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横向并购可能给参与并购的企业带来成本节约而产生效率效应,同时也可能产生反竞争效应。在横向并购反垄断审查的效率抗辩中,并购企业只要能够证实成本节约的效率效应能够抵消反竞争效应进而增进社会总福利水平,就可以获得反垄断当局的批准。然而,成本节约及其实现程度具有不确定性,成本节约的不确定性不仅会影响消费者剩余和社会总福利水平,而且将对效率抗辩和反垄断当局并购审查的判定规则产生影响。本文以Cournot模型为基础,系统分析了成本节约的不确定性对于横向并购反垄断评估审查中效率抗辩、判定规则和预期消费者福利的影响,为反垄断当局在并购评估审查中如何考虑效率因素提供决策参考。  相似文献   

外资并购必须考虑的反垄断问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
傅明 《上海国资》2007,(1):76-76
对反垄断的很多具体标准尚未达成共识最近发布的《关于外国投资者并购境内企业的规定》中,并没有规定判定垄断构成的具体的实质标准,因此即  相似文献   

跨国并购中反垄断风险的规制:国际经验与中国的对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
申报门槛、市场影响、市场份额、并购动因、例外豁免等是反垄断执法机构审核并购的重要考量因素。我国要加强反垄断制度的国际协调,灵活运用投资方式以缓解企业的政治风险,通过反垄断域外适用、对等适用等实现效力对等原则捍卫国家利益,具体分析并购涉及国的反垄断理念和制度差异,有选择地控制制度风险。  相似文献   

外资并购反垄断控制的困惑与解决思路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
有关的效应分析表明,外资并购对我国经济发展有着多方面的积极影响,但是也可能导致外资垄断势力的形成。本文从国际竞争和经济安全两个角度,对外资并购反垄断控制问题进行了分析。结论认为,随着加入WTO后国民待遇原则的普遍实施,我国政府在外资并购反垄断控制中将面临“两难选择”的困惑。为此,本文最后提出了相应的解决思路。  相似文献   

赵力践 《科技和产业》2024,24(1):144-150
互联网平台发展壮大的同时垄断问题也引起全世界反垄断执法机构的关注。尽管《反垄断法》的修订回应了公众对数字领域垄断问题的部分关切,但传统事先申报标准无法满足互联网平台反垄断执法需求,且实质性审查制度在新业态下陷入失灵,大量大型平台企业并购初创企业案件长期逃脱反垄断审查。为此,可以通过修正申报标准、完善相关市场界定、重塑反竞争评估、优先适用行为性限制条件以及构建长效监管机制来规制扼杀式并购行为。  相似文献   

单边效应是并购可能产生的一种反竞争效应,结果可能会提高价格、降低产量、减少社会福利.影响单边效应的因素很多,但对于不同行业、不同的并购,这些因素的重要程度不同.文章在分析单边效应的基础上,对反垄断审查应该在什么情况下重点关注哪些因素给予说明.  相似文献   

商务部改并购规定删“反垄断审查”日前,商务部在其网站上发出公告,对《关于外国投资者并购境内企业的规定》作出修改,删除第五章“反垄断审查”,在“附则”中新增一条作为第五十一条,表述为:“依据《反垄断法》的规定,外国投资者并购境内企业达到《国务院关于经营者集中申报标准的规定》规定的申报标准的,应当事先向商务部申报,未申报不得实施交易。”商务部表示,这些修改是为保证《关于外国投资者并购境内企业的规定》与《反垄断法》和《国务院关于经营者集中申报标准的规定》相一致。  相似文献   

古敏 《上海经济》2006,(9):68-69
2006年8月9日,中国商务部发布了修订后的《关于外国投资者并购境内企业的规定》(下称《规定》),并专门在第五章中明确表示了商务部对外资并购中国企业拥有反垄断审查权。  相似文献   

反垄断执法工作是我国确立竞争政策基础地位、维护社会福利的保障,而行业协会作为重要的制度性设计,在我国市场与政府之间扮演着重要角色。为研究行业协会与反垄断执法之间的关联,探索提升反垄断执法效率的有效路径并进一步优化我国反垄断政策,本文基于位列《反垄断法》监管首位的横向垄断协议案件数据,利用生存分析方法实证检验了行业协会对反垄断执法效率的影响及作用机制。研究发现,组织型行业协会对反垄断执法效率产生了正向影响,而协调型行业协会对反垄断执法效率产生了负向影响。其中,执法配合机制是行业协会影响执法效率的内在渠道,而外在举报机制具有对行业协会的威慑引导作用,削弱了协调型行业协会对执法效率的抑制作用,加强了组织型行业协会的促进作用。本文的研究结论为我国反垄断执法提供了微观层面的经验证据,也为行业协会的自身完善及其各项经济职能的有效发挥提供了有益参考。  相似文献   

蒋骁 《上海国资》2013,(9):75-76
中国银监会于2008年12月发布《商业银行并购贷款风险管理指引》,针对境内企业以受让现有股权、认购新增股权、收购资产、承接负债等方式实现合并或实际控制并持续经营目标企业的并购行为,允许符合条件的商业银行对其发放并购贷款,以满足日益增长的并购融资需求。相对于房地产抵押贷款等成熟贷款形式,并购贷款中的资产评估业务尚未有完善的理论和方法研究,本文拟就并购贷款中资产评估的作用和评估思路进行阐述,以期为今后开拓与并购贷款相关的资产评估新兴市场业务提供一些有益的思路。  相似文献   

不完全信息下跨国兼并模型分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
伍江 《新疆财经》2007,(4):59-64
本文主要通过对不完全信息跨国兼并模型的分析,发现如果没有政府干预,外国企业只要具有成本上的优势,跨国兼并的发生是不可避免的。其中不完全信息并不是市场实现兼并的障碍,而政府在维护、平衡市场兼并效率和社会福利的关系方面中扮演着重要角色。  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of foreign firm entry on the industry consolidation process in a host country that operates through mergers and exits of incumbent firms. Using a three-stage oligopolistic model, the paper shows that foreign direct investment (FDI) may trigger consolidation via a merger since the approval of a domestic merger by the antitrust authority is more likely in the case a foreign firm enters via FDI and a firm’s incentive for a domestic merger is greater and that, in turn, the possibility to merge and become more efficient modifies the outcome of the game by making FDI compared to exports less likely.  相似文献   

Firms have a broad range of rationales for engaging in cross-border mergers and other forms of foreign direct investment (FDI); while some companies are in search of the cost advantages provided by foreign resources, other firms are primarily interested in gaining access to new markets. Although a significant amount of research has explored the patterns of FDI, little work has been done to assess what influences the value of cross-border mergers and, in particular, what determines why some cross-border mergers are expected to result in higher synergies when compared to others. This paper explores what characteristics of a merger are expected to increase the synergies that a firm will accrue from a cross-border merger by testing how a variety of factors impact the premia paid to effectuate a cross-border merger. We find that firms are willing to pay a higher premium to obtain greater control over foreign firms, and that this control is even more important in mergers involving firms in emerging markets. We also find that the factors affecting deal premia in cross-border mergers differ based on whether the acquirer has a high or low intangible asset intensity level.  相似文献   

汪立元 《特区经济》2012,(3):299-301
成功的汽车制造业并购能使并购企业迅速壮大企业规模,提高市场占有率和竞争力。但在并购过程中,不可避免地要面临各种财务风险,主要表现在并购目标企业的价值评估风险、融资风险、资金使用风险和财务整合风险。要保证并购的成功和并购完成后达到预期的经营效果,必须对这些财务风险进行有效的规避和防范,主要措施包括充分获取并购方信息制订合理并购价值、选择合理的融资方式、谨慎利用资金防范资金使用风险以及加强资金使用效率降低整合风险等方面。上汽并购双龙汽车的案例体现了并购财务风险的成因,而对于如何规避也给出了有益的启示。  相似文献   

This paper models the modern merger review process in which an enforcement agency, here the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), interacts with the acquiring firm to determine the outcome of antitrust regulation. Our empirical implementation of a game theoretic analysis tests whether decisions are driven by the costs and benefits of the proposed enforcement initiative as well as whether firms' responses are colored by competitive and institutional considerations. With respect to firms, the results suggest that mergers are driven by the opportunity to capture efficiencies, In contrast, the structural (anticompetitive) characteristics of mergers do not seem to impact firms' litigation decisions. Firms, however, are deterred from fighting the FTC by the potential negative impact on their reputations. In addition, “hostage effects” associated with the size of the noncontroversial portion of acquisitions held up by the FTC's competitive concerns also affect firm decisions.  相似文献   

Assessing the Effects of Antitrust Enforcement in the United States   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Summary  This article reviews empirical evidence informing an assessment of cartel and merger antitrust enforcement in the United States and makes some reasonable inferences from it. It also explains why an objective assessment based on hard evidence is not possible for the critical deterrence effects of enforcement, or for any of the effects of enforcement against single-competitor exclusionary conduct. Finally, this article describes the reporting by the U.S. Department of Justice of consumer savings from its antitrust enforcement actions, and details the construction of the savings estimates from cartel and horizontal merger enforcement. The views expressed herein are not purported to represent those of the U.S. Department of Justice.  相似文献   

李光绪 《特区经济》2010,(9):116-118
随着我国资本市场的兴起和发展,作为资本市场重要组成部分的兼并行为越来越活跃,呈现出来的方式也多种多样。兼并过程通常伴随着相关各方之间的利益流动,但是,这种利益流动并不平衡,流通股股东和债权人的利益不能得到保护,兼并机制存在诸多问题。本文试图在对兼并收益进行深入分析的基础之上,对兼并的方式进行分类,并通过案例揭示各种兼并方式的特点,并阐释我国目前兼并过程中的利益流动的问题。然后针对兼并中存在的问题,试图提出一些有益的措施。  相似文献   

This paper applied the distance to default (DD) measure to five mergers among large Japanese banks during the crisis period. The DD helps us analyze whether mergers that took place in the late 1990s and 2000s made the merged banks financially more robust, as intended. Our findings include: (1) A merged bank fundamentally inherits financial soundness of premerged banks, without incremental value from the merger; and (2) A negative DD was observed following the merger. The findings of this case study are consistent with the view that large Japanese banks’ mergers either failed to implement intended scale economies or were motivated by a belief in the too-big-to-fail policy.  相似文献   

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