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During the post-war period profound changes have occurred in the cluster of institutions and organisations called “The Swedish Model”. This article deals with those changes and with their interplay with other social changes. More specific, changes in the system for industrial vocational training, an early and cherished domain for the Swedish model-type of co-operation, are related to transforming industrial structure and to changes in industrial work organisation. The article results in an economichistorical explanation of how the very centrally managed model of the 1960s was transformed to a more local one.  相似文献   

According to conventional wisdom, the fall of the Swedish currency in September 1931 was caused by the sterling crisis. This article shows that the road towards devaluation began earlier and that financial linkages with Germany proved to be more important than Sweden's economic and monetary relations with Great Britain. It all started in late 1929 when the Swedish financier Ivar Kreuger gave a loan to the German government in exchange for the match monopoly, thus tying his business ventures to Germany's solvency. In addition, a part of this loan was financed by large US dollar credits from the two largest Swedish banks that, in turn, accumulated a sizeable foreign short‐term deficit. When in June 1931 the German fiscal crisis began to escalate, international investors ceased to consider Sweden a safe haven because they knew about the linkages between the German government, Kreuger, and the Swedish banking system. This downgrading, in combination with the foreign short‐term deficit of the banking sector, proved lethal for the reserve position of the Swedish central bank, once the international liquidity crisis in mid‐July 1931 erupted. The sterling crisis only put the final nail in the coffin.  相似文献   


In this article, the conventional wisdom on German trade policies during the interwar and the wartime years are examined from the Swedish experience. The conventional view, represented by, for instance, Hirschman, Child and Ellis, is that Germany adopted exploitative trade policies during the 1930s. By forcing bilateral agreements onto its smaller trading partners, the bargaining power was biased towards Germany's advantage – that is, Germany gained the market position of a monopolist-monopsonist. According to the conventional view, this was reflected in the cash flows, export and import prices and the commodity structure of the trade. In this article, German trade policies are analyzed with respect to the design and practice of the Swedish-German bilateral exchange clearing agreement; the commodity structure of the trade; and the price trends in Swedish-German bilateral trade. In the analyses, no evidence was found that would suffice to confirm the conventional view on German trade policies. Instead, it seems more likely that the Germans aimed for long-term cooperation, as has been claimed by, for instance, Milward, Neal and Ritschl. This does not mean that German trade policies were not exploitative, but since bilateral arrangement leveled the asymmetric power relations, Germany could not make use of its relatively stronger position.  相似文献   


This article discusses how economic thought constituted an institutional obstacle to the development of a consumer society in Sweden, during the decades around the year 1800, with reference to the production and distribution of ready-made clothing. The analysis is based on the discussions sparked by the Stockholm Tailor's Guild's repeated applications for permission to open a ‘clothes warehouse’. The article examines the positions taken by the different actors on the local arena and on the state level. It argues that although rivalry over the local market and conflicts between different corporate bodies did play a role, the decisive factor in deciding the question was the role and position of the Swedish textile industry. Appeals to what was beneficial and of practical use to Stockholm inhabitants were countered by warnings of increased smuggling and weakened control over the quality of industrial and craft products, as well as arguments concerning the optimal uses of the country's workforce. Thus, an apparently simple application for permission to sew clothes together, and then sell them, developed into a discussion of the entire basis of Swedish society's economic structure.  相似文献   


This article deals with the US government's efforts to curb the Swedish ball bearing producer SKF's exports to the East early in the Cold War, 1950–1952, and interprets this process within the framework of hegemony theory. In doing this, the article makes use of previously unutilised US archival material. The period up to mid-1951 saw increasing US pressure upon Sweden and SKF to consent to US hegemony by abiding by the Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls (CoCom) embargo. To achieve its objectives US policymakers developed a flexible ‘carrot and stick’ approach, and the article adds considerable detail regarding the US government's handling of SKF. US tolerance and flexibility was dependent upon Swedish consent to American hegemony in Western Europe, which was received through the signing of the Stockholm agreement – a hegemonic apparatus through which Sweden's abidance by the embargo was handled – in mid-June 1951. A small amount of exports was accepted by Washington as long as the main US objective – to deny the Eastern Bloc strategic technology – was adhered to by SKF. The article also reveals the lack of policy coordination in the Swedish government, and the conflicts between the government and SKF regarding the responsibility for adhering to the embargo.  相似文献   


The article addresses central questions in the research of family business, corporate governance and the transformation of Swedish industry. The analysis is drawn from the example of the Wallenberg family in Sweden, an industrial dynasty of five generations. Ideas of ownership and overriding values are discussed in relation to pressures of change in international industries. In detail, the article deals with 1) the concepts of corporate governance, long-term active ownership and networking capacity and the chronology of successful family capitalism, 2) the pressures for change experienced in early post-World War II Swedish industry in general and in the three multinational companies in particular, 3) how the owners and top management of the three companies responded strategically to these pressures and 4) the extent to which the provision of capital was accompanied by industrial competence or if simple patience on the part of capital was sufficient.  相似文献   

Migration, important for many areas in development, is strongly related to employment. Debate over labour supply in developing countries frequently hinges on labour migration. This paper examines the determinants of spatial mobility of working-age adults in South Africa, using the first nationally representative longitudinal survey – the National Income Dynamics Study – for 2008–10. The paper outlines the unique advantages of these data for the study of individual mobility – data that open the possibility of a new research project. Specifically, it asks how policy-relevant programmes, such as social transfers and housing assistance, affect migration. This paper finds, on balance, that transfers are negatively correlated with subsequent relocation. Previous migration is also predictive of future migration and both are tightly related to attrition, while there is an increasing but strongly non-linear relationship between income and mobility. Further, we highlight potential pitfalls – including attrition, and definitional difficulties – in the study of migration and illustrate possible solutions.  相似文献   

"This paper reviews the literature on international labour migration from and within the Asian-Pacific region. It deals with patterns and characteristics of migration flows, government policies towards labour migration, and economic implications of labour migration for both labour-exporting and importing countries in the region. The indications are that, despite gradual slowing down of labour flows to the western industrial countries and the Middle East, labour migration will continue to be a major economic influence on surplus-labour countries in the region. As an integral part of the growth dynamism in the region, labour migration has now begun to take on a regional dimension, with immense implications for the process of industrial restructuring in high growth economies and the changing pattern of economic interdependence among countries."  相似文献   

Book Review     

The importance of Swedish iron ore to the re-armament and wartime economy of Nazi Germany has been touched upon in a number of writings about the international politics of the period here under review. Erik Lonnroth has demonstrated how the question of continued ore deliveries constituted the flashpoint of Swedish-German relations during the 1930s.1 Gunnar Häggläf describes the Swedish Foreign Office's balancing act between English and German desires in regard to the ore trade, and their role in the regulating of trade with the two belligerents in the autumn of 1939.2 Magne Skodvin has explored the strategic and economic aspects of the attack on Norway and Denmark on 9 April 1940.3  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the changes of U.S.‐Russia relations after September 11. The analysis deals with the issues relating to both military and economic cooperation. In particular, this article focuses on examining the impact of the terrorist attacks on U.S.‐Russian relations. Specifically, the paper discusses the results of the visit of U.S. President Bush to Russia and its impacts on the relations between the two countries. First, the paper analyzes the U.S. position toward Russia under the Bush Administration before the terrorist attacks. Second, it looks at how Russia perceived and took advantage of the terrorist attacks to improve its relations with the United States. Third, it explores the nature of the quasi alliance between the United States and Russia. And finally, it examines the possibilities and limitations of the long‐term cooperation agreement between the U.S. and Russia from an economic and military perspective.  相似文献   

马克思的哲学是从批判德国古典哲学开始的,马克思的思想深受黑格尔和费尔巴哈等人的影响,但马克思又没有拘泥于这一旧有的哲学层面,而是随着研究的深入进而批判它。本文从人的问题这一角度切入,分析了马克思哲学中的人对黑格尔和费尔巴哈哲学中的人的继承和发展,着重探讨了马克思哲学在人的问题方面的革命性变革,进而加深了对马克思哲学与德国古典哲学的关系的认识。  相似文献   

This article explores urban agriculture in Cape Town and its organisational forms. Based on a literature review of peer-reviewed articles and grey literature, it examines the state of linkages among urban farmers and various supporting organisations of urban agriculture. Moreover, it examines the coordination of activities among key supporting organisations. By analysing the roles of state and non-state actors and linkages, the article discusses implications for the development of urban agriculture. This article suggests that a lack of effective coordination of initiatives among supporting actors presents a significant pitfall in the development of urban agriculture. Furthermore, the failure of farmers to self-organise is identified as equally detrimental. Therefore, it calls for improved synergies between state and non-state actors involved to ensure that the gains of urban agriculture are enhanced.  相似文献   

In this article, it is argued that the North American industrial district was a metropolitan‐centred one that drew extensively on regional resources, skills, capital, and information. The Chicago printing industry between 1880 and 1950 is used as a case study to demonstrate that industries were linked at various scales: from the factory district to the metropolis and the region. A wide range of sources (manufacturing censuses, government reports, industrial journals, bankruptcy records) is employed to establish how the intricate set of relations and transactions formed metropolitan industrial districts.  相似文献   


Before the First World War, the Swedish brewing industry was organised into cartels that fixed prices and established distribution areas. During the inter-war years, the major combines in the three biggest cities strengthened their position, since they controlled the market in the most populated areas. Because of the agreements within the brewing cartel Bryggeriidkareförbundet, there was hardly any competition among the breweries and the only way to expand the business was to buy cartel-associated smaller breweries in the fixed ‘natural distribution area’. When the cartel ceased to exist in the mid 1950s, the agreements among AB Stockholms Bryggerier in Stockholm (StB), AB Pripp & Lyckholm in Göteborg (P&L) and AB Malmö Förenade Bryggerier in Malmö (MfB) were informally maintained. They managed to expand in their old distribution areas and beyond, but there was no interference in each other's home market.

This article examines why and how these agreements finally came to an end and the effects of the increased competition. The so-called ‘beer war’ between StB and P&L during the early sixties paved the way for negotiations, which in the end led to a merger of the breweries and a new big combine – Pripps – was created. We take up questions related to the formation of the company, its market expansion, the diversification and other organisational strategies. Pripps's monopolistic position on the Swedish market and the institutional pressure that followed started a process leading in the end to a reorganisation and a holding company, PRIBO, was formed in the early 1970s. A few years later the majority of PRIBO's brewing division (Pripps) was bought by the Swedish state and the rest of PRIBO was sold to one of the upcoming holding companies in Sweden during that time – Beijer Invest.  相似文献   

The establishment of trust is a key component of economic activity and social ties can make business dealings work better. However, we do not know much about how economic actors created new social ties deliberately in order to pursue their objectives. This article analyses the way in which merchants and entrepreneurs used specific rituals to establish formal social ties, with the intent of protecting their business relationships. It focuses on relational instruments that until now had been neglected, particularly godparenthood and marriage witnessing. It shows that formalization, ritualization, and publicity of ties were used by entrepreneurs to establish trust with their business associates, for example when information was asymmetric or when institutions were perceived as inefficient in guaranteeing mutual good behaviour. The analysis covers a long period, from the late middle ages to today. It pays particular attention to the consequences of the Reformation in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries and of the industrial revolution in the nineteenth. Contrary to the received wisdom, it suggests that formal social ties such as godparenthood continued to play an important role in economic activity during and after the industrial revolution. New databases on early modern Italy and nineteenth‐century France are used.  相似文献   

Productivity influences of agglomeration for developed countries has been well documented so far, however, the studies are still rare for emerging and developing countries, especially ones focusing on firm heterogeneity. This article empirically investigates the effects of agglomeration on productivity using firm-level data from Vietnam – a typical emerging country. Firstly, the consistent productivity measure of each individual firm is yielded using the control function approach along with the instrumental variable procedure. Next, it is regressed on proxies of agglomeration, controlling firm and regional characteristics. Potential issues of self-selection and endogeneity are dealt with using the fixed effects technique and taking advantage of micro data. Findings show the productivity-enhancing influences of employment density and industrial diversity but no clear evidence on the productivity gains from specialization for a general firm. In addition, the most advantaged firms in highly agglomerated regions are proved to be foreign-owned, small-sized, or young. Finally, several sensitivity checks demonstrate that the estimated results are robust across various productivity measures, industrial levels, and samples.  相似文献   

This paper updates the survey of labour markets in East Asia in APEL 4(2), September 1990. After an introductory section on major economic changes in the region, it describes trends in the labour supply, employment, wages and unemployment. The following sections give an account of developing labour market institutions, industrial relations and government regulation. The last section deals briefly with the impact of the Asian financial crisis.  相似文献   


Britain and Sweden have often been cited to illustrate the contrasting fortunes of post-War European economies. Britain seemed destined to struggle with bad labour relations and comparatively poor levels of output, whilst Sweden established a reputation as a model of corporatist management and high productivity.1 The industrial turmoil of the 1970s swept Scandinavia as well as the U.K. and blurred this convenient contrast, but it was the dramatic improvement in the performance of British manufacturing in the 1980s which has forced us to reappraise the nature of ‘the British disease’. This improvement has been attributed by a number of writers to the changed climate of industrial relations, as many employers broke with the bad bargaining practices of earlier decades.2 The power of the unions has been curtailed if not completely extinguished and resistance to new technologies has been overcome in many of the traditional strongholds of craft production. It seems logical to conclude that the defeat of the unions and the reform of industrial relations have been essential prerequisites of improved output.3 Yet the evidence is, at best, ambiguous. Current debates on productivity in Britain during the 1980s indicate the difficulty of measuring changes in contemporary output and the limits of the data available for such an exercise.4 The Swedish economy, and Scandinavia more generally, were historically successfully in combining a steady improvement in output with very high levels of trade unionism.5 It was able to sustain this progress during the 1970s and 1980s in the face of mounting pressures on the Swedish model. Established agreements were called into question by the outbreak of large scale strikes whilst dissatisfaction with central negotiations became apparent on the shop floor and in the board rooms of Swedish industry. Wage differentials increased whilst productivity improvements declined during the 1980s, particularly in the export industries. The trade unions were less attractive to manual workers in Sweden as well as Britain and in the opening months of the 1990 the Social Democrats were thrown into crisis by the resistance to their efforts to introduce austerity controls on labour. Sweden seemed to have belatedly arrived at the same impasse which British labour faced a decade earlier.  相似文献   


This article compares financial groups in Japan and Sweden in order to examine functional and structural changes and continuities since the 1980s. The main question is to what extent controlling blocks and symbiotic relationships to banks have faded away in favor of arm's length distance between actors and a more market-oriented system reminiscent of those in the United Kingdom and the United States. The article gives an insight into how the industrial finance system in Japan and Sweden have responded to the deregulation of the credit market in the 1980s, the financial and industrial crises in the early 1990s and early twenty-first century, and the globalization of markets and businesses. The choice of Japan and Sweden is motivated by the fact that these countries by tradition have been two of the strongest representatives of a control-oriented industrial finance system in the world. In this article, a diachronic and synchronic comparative analysis is used, with focus on four distinctive parameters of the industrial finance system: ownership and control, bank relationships, crisis management and personal networks. The article draws on empirical findings from a variety of sources, including archives.  相似文献   

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