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董冠华 《价值工程》2012,31(11):308-309
非政府组织作为公民社会的重要组织实体,作为公共治理框架中的组成部分,与其他主体比较具有资源优势、机制优势和公信力优势,在参与治理公共危机时应该而且也能够发挥重要的作用。在参与公共危机的治理过程中,非政府组织能够强化组织的凝聚力,争取到社会公众以及政府的支持和肯定,塑造良好的组织形象。  相似文献   

中国特色社会主义进入新时代,全面深化改革取得了重大突破,受社会流动和世界大环境影响,国内社会的不稳定因素在不断增加,公共危机难度也逐渐加大.文章以九寨沟地震救援为例,以具体的非政府组织参与危机管理中所存在的困境为出发点,延伸总结出我国非政府组织普遍存在的问题,并从政府层面和非政府组织本身提出如何提升我国非政府组织参与公...  相似文献   

自有文字记录以来,我们的社会便面临着各种危机的考验,可以说,人类的文明史便是应对这些公共危机挑战的过程.在经济全球化的今天,单靠政府力量来应对各种突发事件已显得力不从心,非政府组织由于自身的特点和优势,往往能在应对公共危机过程中发挥很大的作用.同时,非政府组织在应对公共危机时仍存在一定的问题,要提高非政府组织应对公共危机的能力,保证其在公共危机管理中作用的充分发挥,需要从政府、社会和组织自身等方面共同着手推进,以实现国家治理的"善治"目标.  相似文献   

有效的公共危机管理需要在党委领导、政府负责的基础上,积极动员各种非政府组织(NGO)和社会力量参与突发事件的管理。本文根据突发公共事件的分期制度,系统介绍了非政府组织在突发公共事件各个阶段所发挥的重要作用。  相似文献   

公共危机及自然灾害频发,为我国非政府组织参与政府公共社会事务治理创造了条件,同时,非政府组织参与灾后重建工作过程中凸显出来的慈善能力不足问题也引起了民众的思考,本文首先分析了非政府组织慈善能力的概念,并运用矛盾分析的方法剖析了非政府组织慈善能力方面存在的问题,并提出了相关解决对策,以期为我国非政府组织慈善能力的提升提供借鉴  相似文献   

我国现阶段不仅处于转型期,同时也进入了危机高发期。在公共危机动态频发、复杂多变的现实情况下,传统的全能型政府独自应对危机已经显得力不从心。公共治理理论是现今社会科学的前沿理论之一,它强调在公共事务治理过程中多方力量的共同参与,注重建立政府与非政府组织间的相互依赖和互动伙伴关系,打破了政府单方管理公共事务的传统模式,为我国逐步形成公共危机网络化治理模式提供了强实的理论参考。  相似文献   

公共管理的社会化是改革开放深化的结果,也是我国公共管理创新的价值去向。要实现公共管理的社会化,必须打破传统政事格局,在引入竞争机制的同时积极拓宽民间组织参与空间,提升管理效力。我国公共管理社会化进程中呈现出众多非政府组织,在作用日益彰显的同时并逐渐走向成熟。本文从公共管理社会化的必要性出发,对存在的问题进行了分析并提出了一些提升策略建议。  相似文献   

王鑫 《企业导报》2009,(11):28-28
非政府组织近年来蓬勃发展,在社会福利、环境保护、慈善等公共管理领域发挥了积极作用,与政府管理相互配合,起到了拾遗补缺的功能,对非政府组织行政法学研究具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

作为市场经济与法治国家的一项重大机构创新.非政府组织的发展有效地解决了我国社会发展中存在的很多问题,其独有优势和创新特性在社会发展中大放异彩。但从总体上看,我国非政府组织还不能适应经济社会发展的需要,因此应通过规范引导和大力发展非政府组织,建立健全管理非政府组织的法律法规、加强对非政府组织的监督与管理以及促进非政府组织的自律建设和能力改造等,更好地促进我国非政府组织的发展。  相似文献   

俞可平认为治理理论特别强调国家与社会的合作,公民自治和非政府的公共权威等要素在治理中应用,在中国可以发展出一套公共事务管理的全新技术[1].在治理主体多元化、治理环境复杂化的背景下,任何社会组织都很难在缺乏战略模式的指引下去完成组织的重要使命.因此,有效的战略模式,是社会组织在参与国家治理的过程中发挥组织效能、实现组织价值所亟待解决的重要课题.  相似文献   

The article describes, analyzes and evaluates the lessons and dilemmas resulting from the Government's policy of contracting out with non-governmental organizations for the provision of three types of services: foster care, adoption and home care services for the elderly. The dilemmas are: structural tension between governmental control and autonomy of provider organizations; power?–?dependence relations between the Government and the providers, the choice option available to clients; the ethical, moral and professional aspects of contractualism; the myth of innovative programs initiated by provider organizations; service quality versus price of services; and accountability of provider organizations to their stakeholders. Based on the lessons learned, the article highlights the need to rethink the strategy of contracting out and reassess the role of the Government in providing social services.  相似文献   

The crisis management of disasters does not follow automatically from disaster planning. Research has shown that successful disaster management results primarily from the activities of emergency organizations. In particular, there are management problems with respect to the communication process, the exercise of authority, and the development of co-ordination. There are at least five different areas of difficulties in the communication process, namely, intra- and inter-organizational behaviours between organizations, from organizations to the public, from the public to organizations, and within systems of organizations. Exercise of authority difficulties stem from losses of higher echelon personnel because of over-work, conflict regarding authority over new disaster tasks, and clashes over organizational jurisdictional differences. Co-ordination difficulties come from lack of consensus among organizations, working on common but new disaster-related tasks, and difficulties in achieving overall co-ordination in any community disaster that is of any magnitude. Prior planning can limit these management difficulties but cannot completely eliminate all of them.  相似文献   

The fields of strategic management and crisis management have been evolving separately despite their potential for synergistic integration. This paper explicates how adding crisis management's defensive/preventative capability to strategic management's offensive market positioning orientation can yield a more comprehensive approach to the strategic management of organizations. The traditional strategic management process is reviewed first and then analysed with respect to the gap that exists in this orientation. Examining the differences and similarities in perspectives between strategic management and crisis management and then reviewing the crisis management process provides a basis to proceed with a synthesis of the two fields. The paper concludes with the presentation of a new integrated strategic management process model that pushes forward the boundaries of strategic management and internalizes crisis management activities into that process.  相似文献   

研究香港相关政府部门、非政府组织在城市更新中关于机构设置、拆迁安置、楼宇修复和历史建筑维护等方面的政策和措施,分析其在城市更新进程中的作用,并对国内城市的旧城发展提出相关建议。  相似文献   

Many public service organizations have to deal with rapidly changing environments. Government offers less financial security than in the past and stimulates organizations to develop a market orientation. The focus of this article is explaining the shape of strategic management in public service organizations that have merely a public orientation (task organizations) and organizations that combine a public orientation with a market orientation (hybrid organizations). On the basis of four case studies it is concluded that task organizations also move in the direction of hybrid organizations. Strategic management in hybrid public service organizations is a dynamic process in which changing the organization context, i.e. metagovernance, seems to be the predominating dimension of strategic management.  相似文献   

The growing competition among hospitals has almost dissolved hospitals’ absolute dominance over the physician–patient relationship. Many existing systems or regulations governing public organizations are so rigid that outstanding physicians in public hospitals may easily depart or be head hunted by competitors. Therefore, there will be more and starker challenges ahead of public hospitals. Through collection and analysis of a large sample, we attempt to apply a unique data validation method—nonlinear fuzzy neural network model to investigate the research issue. The questionnaire was administered to chairmen or physicians taking administrative positions in Taiwan’s public hospitals. The empirical results are as follows: Uncertainty of the hospital business environment is positively correlated with development of crisis management mechanisms; Operation of crisis management mechanisms is positively correlated with establishment of a medical risk management system; Organizational culture in public hospitals is disadvantageous to operation of crisis management mechanisms.  相似文献   

朱亚军 《价值工程》2014,(23):325-326
目前我国正处于公共危机的高发期,有效提升政府的危机管理能力迫在眉睫。治理公共危机最有效的方式是能够及时发现危机征兆,构建起有效的公共危机预警系统。本文从理论上对公共危机和危机预警进行界定,根据国内外相关研究,系统分析了危机预警流程,以此构建起公共危机预警的系统模型。这对我国提升政府危机管理能力,不仅具有重要的理论意义,也具有现实的实践价值。  相似文献   


To date the relationship between crises, organizational crisis management, and learning has been understudied. In an effort to broaden theoretical understandings of the relation between crisis and learning, this article analyses the crisis management and learning processes of two public organizations during a sequence of two failures. A framework of rigidity versus flexibility in response is utilized in the analysis. The findings are discussed in relation to their implications for the nexus between crisis and learning. The study concludes by raising four hypotheses for further research.  相似文献   

民间审计在环境审计中的定位分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境问题的出现催生了环境审计,在新的审计环境中,不同的审计主体扮演着各自不同的角色.随着社会公众对环境信息的需求,民间审计组织应成为未来环境审计的主导。  相似文献   

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