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施军 扬州进出口玩具检验所所长。在其任职期间,扬州玩检所成为国内首家通过ISO/IEC17025国际标准认证的实验室,在国内率先开验了欧洲电动玩具安全标准、偶氮染料测试、澳大利亚/新西兰玩具标准、纺织品中甲醛含量测试、邻苯二甲酸酯测试等数十个检测项目,并在国内率先通过HOKLAS国际认可;主持成立了两个国家质检总局的科研组进行项目攻关,“金属杂质探测仪”和“玩具箱测试仪”等玩具检测设备顺利通过国家质检总局组织的科研鉴定,并获2002年度江苏检验检疫局科技兴检三等奖。  相似文献   

研究开发了一套可引入电感耦合等离子原子发射光谱仪(ICP-AES)测试数据进行玩具无机化学测试数据的实验室信息管理系统(LIMS).采用面向对象的编程方法、"多文档"用户界面等计算机技术,将ICP中提取的数据代码,直接转换成LIMS可操作的数据.在经过质量控制和光谱校正后检索相应玩具安全标准进行合格判定,并自动生成测试报告单.在玩具检验中实现了从"化学试样准备"到"ICP测试数据转换"到"化学测试结果报告单"全过程计算机自动化处理,提高了检验的效率和准确性.  相似文献   

电气安全试验中,不同替代负载对带输出功能器具的温升测试准确性的影响问题引起了检验行业的广泛关注。本文对扬声器的阻抗特性进行分析和实测,使用真实负载和多种替代负载进行了三组比较试验,对试验数据进行比较和分析,试验结果表明使用替代负载相比真实负载时的温升变化趋势一致,同时为替代负载在实验室快速检测中应用提供了理论支持。  相似文献   

2011年7月23日和8月12日,美国严格的儿童玩具铅含量标准相继实施,同年11月,美国消费品安全委员会通过了新的独立第三方产品测试法规,该法规以更高的标准对儿童产品进行测试和认证。美国一系列强制性标准实施导致我国玩具出口频遭美国通报与召回。2011年,美国非食品类消费品快速预警系统对我国出口的产品发起通报与召回347项,其中玩具类产品被通报的频率最高,共计189  相似文献   

从2009年伊始至今,中国出口到美国的玩具产品就频频面临“召回门”事件。在召回事件中,尽管中国企业和美国管理机构均因标准问题和产品安全问题而争论不休,但这必将导致美国消费者对于中国玩具产品的信心大减。那么,众多出口玩具产品到美国的中国制造商,应该如何应对?为此,本刊记者采访了第三方检验、鉴定、测试及认证公司SGS通标公司深圳玩具实验室副总监林淑贞女士。  相似文献   

采用LC-ICPMS测定EN71-3玩具中的可迁移铬(三价铬&六价铬)方法,通过确认,本方法完全满足标准中第三类玩具样品的测试要求。  相似文献   

玩具中激光器和发光二极管发出的过量辐射会导致人眼和皮肤的严重损伤,尤其容易对儿童造成伤害。本文论述了激光器和发光二极管辐射关键参数的测试方法和测试步骤,并对样品进行了具体测试。  相似文献   

深圳检验检疫局玩具检测技术中心(以下简称“玩具中心”)是质检系统五大玩具检测技术中心之一,属国家级玩具检测重点实验室.玩具中心设置机械物理、光电、化学等专业测试实验室,配备了国际一流的检测仪器设备600多台,拥有一支专业齐全、学术精湛、经验丰富、务实高效的技术专家与检测人才队伍,秉承公正、专业、权威、高效为宗旨,致力于为玩具业界提供产品检测与技术咨询等一站式产品质量解决方案.  相似文献   

玩具LED 光辐射测试复杂性高,各检测机构间的测试方法存在差异,导致产品测试结果数据相差很大。本文在理论分析和大量实验数据的基础上,研究了试验过程中关键参数对光辐射测量结果的影响,并提出了测试方案。  相似文献   

欧盟及美国禁用邻苯二甲酸酯的法规及其出台始末   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
1 前言 2006年1月,德国《生态测试》杂志公布了对30种玩具的最新检测报告,结果在24种玩具中发现了有害化学成分邻苯二甲酸酯,其中包括风靡全球的芭比娃娃。  相似文献   

本文对玩具国家标准中提供的两种获取玩具弹射物撞击接触面印迹的方法进行了具体分析研究,探究其优缺点和适用条件,并对测试过程中容易造成检测误差的关键技术要点进行分析,找出有效的解决方法,为玩具弹射物的检测与评定提供了更明确、细化的方法。  相似文献   

福建玩具产业外延不断扩展,近年来的出口金额、数量和产品单价不断增长,出口市场数量逐年增加,在欧盟、美国、东盟、日本和英国等重点市场的出口数据及其在该市场的玩具进口总额中所占份额持续走高,充分说明福建省玩具产业近年来在寻求发展和寻求突破中取得了较好的成效。  相似文献   

The gendered marketing of children’s toys is under considerable scrutiny, as reflected by numerous consumer-led campaigns and vigorous media debates. This article seeks to assist stakeholders to better understand the ethical and scientific assumptions that underlie the two opposing positions in this debate, and assess their relative strength. There is apparent consensus in the underlying ethical foundations of the debate, with all commentators seeming to endorse the values of corporate social responsibility and gender equality. However, the debate splits over three critical points of empirical disagreement: whether gendered toy marketing influences children’s toy preferences or simply reflects boys’ and girls’ fundamentally different interests; whether the effects of gendered toy marketing are negative, neutral or beneficial; and whether a shift to gender-neutral marketing would be economically viable. We assess the three points of disagreement against the available evidence and shared ethical principles underlying the debate, and conclude that current defences of gendered toy marketing fail.  相似文献   

2010年玩具出口增势有望延续,但增速可能出现波动。  相似文献   

The hypothesis was tested that five-year-olds would be more easily persuaded than eight-year-olds to prefer certain toys after viewing ads for these toys. Forty kindergarteners and forty third graders viewed either a control commerical or an ad for a toy they had ranked fourth out of a group of seven toys shown to them in a preference task. After viewing, they repeated the preference task. The dependent variable was the post viewing rank of the toy that had been ranked fourth prior to viewing. Analysis of variance revealed only a significant grade by viewing condition interaction in which the older children liked the toy significantly better if they had viewed a commercial for it. Younger children showed no significant viewing effects. Results are discussed in terms of their implications for cognitive variables which may be responsible for the age differences in the effects of exposure to television commercials.  相似文献   

Set in the context of a review and critique of the retail change literature, this study conceptualizes the importance of cultural diversity in consumption practices, and their dialectical interplay with retail structures. Underpinned theoretically by concepts located in Critical Theory and Bourdieu's studies of 'Distinctions', a grounded approach at a macro-level of analysis is applied to the comparison of the French and Italian toy retail sectors, which serves as an empirical illustration of the conceptual categories and relationships posited. In the comparative analysis of the French and Italian toy retail industry, the links between market structures and macro-economic and demographic factors, on the one hand, and localized consumption habits, on the other, are discussed, highlighting the interplay of the properties of the emergent retail activity and consumption categories of analysis. The impact of global sourcing and market entry of international retailers is assessed. Conclusions point to the importance of the forcefield between localized meaning and the dynamics of toy retail capital. It is argued that the commodity form of toys, together with the values attached to them and the role they play in childhood, is influencing the structures of national toy retail sectors which are also dependent on the overall retail system and broader environmental factors. In this, retail change processes take place as a result of the interactions between the different spheres and their particular expressions cannot be generalized across borders as they depend on the specific dynamics within each system.  相似文献   

产业集群是现代经济布局的一种重要形式。产业集群对促进经济发展和提升竞争力起重要作用。本文运用产业集群理论,结合扬州毛绒玩具产业的实际,探讨扬州毛绒玩具特色产业的发展状况及存在的问题,提出了产业集群与特色经济互动发展的途径和措施。  相似文献   

Marketing literature abounds with discussions of the importance of environmental and atmospheric variables for determining the consumer shopping experience. Through a field a study conducted in a toy brand flagship store, this research studies the effects of using two technologies in a physical toy store (magic mirror with augmented reality, interactive game terminals) on holistic perceptions of store atmospherics, affective reactions, and perceived shopping values, which should have consequences for satisfaction and patronage intentions. These results offer an initial exploration of the effect of new technologies on shopping experiences in physical stores; they confirm that digital in-store technologies and generalized multichannel consumer behaviors reduce boundaries between classical in-store atmospherics and e-atmospherics.  相似文献   

Despite increased academic and practitioner interest in codes of conduct, there has been little research into the actual compliance of suppliers in developing countries with the codes of conduct of multinational corporations (MNCs). This paper addresses this lack by analysing Chinese suppliers’ level of compliance with Swedish toy retailers’ codes of conduct. Based on unannounced and unofficial interviews with employees of Chinese suppliers, the study shows that all of the nine studied suppliers breached some of the standards in the toy retailers’ codes, with over two-thirds of the suppliers not complying with the majority of the studied standards. While there are different explanations of this lack of compliance, the main explanation seems to be that Chinese suppliers successfully deceive toy retailers’ monitoring organisations by decoupling the formal monitored part of their organisation from the actual operational part of their organisation. The paper concludes with a discussion of how to increase compliance with MNCs’ codes of conduct. Niklas Egels-Zandén is a PhD student at the School of Business, Economics and Law, Goteborg University, Sweden. His areas of research are international business and corporate social responsibility, especially in relation to multinational corporations in developing countries. He has previously published in Journal of Business Ethics, Business Strategy and the Environment, and Journal of Corporate Citizenship.  相似文献   

<正>皮皮熊开创了数字化智能玩具的先河,实现了从"中国制造"向"中国创造"的转变,并因此一炮而红。做中国的米老鼠"鼻子压扁了,把我抱起来。"当记者走进深圳市皮皮熊玩具有限公司董事长扈蓝天办公室时,发现一只憨态可掬的毛绒  相似文献   

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