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基于过去有关性别差异对决策设定的影响研究,借用DD(2002)模型和Jones(2008)模型,本文对我国1999—2006年上市公司应计盈余质量和CFO性别之间的关系进行了研究,结果发现女性CFO在做财务决策时候更为谨慎与规避风险,她们所在的公司相比匹配男性CFO公司有较低的可操纵性应计盈余误差,公司盈余质量更好。这些结论进一步深化扩展了"高层梯队理论"研究的视野,直接为公司强化核心高管遴选等人力资源决策,从而制定更好的财务报告策略提供了相应的政策启示。  相似文献   

企业社会责任活动应当服务于企业的战略目标。文章以零售企业所面临的环境保护主题为背景,探讨了顾客中心和利润中心两种战略性企业社会责任的消费者响应。结果表明,顾客中心的企业社会责任与利润中心的企业社会责任相比,能够使顾客对企业产生更积极的企业社会责任联想,形成更好的态度,并提高其惠顾意愿。同时,从顾客价值的不同角度,消费者的企业社会责任支持对于顾客中心的企业社会责任的消费者响应具有正向或反向调节作用。  相似文献   

企业社会责任话题一直都是社会公众关注的热点话题,而企业社会责任报告是企业社会责任履行情况的反映。本文以2011年我国上市公司发布的560份社会责任报告为分析对象,在进行了相关理论论述之后,对这560份社会责任报告从行业分布、区域分布、报告格式等维度进行特征分析,并在此基础上,采用国际流行的信息挖掘法,构建社会责任报告的指标体系,对社会责任报告的信息披露情况进行特征分析,期望能够对规范企业社会责任信息的披露起到积极的作用。  相似文献   

以社会责任相关理论为基础,从多个角度系统地实证研究媒体报道、法律环境与社会责任信息披露的动态关系,探寻企业外部治理因素的作用机理。研究结果显示:媒体负面报道对公司社会责任信息披露有显著的正相关影响;良好的法律环境,相应提高了社会责任的信息披露水平;在法律环境较好的地区,媒体报道对公司的监督效果增强,反映在社会责任信息披露质量的显著增强。  相似文献   

Salespeople assume a key role in defending firms’ price levels in price negotiations with customers. The degree to which salespeople defend prices should critically depend upon their leaders’ influence. However, the influence of leadership on salespeople’s price defense behavior is barely understood, conceptually or empirically. Therefore, building on social learning theory, the authors propose that salespeople might adopt their leaders’ price defense behavior given a transformational leadership style. Furthermore, drawing on the contingency leadership perspective, the authors argue that this adoption fundamentally depends on three variables deduced from the motivation–ability–opportunity (MAO) framework, that is, salespeople’s learning motivation, negotiation efficacy, and perceived customer lenience. Results of a multi-level model using data from 92 salespeople and 264 salesperson–customer interactions confirm these predictions. The first to explore contingencies of salespeople’s adoption of their transformational leaders’ price negotiation behaviors, this study extends marketing theory and provides actionable guidance to practitioners.  相似文献   

作为企业社会责任影响绩效的一个重要途径,声誉对于企业社会责任的研究具有重要意义。目前,在实证研究中声誉没有一致认可的度量方法。本文以商誉作为声誉的度量方式,采用上市公司2012—2017年的平衡面板数据,对企业社会责任与绩效的关系进行了实证研究,并进一步讨论了声誉在企业社会责任与绩效之间的作用。研究显示:当以商誉作为企业声誉的度量指标时,企业社会责任正向影响企业的声誉;在企业社会责任影响绩效的过程中,声誉没有起到调节作用,但起到了显著的中介效应。因此,企业主动承担社会责任,不仅可以造福于社会,还能提高自身绩效。  相似文献   

以2004年以前自愿采纳国际财务报告准则(IFR S)且具有独特制度背景的欧盟15国上市公司为研究样本,对这类公司在2005年欧盟强制所有上市公司采纳IFRS以后盈余质量是否有了进一步提高进行了研究。研究发现,2004年以前自愿采纳IFR S的公司更少地进行微利盈余管理,具有更低的截面操纵性应计利润绝对值,这说明欧盟强制采纳IFR S后显著提高了自愿采纳IFRS公司的盈余质量。上述结论表明,IFRS这一制度安排由国家法律强制执行比纯粹依靠公司自我执行效果更优,这为尚未采纳或正在考虑采纳IFRS的国家提供了一条关于IFRS采纳方式的现实路径。  相似文献   

In today’s connected world, customer engagement behaviors are very important. Many companies launch initiatives to stimulate customer engagement. However, despite evidence that customer engagement behavior also matters to shareholders, academic research on the firm value consequences of customer engagement campaigns is limited. This study is the first to investigate the value-related consequences of firm-initiated customer engagement behaviors, using shareholder evaluations of the public announcements of such initiatives. We find that companies’ customer engagement initiatives, on average, decrease market value, which is likely because the shareholders are sensitive to the risk of these initiatives backfiring. Nevertheless, initiatives that stimulate word-of-mouth are viewed less negatively than initiatives that solicit customer feedback, as are initiatives that are supported by social media. Companies that operate in a competitive environment or do not advertise much can create value by stimulating customer engagement, while companies with a strong corporate reputation are likely to not benefit from it.  相似文献   

以2005~2008年被中国证监会处罚的上市公司为样本,考察了不同类型债权人自我保护能力的差异以及法治环境对债权人自我保护能力的影响。研究发现,舞弊公司次年资产负债率、流动负债、银行借款、短期借款较未舞弊公司有大幅下降;舞弊与未舞弊公司次年非流动负债、商业信用、长期借款的变化无显著差异;法治环境较差地区的舞弊公司次年资产负债率、银行借款及短期借款的降幅更为明显。该结果表明,总体上债权人具备自我保护能力,但不同类型债权人的自我保护能力存在显著差异,债权人自我保护与法律保护互为替代。  相似文献   

以2011~2018年中国A股上市公司为样本,以税务稽查系统改革"金税工程三期"为准自然实验,探讨税收执法的公司治理效应,采用双重差分模型,实证检验了金税工程三期改革对企业财务报告质量的影响。研究发现:金税工程三期改革显著提升了企业财务报告质量。金税工程三期改革的公司治理效应在治理环境较弱、信息透明度更低、融资需求更高的公司表现得更为显著。从作用机制来看,金税工程三期改革显著增强了税收执法力度,减少了企业的避税行为。  相似文献   

本研究对我国A股食品业上市公司的官方网站内容进行了分析,结果表明,该行业对关乎食品安全关键CSR议题的信息披露程度远未达到充分,存在着鲜见负面与安全事故应急机制信息、缺失与问题食品管理制度及供应链管理绩效相关信息等问题。文章建议:必须尽快设计符合本行业的CSR体系,定期披露食品安全信息,及时与各方利益相关者就问题产品召回、食品来源的可追溯性以及产品标签、广告的合规性等关键议题进行信息交流。  相似文献   

企业社会责任的理念源于20世纪初的美国。随着上世纪80年代利益相关者理论的提出,学术界对企业社会责任的研究进入新领域。保险业作为特殊的金融服务机构其各方利益相关者的利益冲突亦随着经济社会的发展逐步凸显。本文基于利益相关者理论的视角,对保险公司社会责任进行了界定,并对我国保险公司目前履行社会责任存在的问题进行了研究和分析,在此基础上提出了改进建议。  相似文献   

In this research, the authors propose a contagion effect of social media use across business suppliers, retailers, and consumers. After developing and validating social media usage measures at three levels—supplier, retailer, and customer—the authors test social media contagion effects and their ultimate impact on multiple performance measures. The conceptual framework and empirical results offer new insights into the contagion effects of social media usage across the channel of distribution as well as important social influence mechanisms that enhance these effects. Consistent with the predictions, social media use positively contributes to brand performance, retailer performance, and consumer–retailer loyalty. Also, the effect of supplier social media usage on retailer social media usage and in turn on customer social media usage is moderated by brand reputation and service ambidexterity. With the ever-increasing growth and adoption of social media applications and similar technologies, this research provides a framework to promote usage by supply channel partners which ultimately influences performance-related outcomes.  相似文献   

本文从企业异质性的角度分析了企业社会责任与国际贸易的关系,主要采用2005~2007年我国的工业数据,从多层面测算了样本企业的社会责任度。总体来看,社会责任水平成为了企业出口的一种竞争力,并通过生产率水平的提升从而为企业带来贸易比较优势;从社会责任的分指标来看,履行对股东、员工、债权人、供应商、客户和政府的责任,能够提高企业在筹集资本、完善供应链、吸引客户和获得政府支持等方面的能力,从而促进其出口。  相似文献   

企业社会责任是当经济社会发展到较高水平阶段时,人类对经济发展模式反思的产物.企业社会责任改变了生产方式,也改变了生产关系和交换关系.经济全球化背景下,跨国公司把具有人文色彩的企业社会责任上升为市场准入标准后,企业社会责任也从道德维护转变为市场竞争手段,加强了发达国家对发展中国家的经济控制能力.我国应积极面对企业社会责任运动,建立符合我国国情的企业社会责任标准体系,增强我国经济国际竞争力,加速和谐社会建设,实现我国从经济大国向经济强国的发展.  相似文献   

产权性质、股权集中度与企业社会责任履行   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以2007~2009年深沪上市公司为样本,研究股权集中度是否对企业社会责任履行产生影响。研究发现:股权集中度越高,上市公司越倾向于履行社会责任;国有上市公司股权集中度与社会责任履行显著正相关,非国有上市公司股权集中度对社会责任履行的影响不显著。再进一步区分企业社会责任的具体项目后发现,股权集中度对政府、投资者和员工社会...  相似文献   

Ideally, a product’s price should strike a balance between extracting value for a firm and sharing some of that value with customers. Charging less than what is warranted by a product’s value “leaves money on the table”, but far greater long-run harm to the brand is caused when managers charge more than what is justified by the product’s benefits. This study examines the effect of environmental- and firm-level factors on managers’ judgment when setting prices. Using data collected from brand managers of major consumer goods companies, we found that managers are more inclined to charge unjustified prices in environments with less intense competition and in business units with a strong technological orientation. Brand strength is also positively related to the propensity to overprice, but this relationship diminishes as the brand becomes stronger.  相似文献   

So far there has been scant empirical attention paid to the role of the sales force in the adoption of new brands in the early implementation stages. We test a framework of internal (sales manager and salespeople) brand adoption using an empirical multilevel study. Our findings suggest that the construct of expected customer demand (ECD) plays an important role in sales force brand adoption. First, ECD directly influences salespeople’s and sales managers’ brand adoption. Second, ECD serves as a cross-level moderator of new brand adoption transmission. We find the influence of sales managers’ brand adoption on salespeople’s brand adoption to be stronger when salespeople’s ECD is lower.  相似文献   

业绩预告是上市公司信息披露的一种重要形式,能够为投资者提供有关公司未来业绩的信息。然而,由于我国业绩预告具有一定的强制性特征,因此国内关于业绩预告发布动机的研究较少。本文选取2004~2010年的分析师预测样本,研究了制度因素及分析师预测特征因素对业绩预告策略选择的影响。研究发现,大部分满足强制性发布条件的上市公司都能按规定发布预告;分析师预测分歧度越大的公司越倾向于发布预告;分析师预测误差与业绩预告发布的概率正相关,负向误差加强了两者之间的正相关关系。  相似文献   

Are consumers more likely to select brands offered by companies that engage in cause-related marketing (CRM)? Somewhat surprisingly, little evidence exists that directly addresses this issue. Accordingly, the present examination investigates whether and when CRM efforts influence consumer choice. The results from several studies indicate that information regarding a company’s support of social causes can affect choice. However, CRM’s influence on choice is found to depend on the perceived motivation underlying the company’s CRM efforts as well as whether consumers must trade off company sponsorship of causes for lower performance or higher price. The results also indicate that CRM cues affect choice primarily through compensatory strategies involving trade-offs rather than through noncompensatory strategies. Implications of the current findings for existing theory are discussed along with directions for future research.  相似文献   

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