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财务管理是企业管理的重要组成部分,也是企业管理工作中的一个薄弱环节。如何加强企业集团的财务管理,提高经营管理水平,是需要认真研究并着力解决的问题。  相似文献   

企业集团财务管理模式探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着市场经济体制完善和发展,企业集团的组织形式越来越普遍。如何适应企业集团管理体制的需求,构建科学规范的财务管理模式,实现有效的财务控制、达到财务管理目标。是企业集团实现有效运作的重点和难点。  相似文献   

在现阶段,建立现代企业制度,转换企业经营机制已经成为搞活大中型企业的关键,这就要求企业经营管理必须尽快从以生产计划管理为中心转向以财务管理为中心,建立新的管理机制。一、以财务管理为中心的企业经营机制是市场经济的必然要求在市场经济体制下,现代企业是产权明晰、责权明确、政企分开、管理科学、自主经营、自负盈亏、自我约束、自我发展的独立法人实体,以企业经营效益长期协调优化为目标。对于每个企业而言,追求的已不是生产多少产品,而是创造多少经济效益,实现多少利润。现代企业的财务管理是有关资金筹集,分配,使用和…  相似文献   

发挥财务管理在企业管理中的中心作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了在提高资金营运效益中发挥财务管理的中心作用;建立科学的成本管理机制,促进财务管理中心作用的发挥;以提高财务管理水平,保证财务管理中心作用的发挥  相似文献   

随着经济的不断发展,企业集团也在经济发展中扮演着越来越为重要的角色,企业集团的财务管理问题在竞争激烈的市场中迎来了更严峻的挑战,能否有效解决企业集团多重的结构关系下出现的财务管理问题是关乎集团企业发展的关键。本文结合企业集团内部金字塔结构的复杂关系,进一步剖析了企业集团和各成员企业之间的复杂性,从利润分配,财务管理权限以及财务风险控制等方面分析了集团企业现存的财务管理问题,并提出相应解决措施,为增进母公司及其集团内成员企业协同发展,增加集团企业整体价值提供参考。  相似文献   

企业集团大多为跨地区、跨行业、跨所有制甚至为跨国经营的资本运营实体,是由多个具有独立法人资格的企业组成的企业群体。为此,集团的财务管理要在保持集团利益的前提下,既发挥集团的整体优势,又要充分尊重子公司的法人地位,不宜采取过度集权的方法,以便发挥子公司的积极性和主观能动性。要充分进行母子公司的全面协调,搞好集团公司财务管理。  相似文献   

如何加强企业集团财务管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
镡国徽 《冶金财会》2004,(11):40-40
一、健全内部财务管理办法。不以规矩,不能成方圆。企业集团生产经营的综合性和管理的多层次性,需要企业集团根据国家的法律法规,结合企业集团的具体情况,制定出符合企业集团自身特点与需要的内部财务管理办法。但由于企业集团行业多、经济活动和财务关系复杂,在企业集团制定统一的内部财务管理办法上,宜粗不宜细,重要和大的方面管住管好,具体细节下放给子公司。子公司可根据集团内部财务管理办法和各自特点,制定出符合各单位需要的具体细则,便于执行。  相似文献   

随着市场经济高度发展和股份制日益成熟,现代企业将不再只是一个单一结构的经济组织,而是多个经济单位的联合体,其中最具时代特征的是,以母子公司制为基本结构的企业集团组织形式,其财务管理也与传统的单一法人组织的企业财务管理之间有着截然不同之处。在现代市场经济条件下,一个企业能够由单一法人组织结构走向多个法人的联合体,最为深层的动因,源自于为抵御日益增强的竞争风险而不得不谋求资源聚合的规模优势、组织结构重整的管理协同优势,以及由此而生成的整体竞争优势。在企业集团的组织形式下,以总部为主导的集团财务管理,在管理主体、管理目标、管理客体、管理方式以及管理环境等方面体现着如下特点:  相似文献   

碳排放管理正在成为全球大企业的优先发展战略和提升竞争力的方式。2010年,4700多家全球大型企业通过碳信息披露项目(CDP)披露了碳排放信息,少数跨国公司开始要求其全球供应商进行碳信息披露,部分能源企业已入围2010碳信息披露领袖企业指数(CDLI)和碳绩效领袖企业指数(CPLI),在碳信息披露方面取得先行优势。世界各国的标准化机构和国际标准化组织在碳排放核算与披露等方面积极制定和推出多项标准:一是在《联合国气候变化框架公约》(UNFCCC)下缔约国政府间为协商各国碳减排量及核算准则等政治性议题而制定碳核算标准或规范;二是制定国际一致性技术性核算标准,以及国际企业或组织的技术性查核规范;三是在国家层面为推动国内碳减排核算与交易活动而制定相关标准;四是为规范行业碳核算与碳信息披露而制定标准或指南。碳排放管理正给企业发展的外部环境带来重大变化,中国石油企业应加快碳核算、碳信息披露等碳排放管理能力的建设,塑造低碳时代负责任的企业形象。  相似文献   

Like so many other major companies in the world today, Ericsson runs most of its product development operations as projects. The increasing complexity of telecommunication solutions often requires that many technologies are brought together in one turnkey project, such as telephone switching, mobile radio networks, DECT radio Access and others. Competence centres within Ericsson, spread out over many countries need to work together in'cross functional' projects.
While the advantage of the project concept is obvious, carrying out projects in which various Ericsson companies participate, in different countries, can prove to be a very complex undertaking. Many such projects are running simultaneously and often compete for resources and priority with ever increasing time constraints. In order to succeed we need a common methodology for managing projects.
This methodology must provide Ericsson with a shared view on how we allocate scarce (human) resources, the roles that need to be played by all those involved in the project and the supporting line functions, the criteria to be used for decisions to be taken inside the project and in relation to other projects, and many more issues that require a common view. A shared view on project management is also a prerequisite for handling conflicts within an organization in which the project, as a working form, is predominant. Various Ericsson companies and units have achieved different degrees of maturity in their management of projects. This combined experience has produced a methodology called 'PROPS' that Ericsson uses today. The widespread use of PROPS has given Ericsson a common terminology and common perspective of projects. This contributes to shorter lead-time, time to market and time to customer. In this article is explained some of the PROPS features and how PROPS is applied.  相似文献   

This research tested the relationship between the characteristics and background of U.S. top executives, and measures of corporate performance. Data were obtained from 953 top managers; the dominant coalition of the largest 150 companies within five U.S. industries—dairy, footwear, tyres, mobile homes, and machine tools. Results were generally positive: managerial characteristics not only predicted performance variations within industries—the top performers having significantly different managerial profiles than poorly performing companies—but also that the characteristics of managers within high-performing companies were similar across the five industries.  相似文献   

Among the important elements of a company's strategic plan is its decision about the degree of financial leverage it elects to imbed in its capital structure. A simple operational framework that can assist in framing that decision, which concentrates on the likelihood of being unable to meet fixed financial charges, is presented. The model is tested empirically, and support for its potential usefulness in the financial planning process is found.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between corporate entrepreneurship intensity and five specific strategic management practices in a sample of 169 U.S. manufacturing firms. The five strategic management practices include: scanning intensity, planning flexibility, planning horizon, locus of planning, and control attributes. The results of the study indicated a positive relationship between corporate entrepreneurship intensity and scanning intensity, planning flexibility, locus of planning, and strategic controls. The fine‐grained nature of these results may be of practical use to firms that are trying to become more entrepreneurial and may help researchers better understand the subtleties of the interface between strategic management and corporate entrepreneurship. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

1975年10月,美国最大的商业企业之一W.T.Grant公司宣告破产引起了人们的特别关注。令人不解的是,Grant公司在破产的前一年,即1974年,其营业净利润近1000万美元,经营活动提供的营运资金为2000多万美元,银行扩大贷款总额达6亿美元。而在1973年底,公司股票价格仍按其20倍的价格出售。为什么净利润和营运资金为正数的公司会在一年后宣告破产?为什么投资者会购买一个  相似文献   

Studies done in developed economies have demonstrated a positive relationship between financial resource availability and CSR. Arguments that we term the Institutional Difference Hypothesis (IDH) drawn from the institutional literature, however, suggest that institutional differences between developed and developing economies are likely to result in different CSR implications. Integrating the logic of IDH with insights from slack resources theory, we argue that there exists a negative relationship between financial resource availability and CSR expenditures for firms in Ghana, a sub‐Saharan African emerging economy. We use lagged data from the Ghana Investment Promotion Centre and find that Return on Sales, Return on Equity, and Net Profitability were consistently associated with lower CSR expenditures. We highlight the implications of our findings for research and managers. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为规范非居民企业所得税核定征收工作,国家税务总局近日出台了《非居民企业所得税核定征收管理办法》。 办法要求,非居民企业应当按照税收征管法及有关法律法规设置账簿,根据合法、有效凭证记账,进行核算,并应按照其实际履行的功能与承担的风险相匹配的原则,准确计算应纳税所得额,据实申报缴纳企业所得税。  相似文献   

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