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OOctober 15 2008, China Unicorn merged with China Netcom, the latter declaring withdrawal from the market. Both agreed to rename "China Unicom Limited" as "China Unicorn (HongKong) Limited", which happened just after China Mobile had announced that would become its wholly-owned subsidiary and China Telecom had proclaimed that it would take over the CDMA business from China Unicorn since October 1 2008. It means that the "six to three" reorganization has finally become a reality and marks the beginning of an era of All-Service Operation for the telecom industry. The three new telecom operators will surely undergo profound changes in corporate strategy and operation areas. It is foreseeable that the merging of China Netcom with China Unicorn will rewrite the history of the development of China's telecom industry.  相似文献   

DBS and Deutsche Bank are to pur chase 10 billionshares in Guangdong Development Bank (GDB) at a price of RMB17.7 billion (US$2.18 billion). But they will not take a controlling stake, according to a source near the top management of GDB.  相似文献   

On October 14, General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of iChina released the profile of China foreign trade import and export in September and the first nine months of this year.  相似文献   

基于第四代金融危机理论、金融脆弱理论和经济与金融关系理论提出贸易摩擦对中国金融安全影响的作用路径,采用偏最小二乘路径分析法,分别构建简单路径模型和复合路径模型。结果显示,研究期复合路径模型更合理,贸易摩擦直接负面影响对中国的金融安全影响效果是显著的,并且贸易摩擦直接负面影响可通过对市场情绪产生积极引导,进而正向影响中国金融安全;而贸易摩擦直接负面影响指标通过中国经济基本面的途径影响中国金融安全的结果则不显著。据此,为了增强金融安全重要影响因素和降低市场情绪,提出以下建议:稳定利率,平衡汇率与债市;结构性调整外贸企业杠杆率,增加直接融资;培育股票市场机构投资者,增强专业性;维持较高外汇储备,应对不确定性风险;中国人民银行继续动用逆周期因子。  相似文献   

The 11th Asia-Europe Business Forum(AEBF11),organized by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade(CCPIT), was held at the China World Hotel in Beijing from October 21 to 23, 2008.With the theme"Seize the Trend,Time for Action,and PublicPrivate Partnership", the business forum ran in parallel with the Asia-Europe Meeting Summit. In the context of an increasingly grave global financial crisis, the AEBF11 attracted the concern and interest of national leaders, a variety of enterprises, and the public.  相似文献   

Nowadays, China has more and more focused Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). From October 2009, more than 600 Chinese companies have released CSR reports. According to statistics from China WTO Tribune, in 2009 China issued a total of 631 CSR reports, 3.73 times more than that released in 2008. On June 5, 2010, at the Fifth International CSR Forum, the "2009 GoldenBee CSR China Honor Roll" was held in Beijing. The Forum also released the "2009 China CSR Practice Benchmark Report",  相似文献   

On the first day of November,when Jenson Button cheered his first Formula I World Championship 2009 at the final race of the season in Abu Dhabi,Chinese young university students were busy preparing for their own Formula event.According to a press conference on October 19,2009 in Beijing,the first Formula SAE-China (FSAE) event has set off,and will be officially launch its final race next year from October 14 to October 17 at Shanghai International Circuit,where will also be the Formula 12010 China stop again in next April.  相似文献   

October 1st is a time for the whole Chinese people to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.Foreign embassies in China are extending their congratulation messages to China's Foreign Trade,dedicating to the historic day that deserves our memory.  相似文献   

The Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA) is for the first time participating in the China International Advertising Festival, lasting from October 29 to November 1, in Nanning, capital city of Guangxi province, southwest part of China. The festival is claimed to be the most influential national event in China's advertising industry calendar.  相似文献   

中国和泰国于2013年10月发表了《中泰关系发展远景规划》,其中涉及众多服务贸易合作领域,双方以服务贸易发展理念、服务贸易发展方式、服务贸易产业结构、服务贸易官方合作的创新为基础,促进中泰双边服务贸易的深入发展。  相似文献   

On October 30,2009,Ministry of Commerce of the PRC("MOFCOM"),a ministry directly under the State Council of China in charge of merger control,issued an announcement to clear the acquisition of Sanyo by Panasonic subject to conditions.  相似文献   

基于融资融券的证券信用交易体制是中国证券市场制度建设不可或缺的重要组成部分。2008年10月5日,中国证监会宣布启动融资融券试点,文章试对美国、日本、中国台湾以及中国大陆试点的信用交易模式进行了比较研究,并写了几点启示以资借鉴。  相似文献   

我国出口贸易已迈入恢复发展之际,借助多方推手共同作用的化肥行业已迎来新的转机。2009年下半年,化肥行业出口形势已经止住下跌势头,企稳回调。国家刚刚颁布的2010年关税实施方案下调了化肥行业淡季出口关税,为该行业未来出口业  相似文献   

物流园区是近年来我国现代物流业发展中出现的新型业态。2008年10月至2009年5月,江西省交通运输与物流协会、华东交通大学物流园区课题组成员在课题负责人的带领下对江西省11个地市的物流园区发展情况进行了调研,并对入驻物流园区的各类企业进行深入调查分析,了解和掌握了江西省物流园区规划、建设和经营管理等情况。通过调研发现,江西省80%的物流园区处于在建和规划状态,企业作为主体开发物流园区,物流园区运营模式尚不成熟。为此,物流园区课题组提出了针对性的政策建议,例如政府必须加强物流园区建设的统筹规划、出台政策保障机制;物流园区应与工业园区配套对接;物流园区建设和运营者要加强经营服务意识;引进、培养物流园区开发经营人才等,以期今后江西省物流园区的建设能真正从市场导向和专业化运作的角度出发,成为提供一体化服务的综合性服务平台。  相似文献   

中国消费者中外品牌偏好及关键影响因素实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据北京大学管理案例中心2004年7-10月在全国32个大中城市调查收集的数据,本文探讨了消费者中外品牌偏好的关键影响因素,研究发现年龄、受教育程度和家庭月收入是主要影响变量;试图探究影响中外品牌选择的深层次原因,研究得到"可转移价值因子"和"不可转移价值因子",它们能较好地解释中国消费者的品牌选择行为.最后针对如何开发中国市场提出了具体的营销建议.  相似文献   

联合国贸发会议(UNCTAD)发布的<2006年世界投资报告>指出:来自发展中国家和转型期经济体的外国直接投资(FDI)开始蓬勃兴起.2006年,发展中国家跨国公司对外直接投资额达到了创纪录的1200亿美元.其中,中国在吸收外资保持世界领先的同时,自身的对外直接投资也呈现出快速增长的态势,中国跨国公司的崛起已经引起全球注目.文章在分析中国对外直接投资概况的基础上.以全球视野对中国企业对外直接投资的内外动力源进行了研究,希望以此促进中国企业的对外直接投资.  相似文献   

在后金融危机时代,人们都害怕听到坏消息。美国对中国制轮胎实施特殊保护措施消息一出,便闹得沸沸扬扬。  相似文献   

10月9-11日,国际海事组织(IMO)关于通过(1997托雷莫里诺斯渔船安全公约1993议定书》以下简称《国际渔船安全公约1993年议定书》实施协议的外交大会在南非开普敦召开.会议决定.其生效条件为3600艘24米以上公海作业渔船和15个批准国.这与IM0最初提出的14000艘24米以上渔船和15个国家批准的生效条件相比.要求大大降低.意味着其近期生效的可能性进一步提高.而目前我国渔船整体技术水平较低、渔船总体船龄偏高.与国际新规的要求相比差距很大。国际渔船新规的生效在即,对我国渔船产业来说,既是危机,又是挑战,我们应努力化危为机.推动我国渔船整体升级换代。渔船国际新规将形成巨大挑战  相似文献   

October 1st is a time for the whole Chinese people to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Foreign embassies in China are extending their congratulation messages to China's Foreign Trade, dedicating to the historic day that deserves our memory. This is the day when PRC was born six decades ago. This is also a time when all the countries in the world get together to dust the global financial storm off. At this moment, we are deeply honored to share their blessings with you!  相似文献   

The 17th Chinese Communist Party Congress in October 2007 attracted attention within and outside China for the bold development agenda that was placed before delegates. After 30 years of economic reform that has produced a remarkable improvement in living standards and China's reintegration into the world economy, the Party unveiled a programme that would push China to become a world superpower over the next 30 years. China's ambition is to become a technologically innovative state, to make China a ‘moderately prosperous’ and ‘harmonious society’ with a ‘scientific outlook on development’, and to achieve full industrialisation and sustainable prosperity. Whether China is able to attain its objectives will critically depend on the Party's ability to implement the new economic policies and address the social and political challenges that economic growth has created. The aim of the paper is to examine the policies, motivations and constraints that China faces in achieving the objectives laid out at the Party Congress.  相似文献   

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