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As in many other areas around the globe, enclosed residential spaces have proliferated in Southeast Asia since the 1990s. Recent publications have presented such gated communities as ‘porous enclaves', implying multiple socio‐spatial dynamics of movements through gates and walls. However, the enclave model does not suffice for analyzing the relational dynamics generated by enclosed residential estates. The concept of ‘ecotonal space' and social geography are used to show, in the case of Cambodia's capital Phnom Penh, that the enclosure and its borders are producers and products of multiple social, spatial, economic and political relations, both symbolic and material. Property developers assert their position as an emerging elite in the city's society and politics, a process based on different types of everyday relations they have with the inhabitants of their residential estates and territorial institutions. The enclosed residential estate can serve as a resource for deploying new power relations. Consubstantial with the neopatrimonial nature of the Cambodian economy and politics, this process is a response to the opacity and uncertainty of real estate markets and urban development.  相似文献   

This article analyses the development and marketing of Islamic gated communities in Basaksehir, Istanbul. It demonstrates how a blueprint of public–private urban development was appropriated by middle‐class Islamists. The gated communities in Basaksehirwhich, at the outset, were not explicitly religious—gradually became attractive to religious actors searching for enclosed urban enclaves where Islamic communities would be protected against perceived moral‐urban threats. While urban‐religious enclaves appear to bear similarities to pre‐modern Ottoman Islamic urban enclaves, the rise of contemporary Islamic gated communities should be understood in light of the recent coming to power of the Islamist Turkish government. In cooperation with this government, housing development agencies approached Islamic investors to find capital for their public–private housing projects. One of the results of this form of urban development is that, contrary to pre‐modern Ottoman Islamic urban enclaves, the Islamic gated communities are homogenous in terms of economic class, catering specifically to the Islamic middle classes. Moreover, people who invest in Basaksehir desire an urban‐religious lifestyle that differs from the ‘traditional' religious lifestyle experienced in ‘traditional' Islamic neighbourhoods. The specific urban‐religious configuration generates a new type of Islam that better fits middle‐class values and a middle‐class lifestyle.  相似文献   

户口、迁移与居住分异——以武汉为例的实证研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
计划经济时期的中国城市居住分异程度很低.转型期间快速的城市化和住房的市场化导致了大量人口的迁移迁居,使原来相对均质的单位社区转变为多元的、异质的城市空间,各种新型社区如破旧的移民社区和富有的门禁社区也都应运而生.城市的居住分异日益明显,居住区位也日渐成为社会经济地位的标志.根据武汉市2000年人口普查0.1%按户抽样数据,将市区人口分为市内未迁居居民、市内迁居居民、市外永久移民和市外暂时移民,从户口、迁移迁居和居住的关系分析不同人群在城市中的居住区位及分异状况.与西方城市相比,武汉市区目前的居住分异和隔离程度不高,但各分区的居住隔离程度存在明显差异,特定人群在城市某些区位的分畀隔离程度已达到相当高的程度,各类人群也存在一定程度的孤立性.政府相关部门应对此予以重视.  相似文献   

This article adds to recent debates on the emergence of new forms of private gated developments in Turkey that specifically target the upper middle classes. In particular, it focuses on the rise of residential gated developments along the Izmir‐Ce?me expressway to highlight how the dialectics between gender, nature and culture are reinforced in these places. The article, based on a case study of three gated developments in this region, suggests that their production is made possible through a series of dualisms between nature and culture, mobility and fixity, urban public life and gendered domesticity, urban modernity and rural parochialism, polluted city and healthy town. Based on interviews with architects, developers and residents, as well as local‐authority officials in Urla town who sanction these developments, this article argues that contradictions between different sets of dualisms form a central aspect of the processes through which these developments were designed, produced, marketed and inhabited. Taken collectively, these contradictions point broadly to the limits of gated communities in creating stable, adaptable and sustainable patterns of development in Turkey and the global South.  相似文献   

The spectacular growth of gated communities around Latin America’s largest cities has been widely noted. In Buenos Aires, after the upgrade of the northern highway in the 1990s, the number of gated communities along the road more than tripled, reaching 500 by the year 2001. Yet, the geographic distribution of these communities was uneven, with the majority concentrated in municipalities with the highest percentage of poor households. Why, given similar land prices, land availability, access to infrastructure and distance to the city’s core, did developers build gated communities in the poorest municipalities? This article argues that the decentralization of planning controls contributed to these patterns of distribution. While wealthier municipalities used this prerogative to enforce tighter controls on land use, the less affluent ones relied on their capacity to modify planning codes to lure real estate developers. Unlike well‐serviced municipalities, who perceived the gated communities’ privatization of services as a potential danger to their fiscal tax base, the municipalities that lacked urban services in most of their territory saw gated communities as a fast and inexpensive way of increasing local economic activities in less productive lands. As a consequence, after decentralization of planning capacities, the development of gated communities clustered in less affluent municipalities, hence deepening the social polarization in these jurisdictions.  相似文献   

空间重构语境下的城市空间属地型碎片化倾向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡咏嘉  宋伟轩 《城市发展研究》2011,18(12):90-94,114
转型期城市空间重构过程中,中国城市结构逐渐表现出类似于西方的社会空间碎片化特征,而中国以门禁社区为表征的城市空间属地型碎片化倾向则具有其独特性.主要表现为:社会阶层分化以后,不同阶层的社会群体聚居在城市特定区位和社区内,彼此间社会空间通过门禁与围墙相互隔离,并伴随着城市宏观空间的破碎状态和公共空间的私有化侵占.在此基础...  相似文献   

在阐述中国封闭社区的兴起背景及其特征的基础上,重点分析了中国封闭社区产生的社会文化机理,并就中国封闭社区成为城市主导居住模式后,产生的城市公共空间私有化倾向、居住隔离与社会排斥加剧等社会空间问题进行探讨。认为封闭社区是中国社会转型期的必然产物,但这种居住模式的固有弊端严重影响着社会和谐,政府和规划者应该采取相应规划手段减少封闭社区带来的负面效应。  相似文献   

阐述了城市化的推进和消防职能的扩展都要求重视城市消防治理。分析了治理主体的阻力分别源于个人的多元思想行为与私属空间、商业组织的逐利性、消防部门的末端性和防御性、社区客观环境及其组织管理能力的缺陷,以及政府相关部门配合的缺乏。提出了通过完善城市消防治理的基础法律体系,依靠制度明确政府与市场的关系,设计可以长久坚守的科学运行机制,加强以社区为依托的治理平台建设,实现城市消防治理。  相似文献   

大数据、云计算、物联网、互联网、人工智能为城市社区智慧治理提供了技术基础,也为提升基层治理效率描绘了令人心动的未来图景。城市社区智慧治理的基本类型主要包括合作整合、能动促进、技术治理三种类型。城市社区智慧治理主要受治理价值转变和治理效率提升等内部因素,以及政策导向、市场创新、技术改良、群众需求等外部因素驱动。城市社区智慧治理的整合机制包括规则与技术的互嵌意愿、规则与技术的互惠规范、规则与技术的体制融合、规则与技术的治理创新。为此,需要通过技术与规则的理念嵌入、平台融合和能力提升,建构城市社区智慧治理的需求、运作和支撑系统。  相似文献   

An alternative to centralized top-down city governance is a multi-level bottom-up structure based on small neighborhood contractual communities. This paper analyzes the voting rules and public finances of decentralized, contractual urban governance and the likely outcome of such a constitutional structure, substantially reduced transfer seeking or rent seeking. Tax and service substitution, with lower-level funding and services substituting for higher-level public finance, is the general process by which the governance would devolve. Land rent is the most feasible source of such decentralized public finance, and local communities could also engage in local currency and credit services. Some empirical examples demonstrate the implementation of some of these governance structures.  相似文献   

陈俊峰 《城市问题》2011,(10):15-20
当前我国城市居住空间的符号分化趋势日益明显,不同档次居住空间的符号生成机制存在差异,而符号分化的居住空间将对居住群体的社会身份产生建构作用。本文在实证调研的基础上对这些问题加以描述和分析。  相似文献   

城市居住与就业的空间配合研究——以北京市为例   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
随着中国社会经济的发展,近年来很多地区都经历着快速的城市化,一些大中城市出现了普遍的非自然性产业演替过程,这个过程中又伴随着城市人口的迅速膨胀和城市面积的急剧扩张,多种因素的共同作用使得中国一些大城市面临着不同程度的人口空间失配问题.论文通过对北京市不同区域内3个社区进行实地调研,在考察了各个社区内部居民通勤方式和工作可通达度之后得出关于北京市空间失配情况的结论,建议规划部门和房地产开发企业对新出现的空间失配现象给予足够重视,调整按照旧有城市发展进程设定的规划或开发选址思路.  相似文献   

现有的治理理论无法为政府主导型的社区模式改革提供具体的实施途径,我国社区治理失灵的现象比比皆是。新公共管理中政府再造原则、战略与工具为我国社区管理改革提供了可以借鉴的模式,即获得授权的社区、居民驱使的社区、协作型社区、企业型社区与竞争型社区。  相似文献   

This article examines the link between local government fragmentation, or “Tiebout choice,” and segregation between black and white residents. As suggested by Tiebout [Tiebout, C., 1956. A pure theory of local public expenditures. Journal of Political Economy 64, 416–424.], fragmented local governance structures may encourage households to vote with their feet and sort into communities based on their willingness to pay for local public services. This outcome has been well documented. The nuance explored here is that, if the demand for local public services varies by race or if households have preferences for neighbors with specific racial characteristics, local government fragmentation may foster an increase in residential segregation by race across neighborhoods and jurisdictions. Results from metropolitan-level regressions suggest that increased Tiebout choice is associated with increases in black–white residential segregation within US metropolitan areas. Comparable results are obtained from household-level estimates, where the black racial composition of a household's census tract of residence is regressed on household-level controls and racially stratified measures of Tiebout choice. Results from both approaches suggest that a 10% increase in Tiebout choice would increase neighborhood segregation by no more than 1%, while segregation across jurisdictions would increase by between 4% and 7%.  相似文献   

赵静  闫小培 《城市问题》2012,(3):74-78,87
快速城市化背景下,"城中村"非正规住房逐渐成为城市居住格局的重要组成部分。以深圳市为例,探讨不同利益主体在"城中村"非正规住房供给过程中的角色及相互关系。研究发现,地方政府、村集体、城中村村民、合作建房者和外来人口构成了"城中村"非正规住房供给过程中的主要利益主体,并承担着不同的角色和功能,形成了以城中村村民为核心的关系网络。利益主体相互关联形成不同类型的利益共同体,共同推动"城中村"非正规住房的形成和发展。在此基础上,提出了"城中村"非正规住房的管治方向与建议。  相似文献   

依据对天津市两个居住区进行参与观察和个案访谈所获得的田野材料,通过比较研究的方法,揭示了社区的阶层化现状,勾画出不同社区居民之间的社会分层和不平等状况。并进一步指出,缩小城市区位差异、减少城市中的居住隔离不仅牵涉自然资源和社会资源的公平分配和使用,同时也关乎个体发展的代际公平。  相似文献   

In this article, I examine how contemporary Berlin is governed, with a particular focus on the production of urban space. My points of reference are the term ‘government’ (as employed by Foucault) and the field of governmentality studies (where it is applied empirically). Based on a critical discourse and dispositive analysis of the city's current urban development policy, I propose that urban governance in Berlin may be analysed through the lens of three central dispositives: the dispositive of governing through citizenship; the dispositive of the creative city; and the dispositive of the social city. I discuss the characteristics of these dispositives of urban governance, drawing on a number of examples taken from the discipline of urban space production in order to look specifically at the aims and objectives of governance, its subjects and the ways it manifests itself. In conclusion, I suggest that the new forms of governance based on empowerment and cooperation have by no means replaced disciplinary technologies of governance, but are rather embedded within them.  相似文献   

Haram City is Egypt's first ‘affordable’ gated community, hosting both aspirational middle‐class homeowners and resettled poor urban residents. Amidst legal ambiguity during Egypt's 2011–2013 revolutionary period, the management team of this public–private partnership was tasked with creating a ‘fully self‐sufficient’ city. While Haram City is the product of top‐down ‘seeing like a state’ master planning (Scott, 1998 ), the day‐to‐day resolution of class vulnerabilities and disputes over ‘reasonableness’ in city life requires forms of interpersonal adjudication otherwise addressed through local urban law‘seeing like a city’ (Valverde, 2011 ). This article uses ethnography of management techniques aiming to ‘upgrade behaviour’ to theorize that a private entity, in a strategically indeterminate relationship with the state, reconciles future‐oriented planning and storied prejudices by merging two visions of governance. Imitating the repertoire of urban law, managers plan the very realm of bottom‐up decision making. They then adapt top‐down urban planning to bottom‐up dispute resolution to spatially consolidate the ‘consensual’ outcomes of a rigged game. Evoking both colonial Egyptian vagrancy laws and neoliberal paternalist welfare, ‘seeing like a city‐state’ governance amounts to authoritarianism that conceals itself within custom, appearing neutral so as to plan streets, codes and inner lives at once.  相似文献   

In the State of New Jersey, two rural preservation tools are paramount: (1) Zoning that sets a floor on the size of residential lots; and (2) the outright acquisition of open space or its development rights by government and nonprofit entities. The present study explores the effects of these two policies on the number of building permits issued across 83 municipalities in northern New Jersey. The empirical work is based on a widely-used urban development model that uses both monocentric and polycentric factors to allocate growth across a set of suburban communities. The study also develops a growth-based test for binding minimum-lot-size zoning, leveraging the fact that the 83 communities are in a single housing market and must serve the distribution of home and lot-size demand collectively, not individually. The study finds strong evidence of excess large-lot zoning, leading to the suppression of short-term housing growth in communities that specialize in this particular “product.” No firm evidence is found that residential development is attracted to the amenities that flow from either large-lot zoning or open space set asides.  相似文献   

The introduction to this symposium on entrepreneurial religion and neoliberal urbanism discusses leading scholarly approaches to religion and urban theory, arguing that, despite their merits, these approaches are in need of refinement. Theories on religion and urban theory too often describe religion as a reactionary phenomenon. Religious movements and spaces are generally defined as pockets of resistance and shelter against retreating or failing states under neoliberal restructuring programmes in the shadow of consumption dreams. Although religious actors and ideologies unquestionably form part of urban groups that are denied access to public and private means to wealth and security, the contributors to this symposium argue that within a global, comparative perspective, the entwinement of religion, state and market reveal more complicated configurations. Through a comparison of Islamic gated communities in Istanbul, Pentecostal prayer camps in Lagos and Pentecostal grassroots movements in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro, this symposium demonstrates that urban religion should also be regarded as a constitutive force of contemporary capitalism and should therefore be placed at the heart of the neoliberal construction of urban space instead of at its margins.  相似文献   

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