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The Polish 4G spectrum auction was a watershed event for the Polish telecommunications market. For the first time in history, the Office of Electronic Communications decided to award spectrum by using an auction process. Polish regulators implemented a simultaneous multiple-round ascending-bid auction, which was widely used worldwide for selling spectrum. The process leading to the auction and the auction itself was lengthy and eventful. Due to the wrong auction design, the auction dragged on indefinitely, causing a delay in spectrum distribution. The auction ended only as a result of the government's intervention, after 8 months (513 rounds) of bidding that raised revenue of over PLN 9 billion (over EUR 2 billion). This paper describes in detail the rules of the Polish 4G auction, analyses bidding behaviour and auction dynamics of the crucial phases of auctions, and presents the final outcomes. It also draws lessons that could help policy makers in Poland and other countries in auction design.  相似文献   

To what extent can one infer that superior capabilities are driving sustained superior performance? Modeling performance as some combination of differences in capabilities and processes of cumulative advantage, we argue that a Bayesian framework in which decision makers take into account the differences in cumulative advantage provides for a correct inference. We show, using both simulated and real performance data, that the Bayesian method gives rise to estimates relevant for the inference problem. The estimates also illustrate why a firm with superior performance during a longer period can be less likely to possess superior capabilities than a firm with superior performance during a shorter period. Our work has implications for the origins of competitive advantages and for organization learning in strategy research. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Accurate measurement of the returns to real estate investment are essential to sound analysis. This paper improves upon the traditionally employed method—collecting comparable sales data. A dynamic model of real estate appraisal is developed in which agents have incomplete information, heterogeneous search costs, and varying expectations. Various types of simulation analysis of the model indicate it performs best in the sense that the return estimate converges to the true value faster than other simpler rules.  相似文献   

This research is aimed at investigating the consumer’s preference for food produced in Taiwan and the economic benefits for the country of origin labeling (COOL). The study used Vickrey second-price sealed-bid auction to elicit the consumer’s willingness to pay (WTP) for products under COOL. The study compared the bid functions estimated with Tobit model and the premium functions estimated with ordinary least squares (OLS). Due to price affiliation, it is more reliable to use the estimated premium functions. The estimated premiums are 67.5%, 84.7% and 99% for Taiwan products over their alternatives of China olives, China oolong tea, and Vietnam oolong tea, respectively. The study concludes that enacting and rigorously enforcing a COOL law would increase economic benefits to consumers in Taiwan, and at the same time, placing the imported products in the leveled playing field.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the evidence on smallholder market participation, with a focus on staple foodgrains (i.e., cereals) in eastern and southern Africa, in an effort to help better identify what interventions are most likely to break smallholders out of the semi-subsistence poverty trap that appears to ensnare much of rural Africa. The conceptual and empirical evidence suggests that interventions aimed at facilitating smallholder organization, at reducing the costs of intermarket commerce, and, perhaps especially, at improving poorer households’ access to improved technologies and productive assets are central to stimulating smallholder market participation and escape from semi-subsistence poverty traps. Macroeconomic and trade policy tools appear less useful in inducing market participation by poor smallholders in the region.  相似文献   

This work is devoted to the analysis of the different labor market participation regimes of Chinese farm households over the reform process in the 1980s and 1990s. Using household data over the period 1986–2002 from the province Zhejiang, we apply a multinomial logit model to empirically examine household, farm, and regional characteristics affecting the probability that farmers participate in one of four alternative labor market regimes. As generally accepted, off-farm participation is the dominant form of farm households’ labor market participation. But rural households show additionally a significant impact on rural employment mainly linked with non-agricultural household business. Results suggest that labor market decisions are significantly related to several family, farm, and village characteristics. In particular, we find education to be a key determinant of participation. Furthermore, results point to a higher probability of female household members to take up off-farm work.  相似文献   

This study presents an ex post comparative assessment of the relative performance of three Latin American broadband network emblematic projects implemented through public-private projects (PPP). Results show that the relative performance of these projects is extremely sensitive to differences in contractual design and regulatory approaches applied in each case. The detailed examination and comparative analysis of these experiences allowed us to extract important lessons in terms of design and implementation of PPP in telecommunications sector. In particular, our analysis finds that imperfect financing and demand risk allocations in projects can jeopardize their operational and financial sustainability. As well, the examination of these experiences allows us to conclude that in markets characterized by continuous economic and technological transformations, vertical separation restrictions imposed for reducing the risk of increasing market power and concentration may not be justified. As well, analysis shows that in such evolving contexts, a more flexible and adaptable regulatory approach is recommendable. Finally, our analysis reveals the role of complementary policies in the context of the implementation of countries’ digital strategies, as a means that contribute to ensure the accomplishment of broadband accessibility national targets.  相似文献   

Knowledge intensive business services (KIBS) are considered a cornerstone of contemporary developed economies. Successful production and delivery of these services, and thus their perceived value outcomes, highly depend on customer participation (CP) in the service processes. However, the extant understanding of the perceived value outcomes of CP, which is crucial to the appropriate inducement and integration of organizational resources in service processes, is limited. Through the exploratory investigation of three dyadic cases, each comprising one customer and one service provider organization engaged in a knowledge-based service project, this study addressed this crucial topic. Results indicated four categories of perceived value outcomes emerged through CP: functional, economic, relational, and strategic values. The study provides insights on the evolution of value perceptions over time, the individual value components within each value category, and perceptual similarities and differences between customer and provider organizations. Further, these results indicate that various value outcomes of CP receive divergent levels of attention from personnel in different organizational hierarchies. The paper provides useful and applicable suggestions for managers, especially in the context of technology-based KIBS and solutions.  相似文献   

The results of estimating production functions augmented by various measures of workers' participation on a large enterprise level data set of French cooperatives are reported. Value added is found to be an increasing function of participation in profits, in collective membership and in ownership, even when a wide assortment of enterprise specific and environmental factors are taken into account. This finding is very robust, surviving tests between alternative specifications of technology, for reverse causality, for simultaneous equation bias and for multicollinearity. The typical productivity effect from participation, however, is small, around 5% of output. The results suggest that Western policymakers should investigate ways to increase workers' participation in capital stakes and profit shares.  相似文献   

This paper examines the capacities of smallholders in Nicaragua to exploit new linkages to certified coffee markets following the coffee crisis. Data on livelihood assets were collected from 292 households, which were clustered to test how differences in outcomes (asset building) reflect variations in initial asset endowments. The results suggest that most households built particular elements of their asset base and increased their resilience to future shocks. However, households struggled to make effective use of the gains for intensifying their livelihoods. Of the least-endowed households, few made investments in the scale or productivity of coffee, and most continued to depend heavily on subsistence production and seasonal off-farm income for survival. In conclusion, improved market access alone, even under relatively favorable market conditions and with considerable external support, will have uncertain impacts on rural poverty if the underlying constraints on household assets and investments are not addressed concurrently.  相似文献   

This article contributes to labour process debates around managerial control and worker autonomy in the retail workplace. Through critical analysis of managerial strategies in the production of organisational space within an IKEA store, it explores how spatial design and practice shape managerial control and employee participation. Rather than the rhetoric of employee participation espoused by IKEA, our findings emphasise how managers use space to foster employee commitment to corporate objectives. While employees do exercise their own agency and spatial practice, their actions are moulded and constrained by dominant organisational structures and managerial strategies. As such, the article augments existing labour process research by developing new insights about how the spatial dimension shapes managerial control in retail workplaces. Although workers are far from the passive recipients of management decisions apparent in much labour process theory, their participation largely serves the strategic visions and spatial plans of their employer.  相似文献   

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