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This study presents an analytical exact solution for the price of VIX options under stochastic volatility model with simultaneous jumps in the asset price and volatility processes. We shall demonstrate that our new pricing formula can be used to efficiently compute the numerical values of a VIX option. While we also show that the numerical results obtained from our formula consistently match those obtained from Monte Carlo simulation perfectly as a verification of the correctness of our formula, numerical evidence is offered to illustrate that the correctness of the formula proposed in Lin and Chang (J Futur Markets 29(6), 523–543, 2009) is in serious doubt. Moreover, some important and distinct properties of VIX options (e.g., put-call parity, hedging ratios) are also examined and discussed.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the critical role of volatility jumps under mean reversion models. Based on the empirical tests conducted on the historical prices of commodities, we demonstrate that allowing for the presence of jumps in volatility in addition to price jumps is a crucial factor when confronting non-Gaussian return distributions. By employing the particle filtering method, a comparison of results drawn among several mean-reverting models suggests that incorporating volatility jumps ensures an improved fit to the data. We infer further empirical evidence for the existence of volatility jumps from the possible paths of filtered state variables. Our numerical results indicate that volatility jumps significantly affect the level and shape of implied volatility smiles. Finally, we consider the pricing of options under the mean reversion model, where the underlying asset price and its volatility both have jump components.  相似文献   

This study investigates the model specification of the conditional jump intensity under option pricing models having a generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic with jumps (GARCH-jump). We compare three GARCH-jump models of Chang, Chang, Cheng, Peng, and Tseng (2018) to examine whether specifying asymmetric jumps in conditional jump intensity can improve the empirical performance. The empirical results from S&P 500 returns and options show that specifying the asymmetric jumps into the conditional jump intensity does improve the in-sample pricing errors and implied volatility errors. However, the out-of-sample results depend on the error measurement.  相似文献   

The paper examines volatility activity and its asymmetry and undertakes further specification analysis of volatility models based on it. We develop new nonparametric statistics using high-frequency option-based VIX data to test for asymmetry in volatility jumps. We also develop methods for estimating and evaluating, using price data alone, a general encompassing model for volatility dynamics where volatility activity is unrestricted. The nonparametric application to VIX data, along with model estimation for S&P index returns, suggests that volatility moves are best captured by an infinite variation pure-jump martingale with a symmetric jump compensator around zero. The latter provides a parsimonious generalization of the jump-diffusions commonly used for volatility modeling.  相似文献   

We numerically solve systems of Black–Scholes formulas for implied volatility and implied risk-free rate of return. After using a seemingly unrelated regressions (SUR) model to obtain point estimates for implied volatility and implied risk-free rate, the options are re-priced using these parameters. After repricing, the difference between the market price and model price is increasing in time to expiration, while the effect of moneyness and the bid-ask spread are ambiguous. Our varying risk-free rate model yields Black–Scholes prices closer to market prices than the fixed risk-free rate model. In addition, our model is better for predicting future evolutions in model-free implied volatility as measured by the VIX.  相似文献   

We examine interdependence between the implied volatilities of U.S. and five European markets in an integrated multivariate system that allows interactions in the first and second moments of volatility processes. Our results find significant interactions in the variance-covariance matrix of VIX and European volatilities which persist and facilitate risk transmission. Changes in U.S. and Eurozone volatilities are important drivers of risk shocks in European markets. VIX and European volatilities have predictive ability for each other. Further, VIX shocks contribute significantly to the prediction error of European risk shocks, but not vice versa. Risk transmission from U.K. markets to U.S. and European markets intensified around the Brexit vote. Also, VIX shocks added significantly more to European risks during the global financial crisis. Our results highlight the potential weakness of risk transmission models that ignore the second-moment risk transmission channel and have implications for volatility trades, portfolio diversification strategies, and hedging the cross-market risks.  相似文献   

This paper examines multi-step barrier options with an arbitrary payoff function using extended static hedging methods. Although there have been studies using extended reflection principles to obtain joint distribution functions for barrier options with complex barrier conditions, and static hedging methods to evaluate limited barrier options with well-known payoff functions, we obtain an explicit expression of barrier option price which has a general payoff function under the Black–Scholes framework assumption. The explicit multi-step barrier options prices we discuss in this paper are not only useful in that they can handle different levels and time steps barrier and all types of payoff functions, but can also extend to pricing of barrier options under finite discrete jump–diffusion models with a simple barrier. In the last part, we supplement the theory with numerical examples of various multi-step barrier options under the Black–Scholes or discrete jump–diffusion model for comparison purposes.  相似文献   

We utilize the symmetric thermal optimal path (TOPS) method to examine the dynamic interaction patterns between the VIX and VIX futures markets for the period March 26, 2004 to June 19, 2017. We document that the VIX dominates the VIX futures more in the first few years, especially before the introduction of VIX options. We further observe that the TOPS paths show an alternate lead-lag relationship instead of a dominance between the VIX and VIX futures in most of the time periods. Meanwhile, we find that the VIX futures have been increasingly more important in the price discovery since the launch of several VIX ETPs.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose new option pricing models based on class of models with jumps contained in the Lévy-type based models (NIG-Lévy, Schoutens, 2003, Merton-jump, Merton, 1976 and Duan based model, Duan et al., 2007). By combining these different classes of models with several volatility dynamics of the GARCH type, we aim at taking into account the dynamics of financial returns in a realistic way. The associated risk neutral dynamics of the time series models is obtained through two different specifications for the pricing kernel: we provide a characterization of the change in the probability measure using the Esscher transform and the Minimal Entropy Martingale Measure. We finally assess empirically the performance of this modelling approach, using a dataset of European options based on the S&P 500 and on the CAC 40 indices. Our results show that models involving jumps and a time varying volatility provide realistic pricing and hedging results for options with different kinds of time to maturities and moneyness. These results are supportive of the idea that a realistic time series model can provide realistic option prices making the approach developed here interesting to price options when option markets are illiquid or when such markets simply do not exist.  相似文献   

The valuation of Asian options is complicated because the arithmetic average of lognormal random variables is no longer lognormal. Furthermore, the stochastic volatility inherent in financial asset prices is easily observed. However, few academic studies consider the pricing and hedging of Asian options with stochastic volatility, despite the popularity of such options. This study extends the work of Hull and White (1987) and integrates the Taylor series expansion technique to derive an approximate analytic solution for Asian options with stochastic volatility. Numerical experiments show that the proposed approximate analytic solution performs favorably and is computationally efficient compared with large-sample simulations. The approximate analytic solution provides a practical approach for pricing and hedging Asian options with stochastic volatility and is both easy to implement and desirable in terms of computing speed.  相似文献   

This paper proposes to study VIX forecasting based on discrete time GARCH-type model with observable dynamic jump intensity by incorporating high frequency information (DJI-GARCH model). The analytical expression is obtained by deducing the forward iteration relations of vector composed of conditional variance and jump intensity, and parameters are estimated via maximum likelihood functions. To compare the pricing ability, we also present VIX forecasting under four simple GARCH-type models. Results find that DJI-GARCH model outperforms other GARCH-type models for the whole sample and stable period in terms of both in-sample and out-of-sample forecasting, and for the in-sample forecasting during crisis period. This indicates that incorporating both realized bipower and jump variations, and combining VIX information in the estimation can obtain more accuracy forecasting. However, the out-of-sample forecasting using parameters estimated from crisis period shows that GARCH and GJR-GARCH models performs relatively better, which reminds us to be cautious when making out-of-sample prediction.  相似文献   

We study the forecasting of future realized volatility in the foreign exchange, stock, and bond markets from variables in our information set, including implied volatility backed out from option prices. Realized volatility is separated into its continuous and jump components, and the heterogeneous autoregressive (HAR) model is applied with implied volatility as an additional forecasting variable. A vector HAR (VecHAR) model for the resulting simultaneous system is introduced, controlling for possible endogeneity issues. We find that implied volatility contains incremental information about future volatility in all three markets, relative to past continuous and jump components, and it is an unbiased forecast in the foreign exchange and stock markets. Out-of-sample forecasting experiments confirm that implied volatility is important in forecasting future realized volatility components in all three markets. Perhaps surprisingly, the jump component is, to some extent, predictable, and options appear calibrated to incorporate information about future jumps in all three markets.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether volatility futures prices per se can be forecasted by studying the fast-growing VIX futures market. To this end, alternative model specifications are employed. Point and interval out-of-sample forecasts are constructed and evaluated under various statistical metrics. Next, the economic significance of the forecasts obtained is also assessed by performing trading strategies. Only weak evidence of statistically predictable patterns in the evolution of volatility futures prices is found. No trading strategy yields economically significant profits. Hence, the hypothesis that the VIX volatility futures market is informationally efficient cannot be rejected.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an efficient option pricing model that incorporates stochastic interest rate (SIR), stochastic volatility (SV), and double exponential jump into the jump-diffusion settings. The model comprehensively considers the leptokurtosis and heteroscedasticity of the underlying asset’s returns, rare events, and an SIR. Using the model, we deduce the pricing characteristic function and pricing formula of a European option. Then, we develop the Markov chain Monte Carlo method with latent variable to solve the problem of parameter estimation under the double exponential jump-diffusion model with SIR and SV. For verification purposes, we conduct time efficiency analysis, goodness of fit analysis, and jump/drift term analysis of the proposed model. In addition, we compare the pricing accuracy of the proposed model with those of the Black–Scholes and the Kou (2002) models. The empirical results show that the proposed option pricing model has high time efficiency, and the goodness of fit and pricing accuracy are significantly higher than those of the other two models.  相似文献   

The stochastic-alpha-beta-rho (SABR) model introduced by Hagan et al. (2002) provides a popular vehicle to model the implied volatilities in the interest rate and foreign exchange markets. To exclude arbitrage opportunities, we need to specify an absorbing boundary at zero for this model, which the existing analytical approaches to pricing derivatives under the SABR model typically ignore. This paper develops closed-form approximations to the prices of vanilla options to incorporate the effect of such a boundary condition. Different from the traditional normal distribution-based approximations, our method stems from an expansion around a one-dimensional Bessel process. Extensive numerical experiments demonstrate its accuracy and efficiency. Furthermore, the explicit expression yielded from our method is appealing from the practical perspective because it can lead to fast calibration, pricing, and hedging.  相似文献   

This paper aims to examine dynamic connectedness and hedging opportunities between the realized volatilities of clean energy ETFs and energy implied volatilities through Time-Varying Parameter Vector Autoregression Model (TVP-VAR) and Asymmetric Dynamic Conditional Correlation (ADCC) GARCH models. TVP-VAR analysis results show that dynamic connectedness increases during turbulence periods. We also determine that clean energy ETFs such as PBW, QCLN, SMOG, and TAN are net volatility transmitters. Surprisingly, OVX is a net volatility receiver, especially with the developments after the Paris Agreement in 2016.As a result of the ADCC GARCH analysis, we determine that the conditional correlation between clean energy ETFs and implied volatility ETFs is asymmetric, and negative information shocks increase the conditional correlation. Although OVX is a cheap alternative for hedging long position risks in clean energy ETFs, VXXLE is more effective than OVX in terms of hedging effectiveness. These findings provide insight for individual and institutional investors, and portfolio managers on how negative and positive shocks change the conditional correlation between assets at different levels.  相似文献   

We propose a new static parameterization of the implied volatility surface which is constructed by using polynomials of sigmoid functions combined with some other terms. This parameterization is flexible enough to fit market implied volatilities which demonstrate smile or skew. An arbitrage-free calibration algorithm is considered that constructs the implied volatility surface as a grid in the strike-expiration space and guarantees a lack of arbitrage at every node of this grid. We also demonstrate how to construct an arbitrage-free interpolation and extrapolation in time, as well as build a local volatility and implied pdf surfaces. Asymptotic behavior of this parameterization is discussed, as well as results on stability of the calibrated parameters are presented. Numerical examples show robustness of the proposed approach in building all these surfaces as well as demonstrate a better quality of the fit as compared with some known models.  相似文献   

This paper examines the use of derivatives by a utility company. The hedging problem for utilities is atypical; the goal is not strictly to minimize average costs. Rather, the objectives are to minimize the upside risk associated with extreme bills, volatility of bills, and average expected bills for consumers. We characterize the optimal positions on futures contracts and options on futures that a utility company should assume. The results indicate that the use of derivatives (both futures and options on futures) is an efficient means of optimizing the objective functions without exposing consumers to speculative risk.  相似文献   

This paper presents a valuation of VIX options employing a Hawkes jump-diffusion model that captures the clustering pattern of jumps observed extensively in the financial markets. In the consistent framework, the valuation problem of VIX options is solved efficiently via the Fourier cosine expansion (COS) method. The Monte Carlo (MC) simulations are carried out to demonstrate the reliability and efficiency of the COS method. Furthermore, a sensitivity analysis is performed to show how option prices response to different parameters associated with jump clustering. Finally, empirical studies are conducted to provide evidence to support our jump specification in matching the VIX option surface.  相似文献   

Implied volatility is often considered to represent a market's prediction of future volatility. If such a market was to generate efficient volatility forecasts, implied volatility should reflect all relevant conditioning information. The purpose of this paper is to determine whether a publicly available and commonly used implied volatility index, the VIX index (as published by the Chicago Board of Options Exchange) is in fact efficient with respect to a wide set of conditioning information. Results indicate that the VIX index is not efficient with respect to all elements in the information set that may be used to form volatility forecasts.  相似文献   

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