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Rigour is required in examining the empirical validity of theories in organizational management, and is often considered to be the opposite of creativity in the development of knowledge about managing organizations. In this article, we argue that rigour is necessary in the enterprise of organizational management research. Moreover, it can actually be a contributor to creativity. The issue is not rigour versus creativity, but rather how rigour can foster creativity. We show that rigour in both theory and methodology can foster creativity. Rigour in theory provides the logical thinking that is the foundation that allows the development of sound theory. This can be achieved in various ways, including theory building, mathematical modelling, causal modelling, and theory analysis. Rigour in methodology can assist creativity in quantitative integration. The contribution of rigour to creativity is evidenced by the recently created statistico‐organizational theory and other new advancements in the field of structural contingency research. 相似文献
随着现代战争对保障能力要求的不断提高,构建配送式后勤保障新模式势在必行。从现代战争特点出发,阐述了实施配送式保障的必要性,然后深入分析了我军实施配送式保障面临的主要障碍,最后,提出了发展配送式保障的具体建议,对我军保障能力现代化改革具有重要的参考价值。 相似文献
人已经成为企业发展最为重要的因素。企业是否成功的实施用人机制和激励机制,在很大程度上影响了企业的发展。企业要在遵循一定的原理基础上,积极实施现代企业用人机制和激励机制,并且不断地完善企业的各项配套机制,才能在未来激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地。 相似文献
The Cognitive Style Index: A Measure of Intuition-Analysis For Organizational Research 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Almost 1000 adults participated in the development of the Cognitive Style Index (CSI), a new measure designed specifically for use with managerial and professional groups. the objectives of the study were, first, to produce a psychome-trically sound instrument suitable for application in large-scale organizational studies, and second, through its development, to confirm empirically the generic intuition-analysis dimension of cognitive style. Findings suggest that each objective was largely fulfilled. At a time when there is a burgeoning interest in intuition as a basis for decision making and problem solving in organizations, the CSI would appear to be a notable addition to the small collection of measures appropriate for survey research. 相似文献
中国现在需要的不是理想社会,而是社会理想李泽厚82岁了。80岁那一年,他用两句话总结自己的心境:惜彼春华,仓惶避豺虎;抚今秋暮,白眼看鸡虫。并自注:豺虎者,反右、文革也。谁是鸡虫?记者问。泛指。自以为了不起的那些人,而且主要是指学界。他答。这个上世纪下半叶中国首屈一指的思想家如今满头飞雪,走路也得依靠拐杖了。他身体不好,但思维敏捷,你还没说完,他就知道你要说的是什么。有本杂志为他拍了个封面 相似文献
Tax-Induced Slow Turnover of Capital, II 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
■接下来的两年将是全球经济长期增长的开始,这个增长期将持续到2015年。在此期间,发展中国家将有可能实现“千年发展计划”■中国(8.8%)、俄罗斯(8.0%)、印度(6.0%)在2004年的强劲增长超出预料,达到30年来最高水平。2005年可能出现发展中国家经济复苏首次领先于高收入国家的情况■油价的持续走高将使2005的GDP下降大约0.5%。贫困国家受到的打击更大,因为能源进口在它们的进口总量中占据了相对高的份额。这样的经济局势将使得贸易震动变得更加敏感■如果不能通过软着陆来减缓中国过快的经济发展速度,将造成很严重的后果。世界银行预测,软着陆将使中国的发展速度从目前的8.8%下降到2006年的7.1% 相似文献
Peter Warr 《Human Resource Management Journal》1993,4(2):22-38
Peter Warr, Director of the MRC/ESRC Social and Applied Psychology Unit and a member of the ESRC Centre for Economic Performance, draws upon the Labour Force Survey and a study of members of the Institute of Management to provide detailed information about the incidence and duration of training undertaken by managers at different ages. In the context of projected ageing of the working population, he makes recommendations at three levels: encouraging adaptability through organisational norms, developing and applying training procedures which are effective for older learners, and the creation of national training targets for managers. 相似文献