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彭洋  张龙  吴莉昀 《金融研究》2019,469(7):19-37
本文将传统泰勒规则发展为具有时变转换概率的马尔科夫区制转换泰勒规则,基于Kim(2004)以两步MLE方法估计了该货币政策规则,并证明了其稳定器作用。研究发现:(1)货币政策中规则性成分的稳定器作用存在非对称性,在区制一内,规则性成分不存在稳定器作用,在区制二内,规则性成分有较强稳定器作用;(2)货币政策中相机抉择成分可以影响各区制的自我演化概率,在进行相机抉择逆周期调控的同时,又可以引导经济系统转向规则性成分有稳定器作用的区制。文章最后根据该货币政策规则的稳定器作用机制给出货币政策操作模式,在经济增长放缓时期,中央银行应该以增大基础货币增长和宽松型窗口指导为直接操作工具,以短期名义利率为中间目标;在经济高涨时期,中央银行应该以提高直接标价法的中美汇率水平和上调存款准备金率为直接操作工具,以短期名义利率为中间目标。  相似文献   

消费金融公司的设立将有利于刺激居民消费,拉动内需。但是,在利率非市场化条件下,这也带来新的货币政策调控问题:中央银行如何对消费金融公司调控来实现政策目标。存款准备金政策对不吸收公众存款而发放无抵押担保的信用贷款的消费金融公司将无用武之地,而以贷款准备金政策(对贷款征收法定准备金)为工具的货币政策调控框架将会大展身手。文章构建了贷款准备金政策调控框架并用以分析其对需求结构的调节效应。  相似文献   

This paper studies the control problem of a stochastic monetary system. The Central Bank has the choice of two targets: the size of its portfolio of assets or the level of interest rate on that class of assets. If its objective is to minimize the variance of a monetary aggregate or of private sector interest rate, the conditions under which one or the other of the targets should be used are analyzed. However, if the ultimate objective is a minimum variance in a desired GNP level the effect of the immediate target is the same whether the central bank employs a money stock or a private interest rate target.  相似文献   

This paper examines two issues — the prediction and short-run control of the money stock — associated with the experience following the Federal Reserve's adoption of a non-borrowed reserve-oriented operating procedure in October 1979. Regarding predictability, our analysis suggests that econometric models offer no improvement over the Board's judgmental forecasting procedure in terms of a lower multiplier forecast error. Regarding the question of whether alternative operating targets would have lowered monthly variability in the money stock, our findings suggest that neither a total reserve nor a monetary base operating target would have enhanced the precision of short-run monetary control relative to a non-borrowed reserve operating target.  相似文献   

金融创新、基本普尔分析与我国货币政策中介目标选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文将金融创新因素纳入基本普尔分析之中,对货币政策中介目标选择问题进行了分析,并得出了两个基本结论:(1)在金融创新发展的初期,总需求冲击方差相对于货币需求冲击方差仍然较大,同时IS曲线相对LM曲线会变得更加陡峭,此时中央银行将优先选择货币供给量作为中介目标;(2)在金融创新的快速发展阶段,货币需求函数将变得极不稳定,以致于货币需求冲击远远超过总需求冲击时,无论IS曲线和LM曲线的斜率如何,选择利率充当中介目标将变得更加有吸引力。就我国而言,现阶段货币供给量作为中介目标还是较优的选择;长期来看,利率作为中介目标也会因金融创新而失效,一个可行的选择是通货膨胀目标制度。  相似文献   

存款准备金是人民银行的主要货币政策工具之一,长期以来在调节货币供应量和 社会流动性,促进金融机构稳健经营等方面发挥着重要作用。存款准备金交存范围核定是存 款准备金制度的重要组成部分。本文在仔细梳理存款准备金交存范围核定相关规定和工作实 践的基础上,归纳了目前存款准备金交存范围核定的基本原则和交存范围核定工作出现的新变 化新要求,总结了目前交存范围核定工作中所面临的突出问题,并就改进工作提出意见建议, 对在新形势下做好存款准备金交存管理工作进行了有益的探索。  相似文献   

A monetary aggregate consisting predominantly of zero-maturity deposits, called MZM, tends to systematically lead output in the US business cycle. Such fluctuations are observed both before and after the 1979 monetary policy change. Similar dynamics are obtained in a model with multi-stage production and purchase-size heterogeneity when agents optimally choose their mix of cash, checkable, and time deposits used in transactions. The causality in the model runs from real activity to money, rather than the other way around. Although the monetary base is endogenous, through a Taylor-type rule, the lead in MZM is primarily driven by deposit creation.  相似文献   

金融制度缺陷是我国存款准备金率调整有效性的重要制约因素。金融二元结构条件下非正式的金融市场不受国家金融监管体系的监测和控制,不能在公开金融统计中直接反映;货币政策多重目标,同时兼顾内外均衡在开放经济条件下是不可能实现的;存款准备金制度尚不完善,其自身的一些缺陷制约了存款准备金率调整的有效性。因此,必须从根本上改革金融制度。一方面以内部均衡为目标,真正实现人民币汇率浮动和利率市场化,这是发挥存款准备金率调整有效性的市场条件;另一方面改革完善存款准备金制度了,这是提高存款准备金率调整有效性的前提条件。  相似文献   

货币政策、银行资本与风险承担   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
考虑存款准备金率作为我国货币政策的重要工具,本文在D-L-M模型中引入了法定存款准备金,分析了货币政策对银行风险承担的影响,发现货币政策对银行风险承担的影响取决于银行资本状况。接着利用我国14家上市银行的季度数据,采用门限面板回归模型实证分析了货币政策对银行风险承担的影响。实证结果表明紧缩的货币政策对银行风险承担  相似文献   

本文以电子货币为视角,将电子货币引入存款准备金制度的理论分析框架,在理论分析及对传统货币模型修正的基础上,选择电子货币与存款准备金政策相关的变量,建立数量经济模型。通过统计检验发现:电子货币放大了货币乘数,并使货币乘数变得不稳定,从而加大了中央银行通过存款准备金政策影响货币乘数来调节商业银行信用创造能力的难度,削弱了存款准备金政策的效率。  相似文献   

杨真 《金融论坛》2004,9(8):22-27
本文通过对国内外差别存款准备金率制度的介绍,分析了在我国实施该项制度的效应和历史地位,得出以下结论:(1)存款准备金率是中央银行调节货币供应总量的工具,也是促进金融机构稳健运行、防范支付风险的有效手段;(2)该项制度是货币政策与银行监管协调配合的尝试,在具体实施过程中,货币政策和银行监管的配合机制将会受到考验;(3)该项制度的近期效应影响有限,重在对存款类金融机构的中长期效应,特别是对商业银行无理性放贷行为进行有效约束;(4)差别存款准备金率政策是基于中国经济金融环境的一项制度创新,属于一种过渡性的措施.  相似文献   

The effect of inflation on demand for capital and the aggregate capital-labor ratio is investigated in a finite-horizon utility-maximization model. It is shown that deriving saving and asset choice decisions from utility maximization does not in itself lead to superneutrality (independence of steady-state capital-labor ratio from the rate of monetary growth) as in the work of Sidrauski, and that a finite horizon is crucial in explaining this difference. It is further shown that it is possible under very general conditions to show that increases in the rate of inflation will increase the aggregate capital-labor ratio, allowing us to extend the Mundell-Tobin effect to a wider class of models.  相似文献   

2012年6月8日,我国央行调整了利率,这是继两次调整法定存款准备金率之后的"稳增长"的"预调微调"货币政策的又一次行动。6月16日,中国社会科学院金融研究所货币理论与政策研究室主任彭兴韵研究员邀请了业内几位专家一起就当前宏观经济形势与宏观调控话题举行了一场小型讨论会。经与会专家同意,特刊发部分专家的发言整理稿,以期与大家一起讨论。讨论会由彭兴韵研究员主持。  相似文献   

徐枫 《金融论坛》2004,9(9):57-61
银行间同业拆放市场利率是我国主要的货币市场利率,也是最早实现市场化的利率.对商业银行来说,同业拆放利率是商业银行决定贷款利率与存款利率的重要标准.本文通过建立单整自回归平均移动模型ARIMA,研究一年期人民币银行贷款利率、一年期人民币储蓄存款利率、三年期凭证式国债利率、法定准备金年利率、回购利率、消费价格指数、综合股价指数、金融机构各项贷款与存款总额比值和人民币对美元汇率这些因素对我国银行间拆放利率的影响.研究结果表明:一年期人民币银行贷款利率和回购利率是影响我国银行间同业拆放利率的主要因素.  相似文献   

Negotiable certificates of deposit (CD's) trade in the capital market in competition with other securities like commercial paper and bankers' acceptances. If CD's must pay lenders competitive monetary interest, the reserve tax on CD's is borne by bank borrowers. Viability of the tax means there must be something special about bank loans that makes some borrowers willing to pay higher interest rates than those on other securities of equivalent risk. Moreover, there must be something special about banks that prevents other intermediaries from competing to assure that it never pays to finance loans with CD's.  相似文献   

通过建立一个四自变量两层级的面板向量自回归模型(PVAR),以2004年1月~2012年9月中国31个省际面板数据为研究样本,针对货币政策与财政政策的区域效应进行了实证检验。结果表明,经济发达地区的经济增长对货币政策中的存款准备金比率调整较为敏感,而经济不发达地区对货币政策中的公开市场操作的敏感性更强;财政政策对经济次发达地区和经济不发达地区的经济增长和物价水平增长的影响较为显著,对经济发达地区影响相对较小。  相似文献   

Interest rate corridors and reserves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper evaluates reserves regimes versus interest rate corridors, which have become competing frameworks for monetary policy implementation. Rate corridors, relying on lending and deposit facilities to create ceilings and floors for overnight interest rates, evince mixed results on controlling volatility. Reserve requirements allow period-average smoothing of interest rates but, even if remunerated, are subject to reserve avoidance activities. A system of voluntary, period-average reserve commitments could offer equivalent rate-smoothing advantages. If central banks created symmetric opportunity costs of meeting or falling short of period-average reserve requirements (or commitments), they could achieve flat reserve demand on settlement day.  相似文献   

Abstract:  We investigate the influence of changes in UK monetary policy on UK stock returns and the possible reasons behind such a response. Firstly, we conduct an event study to assess the impact of unexpected changes in monetary policy on aggregate and sectoral stock returns. The decomposition of unexpected changes in the policy rate is based on futures markets data. Secondly, using a variance decomposition in the spirit of Campbell (1991) we attempt to identity the channels behind the response of stock returns to monetary policy surprises. The variance decomposition results indicate that the monetary policy shock leads to a persistent negative response in terms of future excess returns for a number of sectors.  相似文献   

A simple theoretical model is developed from the bank balance sheet identity to understand the effects of cash reserve ratio (CRR) on deposit multiplier. It is found that the deposit multiplier can behave perversely, depending on the loan demand and deposit supply parameters. Thus, CRR can work counter-factually and counter-intuitively, as a monetary policy tool. Further, it is found that the capital adequacy ratio – the Basel policy tool – can also work counter-intuitively. The statutory liquidity ratio tool almost mimics the CRR in performance.  相似文献   

本文基于SVEC模型框架,分析了1996年1月至2011年2月期间中国人民银行所使用的多种货币政策工具与多重政策目标之间存在的关系.研究结果表明,物价、产出及货币供给冲击均对利率工具和准备金率工具产生持久、显著的影响,这与通过泰勒规则预测得到的结论基本吻合,但与其预测的反应时滞存在一定的差别.利率和准备金率对实体经济有重要影响,但效果、传导时滞存在差异,同时,两种工具对货币供给冲击的反应既不充分、也不及时.针对以上结论,本文一一作了解释,并在此基础上得到了许多有益启示.  相似文献   

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