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This paper examines the behavior of the returns on the securities of bank holding companies (BHCs) acquiring mortgage firms after the announcement of such an acquisition and the release of the Federal Reserve Board's decision. The stockholders of acquiring BHCs do not realize abnormal returns following the announcement of the acquisition of a mortgage firm. This reconfirms previous findings in unregulated industries and is consisten with the hypothesis that any economic rent which is generated by such an acquisition is captured by the acquired mortgage firm: This implies that there exist BHCs — other than the acquiring one — that could also affect a profitable merger with the mortgage firm. Another finding is that stockholders of BHCs that were 3enied permission to acquire mortgage firms sustained significant losses during the five weeks following the Board's decision.  相似文献   

The wealth effects for shareholders of American financial firms involved in foreign acquisitions and also the wealth effects for shareholders of U.S. target firms acquired by foreign concerns are the topics of this study. The findings indicate that stockholders of U.S. bidding financial firms (and its subset of banks) earn neither abnormal gains nor suffer abnormal losses upon the announcement of an acquisition or regulatory approval. On the other hand, stockholders of U.S. target financial firms (and its subset of banks) earn significant abnormal profits at both the announcement of the proposed acquisition and the announcement of regulatory approval of the acquisition. The wealth effects for these two samples are also compared to samples in which both parties to the acquisition are U.S. firms. The research suggests that there is no significant difference in the size of the announcement gains or losses for either stockholders of the target or bidding firms based on whether the acquisition is foreign or domestic. These findings conflict with prior research which indicates that, for firms in general, stockholders of U.S. targets earn significantly greater wealth benefits when they are acquired by foreign firms than by domestic firms. Overall, these results are consistent with a competitive market for acquisitions of financial firms in which buyers do not earn or lose at the announcement of an acquisition, and in which abnormal gains are received only by the sellers.  相似文献   

This paper examines the returns accruing to the bank holding company (BHC) stockholders when an acquisition is initiated by the BHC. There is a significant, positive abnormal return to these shareholders when the acquisition is announced. The magnitude of this return does not depend on the relative size of the acquired firm. Further, the regulatory environment for these BHC acquisitions introduces uncertainty about the eventual outcome of the review process. Upon approval from the Federal Reserve Board (FRB), the BHC stockholders earn an additional, significantly positive abnormal return.  相似文献   

Acquiring‐firm shareholders lost 12 cents around acquisition announcements per dollar spent on acquisitions for a total loss of $240 billion from 1998 through 2001, whereas they lost $7 billion in all of the 1980s, or 1.6 cents per dollar spent. The 1998 to 2001 aggregate dollar loss of acquiring‐firm shareholders is so large because of a small number of acquisitions with negative synergy gains by firms with extremely high valuations. Without these acquisitions, the wealth of acquiring‐firm shareholders would have increased. Firms that make these acquisitions with large dollar losses perform poorly afterward.  相似文献   

This paper examines two issues — the prediction and short-run control of the money stock — associated with the experience following the Federal Reserve's adoption of a non-borrowed reserve-oriented operating procedure in October 1979. Regarding predictability, our analysis suggests that econometric models offer no improvement over the Board's judgmental forecasting procedure in terms of a lower multiplier forecast error. Regarding the question of whether alternative operating targets would have lowered monthly variability in the money stock, our findings suggest that neither a total reserve nor a monetary base operating target would have enhanced the precision of short-run monetary control relative to a non-borrowed reserve operating target.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of company name fluency on acquisitions. We hypothesize that a company's name fluency, used by potential acquirers as a mental shortcut, influences not only its visibility to investors but also the level of interest from potential acquirers, increasing the company's acquisition probability. After correcting for endogeneity, company name fluency is positively associated with both the probability of being an acquisition target and an acquisition premium. Reasons for a higher acquisition premium for targets with higher name fluency are identified as reduced need to hire top-tier investment banks and higher synergy.  相似文献   

Globalization has led to an increase in cross-border mergers and acquisitions in recent years. Australian firms have featured prominently as acquisition targets in the latest merger wave. Cross-border acquisitions significantly affect industry dynamics and competitive balance. We investigate the intra-industry effects of cross-border acquisition of Australian firms and find, among others, that the target firms' rivals realized significantly positive abnormal returns following both the acquisition proposal and termination announcements. We relate our results to competing hypotheses and find evidence consistent with the acquisition probability hypothesis. Interestingly, we find that the abnormal returns earned by the rival firms at the time of the termination of the acquisition involving their industry counterparts were greater than the returns earned at the time of the acquisition proposal announcement. These results are consistent with the assertion that the likelihood of acquisition of the rival firms increases following the termination of the initial acquisition proposal involving their industry counterparts.  相似文献   

The Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act (IBBEA) represented a significant step in the deregulation of interstate banking and branching. The IBBEA's passage had a positive wealth effect on a sample of large Bank Holding Companies (BHCs). Cross-sectional tests of abnormal returns reveal that BHCs having characteristics associated with acquisition targets and BHCs headquartered in states that prohibited interstate branching experienced significantly higher returns. Collectively, the evidence suggests that investors anticipated that the IBBEA would provide for increased corporate control activities among banks and that a large portion of the BHC gains stems from the relaxation of interstate branching restrictions.  相似文献   

《Journal of Banking & Finance》1997,21(10):1431-1450
We examine voluntary acquisitions of solvent stock-held thrift institutions since 1979, and find that bidding firms suffered losses, target firms gained, and the impact of the merger on the bidder-target pair was positive on average. During the post-FIR-REA period acquirers experienced smaller losses and targets experienced smaller gains relative to the pre-FIRREA period. An investigation into the motives of bidding firm management provides evidence indicating the presence of synergy, agency, and hubris motivations in the pre-FIRREA period. Although the acquisitions environment underwent substantial changes in the post-FIRREA period, we find no evidence of corresponding changes in acquisition motivations.  相似文献   

A capital structure theory based on corporate control considerations is presented. The optimal debt level balances a decrease in the probability of acquisition against a higher share of the synergy for the target's shareholders. This leads to the following implications: (i) the probability of firms becoming acquisition targets decreases with their leverage, (ii) acquirers' share of the total equity gain increases with targets' leverage, (iii) when acquisitions are initiated, targets' stock price, targets' debt value, and acquirers' firm value increase, and (iv) during the acquisition, target firms' stock price changes further; the expected change is zero and the variance decreases with targets' debt level.  相似文献   

A bond rating upgrade (downgrade) is more likely when preceded by acquisitions that meet with positive (negative) announcement-period abnormal returns suggesting that decisions of rating agencies are partly influenced by the quality of investments undertaken by companies. Parsing the sample along takeover motives reveals that rating upgrades are more likely in value-creating acquisitions motivated by synergy while acquisitions motivated by agency considerations are more likely to elicit a rating downgrade. Following a rating downgrade however, firms seem to significantly alter their investment policies as such firms tend to make fewer but higher quality acquisitions. In addition, value creation through synergy seems to be the dominant motive in acquisitions for downgraded firms post rating downgrade.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether joint ventures and strategic alliances create value for bondholders by examining the bond market’s reaction to announcements of these two types of cooperative business activities. Based on 2964 announcements from 1985 to 2011, we find that joint ventures and strategic alliances create significant value for bondholders. The average two-month abnormal bond return is 0.64% for joint ventures and 0.70% for strategic alliances. We find no evidence of a wealth transfer between the bondholders and stockholders. We further explore the determinants of bond value creation through hypotheses on the synergy effect, the alleviation of financial constraints, and real options. The results of our study show that financial synergy is a main driver of bondholder wealth effects in joint ventures, while operating synergy is a dominant factor in strategic alliances. We also find evidence to support the real option hypothesis for both events. Finally, we show that the structure of bond contracts plays an important role in the link between synergy and abnormal bond returns.  相似文献   

We investigate firms’ debt financing choices among bank loans, public bonds and privately placed debt around mergers and acquisitions (M&As). We find that prior to M&As, firms with above-optimal leverage tend to pursue arm’s-length debt financing in lieu of bank debt. We find that three-day CARs for highly levered firms and acquirer’s long-run performance are negatively associated with non-bank financing. This supports a monitoring avoidance hypothesis for highly levered firms’ non-bank debt financing decisions in M&As. As a falsification test, we do not find the same debt financing considerations of acquirer firms during their post-M&A period.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of alternative bond indenture provisions on the allocation of risk among the firm's claimants. The approach taken here differs from that of earlier studies in that risk allocation is examined while the firm's leverage (in market value terms) is held constant. In this context, four indenture provisions are examined: (1) the time to maturity, (2) the promised payment schedule, (3) financing restrictions and (4) priority rules. It is concluded that risk is transferred from stockholders to bondholders as the time to maturity and promised payment increase appropriately. Furthermore substitution of longer-term debt for an equal amount of shorter-term debt also increases the risk to bondholders while decreasing the risk to stockholders. The analysis shows that a coupon bond can be represented by a unique discount bond with the same risk and value. This permits the characterization of the effective maturity of a risky debt issue, a concept analogous to the stochastic duration of a default-free coupon bond. These results are shown to be independent of the means used to finance the debt issue. Finally, it is concluded that the relative risk associated with different bonds issued by the same firm cannot be determined by the structure of priority rules alone. It is also necessary to consider the timing of the promised payments compared to that of the other debt issues in the firm's capital structure.  相似文献   

This study examines the market for acquisitions and the impact of mergers on the returns to the stockholders of the constituent firms. While employing the two-factor market model as recently developed and applied by Black-Jensen-Scholes and Fama-MacBeth, this study also considers changes in risk in analyzing the impact of mergers on stock prices. The results of the study are consistent with the hypothesis that the market for acquisitions is perfectly competitive and with the hypothesis that information regarding mergers is efficiently incorporated in the stock prices. Stockholders of acquiring firms seem to earn normal returns from mergers as from other investment-production activities with commensurate risk levels. Stockholders of acquired firms earn abnormal returns of approximately 14%, on the average, in the seven months preceding the merger.  相似文献   

Both acquisition activity and deregulation have had an impact upon share price and performance of commercial bank holding companies. The purpose of this study is twofold: First, to discern the effects of acquisition activity from the effects of the passage of the Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980 (DIDMCA) and Garn-St Germain Depository Institutions Act of 1982 (GSG) on balance sheet composition of bank holding companies; and second, to examine the effects of deregulation on returns to shareholders of acquiring bank holding companies. This study finds that commercial bank holding companies involved in acquisitions experience significant changes in their balance sheet composition, not as a result of acquisition activity, but as a result of deregulation. Additionally, bank holding companies that announced acquisitions prior to the effective date of deregulation earned abnormal returns that were significantly negative, whereas holding companies announcing acquisitions after enactment of deregulation earned returns that were not significantly different from zero. Also, the abnormal returns found in previous studies of bank acquisitions may be biased upward because of increases in systematic risk associated with the passage of DIDMCA and GSG.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the effects of events leading to the passage of the Garn-St. Germain Depository Institutions Act of 1982. The evidence suggests that the call for reform by President Reagan's Housing Commission and the Senate passage of the bill produced positive abnormal returns to stockholders of large savings and loans and commercial banks. Stockholders of small S&Ls and banks, on the other hand, generally experienced negative abnormal returns. Furthermore, when hopes of passage of the Act faded, significant negative (positive) abnormal returns were experienced by stockholders of large (small) S&Ls and banks.  相似文献   

Using supervisory data from large U.S. bank holding companies (BHCs), we find that BHCs incur more operational losses in adverse macroeconomic conditions driven significantly by the higher frequency and severity of tail events. Among different operational risk types, we find that losses from BHCs' failure to meet obligations to clients or from the design of their products are particularly countercyclical. We also show that larger and more leveraged BHCs have a higher macroeconomic sensitivity of operational risk. Overall, our findings provide new evidence regarding U.S. banking organizations' exposure to macroeconomic shocks with implications for risk management practices and supervisory policy.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the impact of managerial horizon on mergers and acquisitions activity. The main predication is that acquiring firms managed by short-horizon executives have higher abnormal returns at acquisition announcements, less likelihood of using equity to pay for the transactions, and inferior postmerger stock performance in the long run. I construct two proxies for managerial horizon based on the CEO's career concern and compensation scheme, and provide empirical evidence supporting the above prediction. Moreover, I also demonstrate that long-horizon managers are more likely to initiate acquisitions in response to high stock market valuation.  相似文献   

This paper discusses results and difficulties of comparing banks’ performance based on publicly available data for the case of Nordea, a pan-Nordic bank created through mergers of important national banks. The objective is to determine whether Nordea’s unique strategy of functional integration across four countries can be advantageous. For stock-market data, however, Nordea does not have stable betas on risk factors, and thus the comparables method must be used with great care. The Nordea holding company performed about as well as the comparables, both in terms of stock-market and accounting data. Nordea banks in individual countries outperformed comparable holding companies; by arithmetic, Nordea non-bank operations are not as profitable as its bank operations. In event studies, the data lend only the weakest support to the hypothesis that the market viewed Nordea’s acquisitions as adding value.  相似文献   

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