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Considerations of justice have moved to a central place in planning theory following Susan Fainstein's (2010) eloquent plea to elevate justice to the principal criterion for the evaluation of planning practice. Justice based on this understanding is the object of planningthe normative end that planning practice should strive to achieve. In this essay I explore the implications for planning theory and practice of making justice the subject rather than the object of planning. This formulation places justice at the center of rather than regarding it as the outcome of practice: what is of concern here is planning as the practice of justice rather than the justice of planning practice. The question for planning in this mode shifts from ‘Is this a just outcome?' to ‘What is justice in this situation?'. Based on John Dewey's pragmatist philosophy, this question transcends the dualisms between subject and object, and process and outcome, by understanding outcomes as already formulated (what Dewey called ends‐in‐view) in the process of their production. A planning process that takes justice as its subject is anti‐foundational and contextual rather than universal, anticipatory rather than retrospective, generative of solutions rather than evaluative of outcomes, culturally encompassing rather than project‐delimited, and inclusively democratic rather than expert‐driven. Examples from a variety of sources illustrate the practice of justice as the subject of planning.  相似文献   

张朝华 《价值工程》2011,30(4):320-321
儒家义利观与马克思主义义利观形成、发展的条件迥然不同,它们有明显的分歧和冲突。但同时它们都是人类智慧的结晶,因而又有共通之处。本文试图对儒家义利观与马克思主义义利观进行分析、比较,批判地继承儒家义利观的精华,为建立既具有民族特色,又符合时代精神的科学义利观服务。  相似文献   

Although there are many studies that utilize the constructs of procedural and distributive justice, this research tends to ignore the implications of the bivariate relationship between the two constructs. The stronger the relationship between the two constructs, the more problematic ignoring this relationship becomes. Therefore, a meta-analysis was conducted to estimate the relationship between procedural and distributive justice. We also conducted an initial assessment of extent to which the relationship between procedural and distributive justice was context sensitive. Finally, a series of methodological moderators was evaluated. Results indicated that the relationship between procedural and distributive justice is strong (= .64) across all studies. However, this relationship was moderated by research context, and even within research context, there was substantial evidence of variability. The results of the meta-analysis were discussed in terms of implications for theory, research methods, and construct measurement in justice research.  相似文献   


In this paper, we examine how entrepreneurs living in communities under continuous threat prepare themselves to continue with their enterprising activities or engage in new ones after the expected crisis occurs. Most of the crisis literature on disasters and entrepreneurship focuses on aftermath responses, but the antecedents of such entrepreneurial behaviour and its connection to past and future crises remains largely unexplored. Based on a two-stage exploratory study pre and post the Calbuco Volcano eruptions in 2015 and 2016 in Chile, we introduce the notion of entrepreneurial preparedness in a context of continuous threat and elaborate on its four central attributes: anchored reflectiveness, situated experience, breaking through, and reaching out. Subsequently, our work develops a refined understanding of pre and post-disaster entrepreneurship and offers a novel base for theorizing on the relationship between entrepreneurial preparedness in contexts of continuous threat.  相似文献   

随着对个体复原力研究的不断深入,职场灵性作为反映员工内在需求的重要变量是影响个体复原力的关键因素,本研究在理清个体复原力组成要素的基础上,尝试从职场灵性与个体复原力各组成要素的关系视角,将职场灵性实践引入到个体复原力的发展过程中,为个体复原力的研究贡献价值。  相似文献   


The Civil Contingencies Act (2004 Civil Contingencies Act. 2004. Contingency Planning Regulations 2005, London: The Stationery Office. No. 2042 Statutory Instruments [Google Scholar]) in the United Kingdom introduced new responsibilities for public authorities regarding Business Continuity Management (BCM) and other emergency planning activities. Using content analysis techniques, this study examined thirty-four English county councils' websites to examine the extent to which this online medium communicated these new responsibilities to stakeholders. Using key-word-in-context (KWIC) and content clustering, this exploratory study found that local authorities' websites were far from generic in their web-based communications about their new Civil Contingencies Act responsibilities and BCM activities, and it reveals a number of differing website traits, motivations and orientations.  相似文献   

审计正义是正义理论中一个重要的内容和形式,是当代经济社会发展过程中日渐凸现的一个重大伦理问题.审计正义以规范性为主要特征、从制度或体制的视角对社会正义进行审视,表达出人类对正义的追求.本文从经济学和伦理学相结合的角度阐述了正义、审计的基本内涵,论述了审计与正义的关联和冲突;从正义理论的发展、秩序和规则、现实操作等三个角度分析了审计正义凸现的背景及其意义.  相似文献   

The present article discusses the state of the science regarding the connection between organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) as reflected by the articles included in this issue. The research described in these articles reaches a conclusion in need of further elaboration—namely, that people will behave altruistically toward the oroganizations in which they work when they believe those organizations have treated them fairly. Various conceptual issues are discussed. These include: the willingness of people to express inequity distress by withholding OCB, the relative importance of procedural justice compared to distributive justice as a determinant of OCB (especially the social aspects of procedural justice), and the extent to which a reduction in OCB may reflect a desire to influence another individual, or the organization in general. A variety of methodological issues are also discussed. In this connection, it is suggested that correlational, questionnaire measures be supplemented by open-ended interview studies as well as laboratory investigations. Moreover, if questionnaires continue to be used, then it is recommended that attempts be made to improve the validity of both measures of justice and OCB.  相似文献   


Research on resilience has accumulated a vast body of knowledge which has assisted in comprehending complex HRM issues in diverse organizational settings. Yet, the existing studies have hitherto not paid sufficient attention to the multifaceted aspects of resilience and occupational contexts. We join the conversation with resilience, wellbeing and HRM by suggesting that investigating resilience from a multidisciplinary perspective situated in varying occupational contexts can advance our collective understandings of the phenomena in important ways. This paper has three general objectives. First, we show that resilience has been a long-standing issue in organizational behavior and organization studies and provide an overview of the puzzles that underpin and trigger this special issue. Second, we highlight the key insights and contributions of the papers included in this special issue by reviewing their theoretical underpinnings, methodological approaches and findings. Finally, we outline a future research agenda on resilience in organizations that can help advance international HRM research.  相似文献   

郭臻  张峰  王娜娜 《价值工程》2011,30(8):85-85
介绍了回弹法测定混凝土强度的原理,利用最小二乘法求得了大庆地区混凝度强度测定的回弹法公式.  相似文献   

张英 《价值工程》2011,30(26):23-24
本文试图从弹性管理的思想中找到一条规避供应链风险的途径,并且通过对供应链弹性的分析,分别从弹性生产,在供应链设计时"预嵌"弹性,提高供应链敏捷性,构建环境弹性等四个方面进行基于风险规避的供应链弹性的塑造。  相似文献   

首先,从弹性的定义和内涵出发,结合应急物流的特性,可以把应急物流网络弹性分成柔性、可靠性来研究。通过对这两种属性的研究,总结出弹性的概念和内涵,找出影响应急物流网络弹性的规律。接着,分别研究了这两种属性的概念及度量方法,并针对应急物流特性提出了参考的度量方法,这为应急物流网络弹性研究作好了铺垫。最后,根据应急物流网络性质,提出了一些应急物流网络弹性的研究方向和方法。  相似文献   

朱新球 《价值工程》2010,29(35):45-46
本文借助CNKI、ISI、EBSCO、EMERALD等文献数据库,采用文献计量学方法从众多研究成果中筛选并确定出影响供应链弹性因素,通过ISM方法探析各影响因素间的关系和层次结构。  相似文献   

The authors examine the relationship between gender and organizational justice perceptions and the implications of this relationship for organizing women. They employ a survey study design to confirm expectations associated with the anecdotal literature on this topic, namely that women place greater value on interactional justice than on distributive or procedural justice. Results indicate that gender leads to valuing interactional justice more highly only in interaction with race. Specifically, in contrast to white women and both white and black men, black women give greater weight to being treated with dignity and respect than to the other two organizational justice dimensions.
Patricia A. SimpsonEmail:

To answer key questions concerning how negative and positive financial performance gaps motivate organizations to build more resilient systems, we develop a conceptual process model to reveal the process by which financially and sustainability‐driven organizations can translate these negative and positive financial performance gaps into organizational resilience. We specify the different modes of search behaviors that these organizations pursue when encountering negative and positive financial performance gaps. We then expand on group engagement model to theorize that vicarious search is likely to encourage limiting behaviors, whereas internal search is likely to foster promotion behaviors. Finally, we explain how both promoting and limiting behaviors can be helpful in improving organizational resilience. In this way, we hope to advance research that connects and integrates relatively disparate realms and, more specifically, to contribute to the sustainability, resilience, and performance feedback literatures.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the possible instrumental characteristics of extrarole behaviours. Specifically, the motivation to perform beyond role requirements for future rewards is discussed. It is first argued that the motivation to engage in extrarole behaviors may stem from a reaction to inequity, or from a desire to receive rewards that cannot be achieved through the performance of official role requirements. Then, using data from two recent studies as support, it is proposed that these extrarole behaviors will only occur if the organizational reward system operates in a just, procedurally fair manner. Finally, the conceptual issues of how procedural justice might contribute to intrapreneurship and entrepreneurship are discussed.  相似文献   

张文佳 《价值工程》2010,29(21):66-66
本文通过对豫南地区土质情况进行相关试验测试及进行数据分析,建立了土基回弹模量同回弹弯沉的相关关系式,并同规范公式进行了比较。  相似文献   

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