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This paper presents empirical evidence concerning the effect of central bank transparency on inflation considering the Brazilian case after the adoption of inflation targeting. Two indices for measuring transparency, based on forward-looking and backwardlooking views, are developed. Furthermore, empirical evidence is divided into three steps: (i) analysis of simple correlation through scatterplot diagrams; (ii) use of VAR models; and (iii) estimation of different specifications of the Phillips curve using OLS and GMM based on the structural model used by the Central Bank of Brazil (CBB). The findings allow one to conjecture that inflation expectations are well coordinated by the CBB. In short, the transparency of information by the CBB is a very important tool for guiding public expectations and thus contributes to maintain inflation under control.  相似文献   

E-procurement is gaining in popularity in business practice and its benefits encourage its adoption for a variety of areas, including IT (Information Technology) purchases. The problem with assessing the value associated with e-procurement has been addressed by researchers and practitioners, but a clear methodology to determine the benefits related to e-procurement adoption is still missing, especially for IT. This paper defines e-procurement and identifies the six most significant drivers for e-procurement adoption, which are the pillars of the proposed value assessment methodology. The authors have also applied the developed methodology to real cases in order to verify its validity and robustness. Finally, although the developed model takes into account the peculiarities of IT purchases, it also raises more research opportunities for other purchasing categories.  相似文献   

This paper uses the forecast from a random walk model of inflation as a benchmark to test and compare the forecast performance of several alternatives of future inflation, including the Greenbook forecast by the Fed staff, the Survey of Professional Forecasters median forecast, CPI inflation minus food and energy, CPI weighted median inflation, and CPI trimmed mean inflation. The Greenbook forecast was found in previous literature to be a better forecast than other private sector forecasts. Our results indicate that both the Greenbook and the Survey of Professional Forecasters median forecasts of inflation and core inflation measures may contain better information than forecasts from a random walk model. The Greenbook's superiority appears to have declined against other forecasts and core inflation measures.  相似文献   

This paper considers the role of the asking price in housing transactions both theoretically and empirically. Significant fractions of housing transactions involve sales prices that are either below or above asking price, which might suggest that asking price has limited relevance. However, many housing transactions involve a sales price exactly equal to asking price (a fact that has previously drawn little notice), strongly suggesting that asking price does matter. The paper develops a model where asking price is neither a binding commitment nor a ceiling, yet still directs buyer search and impacts sales price. Using novel survey data, the paper provides empirical evidence consistent with asking price playing a directing role in buyer search. Consistent with theory, this effect is stronger for more atypical houses and in bust markets.  相似文献   

The ongoing confusion about the meaning of ‘talent’ within the world of work is hindering the establishment of widely accepted talent management theories and practices. The aim of this paper is to contribute to the literature on talent management by offering an in-depth review of the talent concept within the specific context of the world of work, and proposing a framework for its conceptualization. We group different theoretical approaches to talent into ‘object’ (i.e., talent as natural ability; talent as mastery; talent as commitment; talent as fit) versus ‘subject’ approaches (i.e., talent as all people; talent as some people) and identify dynamics existing within and between them, as well as implications for talent management theory and practice. Finally, we discuss different avenues for further research aimed at developing the talent—and consequently, the talent management—construct further.  相似文献   

An empirical investigation of postwar US data reveals that movements in inflation are much more strongly associated with job growth than the unemployment rate. Job growth is found to be strongly related to inflation even after accounting for the effect of the unemployment rate. The residual influence of the unemployment rate on inflation is small, however, after accounting for the effect of job growth. The data shows that in the past inflation has tended to decline when job growth is weak even if unemployment is low. This suggests that the relatively slow job growth of recent years may partly explain the puzzle that, during much of the current expansion, the US economy has experienced little inflation in spite of low unemployment.  相似文献   

In this article, we give an overview of the state of scientific knowledge on inflation hedging. Specifically, we distill the results of several decades of research analysing the relationship between major asset classes (common stocks, gold, fixed income securities, real estate) and inflation. Even though previous studies have brought forth important facts characterising the interplay of asset returns and inflation rates (e.g., time-dependency, asymmetry, outlier-sensitivity and a tendency towards long-term but limited short-term inflation protection), there is still no consensus on the subject because sample, data and methodology issues preclude strict comparison of most studies. Thus, from a synthesis of the insights gained from our review, we also outline possible directions for future research that may help to establish consensus among researchers.  相似文献   

The relevance of leadership models in presidential leadership, and principally the role of perceived leadership in presidential election years, is an area of study with limited development but increasing importance. This study explores the relationship between young voters' leadership assessment of presidential candidates, Barack Obama and John McCain, and their reports of voting behavior during the 2008 presidential election. Leadership perceptions were collected from 812 respondents prior to the election. Results indicate that candidate leadership assessments have a significant effect on candidate preference after controlling for the impact of party identification and self‐perceived political efficacy. Further, political efficacy significantly impacted respondents' intent to vote in the election after controlling for these same variables. Party affiliation produced significant differences across the political ideology, leadership ratings, political efficacy, and likelihood of voting variables. The study concludes with a discussion of the implications as they pertain to political leadership.  相似文献   

Using a large plant level data set, this paper carries out an econometric analysis of the environmental performance of multinational firms in the gold mining industry worldwide. The aim of the analysis is to determine if, by looking at the actual environmental performance of firms (as opposed to inferring such behavior from location decisions), we can shed any light on important questions in the literature on firm location decisions: Do pollution havens exist in the gold mining industry? Do foreign controlled gold mines perform environmentally worse or better than their domestic counterparts? We develop different ways of measuring environmental performance within the context of a Bayesian stochastic production frontier approach. In particular, we derive different ways of measuring technical and environmental efficiency. When we implement these methods in our empirical work, we find that results are robust across different models and ways of measuring efficiency. We find that gold mines exhibit a wide range of environmental efficiencies; some are clearly more efficient than others. However, and most importantly for our questions, we find that this variation in efficiencies cannot be systematically related to mine characteristics such as whether they are foreign or domestically controlled or whether they are located in developed versus developing countries.  相似文献   


The purpose of our paper is to identify different images of accountants held by different groups of people and to understand how the different images come about. In doing so, we focus on how accountants are perceived by others as well as how they perceive themselves. Through analysis of 1,794 usable questionnaire responses by university students, newly appointed accountants, and practicing accountants, we find an image close to the beancounter stereotype, and that of a modern professional, with the highest score for success but also for honesty. We also uncover a third image including nuances that are neither favorable nor unfavorable (the plain vanilla accountant), which suggests that the extremes found in cultural representations do not always reflect the real world. In addition, we find that the greater the distance from the profession, the less attractive the image of accountants is and that different sources of influence affect perceptions of accountants. In particular, the public perception of an accountant is less favorable when constructed from media sources. Finally, we add to the existing literature by showing that the self-image of accountants may change over time as experienced practitioners, compared to new hires, exhibit a sort of disillusionment about their professionalism.  相似文献   

We make a contribution to narrowing the science–practice gap by adopting a multi-level theory-based approach to investigating an important issue for practitioners in human resource management: human resource (HR) certification. Despite the facts that more than 150,000 individuals in more than 70 countries have become certified and that HR certification has turned into a million-dollar industry, there is no scholarly evidence regarding the impact of certification on any important individual- and organizational-level outcomes (e.g., individual's career progression and HR department-level effectiveness). First, we distinguish among certification and licensing. Second, we describe the purported benefits of HR certification. Third, we review the existing literature on perceptions of HR certification; including a survey we conducted with 189 HR professionals. Finally, we present a research agenda, including 14 testable propositions, to guide future scholarly research on HR certification with the goal to gather evidence, which to date is not yet available, regarding the value of HR certification for individual practitioners, organizations, and the HR profession.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2021,45(3):100878
Demographic determinants (i.e., gender, income, education, race, age) of one year ahead inflation expectations in South Africa are explored. Surveys covering the period 2006–2016 are examined via a mix of time and cross-sectional methods. In doing so, we uncover clear behavioural biases in how respondents view the inflation outlook. Education and income tend to be inversely related to inflation expectations. This is consistent with the literature, although we observe significant changes over time that many other surveys are unable to uncover. Inflation expectations also respond to recently observed inflation, but this is likely facilitated by priming in the survey since respondents are given the previous year and five years mean inflation rates. Younger individuals have lower inflation expectations and react significantly to central bank communication, which is a novel variable not included in other studies of this kind. Another demographic characteristic interacting with communication by the South African Reserve Bank is race. Finally, the direction of change in inflation, that is, whether it is rising or falling, also matters. Hence, even if respondents are primed, they appear to be aware of changes in the direction of inflation. This represents an additional novel feature of the study.  相似文献   


The central feature of the FDH model is the lack of convexity for its production possibility set, TF. Starting with n observed (distinct) decision making units DMUk , each defined by an input-output vector p k = [y k -x k], domination is defined by ordinary vector inequalities. DMUk is said to dominate DMUj if p k p j , p k p j . The FDH production possibility set TF consists of the observed DMUj together with all input-output vectors p=[yk,?xk] with y ≥ 0, x ≥ 0, y ≠ 0, x ≠ 0 which are dominated by at least one of the observed DMUj. DMUk is defined as “FDH efficient” if no DMUj dominates it. In the BCC (or variable return to scale) DEA model the production possibility set TB consists of the observed DMUk together with all input-output vectors dominated by any convex combination of them and DMUk is DEA efficient if it is not dominated by any p in TB. In the DEA model, economic meaning is established by the introduction of (non negative) multiplier (price) vectors w = [u,v]. If DMUk is undominated (in TB) then there exists a positive multiplier vector w for which (a) w T p k = u T y k ? v T x k w T p for every pTB. In everyday language, the net return (or profit) for DMUk relative to the given multiplier vector w is at least as great as that for any production possibility p. On the other hand, if DMUk is FDH but not DEA efficient then it is proved that there exists no positive multiplier vector >w for which (a) holds, i.e. for any positive w there exists at least one DMUj for which w T p j > wT p k . Since, therefore, FDH efficiency does not guarantee price efficiency what is its economic significance? Without economic significance, how can FDH be considered as being more than a mathematical system however logically soundly it may be conceived?


We investigate the relationship between monetary policy and inflation dynamics in the US using a medium scale structural model. The specification is estimated with Bayesian techniques and fits the data reasonably well. Policy shocks account for a part of the decline in inflation volatility; they have been less effective in triggering inflation responses over time and qualitatively account for the rise and fall in the level of inflation. A number of structural parameter variations contribute to these patterns.  相似文献   

It is a known fact that culture is an important element for the organizations. In this context, a research has been carried out in which the main subject is about to investigate the organizational culture depending on the factors of employee satisfaction and customer orientation in metalworking manufacturing firms. To perform the study, we constructed an original model and conducted research with 578 employees of metalworking organizations. After the data analysis, we determined that organizational culture has positive-significant correlation with employee satisfaction and customer orientation (at the 0.000 level). Additionally, the total explained variance of organizational culture – depending on employee satisfaction and customer orientation – has come out as a satisfying value (0.53). According to the results of our research, we are able to conclude that employee satisfaction and customer orientation has a mid-level effect on creating a substantial organizational culture.  相似文献   

This study of employment rights disputes in New Zealand accessed all parties to 14 disputes. Despite a legislative requirement to preserve relationships, only three survived. Dispute type, interaction mode and the parties' relative influence affected outcomes. These findings have implications for managers and policy makers regarding alternative dispute resolution systems.  相似文献   

This article explores the dynamic between public space and material representations of philanthropy. It adapts the conception of public space in terms of layers: physical, code and content (Lessig, 2001; Németh, 2012). The article discusses physical forms of philanthropy and the codified norms, processes and relationships in material representations of philanthropy (code). To this end, part one examines how gifts of buildings and the memorialisation of philanthropy embody the philanthropic dominance of public space. Part two explores how the (re)appropriation of public space(s) encapsulates what happens in, and in relation to physical manifestations of philanthropy (content). Specifically; (i) the uses of spaces (ii) deliberation in public spaces; (iii) the decolonisation of philanthropic processes and practices; and (iv) the complementarity of public space and the public sphere. The article offers a novel heuristic for philanthropy and public space that can also inform conversations between development professionals and donors, and public debate.  相似文献   

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