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Using the case of the 2006 FIFA World Cup, this study is the first to test the employment effects of a mega-sporting event on the basis of data that combines both regional and sectoral data. It is also the first study of sporting events to use a semi-parametric test method. Earlier studies on the World Cup could hardly identify any employment effects. In contrast, we find a small but significant positive employment effect on the hospitality sector.  相似文献   

We study market reaction to the announcements of the selected country hosting the Summer and Winter Olympic Games, the World Football Cup, the European Football Cup and World and Specialized Exhibitions. We generalize previous results analyzing a large number and different types of mega-events, evaluate the effects for winning and losing countries, investigate the determinants of the observed market reaction and control for the ex ante probability of a country being a successful bidder. Average abnormal returns measured at the announcement date and around the event are not significantly different from zero. Further, we find no evidence supporting that industries, that a priori were more likely to extract direct benefits from the event, observe positive significant effects. Yet, when we control for anticipation, the stock price reactions around the announcements are significant.  相似文献   

During the last two decades, sponsorship as a management and marketing tool has grown remarkably. This enormous economic potential, e.g. in form of sponsoring packages, makes it necessary for the organizers of sporting events to implement a systematic marketing strategy. The present study therefore attempts to measure the effectiveness of the marketing of sporting events using brand equity as an indicator. The theoretical modeling of the brand equity and the empirical examination are case-specifically conducted for the FIFA World Cup 2006 in Germany. The elements of the marketing mix are used as drivers of the brand equity. The empirical examination identifies the product of the World Cup 2006 as the most effective driver of brand equity. Based on these results implications for the management are developed.  相似文献   

王力 《价值工程》2010,29(23):227-227
2010年南非世界杯已经落下帷幕,但32强的表现令我们回味,尤其是亚洲球队的表现更是令人称赞。通过总结南非世界杯比赛,提出世界足球的发展趋势,分析中国足球的现状,提出对中国足球发展的建议和可行措施。  相似文献   

This paper presents some results using the sport-economic simulation model SPORT. This model is based on a sport-specific input-output table for the year 1993, which has been integrated into the German INFORGE model. The performance of this model founded on the INFORUM philosophy. The results illustrate the importance of modelling sport-economic activities in deep detail, especially the integration of the system of national accounts. In addition, the results also show that it is possible to calculate the macroeconomic effects of the soccer World Cup, which may perhaps be hosted by Germany in 2006, with regard to the different financing of necessary extensions of public sports infrasfructure. Under favourable conditions-independent of the type of financing of these necessary investments-the staging of the soccer World Cup positively influences income and employment. Such calculations allow the decision-maker to estimate the opportunity costs of their decisions and can be the basis for an extended cost-benefit analysis.  相似文献   

房煜 《中国企业家》2011,(17):86-89,20
一年前,西班牙队(阿迪达斯赞助)成为历史上第八个世界杯冠军,此时欢呼胜利的,不仅有西班牙人,还有来自德国的在阿迪达斯总部工作的员工们——虽然德国队彼时刚被西班牙淘汰出局。  相似文献   

This article describes how the management and organization of the South African 2010 FIFA World Cup stadium program shaped the current legacy of an oversupply of overdesigned and underutilized stadiums. The article identifies seven key factors that explain the differences between expected benefits and the actual legacy. Identification of these factors contributes to the increasing academic interest in explaining the poor legacy outcomes of mega‐events. In conclusion, we recommend that future host country governments defragment their stadium programs by establishing a World Cup Delivery Authority (WCDA), with responsibility for the leadership and coordination of the stadium program.  相似文献   

陈媛媛 《价值工程》2010,29(31):144-145
南非世界杯已经圆满落幕,但是那些在世界杯闪耀的中国元素仍然吸引着全世界的目光。呜呜祖拉、普天同庆、中国英利、哈尔滨啤酒等一系列中国元素弥补了中国队缺席世界杯的遗憾,同时昭示着中国元素的国际化发展。然而,中国元素的世界杯之旅也暴露出诸多问题,优势与弊端并存,机遇与挑战并进,唯有明确意识,深入分析,努力创新,中国元素才不至于成为过眼云烟。  相似文献   

The importance of events to individual experiences and behaviour within organisational research is increasingly acknowledged. This research examines whether daily positive and negative affective HRM events signal employee perceptions of HRM system strength, which are expected to relate to daily work engagement via clear performance–reward expectancies. Employees completed a daily diary over ten working days and reported positive and negative daily HR events as they arose. Positive HR events associated with higher perceived event‐signalled HRM system strength compared with negative HR events, and expectancy perceptions partially mediated the effects of perceived HRM system strength on daily work engagement. The study's novel contributions include documenting the common occurrence of affective HRM events, identifying such events as an important antecedent to perceived event‐signalled HRM system strength, and extending understanding of the daily consequences of perceived HRM system strength by showing how their effects on daily work engagement are mediated by expectancies.  相似文献   

Donor conditionality involves the formal terms and commitments under which major international aid agencies, such as the World Bank and the IMF grant aid or arrange loans for developing countries. In doing so, said agencies have tended to emulate, as a matter of policy, private-sector market reforms based on the contemporary neoclassical model. As a consequence, donor conditionality tends to place formalized and regular stress on inflationary control, privatization of publicly owned equity and the deregulation of public-sector employment. In turn, the functional utility of strategic human resource management as a vehicle able to obtain major change-related outcomes has tended to give it an important role in the implementation process. This paper reports on events that took place in the Cook Islands, a central Pacific microstate, during a university-based training course for public service managers in which the government imposed on a virtual exercise the full weight of real decisionmaking process. It will attempt to place this action in a larger context by, first, critically examining the tendency for SHRM initiatives to be distorted - a situation that arises when the requirements of donor conditionality do not fit the economic, social and cultural conditions in which they are to be applied. It will conclude by reviewing some of the issues to be debated should the tendency to use a single model of reform be replaced by a more country-friendly programme of requirements.  相似文献   

徐意坤  李海乐 《价值工程》2012,31(29):286-287
近年来,大型体育赛事成为众多的城市角逐竞争的对象。事实证明,成功举办重大体育赛事,将为主办城市带来巨大的无形价值,但通过大型体育赛事,如何把体育赛事的价值成功转化为提高城市综合实力,完善和创新城市的多功能服务体系,促进和加快城市发展等城市价值,成为许多人关注的焦点之一。  相似文献   

This article considers processes of urban development within the context of mega‐event preparations in Rio de Janeiro. We begin with a brief overview of these development processes, highlighting their connections to political and economic change in recent years. Proponents of these mega‐event‐led initiatives argue that Rio is undergoing a period of inclusive growth and integration: a perspective we call here a ‘post‐Third‐World city' narrative of urban renewal. Critics, however, contend that urban officials are harnessing mega‐events (e.g. the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympic Games) to push forward a neoliberal agenda of socially unjust policies benefiting the interests of capital and marginalizing the city's poor and especially its favelas (i.e. the ‘city‐of‐exception' thesis). In this article we explore the insights of these two perspectives and consider why they have grown popular in recent years. Though we side generally with the city‐of‐exception thesis, we argue that important geographic and historical particularities must also be accounted for. Without carefully situating analytical perspectives empirically—in particular, cases in which theoretical models are drawn from European and North American contexts—urban researchers risk concealing more than they reveal in analyses of rapidly developing countries like Brazil.  相似文献   

刘勇 《价值工程》2011,30(20):314-315
随着世界女子足球的不断发展,特点不鲜明的球队是难以在发展越来越快、竞争越来越激烈的世界足坛有立足之地。通过对女子足球最重要的赛事一世界杯部分比赛的录像观察和数据的统计分析,把中国女足与第五届女足世界杯前三名球队的技战术风格特点进行比较,以探讨我国女足的技战术风格现状。  相似文献   

The author's memory of events between 1941–60 in World War Two and civilian employment in Burma and Tanganiyika, was tested by three psychologists over three days on the basis of his 3,000 page diary and other written records which had not been read since they were written.The results found discrepancies in both traumatic and non-traumatic events. The methodology involved complex interpersonal relationships related to age, sex, appearance, class, education, ethnicity, and trust in the researchers as well as issues of what to test in such a mass of material and the validity of the base line tests.The methodology brought out the need for researchers to know the social field surrounding memory such as current affairs and routine and the need for an industrial work study approach to research planning.The overall approach used an elitist language code and did not allow for the physical tiredness and social obligations of those involved.  相似文献   

物流理论在我国体育赛事中的应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
任凤香 《物流科技》2009,32(10):100-101
成功的体育赛事离不开有效的物流组织与管理。从我国体育赛事对物流的需求现状出发,对比国外成功体育赛事的物流组织,找出我国体育赛事物流存在的问题和不足,同时提出一些建议和措施加大物流理论在我国体育赛事中的应用。  相似文献   

FDI的就业效应:基于江苏三次产业的差异分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用江苏1995年-2009年的FDI与就业数据,对江苏FDI的就业效应进行了回归分析。实证研究表明,从总体来看,FDI会促进江苏就业的增加;具体到三次产业,就业效应却又有显著的差异,其中第一产业的就业效应为负,第二和第三产业的就业效应为正,但是总效应为正。因此可以说,江苏吸引FDI使得江苏更多的劳动力得到了就业的机会。  相似文献   

The study examines the differential roles of various elite political instability (PI) events—successful coups d'etat, abortive coups, or coup plots—in the growth of Sub-Saharan Africa. It analyzes World Bank economic statistics and data on the incidence of coups d'etat for 31 countries in a cross-country augmented production function framework that incorporates PI events as well as labor and capital as arguments. It finds that abortive coups, rather than successful coups, had the greatest adverse impact on economic growth over the 1960–1986 period. Coup plots were also observed to be growth-inhibiting. This deleterious "direct" effect of PI is observed to be channeled via the deterioration in the marginal productivity of capital, regardless of coup event. While abortive coups negatively influenced economic growth monotonically, however, the impacts of successful coups and coup plots appeared to be non-monotonic: negative generally but positive at very low levels of investment.  相似文献   

崔博 《价值工程》2011,30(19):328-328,F0003
对第19届世界杯足球赛决赛阶段32支球队64场比赛的145个进球特征进行统计与分析,结果表明:下半场进球数高于上半场,全场比赛结束前15 min是全场比赛进球最高峰;进球前通过传接配合是进球数最多的技、战术手段;进球方式是以脚射为主,其中,抢点直接射进球数最多。  相似文献   

家电零售巨头国美即将进入体育用品行业,一家名为“国美锐动”的公司将全权负责运营。这条有些迟到的消息吸引了众多关注的目光,外界更关心的是国美锐动和国美电器这两家企业背后的关系,但其实它们在业务上是两家完全独立的公司。事实上,国美锐动的母公司鹏润投资集团在零售连锁业的丰富经验才是其进军体育用品行业最核心的竞争力,在家电零售业竞争愈加惨烈的时候,鹏润选择进入与家电零售业有着天然相似性,且利润率高、市场广阔的体育用品行业无疑是明智之举。也许,即将出现在人们视线中的国美锐动将不仅仅是中国体育用品市场的新“航空母舰”,而更将成为改变中国商业结构的那条“鲶鱼”。  相似文献   

目前,我国的高职院校就业指导服务存在着诸多的不足和缺陷,高职院校必须把高职毕业生的就业工作放在首位,认真研究,采取有效措施,促进就业工作的改革与发展。基于此背景,笔者针对湖南省高职院校就业及其指导现状进行研究,并结合当前金融危机对高职学生就业的影响,提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

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