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User costs and bubbles in land markets   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
In asset markets with speculative behavior, the long-run equilibrium relationship between asset prices and the discounted flow of future rents may become invalid. We distinguish short-term user costs and longer-term user costs with variables that reflect fundamentals. We show how to work around the empirical problem of measuring speculative expectations about asset price changes and derive a simple user cost formula where the asset price change in the short-term relationship comes out as the long-run change in the overall price level.  相似文献   

We present a method to estimate jointly the parameters of a standard commodity storage model and the parameters characterizing the trend in commodity prices. This procedure allows the influence of a possible trend to be removed without restricting the model specification, and allows model and trend selection based on statistical criteria. The trend is modeled deterministically using linear or cubic spline functions of time. The results show that storage models with trend are always preferred to models without trend. They yield more plausible estimates of the structural parameters, with storage costs and demand elasticities that are more consistent with the literature. They imply occasional stockouts, whereas without trend the estimated models predict no stockouts over the sample period for most commodities. Moreover, accounting for a trend in the estimation implies price moments closer to those observed in commodity prices. Our results support the empirical relevance of the speculative storage model, and show that storage model estimations should not neglect the possibility of long‐run price trends. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Housing market researchers have long suspected that the market for single family homes is not efficient. The apparent predictability in housing prices, at least in the short run, leaves open the possibility of speculative purchases in the housing market. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relative influence of speculative and economic demand on median house price on the Santa Barbara South Coast. An empirical model is presented that allows for decomposition of house price appreciation into that driven by economic and demographic forces and that resulting from speculative demand. The decomposition reveals a speculative bubble in the housing market forming in late 1987 and collapsing in mid 1990.  相似文献   

In many storable-goods markets, firms are often aware that consumers may strategically adjust purchase timing in response to expected price dynamics. For example, in periods when prices are low, consumers stockpile for future consumption. This paper investigates the dynamic impact of consumer stockpiling on competing firms' strategic pricing decisions in differentiated markets. The necessity of equilibrium consumer storage for storable products is re-examined. It is shown that preference heterogeneity generates differential consumer stockpiling propensity, thereby intensifying future price competition. As a result, consumer storage may not necessarily arise as an equilibrium outcome. Economic forces are also investigated that may mitigate the competition-intensifying effect of consumer inventories and that, hence, may lead to equilibrium consumer storage.  相似文献   

A collection of large traders holds heterogeneous prior beliefs regarding market fundamentals. This gives them a motive to engage in speculative trade with respect to market prices. Rather than assuming a particular institution or market for speculative trade, we take a mechanism-design approach by attempting to characterize the mechanism that maximizes the traders’ gains from speculative trade, subject to the incentive constraints that result from the traders’ ability to manipulate market prices. Within a stylized market model, we show that this mechanism affects price volatility without destroying ex-post efficient allocations. We also characterize the implementability of optimal speculative trade when the traders’ prior beliefs are private information. Financial support from the US-Israel Binational Science Foundation, Grant No. 2002298 is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Modern financial economic theory suggest that changes in speculative prices should follow simple ‘fair game’ processes in an informationally efficient capital market. The observation that changes in speculative prices follow simple time series processes both supports this theoretical proposition and suggest restrictions on the transfer functions of structural econometric models in which speculative prices appear as output variables. The simplicity of the time series processes for observed changes in speculative prices are shown to impose strong restrictions on potential equilibrium models of asset pricing, informational disequilibrium models of financial markets, and many monetary and macroeconomic models as well.  相似文献   

We study a framework where two duopolists compete repeatedly in prices and where chosen prices potentially affect future market shares, but certainly do not affect current sales. This assumption of consumer inertia causes (noncooperative) coordination on high prices only to be possible as an equilibrium for low values of the discount factor. High discount factors increase opportunism and aggressiveness of competition to such an extent that high prices are no longer sustainable as an equilibrium outcome. Moreover, we find that both monopolization and enduring market share and price fluctuations (price wars) can be equilibrium path phenomena without requiring exogenous shocks in market or firm characteristics.  相似文献   

This paper extends the literature on equilibria with coordination failures to arbitrary convex sets of admissible prices. This makes it possible to address coordination failures for cases with price indexation or more general price linkages between commodities. We introduce a new equilibrium concept, called quantity constrained equilibrium (QCE), giving a unified treatment to all cases considered in the literature so far. At a QCE the expected trade opportunities on supply and demand are completely determined by a rationing vector satisfying that the prevailing price system maximizes the value of the rationing vector within the set of admissible prices. When the set of admissible prices is compact, we show the existence of a connected set of QCEs. This set connects two trivial no-trade equilibria, one with completely pessimistic expectations concerning supply opportunities and one with completely pessimistic expectations concerning demand opportunities. Moreover, the set contains for every commodity a generalized Drèze equilibrium, being a QCE at which for that commodity no binding trade opportunities on both supply and demand are expected, and also a generalized supply-constrained equilibrium at which no binding constraints on demand opportunities are expected and for at least one commodity also not on supply. We apply this main result to several special cases, and also discuss the case of an unbounded set of admissible prices.  相似文献   

This paper studies the endogenous structure of intermediation when heterogeneous intermediaries choose between becoming a middleman or a market maker, and the relation between the equilibrium market structure and price dispersion. We obtain three main results: First, middlemen and oligopolistic market makers can coexist in the market equilibrium. All market makers publicly post unique ask and bid prices. These prices serve as the high and low bounds, respectively, for the ask and bid prices of middlemen, when capacity cost is sufficiently large. Second, more efficient intermediaries choose to become market makers, whereas less efficient intermediaries choose to become middlemen. Third, if the fixed cost of capacity installation for market makers increases, the number of market makers declines, whereas the number of middlemen increases. As a result, both ask prices and bid prices become more dispersed.  相似文献   

This paper presents both the history of and state‐of‐the‐art in empirical modeling approaches to the world commodity price volatility. The analysis builds on the storage model and key milestones in its development. Specifically, it is intended to offer a reader unfamiliar with the relevant literature an insight into the modeling issues at stake from both a historical and speculative viewpoint. The review considers primarily the empirical techniques designed to assess the merits of the storage theory; it does not address purely statistical approaches that do not rely on storage theory and that have been studied in depth in other streams of the commodity price literature. The paper concludes with some suggestions for future research to try to resolve some of the existing empirical flaws, and hopefully to increase the explanatory power of the storage model.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to see how economic factors determine prices in the previously communist countries undergoing privatization. This does not concern the auctions of big state enterprises where the prices are found to be rigged. In this paper we estimate hedonic price functions based on a unique data set on auction prices of apartments in Moscow. We collected the data ourselves by attending the auctions and gathered data on the characteristics. We estimated the hedonic equations using a disequilibrium approach because no equilibrium prices were observed for large number of apartments that were withdrawn from the auction. We found that, as the privatization of residential housing was carried out, the hedonic price equations fit the data remarkably well.  相似文献   

This paper primarily demonstrates the existence of Arrow-Debreu equilibria in a general class of topological vector spaces of commodity bundles. Two conditions based on production possibilities, preferences, and the topological nature of bounded sets are shown to substitute, in any locally convex space, for the advantages of the Euclidean topology. Examples fulfilling these conditions are supplied. The approach is that of Bewley, demonstrating equilibria on finite dimensional sub-economies and establishing a net of these equilibria that converges to an equilibrium on the whole commodity space. An example of equilibrium with a storage technology is given. An auxiliary result concerns the price support of efficient allocations.  相似文献   

本文借助Johansen协整检验、Granger因果检验、信息共享模型、方差分解等方法进行多层次实证研究,定量地刻画出期货市场在价格发现中作用的大小。研究结果显示:印度板材期货价格和现货价格之间存在长期均衡关系,在价格引导上仅存在现货对期货价格的单向引导关系,期货对现货没有引导关系;通过方差分解发现,现货市场在价格发现功能中处于主导地位,说明印度钢材期货市场效率有待提高,板材期货没有实现其应有的价格发现功能。  相似文献   

The run‐up in oil prices since 2004 coincided with growing investment in commodity markets and increased price co‐movement among different commodities. We assess whether speculation in the oil market played a role in driving this salient empirical pattern. We identify oil shocks from a large dataset using a dynamic factor model. This method is motivated by the fact that a small‐scale vector autoregression is not informationally sufficient to identify the shocks. The main results are as follows. (i) While global demand shocks account for the largest share of oil price fluctuations, speculative shocks are the second most important driver. (ii) The increase in oil prices over the last decade is mainly driven by the strength of global demand. However, speculation played a significant role in the oil price increase between 2004 and 2008 and its subsequent collapse. (iii) The co‐movement between oil prices and the prices of other commodities is mainly explained by global demand shocks. Our results support the view that the recent oil price increase is mainly driven by the strength of global demand but that the financialization process of commodity markets also played a role. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the equilibrium relationship between wages and prices across labor markets. Of central interest is the extent to which workers receive higher wages to compensate for differences in the cost of living. According to the spatial equilibrium hypothesis, the utility of homogenous workers should be equal across labor markets. This implies that controlling for amenity differences across areas, the elasticity between wages and the general price level across areas should equal one, at least under certain conditions. I test this hypothesis and find that the predicted relationship holds when housing prices are measured by rents and the general price level is instrumented to account for measurement error. When housing prices are measured by housing values, however, the wage-price elasticity is significantly less than one, even using instrumental variables. Rents reflect the price paid for housing per unit of time and are arguably the superior measure. Thus, findings in this essay provide support for the full compensation hypothesis. These findings also have important implications for researchers estimating the implicit prices of amenities or ranking the quality of life across areas.  相似文献   

Although the equilibrium relationship between household income and house price is well documented in previous theoretical studies, the empirical results are usually unfavorable. This article examines whether a long-term relationship between house price and income exists through a panel integration and cointegration methodology in analyzing data from four cities in Taiwan from 1980 to 2007. The findings support the existence of a long-term equilibrium relationship between income and house price, which indicate that housing affordability in Taiwan is stable. After controlling other variables, the income elasticity of house prices on average is close to one. Furthermore, evidence points to a bi-directional causality between income and house price.  相似文献   

It is shown that if a consumer's preference ordering is strictly convex and is representable by means of a concave, twice continuously differentiable utility function, then the partial derivative of a demanded commodity with respect to its price is bounded from above in a neighborhood of a price vector at which the demand fails to be differentiable. In the case of two commodities, if the demand does not possess finite derivatives with respect to prices at a certain point, then the partial ‘derivative’ of a commodity with respect to its price is equal to minus infinity. The same result holds for n commodities under ‘almost every’ choice of coordinates in the commodity space. If preferences are weakly convex but the same representation assumption holds, demand may not be single-valued but own-price difference quotients are still bounded from above.  相似文献   

The fiscal theory of price determination asserts that the price level is determined by the ratio of nominal public debt to the present value of real primary surpluses. To show its fragility, we describe a simple monetary economy with an infinitely lived real productive asset. Under the hypotheses of the fiscal theory, speculative bubbles occur at equilibrium, thus leading to an indeterminate price level.  相似文献   

The fiscal theory of price determination asserts that the price level is determined by the ratio of nominal public debt to the present value of real primary surpluses. To show its fragility, we describe a simple monetary economy with an infinitely lived real productive asset. Under the hypotheses of the fiscal theory, speculative bubbles occur at equilibrium, thus leading to an indeterminate price level.  相似文献   

We study the effects of price-matching in a capacity-constrained duopoly setting. We show that no firm does worse at any pure equilibrium under price-matching relative to Bertrand, but as capacity increases, one or both firms do better relative to Bertrand. If the firms choose their capacities simultaneously before making pricing decisions, then the effect of price-matching varies with the cost of capacity. Specifically, when the cost is “high” price-matching either (i) has no effect on the market price, i.e., the market price associated with the pure SPEs is the Cournot one, or (ii) weakly decreases the market price relative to Cournot. Furthermore, when the cost is “low” price-matching leads to a set of (pure) SPE prices that includes the Cournot price in the interior. Therefore, price-matching does not necessarily benefit the firms when firms select their capacities before competing in price.  相似文献   

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