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Based on manually collected data, we investigate the effects of internationalization on corporate social responsibility (CSR) in Chinese firms. We find that the internationalization is positively related to CSR scores. The results are robust when we address the endogeneity, and use alternative measurements of the dependent and independent variables. Furthermore, we find internationalization significantly improves the CSR performance when the quality of the host country's institutional environment is better and the firms are state-owned enterprises, business-to-consumer firms, and operate in socially sensitive industries. This indicates that legitimacy is the main motive for Chinese multinational companies to engage in more CSR.  相似文献   

This article measures the impact of firms' declaration of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on education and environmental quality. We use 2006 data from the World Bank Enterprise Surveys, the sub-national Human Development Index and the World Health Organization which covers 10 countries in Latin America. We estimate Instrumental Variables regression models. We find that CSR declaration increases the probability of adopting community programs leading to a small, but significant, positive effect on education at the subnational level. Also, CSR declaration has no significant impact on our pollution measure, particulate matter, even when CSR increases the probability of adopting environmental programs.  相似文献   

This paper explores how cross-country differences in empathy can explain variations in corporate social responsibility (CSR). We show that empathy is positively associated with overall CSR, as well as with its social and environmental components. Our results are robust to using the two components of empathy, empathic concern and perspective taking. Our findings are further corroborated by evidence from a quasi-natural experiment based on the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake. We find that during the year of the disaster and the following year, firms located in countries with high levels of empathy donated more money than firms located in countries with less empathy.  相似文献   

We examine whether firms' political connection affects their corporate social responsibility (CSR) engagements and how the effects vary with different political ties, namely symbolic and material connections. These ties reflect different degrees of political embeddedness, interest alignment, network size, and monitoring with the government, and therefore impart divergent effects on managerial incentives for CSR practices. Our analysis indicates that CSR in firms with symbolic connection is much more associated with agency cost than CSR in firms with material connection. We also find that large firms with symbolic connection exhibit lower CSR performance than those with material connection, probably because the former group tends to substitute the prestige of their political capital for the goodwill associated with CSR engagement. These results show that accounting for the effects of different types of political connection on managerial incentives contributes some clarity to the debate about the compatibility of CSR with primary corporate mandates.  相似文献   

Whether corporate social responsibility (CSR) affects corporate innovation remains controversial in the literature. We re-examine this issue using a newly available comprehensive innovation database on 20 countries and find support for the view that CSR performance fosters innovation. This effect of CSR is reflected on corporate innovation through its environmental and social dimensions. We also show that the effect of CSR on corporate innovation is less pronounced in emerging countries, but this is driven only by the environmental dimension of CSR. Finally, in comparison to common-law countries, we report a more positive impact of CSR on innovation in civil-law countries.  相似文献   

Building on the research linking environmental factors to investor mood, we posit that there is a negative relation between air pollution and individual trading strategies. Through an analysis of unique individual transaction data, our results show that air pollution negatively influences individual investors' propensity to buy and positively influences investors' propensity to sell. We find obvious heterogeneity effects across different investor, stock and city characteristics. The effects are even larger for investors with less investment experience and for those living in heavily polluted cities. This study is crucial for establishing an association between air pollution and individual trading activities.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between corporate philanthropy (CP) and audit fees. Using corporate donation data from China, our investigation finds that CP is significantly positively associated with audit fees. Resource-seeking purpose and the enhanced publicity effect may be plausible channels behind this relationship. We further find that the frequency and intensity of donations reinforce this positive association. Additional analysis reveals that the resource-seeking effect exists in any type of enterprise, while the enhanced publicity effect only exists in non-SOEs. Our main results remain robust to a battery of additional tests. Overall, our findings suggest that by increasing audit workload and prospective audit risk, CP could make auditors more conservative such that they charge a higher audit fee. This article emphasizes the dialectic institutional stakeholder perspective in understanding the economic consequences of CP. Both the theoretical contributions and practical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Prior studies assert that social trust may positively influence the economic performance of countries and firms (within those countries). This paper proposes a more nuanced mechanism whereby corporate social responsibility (CSR) mediates the relationship between country-level social trust and firm-level financial performance. Anchored in neo-institutional theory, we theorize that social trust instills norms of trustworthiness and willingness to trust others guiding individual and corporate behaviors. In order to comply with such norms and gain legitimacy, firms in high-trust society are more likely to commit to CSR activities that serve the interests of stakeholders. CSR activities, in turn, can positively influence financial performance by enabling firms to access stakeholders' resources and capabilities and to decrease transactions costs in the stakeholder relationships. We tested our theory by analyzing 9818 firm-year observations across 34 countries, during the 2006 to 2015 period. Our analysis shows the expected CSR mediation in the relationship between social trust and firm-level financial performance. Our findings are robust across different models addressing the concerns of endogeneity, alternative measures, and potential moderators.  相似文献   

We examine the effect of managerial professional connections and social attention on corporate social responsibility disclosure. Using a unique sample of Chinese listed firms that includes 7462 firm-year observations from 2009 to 2017, we hypothesize and provide supporting evidence that in emerging markets such as China, firms whose top managers have professional connections are more incentivized to improve corporate social responsibility disclosure. This is particularly the case when firms face significant public and media attention. Additional analysis shows that firms with professional connections tend to be more conservative when choosing accounting policies to maintain their professional reputations. Professional connections bring value to both firms and managers in that professionally connected managers are valued by external investors, have greater job security, and are better compensated. Our results are robust to a series of endogeneity tests and perform well in various robustness tests. Overall, our study suggests that corporate social responsibility decisions are shaped by managerial idiosyncratic characteristics and external institutions.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between turnover among chief executive officers (CEOs) and corporate sustainability performance (CSP) by identifying the influence of two major types of succession to the top job (internal or external promotion) and the reasons for change. Our model also integrates the firm’s past prioritization of CSP and the impact of a company’s participation in the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Upper echelons theory and agency theory frameworks are adopted to understand CSP. Using an analysis of panel data for 88 public companies across 13 years in France, we find that a change of chief executive has a positive and significant effect on CSP 5 years after the change. This positive effect is stronger when the new CEO is recruited from outside the firm. The impact on CSP is invariably positive and significant, except for voluntary departures. The arrival of a new CEO affects CSP less when the firm has already achieved a high standard of CSP and participates in the GRI. These results are obtained after controlling CSP determinants already validated in the literature (financial performance, size, profitability, etc.). The findings show that expectations of CEOs are not solely economic and financial but also concern CSP. In terms of governance, they should prompt shareholders looking to strengthen CSP to choose new CEOs from outside the firm and to encourage the firm to participate in the GRI.  相似文献   

Zhang  Lin  Xu  Yuehua  Chen  Honghui 《Journal of Business Ethics》2022,175(2):411-411
Journal of Business Ethics - The initial online publication contained a typesetting mistake. The original article has been corrected.  相似文献   

Ye  Kangtao  Zhang  Ran 《Journal of Business Ethics》2011,104(2):197-206
Drawing on risk mitigation theory, this article examines whether the improvement of firms’ social performance reduces debt financing costs (CDFs) in China, the world’s largest emerging market. Employing both the ordinary least square (OLS) and the two-stage instrumental variable regression methods, we find that improved corporate social responsibility (CSR) reduces the CDF when firms’ CSR investment is lower than an optimal level; however, this relationship is reversed after the CSR investment exceeds the optimal level. Firms with extremely low or extremely high CSR are subject to a higher CDF. The results also suggest that the optimal CSR level for small firms is higher than that for large firms. This study is the first to document a U-shaped relationship between CSR and CDF and also the first to investigate this relationship within an emerging market context.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine whether corporate investments are influenced by political connections. Using recent hand-collected data, we find that politically-connected firms are associated with higher levels of corporate investments. Particularly, corporate investments by politically-connected firms are twice the size of non-politically-connected firms. Furthermore, the effect is stronger for government-linked firms, firms with politically-connected controlling shareholders and older politically-connected firms. From the firm's characteristic perspective, the influence of political connections on corporate investments is stronger in larger firms and firms with higher bargaining power. Our findings remain unchanged despite been subjected to a wide range of robustness tests.  相似文献   

Many studies have shown that mergers and acquisitions (M&A) raise firms' productivity. Few researches investigate whether exporters can enhance export performance after M&A through higher levels of efficiency. Based on detailed information on M&A activities of Chinese firms, China's customs trade data and National Bureau of Statistics surveys, we investigate the causal effect of M&A on trade performance. In particular, the value and the volume of firm exports, product quality, product scope and the number of export destinations have been examined. We find positive and significant effects of M&A on all the examined indicators of export performance. These findings are generally robust to a variety of robustness checks. We further observe that state-owned firms are the least likely to benefit from M&A. We also obtain evidence that firms benefit more from M&A deals if they are targets or merge with foreign firms. Overall, this paper is to our knowledge the first study that uses micro-level data in multiple industries to examine the relationship between M&A and exports of heterogeneous firms. Our results deepen our understanding of the consequences of M&A by suggesting another potential benefit, and hence provide policy implications for merger regulation.  相似文献   

The global financial crisis of 2008 aroused renewed interest in the effectiveness of corporate governance mechanisms to safeguard investor interests. In this paper, we measure the effects of the crisis from 2008 to 2009 on the share performance of 976 companies listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in the Hong Kong SAR and examine the link between share performance and corporate governance mechanisms. Our results present evidence that firms with a higher proportion of independent directors and a greater concentration of ownership had lower share performance, but lower price volatility, during the global financial crisis. These results suggest that no single corporate governance mechanism is fit for all economic environments and time frames. To strengthen investors' confidence, companies should enhance the efficiency and adaptability of their governance mechanisms in turbulent times.  相似文献   

We investigate how family involvement in the ownership, management, or governance of a business affects its engagement in earnings management both directly and indirectly through its corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities. Using a sample of S&P 500 companies, we find that family firms tend to have higher CSR performance, which can help them to maintain legitimacy and preserve socio-emotional wealth. Family firms also engage in less accrual-based earnings management, although they are indistinguishable from non-family firms in terms of real earnings management. In contrast to previous research, we find that CSR performance is not significantly associated with either accrual-based or real earnings management behavior after we account for the effect of family involvement. Our findings suggest that the association between CSR performance and family involvement is the primary driver of the relation between CSR performance and earnings management documented in previous research.  相似文献   

Advergames have been used for some time as a form of branded entertainment designed to engage prospective customers in a branded activity for an extended period of time. Increasingly, advergames are imbued with social qualities related to the rise in popularity of social media, especially social networking. Despite the popularity of social advergames, little is known about the brand benefits of incorporating social features into games. Moreover, while creativity has been studied in the context of more traditional advertising, less is known about its effects on brand development in the context of advergames. Although advertising creativity, as characterized by novelty and relevance, has been shown to impact advertised brands, it is not clear how creativity interacts with advergame socialness to affect brand development. To address these gaps in the literature, this paper reports on three experimental studies that compare the brand effects of advergames that enable social interactions to advergames that are not social. The results indicate that relative to non-social advergames, social advergames result in more positive game attitudes, attitudes toward the brand sponsor, and brand advocacy, particularly when advergames are novel. Finally, this article discusses implications for managers and directions for future research.  相似文献   

Our examination of 796 Chinese firms that invested in the Belt&Road (B&R) region from 2008 to 2015 shows that Chinese firms often encounter liability of foreignness (LOF) and liability of origin (LOR). Our empirical results reveal that larger institutional distance is related to significant performance decrease, which evidences liability of foreignness for Chinese multinationals. Moreover, Chinese firms with concentrated ownership see their financial performance adversely affected after the B&R initiative, which further validates the argument for liability of origin. We found that firms' Corporate Social Responsibility performance (CSR) has a significant, positive “institutional moderating” effect, that is buffering conflicts between Chinese firms and local stakeholders, and projecting a favorable institutional image to mitigate Chinese multinationals' dual liabilities in the B&R region. Firms with better Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) performance are more likely to avoid political risk. CSR has been a buffering and bridge mechanism in government inefficiency, lower regulatory quality, lower rule of law and less control of corruption and reducing rent seeking behavior.Therefore, investment in CSR and more inclusive ownership schemes may assist Chinese firms' long survival across the B&R region.  相似文献   

We analyze the influence of political connections on firms' access to capital and the ensuing effect on the cost of raising capital. Using a dataset of 413 IPOs from 2009 to 2012, we exploit a research setting where government is still highly involved with the process. We find that firms rely on political connections to reduce IPO rejection risk as a firm's political connections are positively associated with the propensity of obtaining approval for an IPO. We further find that political connections are negatively associated with the cost of IPO and connected firms appear to perform better subsequent to their IPOs.  相似文献   

Do Credible Firms Perform Better in Emerging Markets? Evidence from China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Prior research suggests that corporate credibility is associated with firm financial performance in developed countries. This article examines whether corporate credibility is related to firm performance using Economic Observer’s rating of corporate credibility in China, the largest emerging market in the world. Based on a four-stage valuation model, we find that more reputable and credible firms outperform those with low ratings by almost 20% in 3-year stock returns and have better 3-year net profit margins, return on equity, and sales growth. This study is the first to directly examine the relationship between corporate credibility and firm performance in emerging markets such as China, and our results confirm that firms with high credibility exhibit better financial and market performance at least in the following 3 years.  相似文献   

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