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Conclusions The primary objective of this paper has been to provide a broadened framework for combining economic and demographic planning in a way which is also consistent with planning and accounting models developed and employed by both demographers and economists. In addition we also want to have this same framework available for extension to other types of multi-dimensional social-economic planning possibilities. One set of such examples may be found in the work by Stone [28], Wilson and Rees [34] and the United Nations' current program for developing systems of social and demographic accounts for possible use in new and improved approaches to country development planning. Another example, which, though broader, is also somewhat more theoretical may be found in [25] where explixit use is made of the E matrix for linking economic and demographic dimensions in planning applications.In this paper we have focused on Leontief-type analyses, extended to provide demographic linkages, because we want to adapt some of the sharper concepts of economics (e.g., Pareto optimality) to provide additional assistance for guiding and coordinating eco-demographic planning interactions. To be sure, such concepts are of interest in their own right, as when, say, an improvement in conditions for fulfilling career aspirations may cause a wrosening in one or more components of final demand. They are also of interest for other reasons as well. In particular they are of interest as an alternative to only empirical extrapolations or predictions for long range plans especially when, as we show here, they can yield relatively stable guides for longer range plans.The idea, of course, is to utilize these stable patterns in relatively flexible ways and not for the purpose of only imposing a supposedly coherent regimen on all subsequent activities in an economy-or other such social unit. This means that some idea of the significance of these guidelines and their potential alterations must also be available. It is to this end that our kind of theoretical underpinning is supplied. On the one hand, it provides access to a well thought over body of concepts, e.g., from the main body of welfare economics. On the other hand, it supplies access to manipulative and computational power which is readily available from demographic as well as economic analysis in ways that can be readily implemented via modern electronic computational facilities, etc.Other extensions are also in order, of course, and may be effected via stochastic formulations to deal with items like labor turnover and considerations of inter-sectoral and occupational mobility and employment. Growth and other phenomena which relate to demographic as well as economic dimensions will also need to be essayed but these are best left aside for subsequent treatments which can consider them separately with more explicit attention to other quality of life dimensions to which they are evidently related25.  相似文献   

We present a decentralized mechanism (called Lindahl Egalitarian), which yields Pareto efficient and envy free allocations (i.e. fair outcomes). We show that the mechanism is informationally efficient in general production economies with an arbitrary, but finite, number of private and public goods, and a finite number of agents. The mechanism reduces to the Walrasian mechanism starting from equal wealth when no agent cares about public goods. We also prove that the set of Public Competitive equilibrium allocations (from equal endowments and proportional taxation), and the set of the Lindahl Egalitarian equilibrium allocations are the same. We are grateful to Xavier Calsamiglia and Albert Marcet for helpful conversations, and to A. de la Fuente, I. Macho, and an anonimous referee for useful suggestions. A. Manresa’s research has been supported by the grant CICYT PB90-0172. J. Aizpurua acknowledges financial support from the Government of Navarra.  相似文献   

This paper considers the role of moving costs in long-term optimal moving strategies from a theoretical microeconomic point of view. Using a model of intertemporal utility maximization, we arrive at conditions for (i) the optimal number of moves, (ii) the optimal moving dates, and (iii) the optimal consumption of housing services and other goods in the periods between moves. Also, comparative static results are obtained.  相似文献   

We study the constrained efficiency of a competitive entrepreneurship model that features the occupation choice between entrepreneurs and workers. It is shown that, even when (1) the only friction is uninsurable entrepreneurial risks and (2) agents are risk-averse, the competitive market can generate too many entrepreneurs. We present a sufficient statistic that determines the constrained inefficiency and its direction (whether market generates too many entrepreneurs or too few) by exploiting the unique feature of the model where the equilibrium is characterized by an indifference condition instead of a marginal condition. The framework is also pedagogically useful to understand constrained efficiency analysis at intuitive level.  相似文献   

This paper examines the degree of capital mobility in the countries of the Caucasus. I estimate a simple model developed in the seminal paper by Feldstein and Horioka (1980). I construct a panel of 6 countries of the Caucasus – Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Russia, and Turkey – and employ a panel cointegration approach. To that end, I make use of the Dynamic OLS (DOLS), Fully Modified OLS (FMOLS), and Pooled Mean Group (PMG) techniques for heterogeneous panels. Preliminary cross-dependency tests reject the presence of cross-sectional dependence. Panel unit root and cointegration tests confirm that investment and saving are non-stationary and cointegrated. The estimated long-run saving retention ratios using DOLS, FMOLS, and PMG are 0.90, 0.73, and 0.83, respectively. These results suggest that capital mobility in the Caucasus is very low. I put these findings in an international context and confirm that the Caucasus is considerably financially restrained compared to other regions. I also look at the country ratings of the Index of Economic Freedom (IEF) and find that my results work well in predicting the IEF rank. Finally, I discuss some implications for the region's policy-relevant issues such as financial integration, human capital mobility, cross-border trading, fiscal and monetary policy, solvency management, responsive consumption smoothing, and recession resistance.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the incidence of the residential property tax in an economy with two communities. Workers are perfectly mobile so that their utility levels are equal in the two communities in equilibrium. The property tax is modeled as an ad valorem tax on housing services.  相似文献   

There is evidence that experience premium differs across industries. We propose a theoretical model for explaining these differences. We assume that labor mobility brings external knowledge to the firm, which increases its productivity. We find that industry experience premium is decreasing in inter-firm mobility costs, while increasing in the learning-by-doing and the technological level of the industry. Moreover, it has a U-shape relationship with the level of learning-by-hiring, the substitutability between different types of experienced workers and the variety of knowledge in the industry. Results are consistent with the empirical findings that R&D-intensive industries have steeper wage profiles.  相似文献   

《Labour economics》2007,14(3):435-455
Using the Panel Study of Income Dynamics, and using both the original and the new series of occupation and industry codes, we investigate occupational and industrial mobility of individuals over the 1969–1980 and 1981–1993 periods in the U.S. We find that workers changed both occupations and industries more frequently in the later period. We also find that for men occupational and industrial changes are associated with lower earnings, though this effect has lessened somewhat over time; while for women the results are mixed. Our results also indicate that older and better paid men are less likely to shift occupation or industry.  相似文献   

Managers must get a fix on the degree of promotion influence possessed by superiors and then make a reward map to determine the types of actions and attitudes that they will evaluate favorably and unfavorably in arriving at promotional decisions.  相似文献   

This paper empirically investigates the role of social capital in households' residential mobility behavior by considering its spatial dimension. This study focuses on a household's social ties with people living nearby, which we refer to as its “local social capital.” Local social capital may deter residential mobility, because the resources stemming from them are location-specific and will be less valuable if a household moves. We conjecture that a household's possession of local social capital has a negative effect on its residential mobility, and this negative effect of local social capital may be stronger on long-distance mobility than on short-distance mobility. Our empirical investigation is based on data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. We obtain evidence which is supportive of these conjectures.  相似文献   

In this article I analyze the impact that capital mobility has on employee rights in the workplace by studying the effects of the relocation of General Motor’s Corvette plant from St. Louis to Bowling Green, Kentucky. This relocation not only afforded GM an opportunity to increase its control over its hourly work force, but it also set in motion a process in which the rights’ claims of management and workers were redefined. Through a number of planned and unplanned mechanisms, management invaded spaces created by workers, and, as a result, workers’ ability to pursue their interests was diminished. In the concluding section, I discuss the implications of this for research on employee rights and for combining the concern for rights with labor process theory.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the contribution of gender differences in job mobility to the emergence of a gender wage gap in the Italian labour market. We show that over the first 10 years of labour market experience job mobility accounts for up to 30% of total log wage growth for men and only 8.3% for women, and that this difference is mainly due to differences in returns to mobility. The gender mobility gap is robust to the inclusion of individual, job and firm characteristics, to different ways of accounting for individual unobserved heterogeneity, and is mainly found for voluntary job moves. Looking at the characteristics of the jobs and the firms' workers move to, we find that moves to larger firms represent by far the main source of gender differences in returns to mobility. We offer two possible explanations for this finding; one which involves differences in bargaining behaviour and one which relates to the theory of compensating differentials.  相似文献   

This paper treats housing tenure choice and residential moves as joint decisions. The parameters of a semi-Markov model with two states, renting and owning and continuous time, length of stay, are estimated with data from the U.S. Panel Study of Income Dynamics for 1970–1980. Several distributional assumptions for residence spells confirm the basic role played by housing prices, wealth and other characteristics. Higher wealth implies higher likelihood of owning higher mobility for renters and lower for owners. Households with educated hands are more mobile. Housing modal prices may have statistically very significant coefficients, but not always as anticipated.  相似文献   

《Labour economics》2007,14(3):603-621
This paper presents a theoretical model that combines employers learning about worker productivity, human capital acquisition, job-assignment and resolution of worker uncertainty regarding disutility of work from a job, to show how widely documented findings on both wage and promotion dynamics and turnover can be captured in a single set-up. Specifically we show how our model can capture results such as; probability of turnover decreases with labor market experience, wage changes during job changes is more in earlier periods, serial correlation in wages and probability of promotion increases in wages, amongst others.  相似文献   

This paper presents a comparison of two different models (Land et al (1993) and Olesen and Petersen (1995)), both designed to extend DEA to the case of stochastic inputs and outputs. The two models constitute two approaches within this area, that share certain characteristics. However, the two models behave very differently, and the choice between these two models can be confusing. This paper presents a systematic attempt to point out differences as well as similarities. It is demonstrated that the two models under some assumptions do have Lagrangian duals expressed in closed form. Similarities and differences are discussed based on a comparison of these dual structures. Weaknesses of the each of the two models are discussed and a merged model that combines attractive features of each of the two models is proposed.
O. B. OlesenEmail:

窦静之 《价值工程》2011,30(17):41-41
本文对作用于车身的约束阻尼结构进行理论分析和实验分析,分析各种有限元计算方法,计算夹层板的振动特性。并对粘弹于车身顶部的阻尼复合结构进行了模态实验和频率响应实验。  相似文献   

This paper replicates and extends Solon's [Am. Econ. Rev. 82 (1992) 393–408.] article “Intergenerational Income Mobility in the United States ”. The results confirm previous findings about the degree of transmission in earnings and consumption from fathers to sons. The correlation between fathers' and sons' earnings lies in the neighborhood of 0.4 and the correlation in consumption is larger. Using the sons' outcomes when they are 5 years older does not alter the estimates of the correlation in earnings, but the estimates of the correlation in consumption are smaller and closer to the estimates of the correlation in earnings. The estimates that use consumption data are sensitive to whether sons' 1984 or 1989 outcomes are used and to whether one adjusts for family size and structure.  相似文献   

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