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<正>国务院印发的《全国国土规划纲要(2016-2030年)》提出,要科学推进国土集聚开发、分类保护和综合整治,进一步优化开发格局、提升开发质量、规范开发秩序,促进形成安全、和谐、开放、协调、富有竞争力和可持续发展的美丽国土。随着统领全国国土空间开发、保护、整治各类活动的战略性、综合性、基础性规划的编制与执行,我国国土空间治理工作进入一个全新时代。而编制与执行好各级国土规划,坚持高效与安全的原则尤为重要。编制好各级国土规划是执行规划、推进国土空间治理体系和治理能力现代化的基础与前提。坚持建设"高效  相似文献   

国土规划是一个新课题,本文探讨了与它有关的十个问题:全国规划与地方区域规划的关系;国土规划与自然区划、经济区划和生态区划的关系:国土规划与行政区划的关系;专业规划与综合规划的关系;不同区域类型之间的关系;国土规划与国民经济中长期计划的关系;国土规划与国民经济中长期计划的关系;国土规划与重点建设项目的关系;国土规划与国际大循环的关系;国土规划编制与实施的关系;国土规划与科学学科的关系。笔者提出了一些新观点。  相似文献   

新时期国土规划的功能定位与编制思路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新时期国土规划是空间规划体系最高层级规划、国土资源开发与空间布局相关规划编制的重要依据以及实现区域分工互补的重要手段.要进行长远规划、宏观部署,通过发挥国土资源的基本功能、国土的载体作用来提升国土规划的战略性、基础性和综合性;通过确定可行的规划目标与指标体系、合理的空间布局方案、建立可操作的规划实施体系来发挥国土规划的引导和约束功能.  相似文献   

编制国土规划是推进生态文明建设,优化国土空间开发格局,促进人地和谐,落实可持续发展战略、区域发展战略和主体功能区战略,建设美丽中国的重要依据。以国土规划的基本理念和国土规划面临的形势为基础,以"四线"管控为主线,从建设安全、高效、和谐、富有竞争力和可持续发展的国土角度,设计了国土规划的核心指标,并测算了目标年份的期望值,有望对全国国土规划的编制提供借鉴,并为相关空间规划和资源规划的修编提供参考。  相似文献   

<正>2001年开始,国土资源部组织开展了新一轮省级和区域级国土规划试点工作,致力于建立多角度、融合性、"一张图"下的国土空间规划体系,协同各部门共建国土生态文明空间格局。2009年,在认真总结这些地方试点经验基础上,国土资源部和国家发改委会同相关部委办局,开始了《全国国土规划纲要(2016—2030年)》(以下简称《纲要》)的研究编制。此间,省级和区域级国土规划的试点探索为建立完善《纲要》编制思路,形成符合生态文明  相似文献   

韩国国土开发在过去近半个世纪中取得了显著成效,目前第五次国土综合规划正在编制。文章在总结韩国历次国土综合规划发展经验及特点的基础上,结合其国土规划新动向,得出对我国国土空间规划的启示:(1)强化均衡国土战略,重视落后地区开发;(2)重视全球化对国土空间规划及空间格局形成的影响;(3)关注城市更新与可持续发展问题。  相似文献   

日本六次国土综合开发规划的演变及启示   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
研究目的:总结日本国土综合开发规划的演变规律,为中国国土规划工作的开展提供借鉴.研究方法:文献资料法,对比法.研究结果:与日本的国情和经济阶段相适应,日本的国土规划在规划法律、规划目标、国土结构、国土开发模式以及规划模式5个方面都体现了不同阶段的规划之间相互关联与独立.研究结论:(1)日本国土规划的经验表明,首先应针对经济体制和社会经济发展阶段特点确定国土规划目标和内容;(2)依法进行国土规划的编制与实施,可有效促进国土的有序开发;(3)相对完善的空间规划体系,是国土规划实施的有效保障.  相似文献   

新时期国土规划的任务、问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
新时期国土规划的重要任务有:引导和促进发展方式转变;科学配置资源,调整和优化经济结构;完善制度保障,促进均衡发展;发挥导向作用,统筹经济、社会、生态和民生全面协调发展。在新时期国土规划中,针对保障发展与保护资源的两难问题,要以资源环境承载力评价为基础编制规划;针对开发资源与保护环境的矛盾问题,应以生态文明建设统领资源节约和环境保护;针对资源环境自然分区与行政区矛盾问题,要以资源环境自然分区为规划编制单元;针对发挥区域优势与克服"短板"制约问题,要以资源环境功能分区规划产业布局;针对当前与长远的矛盾问题,要确立资源环境承载力评价前置与后评估的程序;要建立科学的规划层级体系以处理好局部与整体关系。  相似文献   

海岛国土规划应在深刻认识海岛国土特殊性和充分借鉴国外海岛开发的先进经验的基础上进行,严防出现类似其它地方开发初期的"圈地运动"和"炒地"投机活动以及生态环境大肆破坏的局面。就广西北部湾涠洲岛而言,国土规划应以"开发建设北海涠洲岛旅游区"为未来发展主导方向,处理好旅游开发与生态保护、经济发展与石油开采、人为污染与生态保护、水资源开发与经济社会可持续发展及产业协调与用地结构等五个方面的关系。国土资源部门在涠洲岛国土规划中的主要作用:一是制定实施涠洲岛旅游区的土地优惠政策;二是完善涠洲岛旅游区的国土开发利用空间结构。  相似文献   

国土规划做什么   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着工业化、城镇化进程的快速推进,更好地进行国土空间的整合、国土开发格局的优化,开展国土规划编制成为当前一项非常紧迫的工作。2010年9月初,《全国国土规划纲要(2011~2030年)》前期研究和编制工作正式启动。让我们共同关注——  相似文献   

土地利用总体规划修编指标利益冲突问题研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
研究目的:分析规划修编中,中央和地方、地方和地方之间在确定规划指标时利益冲突的成因和表现形式。研究方法:文献资料法,博弈分析法。研究结果:中央政府和地方政府土地利用追求目标上的差异是导致规划指标分解过程中产生冲突的主要原因。政府之间信息不对称是造成指标分解冲突的重要原因。研究结论:整合中央和地方的利益、实行参与式规划,做好规划修编过程中的上下结合,减少冲突,使得各项指标的确定能够有利于协调区域发展,并得到各地区的认同。  相似文献   

新一轮土地利用总体规划修编重点及创新   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新一轮土地利用总体规划在修编过程中,应根据我国工业化、城镇化的进程特点,在遵循各行各业和城镇发展规律的基础上,明确修编重点,创新规划编制理念。统筹安排各类用地,引导城乡用地合理布局,构建优美的生态环境,系统安排国土整治,注重景观设计,制作新型规划图件,建立土地规划分类并转换基数,构建图数一致的规划控制体系。同时要形成落实科学发展观,统筹协调用地观念;科学决策,保障规划的科学性和可操作性;并做好与相关规划的衔接。  相似文献   

土地利用规划中公众参与的实践与分析   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
研究目的:分析乡(镇)土地利用总体规划编制中公众参与案例,总结国内公众参与的实践,为新一轮规划修编提供借鉴.研究方法:文献资料法和案例分析法.研究结果:公众参与对于提高土地利用规划的科学性和实施的可行性有积极的作用.研究结论:土地利用规划编制与实施应体现以人为本、统筹兼顾、集思广益、科学论证、民主决策的规划理念,中国土地利用规划的公众参与已有了良好的开端,但需从符合国情和土地利用规划发展的角度进行完善.  相似文献   

广东省佛冈县城乡居民点空间格局优化研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
研究目的:为县级土地利用总体规划修编和农村居民点规划、整合提供依据。研究方法:根据影响居民点空间布局因素的限制程度,应用ArcGIS各功能,结合相关分析、统计分析等编制城乡居民点用地综合限制等级图;从土地规划需要和佛冈县实际情况出发,将佛冈县划分为5类可转为居民点用地的优先等级区;应用城乡居民点用地优先等级区,结合人口和人均用地状况,对居民点空间格局进行优化。研究结果:确定了佛冈县2020年各镇城乡居民点空间格局优化方案。研究结论:佛冈县2020年各镇用地扩展方式和途径不尽相同;各地区在编制和应用居民点综合限制等级图时,可根据当地的实际情况确定各限制因子及其权重。  相似文献   

Like most EU and US planning systems, planning in Israel aims to promote certainty regarding future development by employing statutory land-use plans for stabilizing and binding the development of land use. In Israel, district planning from the 1980s onwards took place in the form of long-term land-use plans. However, in practice, Israeli planning witnessed a movement toward discretionary-oriented decision-making, providing for revisions of the land-use plans and subsequently diminishing its efficacy. A pending reform suggests eliminating district land-use plans and absorbing them into national and local plans. Concerning the debate on the future of the Israeli planning system, this research aims to assess the gap between certainty-oriented regulation and actual development, often occurring on a case-by-case basis. Our aim is to evaluate the actual performance of a district land-use plan, focusing particularly on aspects of land-use. Remote Sensing and GIS-based Plan Implementation Evaluation (PIE) analysis was used to test the impact of a comprehensive outline plan for Israel's Central District on the actual development of the built environment. The results show fundamental gaps between the original land-use assignments of the district plan and actual development. The limited effectiveness of regulatory land-use planning for complex, densely populated districts is then discussed in line with the certainty–flexibility dilemma in land-use planning and the structure of planning decision-making in Israel.  相似文献   

China has implemented land use master plans to strictly control built-up land usage. The effective evaluation of land use master plan on controlling construction land is the premise of monitoring and early warning of planning implementation. It is also the basis for planning revision and further implementation of territorial spatial planning. In this study, we established a comprehensive index system based on three aspects: scale management, annual growth rhythm control, and spatial layout. We then analyzed the consistency between the actual situation for built-up land and the previous land use master plan of the Jinan Municipality in the Shandong Province of eastern China. The results showed that the master plan effectively controlled the scale of built-up land sprawl, such that the annual growth rhythm control level periodically increased over time. They also indicated the low efficiency of the built-up land spatial layout control. Overall, the previous land use master plan in Jinan had notable impacts. We recommend that land policy makers should adjust control standards and implementation intensity for spatial planning in the future to achieve scientific and effective planning for the management of construction land.  相似文献   

本文以太原市为实证研究对象,探讨土地利用总体规划环境影响评价的定量化分析方法。文章首先按照土地的基本功能将其划分为耕地、建设用地、生态用地三大类型。接着从粮食安全、经济发展和生态友好角度分析土地利用规划方案对社会、经济和生态环境可能造成的影响,进而评价规划方案各类用地规模的合理性,为方案决策提供科学依据。研究结果表明,太原市土地利用规划方案有利于保障粮食安全、促进经济发展方式转变和建设生态友好型社会,实现社会、经济、生态环境的协调发展,因此规划方案从环境保护角度可行。  相似文献   

土地利用总体规划的生态反思及启示   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
新一轮土地利用总体规划修编所要解决的核心问题就是协调人口、资源、环境、发展、保证资源和经济社会的持续发展,在指出土地利用总体规划对生态环境影响的基础上,分析现行土地利用总体规划在编制与实施过程中存在的一系列相关生态问题,指出新一轮土地利用总体规划修编应加强生态理念的指导,并将生态理念贯穿于规划编制与实施的始终,以制定出更为科学可行的"绿色"土地利用总体规划,充分发挥规划对生态系统的保护作用,协调土地利用与生态环境之间的关系.  相似文献   

The evaluation of the extent to which urban and land use planning have achieved their objectives is crucial to better management of urban land development. China’s urban and land use plans have the common purpose of controlling urban sprawl. This research aimed at comparatively assessing the consistency and implementation of these plans, considering the Changping District in suburban Beijing as a case study. Three main findings were obtained: (1) each plan used different strategies to control new developments, and there were several quantitative and spatial conflicts between the two plans; (2) neither plan has been well implemented or effective in controlling urban sprawl, despite the slightly better performance of the land use plan; (3) core-periphery decreasing trends were revealed in land quota allocation and effectiveness of planning implementation. Remote regular towns received the least land resources from the top-down planning system but also developed fast, mainly through informal and illegal approaches. Further investigation into the double failure of China’s current spatial planning system in quantitative and spatial control over urban land development requires a deeper integration of various spatial management systems, a fundamental transformation of planning philosophy, and a higher respect for peripheral areas in urban-rural integration. The planning assessment approach and reform recommendations developed on the basis of the Chinese practice are probably referable for other developing countries facing similar processes of rapid urbanization and imperfect spatial management.  相似文献   

The focus of coastal management in recent years has shifted from a sectoral plan to a holistic and integrated one. A key component of this integrated plan is spatial planning. This paper serves to highlight the role of spatial planning in coastal management by making use of a study done for the Tuticorin coast in India. A quantification of the land use/land cover changes in this region was studied along with the existing laws and policies governing the Indian coast with particular reference to Tuticorin, to determine their influence/impact on coastal land use/land cover. The results of the study show the disparity that exists between current land use practices and the laws that have been enforced to safeguard the coast. This can be overcome by means of implementing a more stable management plan that incorporates the spatial aspects of this coast, which has been presented.  相似文献   

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