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In this article recreational shopping is of concern, the course of action whereby individuals experience enjoyment from shopping. The article reviews previous research in the area and suggests directions for further research. It is suggested that research in the area would benefit from drawing more upon research that focuses on the sociocultural, experiential, and symbolic aspects of consumption, such as, for instance, consumer culture theory (CCT). Thus, it is argued that recreational shopping needs to be acknowledged as a multifaceted activity that may be performed in various ways and embody different types of consumer meanings. It is also argued that there is a need to focus more on the influence of retail environments on individuals engaged in recreational shopping.  相似文献   

Declining consumer footfall and diminishing sales in Indian metro cities have guided the expansion of malls in cities of central India. Shoppers of these cities are unfamiliar with the mall concept and have limited exposure of shopping values in the past. The present research focused on the influence of utilitarian and hedonic shopping values on satisfaction of mall shoppers of central India Bhopal by establishing a proposed research framework based on 288 responses from two shopping malls, using utilitarian and hedonic dimensions of shopping values. Confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling (SEM) are used to analyze and validate the proposed research framework. The result supports the relationship between shopping values and customer satisfaction, where both the shopping values show positive significant influences on customer satisfaction. Therefore this research paper would help mall owners to focus on these shopping values effectively and efficiently while planning malls in central India for gaining competitive advantage, attracting new customer and hold their profitable customers by enhancing customer satisfaction with shopping values in the current retail scenario.  相似文献   

This paper aims to investigate the omni-channel shopping value (SV) by proposing and empirically testing an omni-channel SV model based on SV literature and omni-channel literature reviews to identify the key omni-channel concept characteristics. A mixed-method design combining quantitative (n = 59) and qualitative (n = 17) methods in an abductive logic was adopted. The four key findings were omni-channel SV is caused by touch points’ SV; this causal effect is moderated by omni-channel shopping perceived consistency; but the content and measure of the constructs must be reconceptualized in the omni-channel shopping context; and physical shopping's nature evolves in both its utilitarian and social dimensions.  相似文献   

This study proposes a framework to understand the impacts of both value-related and transaction cost-related factors on repurchase intention from online shoppers' perspective. In particular, this study defines the construct of cost as a three-component conceptualization (i.e., information searching cost, moral hazard cost, and specific asset investment). Based upon empirical evidence on a survey of 887 online shoppers, this study shows that consumers' perceived value and each cost component are positively related to repurchase intention. Importantly, information searching cost exerts the most significant influence on repurchase intentions among the four relational factors. The result suggests that providing sufficient cues to reduce consumers' information searching cost is the core element of repurchase intention formation. This article closes with theoretical and practical implications.  相似文献   

This study endeavours to develop and analyze a conceptual model that sheds light on the moderating impact of utilitarian and hedonic shopping values in determining the relationship between private label usage and store loyalty. In a test with data collected from 267 consumers, conceptual framework was analyzed by using structural equation modeling. The findings reveal that a negative relationship was observed between private label usage and store loyalty. However, utilitarian shopping value converts this existing negative relationship between private label usage and store loyalty into a strong positive association. This study offers such interesting implications for managers that developing marketing strategies oriented to create utilitarian shopping value during the shopping experience may enable retailers to enhance their store loyalty in a positive way in the long run. Prior research has not approached the private label product phenomenon from a shopping value perspective. Hence, this study attempts to measure the moderating impact of shopping value on the linkage between private label usage and store loyalty for the first time.  相似文献   

This study aims to identify the factors that can influence consumer purchasing behaviour in the context of agri-food. Based on the Stimulus-Organism-Behaviour-Consequence theory, this study proposed a model to explain purchasing behaviour that included environmental factors as well as a set of cognitive processes. This study adopted a mixed method approach and in the first stage, a qualitative analysis was conducted to extract the constructs for the study. In the second stage, the quantitative analysis was performed by means of CB-SEM using 891 responses collected through a survey. This resulted in identifying the factors that influence agri-food purchasing behaviour. According to the findings, health consciousness and food safety concerns in the form of a stimulus have a positive relationship with agri-food image, agri-food label, and agri-food benefits acting as the organism. Similarly, the three organisms have a positive relationship with trust. Ethnocentrism is also found to have positive and significant association with trust. The combination of trust and ethnocentrism has consequences, in the form of agri-food purchase behaviour. The study's findings have significant implications for marketers and marketing strategists.  相似文献   

Drawing upon the work of Simmel ([1907–1911] 1971) and other socioculturally oriented theoreticians (e.g. Campbell 1987; Thompson et al. 1994), this paper illuminates the composite and dynamic character of leisure shopping. Using three overarching themes – the adventure, the auction and the aspiration – the paper illustrates that leisure shopping experiences comprise a synthesis of opposites, involving dynamic shifts between for example spontaneity and control, delight and disappointment, dreams and fantasies as well as rational calculations and purposive planning. Leisure shopping is thus described as a form of rational recreation (Lash and Urry 2002), where consumers seek pleasure in highly rationalized ways.  相似文献   

New digital food platforms are being launched accompanied with the promise of also promoting more sustainable food consumption. However, despite some success, many of these efforts to digitally reconfigure consumers food practices fail. The aim of this paper is to empirically explore, conceptualize and explain such failures. Taking a practice theory approach, and drawing on a field experiment using the Karma app – an anti-food waste app – the paper shows that the inability of this app to promote a new way of acquiring food is due to glitches - app failures of different sorts - but also practice conflicts. Two types of practice conflicts, practice mismatch and practice competition, make the fostering of a new sustainable food provisioning practice difficult.  相似文献   

This research is the first to examine how personal values (resultant conservation and resultant self-enhancement) relate to impulse buying, and how hedonic shopping motivations mediate this relationship. We draw on information from a preliminary sample of 510 Portuguese respondents and a MTURK sample of 249 Americans, and use structural equations modeling to test the research model. The results from both samples denote some consistency, showing that both resultant self-enhancement and resultant conservation are indirectly related to impulse buying, highlighting a mediating role for hedonic shopping motivations.  相似文献   

Today the Indian traditional retail shopper visiting various hypermarkets formats for purchasing and enjoying their valuable time with their family members and friends, as these formats offer hedonic shopping values. Therefore, this research paper focused on hypermarket shoppers of central India and the main objective of this study is to identify the role of hedonic shopping values on creation of satisfaction, loyalty and repatronage intentions with the help of proposed research framework based on 329 responses. Confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling (SEM) is use to analyze and validate the proposed research framework. The result supports the relationship between hedonic shopping values with customer satisfaction, loyalty and repatronage intentions. The study also demonstrate the moderating role of gender on these relationship, which shows that both male and female consumer have different level of shopping behavior when it comes to see the influence of hedonic shopping values. Therefore, this research paper would help hypermarket retailers to design their retail store environment more attractively to maintain the optimum customer satisfaction level that enhance the loyalty and repatronage intentions in the customer in this current competitive retail scenario.  相似文献   

This study examines the link among consumer characteristics (price-sensitive behavior, variety-seeking behavior, and compulsive buying behavior), shopping values (utilitarian and hedonic shopping values), and behavioral intention in online group buying (OGB). This study tests usable responses collected by means of mall-intercept systematic sampling from consumers who previously participated in OGB. Structural equation modeling was used to analyze data and test the hypothesized relationships. Findings suggest that price-sensitive and variety-seeking behaviors are significantly related to utilitarian shopping value, whereas price-sensitive, variety-seeking, and compulsive buying behaviors are significantly related to hedonic shopping value. Both utilitarian and hedonic shopping values significantly influence consumers’ OGB intentions. For a successful OGB strategy, Internet marketers and site operators should emphasize the utilitarian shopping value of price saving and selection and introduce the hedonic shopping values of promotions and sensory experiences. This study provides a link between two streams of prior research – that is, consumer characteristics and shopping values. Furthermore, it validates an empirical model whose results can help business practitioners make better-informed marketing management decisions for OGB and help academics and consumers better understand OGB behavior.  相似文献   

Taking a hierarchical value‐attitude‐behaviour approach, this study empirically tests relations of consumer personal values, attitude, social norm, perceived behavioural control (PBC) and willingness to buy groceries online. The study distinguishes three groups of consumers: consumers who have not yet bought anything on the Internet; consumers who have bought something on the Internet – but not groceries; and consumers who have bought something on the Internet – including groceries. Data were collected from an online survey of Swedish consumers (n = 1058) using self‐administered questionnaires. The findings suggest that consumers may link personal values to attitude towards online grocery buying – but also that this relation may be moderated by whether the consumer previously has carried out an online purchase or an online grocery purchase.  相似文献   


Counterfeiting is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world across a wide range of product categories, including music, movies, food, computer software, pharmaceuticals, fertilisers, and machinery parts. Prior research focuses on deceptive counterfeiting in which the consumers are not aware about buying counterfeit products, with little attention to non-deceptive counterfeiting in which consumers knowingly purchase counterfeit products. Most of this research is fragmented and exploratory in nature, resulting in mixed or inconclusive findings that leave many important questions unanswered. For example, it is still not clear why some customers are more prone to buying counterfeit products compared to others. We address this important gap by conceptualising counterfeit proneness (CFP), an individual-level psychological trait that relates closely with counterfeit purchase behaviour. We also develop a scale to measure this trait and validate it through a series of empirical studies. Finally, we discuss some limitations of our approach and directions for future research.  相似文献   

Earlier researchers have observed that an individual consumer's mood plays a significant role in increasing the impulsiveness, which leads to impulsive buying. The literature on shoppers' motivational traits has profoundly acknowledged the impact of these traits and mood regulation constructs on individual shopping values. The present study is a pioneer attempt proposing a comprehensive model, which incorporates three main antecedents (motivation, mood and value) of buying behaviour that influence the consumer purchasing decision. The paper empirically explores the liaison between the regulatory focus (promotion-focused and prevention-focused motivations), mood regulation (mood monitoring, mood clarity and mood repair), shopping values (hedonic and utilitarian), and impulsive buying behaviour. The outcomes suggest that two regulatory focus motives influence mood clarity. Mood repairing and mood monitoring impact hedonic shopping values, which has a substantial impact on consumers' impulsive buying tendency. The paper closes with theoretical and practical inferences, limitations, and discussion on the potential scope for future research.  相似文献   

Advertising designed around the ‘value’ notion represents a way to deal with widespread retail competition and knowledgeable, empowered consumers. This study empirically examines the influence of receptivity to advertising messages (RTAM) on desired shopping values and assesses whether this relationship is moderated by gender, age, and income. The structural model indicates that, compared to low‐RTAM shoppers, high‐RTAM shoppers tend to perceive each of the six value dimensions, (i.e. monetary cost saving, time cost saving, energy cost saving, post‐sale customer support, engaging store environment, and personal leisure experience) as more important in making a retail patronage decision. Further analysis shows that the links from RTAM to monetary cost saving and to post‐sale customer support are stronger for younger male shoppers. Another interesting finding is that the link from RTAM to monetary cost saving is stronger for high‐income shoppers whereas the link from RTAM to engaging store environment is stronger for low‐ and middle‐income shoppers. If retail advertisers are aware of the value dimensions that are crucial to the high‐RTAM segment within specific target markets, they could achieve advertising goals more effectively and efficiently through tailored advertising messages.  相似文献   

In the field of marketing many objects of interest exist that are not directly observable, nevertheless they can be measured through multi-item measurement scales. These instruments are extremely useful and their importance requires accurate development and validation procedures. The traditional marketing literature highlights specific protocols along with statistical instruments and techniques to be used for achieving this goal. For example, correlation coefficients, univariate and multivariate analysis of variance and factorial analysis are widely employed with this purpose. However, these statistical tools are suitable for metric variables but they are adopted even when the nature of the observed variables is different, as it often occurs, since in many cases the items of which the scale is made up are ordinal. Latent class analysis takes explicitly into account the ordinal nature of the observed variables and also the fact that the object of interest is unobservable. The aim of this paper is to show how latent class analysis can improve the procedures for developing and validating a multi-item measurement scale for measuring customer satisfaction with reference to a shopping good, that is a good characterized by a high level of involvement and an emotional learning, linked to the lifestyle of the customer. The latent class approach explicitly considers both the ordinal nature of the observed variables and the fact that the construct to be measured is not directly observable. Applying appropriate latent class models, important features such as scale dimensionality, criterion and construct validity can be better assessed while evaluating the scale.  相似文献   

Marketing studies that seek to determine the drivers of Customer Citizenship Behavior (CCB) are still relatively rare, especially for its multi-faceted relationship with perceived values in the context of online transactions. This study seeks to bridge this research gap by exploring the relationship between the perceived values of mobile shopping applications (MSApps) and CCB through perceived well-being based upon the social exchange theory. This study also makes another original contribution by investigating the moderating role of customer intimacy. A quantitative approach was adopted by collecting data through a web survey and then applying structural equation modelling, as well as cluster and multigroup analyses to test the proposed hypotheses. Perceived values were found to influence consumer well-being, thus predicting CCB, with consumer intimacy playing a significant moderating role in this relationship. This study is one of a few seeking to verify the drivers of CCB for MSApps, and it is the first of its kind to investigate consumer intimacy as a moderating factor. The findings will prove useful to providers of MSApps and retailers.  相似文献   

Our research purpose was to identify and test variables that contribute to customer's willingness to continue to shop in brick and mortar stores, hereafter referred to as store loyalty. Specifically, we examined interrelationships among store attributes, shopping enjoyment, place attachment, and store loyalty with apparel shoppers. Significant store attributes that predicted shopping enjoyment included atmosphere, price, leisure, design, and service. Shopping enjoyment was a significant predictor of both place attachment and store loyalty. In turn, place attachment was found to be a significant predictor of store loyalty. The implications for store retailing are discussed as well as limitations and areas for future research.  相似文献   

Hunting for bargains has long been an important aspect of shopping behavior. One of the distinctive characteristics of bargain shopping is forward-looking price expectation, where one discount offer is evaluated in relation to another deeper discount anticipated in the future. Two experimental studies examined potentially competing effects of the two discounts over different timing points. Transaction value and purchase intention for the present discount may be affected not only by its discount depth but also by the awareness of the future discount. The negative effect of the future discount could substantially offset the positive perception toward the present deal. On the other hand, the future discount expectation does not appear to lower the perception of acquisition for the present discount. Effects of the future discount were investigated in terms of discount depth, product availability, and discount timing.  相似文献   

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