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A级车经济型家轿市场近年来已经成为车企非常重视的“战场”,随着国内车市利好政策的不断变化,既实用又实惠的经济型家轿成为了消费者的新宠。  相似文献   

Beijing will open the planning and design market, so that foreigners can participate in the urban planning which could only be made by Beijingers in the past. This is a creative action made by Beijing Urban Committee this year.Huang Yan, deputy director of Beijing Urban Committee , told the reporter that although the key task of Beijing Urban Committee is to work out the " Three major plans", i.e. to revise "Beijing Overall Urban Planning", to draw up "Strategic Research  相似文献   

We examine interlinkages of stock return behavior for China and three emerging market neighbors from the Asia Pacific region from November 1993 to July 2008. Results are based on a VAR model. Impulse responses and vector decomposition of VAR are also utilized. Evidence suggests that the aggregate markets are mostly not interrelated. However, we observe relations between China and the other markets when foreign investor returns are specifically accounted for. In addition, a shock originating in China is significantly felt in the other equity markets. Stock market characteristics and macroeconomic conditions of these countries may help explain the observed relations.  相似文献   

The study investigates price discovery in the Indian stock market and finds that spot market plays a dominating role in price discovery when it is estimated for the entire period as a whole. However, periodic measures of price discovery suggest that it does not remain the same throughout the period, but varies with time. Panel data analysis also indicates that spot market is more efficient in price discovery for majority of size and sector panels. Finally, while market state-related variables are found to impact information shares in a majority of the cases, macroeconomic announcements rarely predict the price discovery.  相似文献   

影响房地产市场的供需因素及调控机制探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
房价包括了土地成本、建设成本、管理成本、财务成本、销售成本以及合理的开发利润.但是,我们应该认识到影响房价的因素还包括利率、汇率、心理预期等等.因此,不能简单的把房价的上涨归结于土地价格的快速上涨,也不能片面地认为是开发企业的暴利和疯狂拿地行为助推了房价的上涨,而是要从研究影响房地产供求关系的因素入手.  相似文献   

受造船业整条产业链系统风险释放影响,2009年上半年国际造船市场继续延续去年10月份以来的低迷态势,订单撤销、合同重谈等诸多深层次矛盾日益尖锐,形势严峻程度远超预期。从发展趋势看,短期内影响造船市场发展的诸多不利因素仍将继续存在,当前低迷的行情态势难以有效改变。但需指出的是,再坏的市场,需求终归存在,如果下半年世界经济能有效改善,  相似文献   

继8月销量稳步增长之后,上海大众“飓风行动”拉动效应继续显现。10月8日出台的全国乘用车统计数据显示,在整体市场低迷的情况下,9月份上海大众以26698辆销量延续了8月的增长势头。  相似文献   

从次贷危机到金融危机,再到经济危机,一连串危机连锁反应.其波及范围之广,影响程度之深,冲击强度之大远远超出人们预料,直接把2009年世界经济、航运市场和造船市场拖入谷底。展望2010年.国际造船市场面临的宏观经济环境仍充满诸多不确定性因素,航运市场也很难随经济回暖而及时复苏.国际造船市场从某些方面(新船订单)很可能进一步回暖.但总体上走不出“严冬”,2010年仍将是困难重重的一年。  相似文献   

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