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This study constructs a model-based core inflation for India using Divisia monetary aggregates instead of traditional money measures with the methodology proposed by Bagliano and Morana (2003) and evaluates its forecasting abilities. The core inflation derived from Divisia monetary aggregates is found to be a better leading indicator of measured inflation than the core inflation derived from traditional money measures. These results argue for a case in favour of using monetary aggregates in the construction of core inflation for policy purposes.  相似文献   

Abstract.  This paper examines the interaction of core inflation and inflation targeting as a monetary policy regime. Interest in core inflation has grown because of inflation targeting. Core inflation is defined in numerous ways giving rise to many potential measures; this paper defines core inflation as the best forecaster of inflation. A cross‐country study finds before the start of inflation targeting, but not after, core inflation differs between non‐inflation targeters and inflation targeters. Through conditional regressions, inflation expectations as measured by core inflation have not changed with the advent of inflation targeting nor do they differ from non‐targeters. JEL classification: E52 and E31  相似文献   

This paper estimates core inflation in Norway, identified as that component of inflation that has no long-run effect on GDP. The model distinguishes explicitly between domestic and imported core inflation. The results show that (domestic) core inflation is the main component of CPI inflation. However, CPI inflation misrepresents core inflation during some periods. The differences are well explained by the other shocks identified in the model, in particular the oil price shocks of the 1970s when Norway imported inflation, and the negative non-core (supply) shocks of the late 1980s, which pushed inflation up temporarily relative to core inflation.  相似文献   

The existing body of research that measures the sacrifice ratio and the determinants of the sacrifice ratio has crucially identified several disinflation episodes across many different countries, while also overwhelmingly finding evidence in favor of the “cold-turkey” approach to disinflation. However all previous studies in this topic are based exclusively on headline measures of inflation. In this paper we investigate what happens if we instead use core inflation to both identify disinflation episodes and measure the sacrifice ratio. Several important differences emerge: for example, headline inflation produces more disinflation episodes than core inflation does – something which is particularly conspicuous during the Great Recession – and episodes that are generally shorter in length. We also find that the argument in favor of the cold-turkey approach to reducing inflation disappears when combining the use of core inflation with sacrifice ratio measures that allow for varying persistent effects on output of disinflation.  相似文献   

This article estimates and evaluates different measures of core inflation for India by employing statistical and econometric approaches. We estimate Wholesale Price Index (WPI) ex-food, WPI ex-food and energy, 20% asymmetric trimmed mean, 63rd percentile and Structural Vector Autoregression (SVAR) measures of core inflation. The trimmed mean, 63rd percentile and SVAR measures are unbiased, less volatile and highly correlated to headline inflation. The predictive accuracy of the different core inflation measures used in this article is assessed. The overall result suggests that a 20% asymmetric trimmed mean and SVAR measures of core inflation can be useful for the policy purposes.  相似文献   

In this paper the long-run trend in RPI inflation (core inflation) for the UK over the 1961–1997 period is estimated within the framework of a multivariate common trends model which extends the bivariate VAR approach of Quah and Vahey (1995). In this context core inflation is directly linked to money and wage growth and interpreted as the long-run forecast of inflation from a small-scale, cointegrated macroeconomic system. First version received: September 1999/Final version received: October 2001 RID="*" ID="*"  We thank two anonymous referees for many helpful comments and suggestions. Work on this paper was partially conducted when C. Morana was at Heriot-Watt University.  相似文献   

Melolinna  Marko  Tóth  Máté 《Empirical Economics》2019,56(3):1039-1070
Empirical Economics - This paper aims at constructing potential output and output gap measures for the UK which are pinned down by macroeconomic relationships as well as financial indicators. The...  相似文献   

The main purposes are to develop a method for measuring the economies of scope, which involves the use of non-parametric production frontiers and does not require information on input prices; and to apply this method to individual hospital data drawn from a sample of Spanish hospitals. The results confirm the presence of technical inefficiencies and also of potential and non-exploited economies of scope. The combination that produces most economies of scope is that of gynaecology and paediatrics.  相似文献   

Core inflation rates are widely calculated. The perceived benefit of core inflation rates is that they help to inform monetary policy. This is achieved by uncovering the underlying trend in inflation or by helping to forecast inflation. Studies which compare core inflation rates frequently assess candidate core rates on these two criteria. Using US data, the two standard tests of core inflation – the ability to track trend inflation and the ability to forecast inflation – are applied to a more comprehensive set of core inflation rates than has been the case in the literature to date. Furthermore, the tests are applied in a more rigorous fashion. A key difference in this paper is the inclusion of benchmarks to the tests, which is non-standard in the literature. Two problems with core inflation rates emerge. Firstly, it is very difficult to distinguish between different core rates according to these tests, as they tend to perform to a very similar level. Secondly, once the benchmarks are introduced to the tests, the core inflation rates fail to outperform the benchmarks. This failure suggests that core inflation rates are of less practical usefulness than previously thought.  相似文献   

We propose a new core inflation measure for the Euro area which places the emphasis on the more lasting, i.e. persistent, price developments at a disaggregated level. The importance of each component of the HICP is reweighted according to its relative persistence, as measured by the sum of the autoregressive coefficients or by an indicator of mean reversion. Unlike headline inflation, our baseline core inflation measure is highly correlated with ECB monetary policy decisions, which could mean that they contain ex ante (pre monetary policy) information on inflationary pressure.  相似文献   

Unconventional gains from trade are defined as the nonmarket benefits of bilateral agreements that are secured through preferential trade treatment. They arise because (1) nonmarket benefits traditionally are purchased in a hidden manner, partly because of conflicts between governments and populations, and (2) preferential trade treatment is a reasonable way of covert purchase. The optimal strategy for the economy receiving nonmarket benefits when making marginal trade decisions involves choosing between world-market terms of trade and marginal barter terms of trade inclusive of external benefits.  相似文献   

In a standard New-Keynesian sticky-price model, we study how the gains from commitment depend on how far ahead policymakers commit. While the traditional time-inconsistent solution assumes a once-and-for-all commitment to a plan for all future periods, we show that most of the gains can be achieved with commitment streaks lasting 3–4 periods, or 9–12 months. Moreover, we find that continuously committing just one period ahead is sufficient to capture all the gains from commitment, though this is only feasible with inflation-targeting. The adaptability of short-term commitments to changes in our models and understanding of the economy should arguably make these more credible than once-and-for-all commitments.  相似文献   

This paper revisits the issue of whether countries gain more from trading with countries that are similar to themselves, or with countries that are different. A model based on relative endowment and technological differences across countries is developed. The main result is that a country may experience a region of increasing gains from trade as its trading partner becomes more similar to itself in terms of relative endowments. The model also predicts that for countries with sufficiently similar relative endowments, both factors of production may experience gains from trade.  相似文献   

This paper presents a comparison of alternative indicators of underlying or “core” inflation in the French case. Four broad measures are considered and implemented. The first two are inflation excluding food and energy, and the trimmed inflation indicator. We then implement two methods relying on time-series models: the Dynamic Factor Index and the structural VAR approach.  Each indicator stresses on a particular type of shock on the inflation rate, so that no simple ranking of the measures emerges. Combining the various indicators conveys valuable information for appraising short term inflation developments. As regards theoretical interpretation, no indicator is fully satisfactory, lacking an explicit representation of monetary policy. However, comparing forecast performance with respect to inflation provides some specific support in favor of trimmed mean indicators. First version received: January 2000/Final version received: March 2001  相似文献   

Non-collusive corruption, i.e., corruption that imposes an additional burden on business activity, is particularly widespread in low-income countries. We build a macroeconomic model with credit market imperfections and heterogeneous agents to explore the roots and consequences of this type of corruption. We find that credit market imperfections, by generating rents for the incumbent entrepreneurs, create strong incentives for corrupt behavior by state officials. However, non-collusive corruption not only redistributes income from non-officials towards officials but also within the group of potential entrepreneurs. If borrowing is limited, bribes prevent poorer but talented individuals from starting a business. But this is likely to benefit those who may enter anyway; the cost of capital is lower and there is less competition on the goods markets.  相似文献   

This article explores how inflation persistence relates to the conduct and goals of monetary policy by presenting a new approach to modelling US inflation persistence and the Fed's dual mandate. Our framework fills a gap in pre-existing models by more flexibly accounting for diverse dynamic properties and shocks. Estimating a Phillips Curve model augmented with inflation volatilities and expectations, we find that the degree of monthly inflation persistence is time variant since World War II. Variations in persistence continue to be observed regardless of the absolute level of inflation and the extent of the trade-off between inflation and unemployment. We demonstrate that inflation persistence varies in line with expectations formed by memories of past inflation. This supports the case for more flexible monetary policy at times, as in the 1980s or especially the present decade, when inflation is more persistent.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of sticky price and limited participation frictions, both separately and combined, in a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model. Using U.S. data on output, inflation, interest rates, money growth, consumption, and investment, likelihood ratio tests and Bayesian pseudo-odds measures reveal that the data prefers a model with both structural features. Our results also show that the combined model mimics many important features of the business cycle. In particular, the model generates plausible impulse responses, and monetary policy shocks are responsible for only a modest amount of output, inflation, and nominal interest rate movements.  相似文献   

Free trade areas (FTAs) involve unharmonized tariffs and rules of origin that have prevented proving the formal general equilibrium existence of a welfare-enhancing FTA. This paper identifies the most restrictive limit that rules of origin can enforce and still continue to guarantee gains from trade for FTA formation. We note that many commonly used rules of origin exceed this condition in practice. We apply the identified welfare-supporting rules of origin and prove the existence of a FTA general equilibrium involving only within-FTA transfers that is at least as satisfactory for every consumer as an arbitrary original world trade allocation. The analysis also helps to explain why hub-and-spoke extensions of FTAs cannot be expected to guarantee gains from trade for all participants in general.  相似文献   

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