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目前我国互联网技术的应用.在工业、农业、金融、交通、物流以及智能家居、节能环保、医疗卫生、精细农牧业、公共安全等领域取得了初步进展。电力行业也在积极试点应用物联网技术。物联网中的射频识别、无线传感器网络、全球定位技术等技术在电力系统生产、管理等各个环节都有所应用,协助实现有效的电网感知,提高了电力规范化管理能力。  相似文献   

郑悦 《IT经理世界》2014,(11):12-12
年初Google收购Nest,让人们看到智能家居的发展前景。在智能家居的江湖里,下场的各位各显神通。从智能电视到智能插座,形形色色的产品让人们看到物联网的各种实现可能。  相似文献   

当前重要电力用户管理的信息化程度不高,管理效率也较为低下,存在着一些用电安全管理隐患,亟需借助先进的信息技术建立一套更为完善的重要电力用户管理体系。文章分析了重要电力用户管理现状和物联网发展情况,研究了重要电力用户管理对物联网技术的需求,从而基于物联网技术和全生命周期管理理念构建了重要电力用户精益管理平台。供电公司可以借助此平台开展重要用户全生命周期精益管理,提高重要电力用户的管理水平和信息化水平。  相似文献   

从2009年奥巴马就任美国总统后将物联网技术列为振兴经济的两大重点之一,到同年我国前任国务院总理温家宝关于“感知中国”的讲话:从最早对物联网实践的产物一1990年第一台网络可乐贩售机,到今天基于物联网技术的二维码、指纹机等,物联网早已被各国各行业摆上台面列入日程。物联网在包装上的应用也被提及,尤其是在食品安全上的应用。随着物联网技术的发展,它将如何彻底颠覆包装业的未来?本期专题将邀请物联网行业专家、物联网企业高层、物联网用户企业一同探讨物联网在包装产业上的未来之路。  相似文献   

物联网技术是新时代信息技术中不可或缺的一部分。目前,天然气管道行业正在逐步使用由物联网技术组成的信息化管理系统。由物联网技术开发组建的集勘探、开发于一体的生产管理系统,可以使天然气产业上游的生产效率得到质的飞跃。天然气管道的运行和管理在引入了物联网技术之后有效地提升了天然气中游储存、运输产业的效率。在天然气行业的下游城市燃气行业运用物联网技术之后,可以及时了解用户的用气量、购气量,使燃气行业的运营效率得到提升。上中下游的生产效率得到了提升之后,促进了产业的升级、推动了产业的进步。在天然气管道行业全面引入物联网技术之后,可以从最大程度上体现出物联网技术带来的好处。  相似文献   

裴燕 《IT经理世界》2014,(17):52-56
正新一代的智能家居系统能够让家里的各种物件都与人"对话",从而更为贴心细致地关怀和提升你的家居生活品质。对这一热点领域,无数企业正蜂拥而来。全球有无数企业正在智能家居领域大展拳脚,想要让我们的日常家居生活变得更智能。美国的物联网创业公司Physical Graph更是抢先一步,推出了整合智能家居软硬件的平台SmartThings。通过这个平台,人们家里的一切,包括门锁和电灯,都能与网络连接并通过智能手机来控制。SmartThings平台包含几部分内容。首先,它有一个自行开发的套件,能让普通用户通过DIY的方式轻松地就把自己家里已有的各种物件变得智能起来。这个套件包括一个中枢集成  相似文献   

在矿山物联网信息发布需求分析的基础上,利用银光技术来构建感知矿山物联网的实时信息发布系统,实现了UI开发与设备开发的迭代,实时数据池的构建。通过运行测试表明该系统在信息发布的实时性方面有较好的提升,同时具有比传统的Web系统更好的用户友好性及交互性。  相似文献   

这是一个崇尚奇迹的时代,物联网就是人们期待的下一个技术奇迹。一个技术奇迹的出现必定有其技术创新性作为支撑,物联网也不会例外。探析物联网的技术创新性,关注物联网的技术前沿,对人们在众说纷纭的学术与舆论环境中正确认识物联网、把握物联网发展机遇具有重要意义。  相似文献   

物联网技术在各领域中被广泛应用,已成为一项必不可少的技术,依据物联网技术自身优势与特点,能为各行业发展提供便利条件。在塔式起重机检验中应用物联网技术,检测部门专业化的技术人员能详细探究塔式起重机内部结构、检验工作要求、物联网技术要点等,制定完善的检测方案,主要是完成塔式起重机中人员不到达的地方检测工作,借助物联网技术掌控塔式起重机质量与运行稳定性,确保塔式起重机检验工作质量。  相似文献   

智能家居这一领域,已经很久没有让人兴奋的事情了。一直以来,智能家居领域挤满了各种各样的小公司,进入这一领域的创业者大多技术出身,大多数人又都心怀对美国智能家居市场的羡慕、对国内市场的期待而来。但受阻于产品造价过高、技术不够稳定、标准各自为战、市场认知度不高等问题,该行业始终不温不火。  相似文献   

An important issue in assessing the potential benefits of information technology (IT) as a tool for increasing labor's effectiveness is union members' use of IT. Using 2003 Current Population Survey data, we examine the union members' IT and Internet usage at home and work. We find that union members are more intense users of IT at work than nonunionized employees and that high-intensity IT users constitute about one-third of the union sample.  相似文献   

目前,我国集中供热系统的节能水平普遍不高,锅炉燃料燃烧效率低,风煤比不合理;远近端热用户温差大,水力失调现象严重;监控系统无法实现供暖参数计算等功能;热负荷调节缺乏理论依据;所有热用户采用统一方式进行调节,而不考虑建筑物的实际运作时间等问题。本文对现有的集中供暖系统的主要节能技术做了简要总结,主要有锅炉房优化配置、变频调速及量调节节能技术、换热站及管网远程监控、热负荷计算及分时分区与气候补偿等方法。文章概略分析了各种节能方法的优缺点,并对集中供暖节能技术的发展前景做了总结与展望。  相似文献   

Information technology makes possible working patterns with flexibility in location and time. But traditional assumptions of managerial control serve as a strong deterrent. This article deals with these issues through an analysis of interviews at ICL and Texaco UK, with managers and high-level employees who work partially at home. Rank Xerox networkers are used as a point of comparison .  相似文献   

In this paper we examine how commodification and labour control unfold within a digital labour platform, focusing on the connections between the platform, its users and workers. Based on a qualitative study covering couriers, clients, restaurants and the management of a food delivery platform in Belgium, we shed light on the complexity of commodification, explaining how the platform simultaneously empowers and disempowers all participants. We illustrate how the platform fosters commodification by granting access to transactions and fuelling competition, while at the same time increasing dependency through withholding information from users and workers. In so doing, we contribute to understanding how platforms exert control and create, extract and capture value by connecting users and workers with each other through the use of digital technology.  相似文献   

Organisations have made significant investments in enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems with the strategic expectation that employees will utilise this technology to enhance organisational performance. However, research indicates that ERP systems are underutilised. In order to disentangle the challenge of underutilisation, this paper addresses the impact of organisational control and empowerment on infusion—the deep and comprehensive usage of an information system. Moreover, it also tests whether infusion will lead to higher levels of ERP system success. Data from a sample of 260 matched pairs of ERP system users and their supervisors were collected and analysed. Results indicate that empowerment is positively related with infusion, whereas an inverted u‐relationship has been found for organisational control. The critical link between infusion and ERP system success was found as well, meaning that the more users utilise the system to its fullest extent, the more likely the organisation is to attain ERP systems' promised benefits.  相似文献   

Lead users have long been acknowledged as important contributors to the market success of innovative products and services. The ability of lead users to be such effective innovators has been ascribed to a combination of adequate technological expertise and superior knowledge of the user domain so‐called use experience. Drawing on the apparent success of lead users in innovation, many companies are now attempting to involve other types of users, namely, ordinary users, for ideation at the fuzzy front end (FFE) of new product and service development. However, ordinary users do not usually possess the technological knowledge of lead users, and the existing literature provides little guidance on how to manage such user involvement or its expected contributions. The purpose of the present study is, therefore, to contribute to scholarly knowledge regarding the benefits and management of user involvement during the ideation phase of innovation in technology‐based services. More specifically, the study investigates the contribution made in this respect by “ordinary” users, as opposed to professional developers. The research questions that are addressed are as follows: (1) What contributions do ordinary users make when involved in the FFE for ideation of new technology‐based services; and (2) how is the contribution of the users affected by their knowledge of the underlying technology? The study addresses these questions through a literature review and conceptual analysis of the involvement of users in innovation in mobile telephony, followed by an empirical study using a quasi‐experimental design in which the independent variable is the users' technological knowledge of the underlying mobile telephone system and the dependent variable is the quality of the created idea‐proposals from an innovation perspective. Various scenarios involving guided users, pioneering users, and professionals are investigated. The study finds that the users' knowledge of the underlying technology has an effect on their propensity to contribute with incremental or radical new ideas. The ideas from guided users tend to be more incremental whereas the pioneering users' ideas are more radical. Contrary to the users in the guided user scenarios, the users in the pioneering user scenarios have a propensity to produce ideas that challenge the prevailing dominant logic of the company; these ideas can be used to assist the company to think in new trajectories. The paper proposes that ordinary users should not be expected to contribute ideas that can be directly put into the new product development process; rather, ordinary user involvement should be regarded as a process whereby a company learns about users' needs and is inspired to innovate. The paper concludes that user involvement can actually be a stimulus for review of a company's business strategy.  相似文献   

Traditionally, buying center research in business marketing has long focused on the role of various buying center members, including users, in influencing purchasing decisions. Recent studies have also established the important role users play in successfully implementing information technology (IT) initiatives of buying organizations and its influence on future relationships with sellers. Consequently, in order to ensure future business, marketers need users to evaluate their solutions favorably. This study attempts to understand the factors influencing user evaluation of performance of sellers' IT solutions. Based on an inter-disciplinary approach, a model of antecedent factors to explain user evaluation of suppliers IT solutions is proposed and tested. Results gleaned from a survey of 361 users of Internet-based technology in an automotive supply chain indicate that user attitudes toward technology, satisfaction with the new technology, users' overall understanding of supply chain management principles, and job-related consequences influence user evaluation of IT solutions.  相似文献   

煤矿安全监测监控系统是煤矿企业安全、集约、高效生产的一种现代化高科技保障手段,其在煤矿安全生产中的作用日渐明显和重要。随着科学技术水平的不断发展,对矿井监测监控系统提出了更高的要求。首先回顾了国内外煤矿监测监控技术的发展过程,并对煤矿监测监控系统的未来发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

本土市场规模与中国制造业全要素生产率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文使用2001—2010年中国制造业分行业数据,实证分析了本土市场规模与全要素生产率之间的关系。估计结果显示,以"市场促创新"的假说整体上是成立的。本土市场规模每增加1%,将会促进生产率指数增长0.021%、效率改进指数增长0.023%、技术进步指数增长0.018%。分行业研究显示,本土市场规模对全要素生产率的影响在不同行业存在一定的差异。本土市场规模作用的发挥更依赖于行业的技术密集程度和资本密集程度,而对行业的劳动密集程度则并不敏感。从作用机制来看,本土市场规模对生产率增长和技术进步的正向作用主要通过资本密度、研发密度与人力资本等途径传递;对效率改进的正向影响主要通过资本密度、研发密度、人力资本以及对外开放度等途径传递。在所有的作用途径中,人力资本的影响最大。这些作用机制可以进一步归纳为"集聚效应"和"竞争效应"。  相似文献   

本文设计了一种集中供暖智能监控系统,本系统监控中心采用Profibus-DP总线通信及GPRS网络分别实现对锅炉房、泵房及管网等监控装置的通信监控,引入了分时分区及气候补偿技术,实现热源、热网、热用户智能优化监控。系统可通过监控中心嵌入的计算模型对锅炉设备运行参数、泵房设备运行参数、用户热负荷及管网流量等进行科学计算,分别对热源、泵房及管网进行监控调节。本系统已在潍坊学院投入运行,运行数据表明,系统操作简便,可靠性高,节能效果显著。  相似文献   

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