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在防控新冠肺炎疫情阻击战这场艰苦的战斗面前,工商银行坚守国有大行的责任和担当,不断推出针对性支持措施,开辟金融服务绿色通道,全力发挥金融对疫情防控和实体经济的支持作用。从1月24日农历大年三十,到2月8日正月十六,工商银行已经紧急投放贷款430亿元,其中130亿元用于疫情防控,300亿元用于支持企业恢复生产经营。贷款中向直接参与防疫用品和生活物资生产企业发放的专项贷款达17亿元,企业实际负担的利率低于1.6%。  相似文献   

This article discusses why many companies use committed bank facilities to finance their real options. The pace of change in the current economic environment has increased the value of financial flexibility. If and when companies choose to exercise their real options, they often require capital to finance these initiatives. Committed bank facilities meet this requirement by providing the assurance of funding (subject to explicit conditions), or at least a starting point for raising the new capital.
Raising the capital necessary to finance very large real options is so critical that many companies use a single financial advisor to evaluate M&A transactions and raise the funds. In the case of ClubCorp, Bank of America provided M&A advice and an interim loan to finance an acquisition that exceeded the company's committed bank capacity. Later that year, Bank of America "agented" a new deal to refinance this acquisition debt. In a second case, Ferrellgas hired Bank of America to evaluate, help negotiate, and finance its acquisition of Thermogas. Financing this transaction required a bridge loan and synthetic lease as well as monetizing $175 million of equity securities.  相似文献   


This paper reconsiders the accepted usage of nondeflated financial ratios in statistical models to differentiate between failed and nonfailed firms. Non-deflated ratios are hypothesized to inadequately reflect inter-temporal macroeconomic fluctuations that affect the ability of firm's to survive. Using a sample of 124 oil and gas companies between the period 1982–1988, the going concern assumption is evaluated with statistical logit models using either nondeflated or deflated financial ratios. Deflated company ratios are created by transforming data with price indices or by creating market value ratios. Empirical results suggest that a superior bankruptcy early warning model is developed for the oil and gas industry by creating real financial and reserve ratios and by introducing external factors, such as oil prices, interest rates and accounting method, as independent predictors. Overall classification accuracy is approximately 95 percent.  相似文献   

施政骏 《中国外资》2012,(16):164-165
卡特尔组织是由竞争企业所构成的共谋联盟。企业通过在商品价格、产量和市场份额等方面订立协定而形成的同盟。本文将先阐述卡特尔组织的优点及其不稳定性,并运用保洁与联合利华的例子来分析卡特尔组织在现实生活中的稳定性。  相似文献   

In recent years, both practitioners and academics have argued that traditional discounted cash flow models do a poor job of capturing the value of the options embedded in many corporate actions. This paper shows how option pricing models used in valuing financial assets can be used to value three kinds of real options that are often built into corporate projects: the option to delay, the option to expand, and the option to abandon. As a number of examples in this paper suggest, corporate investments that would be rejected using conventional DCF analysis can sometimes be justified by the value of the strategic options they provide. As the illustrations also show, however, the pricing of real options is considerably more difficult than the pricing of financial options and adjustments must often be made to capture the complexity of real investments.  相似文献   

卡特尔组织是由竞争企业所构成的共谋联盟.企业通过在商品价格、产量和市场份额等方面订立协定而形成的同盟.本文将先阐述卡特尔组织的优点及其不稳定性,并运用保洁与联合利华的例子来分析卡特尔组织在现实生活中的稳定性.  相似文献   

在美国次贷危机引发全球经济衰退后,作为传统经济强国的德国,其房价并没有像欧盟中的英国、西班牙等国的房价那样出现大幅波动。受益于“二战”结束后形成的特有的房地产金融模式,德国房地产市场在几十年中保持了供求基本平衡和价格总体水平较低的发展态势,抗风险能力—直较强。  相似文献   

This study investigates primarily the relationship between portfolio size and the reduction of return variation in real estate portfolios and attempts to provide some notion of what represents an “adequate” level of naive diversification. The study also examines the proportional components of the total risk in real estate investment. The results provide information on the relative percentage of total risk accounted for by systematic or “market” factors.  相似文献   

从本质上看,比特币是一种新形式的一般等价物而非货币符号,同时它也有望成为互联网环境下等价于黄金的新货币。不过黄金在漫长的历史中除了成为货币外,还演变为装饰元素,拥有自身的使用价值,比特币要走的路还很长。  相似文献   

By formulating an integrated strategy that combines the creation and exercise of real options together with other risk management techniques, management can reduce risk and thereby increase firm value. For example, a company that is in a position to delay investing without losing its competitive edge, to abandon a project that becomes unprofitable, or to adjust its operating strategy at low cost can avoid risks and exploit profitable opportunities. But, even when real options are used in this way to limit the risk profile of the firm, financial derivatives can help to hedge any residual risk that would otherwise affect the value of the real options and the overall firm.
An integrated risk management approach requires a careful process of diagnosing a company's risk exposure. First, management must decompose the company's risk exposure to understand the fundamental sources of risk. Second, the company's capacity to bear risk must be determined, which requires an understanding of why individual risks (if left unmanaged) would reduce the value of the firm. Third, different approaches for addressing risk should be explored, ranging from diversification to use of financial derivatives and other contracts to investing in (or exercising) a wide array of real options. Fourth, the firm must properly integrate the different risk management solutions to optimize its strategy.  相似文献   

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