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当前就业形势日益严峻,因此提升毕业生的就业能力成为实现理想的一个重要环节。本文分析了地方性院校的局限性及榆林学院毕业生的就业现状,并分别从专业知识、自我认知、沟通能力、面试技巧四个方面提出怎样提高毕业生求职能力的对策和建议,本项研究旨在为提升毕业生求职能力提供参考。  相似文献   

近年来,高校毕业生的就业压力增大,高校校园招聘虽然重视程度有所提升,人财物投入有所加大,但仍然面临着签约率低、诚信缺失和流于形式等众多问题,本文重点从毕业生、高校和招聘企业三维视角探讨提升校园招聘有效性的优化策略。  相似文献   

高校毕业生就业问题是关系到国家经济发展和社会稳定的重要问题。本文从个人、家庭、学校、社会四个维度出发,分析影响高校毕业生就业能力的因素,并提出相应的对策,以期提升高校毕业生的就业能力,促进其顺利就业。  相似文献   

高校毕业生就业一直受到高度关注,当前对毕业生就业状况的衡量从单一的关注就业数量(就业率)逐步向综合衡量就业数量和就业质量转变。本文以云南省为例,梳理出高校毕业生就业状况的基本特征为就业率水平持续较高但就业质量不佳。通过进一步对影响毕业生就业状况的主要问题进行分析,以提升就业质量为重点,分别从政府、高校、毕业生三个层面针对性地提出了改善就业状况的策略。  相似文献   

近几年来,高校毕业生就业难问题越来越严重,尤其是作为高校中的民办高校,本文在论述民办高校毕业生就业中遇到的问题的现状的基础上,从学校和学生两个方面提出了提升毕业生就业能力的措施。  相似文献   

根据“佛山职业技术学院2012届毕业生半年后跟踪调研”从月收入、工作于专业相关度、职业期待吻合度、离职率四个方面分析可知,2012届毕业生就业质量有待提高。面对此现状,《大学生职业生涯发展与就业指导》课程可从课程设置、课程内容和课程评价三方面进行调整,为提升学校就业质量服务,为学生的职业生涯和就业服务。  相似文献   

2010年9月中旬至10月上旬,全国开展了主题为"服务就业,成就人才"的高校毕业生就业服务月活动,服务对象主要是离校未就业高校毕业生、各类基层项目服务期满的毕业生,特别是长期失业毕业生、零就业家庭和家庭困难毕业生。活动内容主要包括广泛开展宣传,引导高校毕业生寻求公共就业人才服务;建立基础台账,实施跟踪服务;大力收集就业岗位信息,开展形式多样的招聘活动;组织开展就业见习和职业培训,帮助毕业生提升就业能力;加强对困难毕业生就业帮扶,开发公益性岗位托底安置等。这是自2006年以来,人力资源社会保障部连续5年开展的服务高校毕业生的就业专题活动。  相似文献   

我国高等职业教育发展迅速,高职院校毕业生的就业工作在全国高校毕业生就业工作中具有举足轻重的重要地位,做好就业工作是我们目前工作中的重中之重.本文对如何从转变观念中提升毕业生的就业问题做了简要探讨.  相似文献   

高校毕业生就业形势日趋严峻,就业结构性矛盾日益凸显,毕业生就业工作备受关注。如何应对严峻的就业压力,提升毕业生就业能力是本研究的重点内容。文章从USEM模型入手,分析了大学生就业能力的四大要素及其相互关系,并结合所在学院实际情况反思工科生就业能力现状,并提出相应的就业能力提升策略。  相似文献   

伴随高校扩招而来的毕业生就业难,曾经一度严重困扰高职院校。为破解毕业生就业难题,一些院校从源头抓起,把关口前移,以提升学生就业竞争力为出发点和落脚点。济南职业学院通过深化工学结合、校企合作、顶岗实习的人才培养模式改革,强化职业道德和职业精神的培养,使“教学一实训一实习一就业”成功对接,大大提升了毕业生就业竞争力。  相似文献   

任团伟 《价值工程》2014,(9):263-264
本文以我校气象类2012届本科毕业生为例,通过设计毕业生、气象行业相关部门调查问卷,并采用电邮、邮寄、传真、网络、走访、座谈等形式,对我校气象类2012届本科毕业生进行跟踪调查,基于毕业生基本情况、工作情况、生活情况,对我校的意见和建议,通过文献分析、实践调查、交流研讨等,深入分析研究,旨在进一步分析目前气象类人才培养不足和探索新思维新理念而提供支持和服务。  相似文献   

马海涛 《价值工程》2012,31(14):242-243
本文运用文献资料和调查等研究方法,以西安体育学院为例,对其2010和2012届本科体育教育专业毕业生和用人单位进行了调查研究,发现目前体育教育专业毕业生就业现状不容乐观,就业呈多元化趋势,社会对体育教育专业人才规格要求趋向"通用型"、"复合型"。通过调研分析,旨在拓展体育教育专业毕业生的就业渠道和提高就业率,为体育教育专业的人才培养方案和课程体系改革提供参考。  相似文献   

Consumer demand     
《Economic Outlook》2013,37(4):47-48
Consumer spending has expanded consistently for seven quarters. The initial momentum in 2012 came from a pickup in real income growth, driven by strong job creation, lower inflation and the generous uprating of social benefits. This momentum appears to have stalled in 2013H1, although the picture is complicated by higher earners having delaying income to take advantage of the reduction in the top rate of income tax from 50% to 45%. Yet despite the slowdown in real incomes, spending has held up because confidence has improved and households have reduced their precautionary saving; the savings ratio fell back from 6.8% in 2012 to average 5.2% in 2013H1…  相似文献   

Graduates are deemed to be a key source of talent within many organisations and thus recruiting, developing and retaining them is viewed as a logical talent management (TM) strategy. However, there has been little attention paid to university graduates as part of an organisation’s TM strategy. Such a specific focus addresses the need for further research into the segmentation of talent pools and the specific challenges different talent pools are likely to create. This research, which utilised a qualitative data collection strategy, examined the experiences and practices of six large UK organisations in relation to graduate TM. Drawing from Gallardo-Gallardo, Dries and González-Cruz’s (2013. What is the meaning of ‘talent’ in the world of work? Human Resource Management Review, 23, 290–300.) framework for the conceptualisation of talent, the findings from this research indicate and explain why graduate employers are frequently compelled to use the object approach (talent as characteristics of people) due to the unique characteristics that recent graduates possess, even though other studies have found that a subject approach (talent as people and what they do) is preferred by most employers. Ultimately, employers conceptualise graduate talent by what they describe as ‘the edge’ which needs to be ‘sharpened’ to fully realise the potential that graduates offer.  相似文献   

试论拓宽高校毕业生就业门路的主要经验和做法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蔡红 《价值工程》2011,30(22):194-195
拓宽高校毕业生就业门路的基本思路,是从与高校毕业生就业涉及的政府、用人单位、高校与毕业生本人四个行为主体入手,分析各个主体在毕业生就业过程中的不同作用,从而以市场化的就业机制协调各参与主体活动,探索拓宽高校毕业生就业门路的主要方法。  相似文献   

李运兰 《价值工程》2010,29(23):205-207
随着我国高校扩招的毕业生走向市场,高校毕业生的就业形势也日趋严峻,在这种情况下,原有的只停留于毕业环节的就业指导已经无法适应新形势发展的要求,因而对大学生的出路指导工作提出了新的要求。本文从高校毕业生出路指导的内涵及意义出发,分析高校毕业生出路指导工作存在的指导对象、内容、形式、功能和组织队伍建设等方面存在着一些问题并寻找问题产生的原因,对高校毕业生出路指导的思路、具体做法进行初步的探索。  相似文献   

李妲增 《价值工程》2012,31(25):215-217
通过对黑龙江省内5所高校和基层就业毕业生的问卷调查与实地访谈,运用SWOT分析法,对高校毕业生基层就业形势进行战略分析,最后分别从政府、高校、基层、毕业生四方面提出畅通高校毕业生基层就业道路的对策建议。  相似文献   

罗艳妮  梁媛 《价值工程》2014,(28):266-268
近年来,高校毕业生就业难的问题引起了社会各界的关注,民办高校毕业生因其固有的原因,就业难的问题更加突出。因此,为改善民办高校毕业生就业现状,从学校、学生自身、家庭、社会和政府五个层面推动民办高校毕业生就业系统工程的实施,切实提高民办高校毕业生的就业竞争力。  相似文献   

Prices and Wages     
《Economic Outlook》2014,38(1):53-54
Inflationary pressures cooled over the latter months of 2013, with CPI inflation finally moving back to the 2% target for the first time in four years in December. The slowdown in inflation was largely a function of base effects; big rises in food prices in the autumn of 2012 were not repeated last year and increases in domestic energy bills, while still very large, were also lower than in the previous year. In addition, the impact of higher university tuition fees was smaller in 2013 than in 2012, which also helped to slow inflation a little…  相似文献   

Many organizations transfer parts of their recruitment process to external service providers—often referred to as recruitment process outsourcing (RPO)—to save costs and enhance the quality of their recruitment procedures. However, contrary to the expectations regarding RPO, Wehner, Giardini, and Kabst (2012) found that RPO might cause negative reactions to recruitment procedures among graduates. We extend that study by incorporating a brand equity perspective in examining whether employer image and service provider image counterbalance negative reactions among graduates. Utilizing a scenario‐based, between‐subject design, we obtain results that show that the extent of RPO negatively influences applicant reactions regardless of the employer's or service provider's image. Furthermore, we find negative mediating effects of RPO on job acceptance intention. However, the perceived fit between employer image and service provider image positively influences applicant reactions. Moreover, employer image positively influences employer attractiveness and service provider image positively influences applicants’ satisfaction with the recruitment process. Thus, a strong employer image and service provider image partially compensate for the negative effects of RPO on applicant reactions. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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