on derivatives supply to address endogeneity concerns.  相似文献   

Jörg Hinze 《Intereconomics》2000,35(4):183-190
The pronounced decline in the euro’s exchange rate since the currency’s launch at the start of 1999, especially against the US dollar, has rekindled the discussion surrounding the competitiveness of the euro zone. This marks quite a shift of focus within just a short period. When the new monetary union came into being, the emphasis was on the increased significance of the corresponding economic zone, given its economic muscle and its prominent position on world markets. This was taken to indicate that the EMU economies were highly competitive. On the other hand, the drop in the euro’s value since its launch is said by many to reflect a poor competitive position. This article will examine some possible explanations for the depreciation of the euro against the dollar, focussing on the competitiveness of the euro zone, particularly relative to the USA, by applying selected indicators.  相似文献   

《The World Economy》2018,41(1):222-241
We investigate the impact of globalisation on the shadow economy using panel data for 119 countries. Our evidence suggests that globalisation matters in mitigating shadow development. More specifically, we find that political globalisation reduces the shadow economy, whereas economic and social globalisations have limited statistical support after controlling for important factors that affect the size of the shadow economy. Overall, these results are robust after accounting for an alternative measure of the shadow economy, outliers, endogeneity and alternative model specifications.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper was to determine the impact produced by Directive 2014/95/EU on companies’ decisions regarding the assurance of non-financial information statements and the quality parameters under which this service is contracted. Following an analysis based on institutional theory, the results obtained for the reports issued by an international sample of 600 multinational companies in the period 2011–2018 show that the institutional pressures associated with this Directive contributed to an expansion of the assurance market, although they had only a moderate impact on the contractual conditions of the service. Complementary analyses suggest that the adoption of a limited scope in these assurance services may reflect the conservative outlook of auditors, as providers whose service is favoured in the new scenario. Additionally, we find that the influence of this legal framework is different in the United Kingdom from that in the other European countries. The research contributes to the literature by offering a novel understanding of the behaviour of assurance providers and of the quality of the service obtained.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the systemic risk in the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) stock exchange (Bourse Régionale des Valeurs Mobilières - BRVM). It examines the extent to which growing activities in this stock market generate systemic risk. We find strong linkages across all economic sectors of listed firms, with the financial and industrial sectors being the center of the system around which the other sectors revolve. Financial institutions are not the only source of systemic risk in the WAEMU region, even though they play an important role in the system. Finally, using panel regressions, we find that big, high-growth and profitable firms contribute more to systemic risk than others. Overall, we find that the determinants of systemic risk depend on the indicator used to assess it and the sectors in which companies operate.  相似文献   

This paper tests whether the communication of the People's Bank of China affects market expectations and matters as a monetary policy tool. For that purpose, we first rely on a computational linguistic tool to measure the tone of PBC speeches and second, we use a high frequency methodology to estimate the effect of tone on stock price. Our results show that positive changes of the tone affect positively stock price in the Shanghai and the Shenzhen stocks markets. Additional extensions show that PBC communication still has a positive and significant impact on stock price even when controlling for all the monetary policy instruments implemented by the central bank, but that this impact is not persistent over time. One potential channel through which PBC tone affects stock prices is the risk-based channel of monetary policy.  相似文献   

To help explain the typically smaller size of businesses headed by women, this study examines a relatively unexplored dimension on which male and female entrepreneurs are expected to differ: their attitudes towards growth. An increasing number of scholars believe that the growth of a venture is at least partially determined by the entrepreneur’s motivations and intentions, yet very few have investigated whether gender differences exist. Quantitative and qualitative analyses of data collected through personal interviews with 229 small business owners in the Greater Vancouver area of British Columbia, Canada, provide novel insights into the factors affecting an entrepreneur’s growth decision and desired pace of expansion.  相似文献   

We investigate the survival performance of new technology-based firms (NTBFs) over the business cycle and compare them against other entrepreneurial firms. Our data comprise the entire population of entrepreneurial firms entering the Swedish economy from 1991 to 2002, which we follow until 2007. Discrete-time duration models are employed to investigate whether the business cycle impacts differently on the survival likelihood of NTBFs vis-à-vis other entrepreneurial firms. Our main findings are three. First, NTBFs generally experience a lower hazard rate compared to other entrepreneurial firms, which is interpreted as a sign of their high ‘quality.’ Second, all entrepreneurial firms are sensitive to and follow a pro-cyclical pattern of survival likelihood over the business cycle. Three, when comparing NTBFs with the broader group of other entrepreneurial firms, we find that NTBFs are more sensitive to business cycle fluctuations. The above results come with a qualification, though. The sensitivity during the business cycle mainly pertains to self-employed NTBFs. Also, NTBFs’ higher survivability is only linked to not being characterized as self-employed.  相似文献   

The order-of-entry effect has been continually examined over the last quarter century, leading to the generalization that a negative relationship exists between the order-of-brand entry and market share. As the number of followers that become market share leaders and the conceptual arguments against this assumption grow, the nonexistence of this negative relationship has yet to be empirically demonstrated. This research challenges the generalization by examining market conditions in which a brand’s entry position has exerted a positive effect on its market share potential, compared with an earlier entry position. Using order-of-entry models consistent with extant literature, an empirical analysis of consumer scanner data across 375 followers reveals two situations that challenge the prediction of a negative relationship between the order-of-brand entry and market share.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2022,65(5):617-630
Prepandemic, small business exits were expected to increase dramatically owing to pent-up supply and the aging business owner population. COVID-19 may have dampened those expectations because of increasing information asymmetries that limited selling options for the small business owner (SBO). SBOs exit for many reasons (e.g., illness, family, retirement), so postponing a sale may not be a viable option. Alternately, SBOs can absorb crisis uncertainty by accepting different deal terms. We propose that one such strategy is to include seller financing as part of the deal terms, thereby signaling to the acquirer the SBOs’ confidence that the purchase is sound. We examine the results of 1,909 exit transactions from both before and after the financial crisis of 2007–2009 and over a 10-year postcrisis horizon. We find that sellers accept a lower price and less favorable terms with increased seller financing in the 24 months postcrisis, and that waiting longer to sell after the crisis improves deal terms for sellers, as this affords SBOs time to exit. Additionally, reduced information asymmetry improves deal terms. Finally, we provide strategies for SBOs to lower information asymmetry in small business exits.  相似文献   

The role of market orientation as an antecedent of new product performance has been extensively documented in the literature. What is less clear, however, is how firms should make use of their market orientation under different market conditions. This study addresses this question by investigating how market orientation leads to superior new product performance for products that enter the market at different times. In particular, the study examines the moderating effect of order of market entry on the mediated relationship between market orientation and new product performance via product quality and innovation speed. Data from a sample of 244 new product development projects show that a firm's market orientation can improve the performance of first-to-market products and late entrants by facilitating the development of quality products, whereas it can improve the performance of early entrants by facilitating greater innovation speed.  相似文献   

This study analyses the performance and market timing of US socially responsible (SR) mutual funds in relation to business cycle regime shifts and different grouping criteria: Ethical strategy focus, SR attributes scores and Morningstar category. Different methodologies are applied and results highlight the importance of considering specific benchmarks related to the investment style in evaluating the SR fund performance. Our results show that, in aggregate, the abnormal performance of SR funds is negative and significant in expansion periods, but no significant differences are found in recession periods. When specific benchmarks are considered, performance improves in recession periods, particularly for environmental funds, those with high SR attributes scores, and funds from the nine Morningstar style box categories. Market timing of SR funds takes positive values and is partially significant. Previous evidence of negative timing after a recent financial crisis vanishes when specific benchmarks are considered. For comparative purposes the performance of conventional US mutual funds is also analysed. There are no significant differences between the performance of SR and conventional mutual funds when a fair comparison is made within the same style categories. When all the SR funds are considered, they underperform conventional funds in expansion sub‐periods, but in recession sub‐periods they perform better, although the differences observed are not significant.  相似文献   

The prevalent and complicated religiosity inside Chinese consumer makes it interesting but difficult to investigate the relation between their religiosity and consumer behaviour. Based on the marketing and psychology background in the Chinese context, this study explored the relationship between Chinese religiosity and their customer loyalty. Cross‐sectional survey data and statistical methods were used to compare customer loyalty under different levels of religiosity. The results reveal significant and positive differences of customer loyalty among consumers with different extent of religiosity in most product categories. This study puts forward a new perspective for marketers to predict and develop loyal customers, even to promote marketing segmentation and customer value.  相似文献   

Market orientation and brand orientation are usually modelled as distinct antecedents of business performance, and the simultaneous performance effects of these orientations are empirically under-explored. Moreover, studies of market orientation and branding tend to focus on large corporations and the views of managers rather than the views of small business entrepreneurs. Addressing these research gaps, the current study explores market orientation and brand orientation by empirically testing their simultaneous effects on the business performance of small firms. Using primary data from 328 effective responses gathered from small business entrepreneurs, the study finds that market orientation improves the financial performance of a small firm only if it is implemented through brand orientation and eventually translated into brand performance. The results further indicate that older firms benefit more than younger firms from investing in branding, while younger firms benefit from paying attention to the actions of their rivals.  相似文献   

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