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[目的] 找到所抽取样品具有代表性、达到一定精度要求的、省时省力的磷矿产品取样方法.[方法]根据GB/T2007-1987<散装矿产品取样、制样通则>的数理统计理论,对磷矿取样方法进行了进一步研究.[结果] 制订出了不同检验批量应取最少份样数和取样精密度、总精密度统计表;同时对系统、车卡和货堆三种取样条件下的样品进行了精密度校核试验, 完全达到设计要求.[结论] 本研究方法理论严谨、依据科学、取样份样数少,可操作性强.  相似文献   

集装箱港口堆场作业箱量大,制定科学的空间分配方案能够有效减少作业时间,提高空间资源利用率。本文通过分析集装箱堆场箱位分配问题,结合堆场集装箱倒箱的作业过程,以集装箱堆场压箱数最小为目标,建立集装箱堆场箱位分配优化模型,并进行算例分析,结果表明模型有效减少了压箱数。  相似文献   

针对几种常见的产自巴西和澳大利亚的粉铁矿进行了吸水特性的研究,并对此现象产生的原因进行了深入的分析,通过低温N吸附-脱附试验,发现了其内部结构存在一定的差异,由此导致了各矿种不同的吸水特性,对进口铁矿石的取样及水分测定工作也提出了一定的建议。  相似文献   

10月18日,镇江惠龙港码头停靠“BALTIC LIGHT”号货轮,该轮装有从秘鲁运来的2.3万吨铜精矿,这开了镇江口岸首次进口铜精矿的先河。据了解,铜精矿是含铜原矿石经过工艺处理达到一定质量指标的精矿,可以直接供冶炼厂炼铜,铜精矿中除了铜含量比较高之外,还含有较多的金、银等贵金属,其商业价值较高,但进口铜精矿可能存在放射性有害物质和锡、砷、氟、汞等有害元素,为确保进口精铜矿的质量安全,镇江海关制定了周密检验检测方案,加强对进口精铜矿的检验监管,在卸货现场对进口铜精矿实施放射性监测,在卸货过程中实施24小时不间断作业取样,确保样品有代表性和检测结果的准确性。  相似文献   

在以整箱货与拼箱货两种不同形式运输集装箱货物时,由于保险公司对集装箱本身的属性认定不同,所以导致了在两种不同运输形式下保险公司的保险责任也存在差异。论文通过一则案例分析了集装箱货物运输过程中货主与保险公司的保险责任划分,并说明了在不同的保险责任划分方式下货主应如规避业务风险,保障自身的合法权益。  相似文献   

通过研究双边汇率变动对贸易价格的传导程度,分析了我国进出口议价能力的市场异质性.研究结果表明我国进口、出口议价能力均具有市场差异,对发展中国家的进出口议价能力一般要高于对相对发达国家和地区的进出口议价能力;对主要能源、矿产品输出国的进口具有刚性,进口议价能力不佳.分析表明,进出口议价能力的市场异质性主要源于不同市场上产品需求弹性的差异,反映了贸易双方的进出口结构状况.  相似文献   

铁矿石贸易中,品质检验结果是结算的主要依据之一。取制样工作对品质检验的影响至关重要,不同取制样标准之间的差异可能导致检验结果的差异。本文以ISO标准为主,并对比其他相关标准,对铁矿石的取样、制样标准进行了研究,以期发现其中的差异,供标准的使用者参考。  相似文献   

[目的]找到一种更准确、快速、简便且符合水分测定实际情况的检测方法以满足日常的检验要求,维护贸易双方的合法权益.[方法]通过对样品采用不同包装方式、改善粉碎机筛网孔径、不同方式制样、以平均样品代替各个样品的方法研究其对粮食水分含量测试结果的影响.[结果]真空包装样品水分测定值低于常规样品,2.0mm和1.5mm孔经筛网粉碎后水分含量无明显差异,刀式磨制备的试样含水量明显低于电动粉碎机制备的试样,粉碎机连续转动制样的水分低于不连续转动制备的样品,每舱平均样和单个样的水分平均值基本无差别.[结论]真空包装样品、粉碎机避免连续转动和转头过热,用2.0mm大孔筛处理非大豆类谷物采用每舱平均样品结果更准确,可大大提高工作效率.  相似文献   

[目的]研究硫酰氟施药后在集装箱内的扩散规律以及集装箱装载不同的物品对硫酰氟吸附和解吸附作用的差异。[方法]根据集装箱的体积计算施药量,施药后不同时间点及散毒后关闭集装箱门不同时间点,用硫酰氟浓度检测仪测定箱内硫酰氟浓度。[结果]硫酰氟在集装箱内分布不均匀,下层浓度高于中层,中层浓度高于上层。相同施药量时,装载废纸集装箱内硫酰氟实际测量浓度低于装载废塑料集装箱内测量浓度。散毒后再次关闭箱门,箱内物品吸附的硫酰氟解吸再次释放出来,装载废旧塑料集装箱的浓度明显高于废纸集装箱内的浓度。[结论]硫酰氟密度大于空气,是其在集装箱上部与下部浓度存在差别的原因。与废塑料相比,废纸的孔隙多,致密程度差,对硫酰氟的吸附与阻留作用强于废塑料,因而吸附硫酰氟的作用更明显,而解吸硫酰氟的速度正好相反,慢于废塑料。  相似文献   

为了在突发性公共卫生事件爆发后最大限度地保障应急物资的需求,制定更加合理的储备策略,考虑到不同地区在应急物资需求方面的差异,本文提出个人防护用品(PPE)的储备指标数的概念,提出PPE储备指标数应该由当地的经济发展水平、人口和医护从业人员三个因素组成.作为有效和系统的决策支持工具,将最大值标准化和AHP层次分析法等计算...  相似文献   

介绍了木片取样的系统抽样方案,经验抽样方案和概率抽样方案,通过分析系统取样方案中含水率、规格片、朽木和树皮等检验项目的历史统计,提出含水率,规格片和树皮都服从近似正态分布的规律,并在此基础上预设了含水率的允差。  相似文献   

The extant methodological literature has challenged case selection in qualitative case study research for being arbitrary or relying too much on convenience logic. This paper aims to address parts of such criticism on the rigour of case selection through the presentation of a sampling framework that promotes contextualisation and thoroughness of sampling decisions in the study of international phenomena. This framework emerged from an inductive process following an actual case study project in international marketing and promotes the idea that context matters for sampling purposes, too. The proposed framework integrates methodological tools that complement the overarching principle of purposeful sampling and considers respective contextual challenges that the researchers encountered before and during fieldwork. It serves to highlight in an iterative fashion the role that context plays in the case selection process and the importance of contextualised sampling processes for qualitative case study research in international business.  相似文献   

This study measures to what extent compliance with Shari’ah moderates the relationship between different sales promotion tools—namely, price discount, product demonstration and sampling, buy one get one free (bonus pack), sweepstakes/lucky draws, scratch and win offers, and free samples—and three consumer behavioral responses (product trial, stockpiling, and spending more) for buying convenience products from supermarkets in Egypt. A total of 381 selected Muslim consumers/shoppers were surveyed via face-to-face interviews using a structured questionnaire. Overall correlation analysis between the six proposed sales promotion tools and consumers’ response behavior in general demonstrated a significant relationship. However, some specific tools did not indicate a significant relationship with specific response behaviors. Furthermore, correlation analysis initially indicated that there is a positive significant relationship between all sales promotion tools and compliance with Shari’ah, with the exception of sweepstakes and scratch and win offers, which demonstrated a significant negative relationship. Furthermore, after running linear stepwise regression, the model was fit (62%), indicating the moderating role of compliance with Shari’ah in the relationship between specific sales promotion tools—namely, sweepstakes/games and scratch and win offers—and Muslim consumers’ behavioral responses. Generally speaking, marketers should consider Shari’ah and ethical principles in Islam before creatively crafting promotional tools to attract Muslim consumers, and new tools could be developed with an Islamic orientation to attract Muslim consumers.  相似文献   

邮政系统服务质量模糊综合评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邮政系统服务质量取决于各项邮政业务,邮政业务的服务质量取决于顾客的评价。以陕西省为例,利用陕西省邮政服务状况的调查数据对邮政系统服务质量进行了模糊综合评价。模糊综合评价的结果有赖于调查数据的代表性、评价指标体系的完善程度和评价指标的权重。  相似文献   

The primary objective was to describe the methodological challenges and devise solutions to compare injury incidence across countries. The research design was a mixed methods study, consisting of a consultation with an expert group and comparison of injury surveillance systems and data from ten European countries. A subset of fractures, selected radiologically verifiable fractures and a method of checking the national representativeness of sample emergency department data were devised and are proposed for further development. These methodological considerations and developments will be further refined and tested and should prove useful tools for those who need to compare injury incidence data across countries.  相似文献   


This study examines the impact of entrepreneurial marketing on innovative marketing in small- and medium-sized companies producing industrial tools and mechanical parts. The statistical population of this study consisted of all owners and workers of industrial tools and mechanical parts around the world. The sample size includes 195 people who were chosen through simple random sampling method and Cochran formula. This is a correlational research and the data were collected using a questionnaire designed by theoretical foundations and Likert scale. The validity of the tool was confirmed using the opinions of experts and specialists and the reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed using Cronbach’s alpha (0.891). Data were analyzed through structural equation modeling. The results show that value creation that includes creating value for customers through the products and services, and marketing activities and technology has the greatest impact on innovative performance. Also, innovation, which includes innovative strategy, management believes in innovation, and using new methods to carry out activities, is in the next place. Among the factors, the leverage of resources, which include the financial and human forces, has the least effect on innovative performance.  相似文献   

I use power indices to assess the level of representative efficiency of different electoral systems. A representative democracy should “give voice” to as many people’s preferences as possible. This paper evaluates how close a given electoral system is to mirroring the distribution of votes cast in an election. To this goal, both power indices and differences between shares of votes received and seats gained are used. The distribution of power is also compared with both the share of seats of parties in the assembly and the share of votes obtained in the election. The results show that proportional systems and run-off majority are more efficient in terms of representativeness than first-past-the-post methods. Moreover, as the total number of seats in a parliament decreases, representative efficiency tends to increase. The analysis is conducted through simulations using conditional and real (Dutch and Italian) data.  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(2):43-62
This article describes a newly compiled dataset on foreign multinationals in British retailing and compares the patterns of inward investment in retailing with those in manufacturing. Foreign retailers were present in Britain well before foreign manufacturers, but their numbers did not grow as dramatically after 1890. Strikingly, very few pre-World War Two foreign entrants into UK retailing were actually retailers. The great majority were instead foreign manufacturers pursuing international markets through investing in dedicated distribution channels. These hybrid multinationals retained their home manufacturing base and mostly restricted their internationalisation to retailing.  相似文献   


Marketing managers around the world are being asked to work with foreign counterparts as never before, but with limited success. This requires integration of decision making styles. The purpose of this study is to apply a management style of decision making measurement technique to selected countries of the Asia-Pacific region to determine the extent of differences in decision-making style among marketing managers.

This study surveys marketing managers within Australia, Hong Kong, The Philippines, Vietnam, New Zealand, and China. Within each country different sampling processes and modes of data collection were used by locally-based associates of the researchers, as appropriate for the country.

The study results indicate that substantive differences do exist between marketing managers from different cultural/national backgrounds within the Asia-Pacific region and these managers differ in their decision-making styles from managers in other parts of the world. doi:10.1300/J042v21n01_06  相似文献   

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