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资产负债管理是影响寿险公司经营成败的重要因素,其长期目标是经济价值最大化.在信息不对称的情况下,会计报表成为寿险公司实施资产负债管理的重要依据和管理内容.我国保险业实施新会计准则后,寿险公司资产与负债的计量方式发生重大变化,会计报表的波动性显著增加,对资产负债管理提出了严峻的挑战.本文研究了新会计准则对传统险、分红险和...  相似文献   

The Islamic banking and finance system is recent in origin. Its special features preclude the application of modern finance theories. The system is briefly described in this paper as part of an initial attempt to develop a simple model for the portfolio management of an Islamic bank. The model is built on the assumption of certainty for one period. A numerical example based on actual data of Faisal Islamic Bank of Sudan is given to illustrate the model and reveal its relevance.  相似文献   

It is already foreseeable that Solvency II will tie capital requirements to a very comprehensive risk definition including underwriting and market risks. The new regulatory framework will demand more sophisticated tools to detect interest rate risks on both sides of the balance sheet in an integrated approach. Efforts by life insurers to level these risks could lead to an increased demand for long term fixed income securities. At this point the question arises if this industry wide change in asset demand will have or already has had an impact on prices of long-term bonds and the yield curve in the Euro-Zone?  相似文献   

Models of bank behavior are developed which incorporate both deposit and loan demand uncertainty. Extensions of the traditional and simple deposit uncertainty model involve the inclusion of required reserves, fixed penalty costs for reserve deficiencies, limits on normal borrowing, and uncertain spot loan demand and use of lines of credit. Results include normal borrowing limits as a new theoretical constraint on bank size and the existence of small fixed costs as a reason for the real world lack of deficient reserves. Policy conclusions include the effects of current reserve accounting and the effects of various interest rate changes.  相似文献   

We consider a Constant Elasticity of Variance (CEV) model for the asset price of a defaultable asset showing the so-called leverage effect (high volatility when the asset price is low). We show that a VaR constraint re-evaluated over time induces an agent more risk averse than a logarithmic utility to take more risk than in the unconstrained setting.  相似文献   

This paper develops a model to explain the widely used investment mandates in the institutional asset management industry based on two insights: first, giving a manager more investment flexibility weakens the link between fund performance and his effort in the designated market, and thus increases agency cost. Second, the presence of outside assets with negatively skewed returns can further increase the agency cost if the manager is incentivized to pursue outside opportunities. These effects motivate narrow mandates and tight tracking error constraints to most fund managers except those with exceptional talents. Our model sheds light on capital immobility and market segmentation that are widely observed in financial markets, and highlights important effects of negatively skewed risk on institutional incentive structures.  相似文献   

This paper shows that revenues from a sample of publicly traded US asset management companies carry substantial market risks. Not only does this challenge the academic risk management literature about the predominance of operative risks in asset management, it is also at odds with current practice in asset management firms. Asset managers do not hedge market risks even though these risks are systematically built into the revenue generation process. This is surprising as shareholders would not optimally choose asset management companies as their source of market beta. They rather prefer to participate in alpha generation and fund gathering expertise of investment managers as financial intermediaries. At the very minimum, asset managers need to monitor their ‘fees at risk’ to understand what impact product design, benchmark choice and fee contract design have on revenue volatility. This calls for a much wider interpretation of the risk management function that too narrowly focuses on client risks.  相似文献   

We have recently witnessed an increasing interaction between banking and insurance. Banks which are concerned about their risk level are insuring some of their loans with specialized underwriters. Some banks are also becoming involved in the role of providing special insurance packages to their stockholders or depositors. A comparative analysis of bank and insurance asset management models shows a high degree of complementarity. This complementarity suggests an increasing interdependence and a growth of financial exchanges between banking and insurance industries.  相似文献   

We consider economies and diseconomies of scope for large U.S. banks by employing ordinary and hybrid translog cost functions. We examine the regularity conditions in output space where scope estimates are calculated and reject all models for which these conditions fail. The translog model always possesses violations. For the hybrid translog, violations occur in every case except one. In this one case, we find economies of scope.  相似文献   

It is common in the supervision of banks to perform and disclose a simultaneous standardized assessment of their asset quality, organizational effectiveness, strategic viability and resilience to financial turmoil. By investigating the European Central Bank 2014 Comprehensive Assessment and the stock reactions of the banks to its findings, we find that this process provides limited assistance to the market in sorting good from troubled banks. Notwithstanding, the market adjusts to these findings, since it understands that they signal the stance of supervisory policy toward banking activities, which begets the level of regulatory risk and cost for the supervised banks.  相似文献   

魏国雄 《银行家》2007,(7):69-71
公司治理和风险管理之间存在着密切内在的联系,公司治理结构是风险管理的一个基础平台,公司治理机制是风险管理最基本的机制,风险管理是公司治理的重要内容和目的。银行公司治理的核心,主要是提高风险掌控能力,研究银行的公司治理,必须要研究银行风险管理战略和目标。  相似文献   

随着全球经济和科技的快速发展,银行业呈现出一些新的发展趋势,如综合化经营、信息化生存、资本化运作和国际化发展,特别是信息技术的迅速发展及其在金融领域的深入和广泛应用,银行业的竞争焦点与经营模式均发生了巨大变化。借助信息技术,银行实现了业务处理自动化、经营管理信息化、客户渠道及其延伸的多样化。实践表明,银行业的经营管理和服务离不开信息技术的应用;信息技术已经成为银行业发展的外在牵引力和实施经营管理变革的利器。因此,银行信息系统对银行生存和发展起着重要作用,而作为承载银行信息系统的基础设施的银行计算机网络,其可用性水平将直接影响银行信息系统的运行质量。  相似文献   

本文将信息化商业银行的科技管理职能概括为如下领域:信息技术参考模型、信息技术工程标准化管理、软件工程过程管理和质量控制、信息技术服务管理、金融创新支撑与人力资源管理,从系统工程的角度对银行信息化作了全面的阐述.全文包括6部分内容:商业银行信息技术基础结构、商业银行信息技术参考模型、信息技术工程标:位化管理、软件工程过程管理与质量控制、信息技术服务管理、金融创新支撑与人力资源管理,本刊将分3期刊发。  相似文献   

加快信息技术创新推进银行管理信息化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着知识经济时代的到来,日新月异的信息技术引发了商业银行经营管理一次次重大的变革,以存、贷、汇为特征的传统银行正逐步向以全面金融服务为特征的现代银行转变。在我国,信息技术在银行业的应用正从业务作业层向经营管理层、决策层快速推进,渗透到银行经营管理的各个领域。管理信息化已成为当前我国商业银行信息技术应用的最重要课题,成为缩短与国际现代商业银行经营管理差距、全面提升综合竞争实力的重要途径。本文将以中国工商银行信息技术在管理领域的应用为背景,与大家共同回顾分析我国银行业管理信息化的发展历程和美好前景。  相似文献   

我国经济社会的快速发展,对资金流动的效率和便捷性提出了越来越高的需求。各商业银行的电话银行、自助银行、网上银行、柜面通业务的开设,部分地满足了这种需求;人民银行的现代化支付系统,也在一定程度上满足了这一不断增长的需求。  相似文献   

银行财务管理系统的设计与管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为适应国有银行向商业银行转轨,加强银行内部财务监督和控制,规范各项财务收支行为,推行全面成本管理,以中国工商银行<财务管理制度>和<基本会计制度>为依据,并针对中国工商银行上饶市分行财务管理的实际要求,我们设计开发了一套网络化的财务管理系统,运用于全行及所辖各县市支行、办事处及核算中心等分支机构进行财务管理.  相似文献   

We study risk assessment using an optimal portfolio in which the weights are functions of latent factors and firm-specific characteristics (hereafter, diffusion index portfolio). The factors are used to summarize the information contained in a large set of economic data and thus reflect the state of the economy. First, we evaluate the performance of the diffusion index portfolio and compare it to both that of a portfolio in which the weights depend only on firm-specific characteristics and an equally weighted portfolio. We then use value-at-risk, expected shortfall, and downside probability to investigate whether the weights-modeling approach, which is based on factor analysis, helps reduce market risk. Our empirical results clearly indicate that using economic factors together with firm-specific characteristics helps protect investors against market?risk.  相似文献   

在以"依法治国与资产管理市场改革"为主题的中国财富管理50人论坛第三届年会上,交通银行资产管理中心总裁马续田指出,中国资产管理与全球领先水平差距巨大,必须抓住人民币国际化等历史机遇,稳步迈向国际化、全球化。他说中国资管行业遥望全球巨人中国国内银行理财的发展速度是非常快的,十年时间从零到15万亿人民币,平均每年增长40%。但是与全球的资产管理巨人相比,还有非常大的差距。通过以下几个指标可以看出来。一是AUM的规模。目前中国国内银行最大的资产管理规模两万多亿人民币,相当于三千多亿美元。全球主  相似文献   

经济责任界定是经济责任审计的重要内容.行长任期经济责任界定是否恰当准确、客观与否,关系到行长经济责任审计的质量,也关系到审计的风险,更关系到党和政府对干部使用的导向.本文结合学习贯彻中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅印发<党政主要领导干部和国有企业领导人员经济责任审计规定>(以下简称<规定>)的体会,从实践出发,针对当前国有...  相似文献   

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