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The current note clarifies that Condorcet Jury Theorem cannot be generalized to the extended setting where individual decisional skills are not assumed to be exogenous parameters even when these skills are homogeneous. This is true when skills are determined endogenously either by a central planner or, in a decentralized strategic setting, by the decision makers themselves.  相似文献   

The endogenous grid method (EGM) significantly speeds up the solution of stochastic dynamic programming problems by simplifying or completely eliminating root-finding. We propose a general and parsimonious EGM extended to handle (1) multiple continuous states and choices, (2) multiple occasionally binding constraints, and (3) non-convexities such as discrete choices. Our method enjoys the speed gains of the original one-dimensional EGM, while avoiding expensive interpolation on multi-dimensional irregular endogenous grids. We explicitly define a broad class of models for which our solution method is applicable, and illustrate its speed and accuracy using a consumption–saving model with both liquid assets and illiquid pension assets and a discrete retirement choice.  相似文献   

通过研究,提出了人力资本当期价值计量理论与方法,试图解决长期未能解决的人力资本价值计量难题,实现了人力资本价值计量的重大创新。  相似文献   

This paper shows that the dynamic Leontief model can be interpreted as a linear model of endogenous growth. The long-term rate of growth is determined within the economic system - either as the outcome of the saving and investment behaviour of agents or as the outcome of some planner's maximization of some objective function.  相似文献   

Since the publication of Huselid's (1995) paper examining the relationship between HR practices and firm performance, there has been an explosion of published papers examining the empirical relationship between HR practices and various measures of firm performance. This study examines the possibility that informants typically providing data about organizational HR practices may be biased by an implicit theory of human resource management. Our findings suggest the responses from subjects typically providing data about HR practices may be biased in their reporting by the performance of the organization. The generalizability of these results is considered and implications for future studies of the HR-firm performance relationship reviewed.  相似文献   

王颖梅 《企业技术开发》2006,25(7):85-87,97
资本经营是以资本效益为核心的经营活动。为了实现资本经营效应最大化,现代企业必须根据自身实际情况,考虑现实环境的变化以及经营战略的调整,精心选择有效的资本运作方式,运用股票上市、并购、联合、重组、参股控股等具体操作方法,促使现代企业资本经营活动步入良性循环。  相似文献   

A diversity of opinion exists about the definition, intellectual boundaries, and major premises of the fields of human resources management (HRM) and industrial relations (IR). To help provide a common frame of reference for discussion and debate on the symposium topic, I endeavor in this paper to flesh out a consensus position on these matters. The method used is largely historical. Based on a review of the origins and evolution of the two fields from the early 20th century to the present day, I show that human resources (HR) up to the early 1960s was typically considered to be a subfield of IR. In more recent years, however, HR has largely severed its links with IR and now is widely regarded as a separate, sometimes competing and sometimes complementary field of study. In the last part of the paper I use this historical analysis, together with a review of the literatures in the two fields and the findings and conclusions of the other papers in this symposium, to identity both the commonalities and differences that distinguish the two fields in terms of their approach to science building (research) and problem solving (policy/practice).  相似文献   

基于绩效管理的中小企业人力资本提升   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着经济发展,绩效与企业人力资本的关系已经得到人们认可。人力资本为企业带来的核心竞争力是企业长期竞争优势与长期绩效提高的源泉,是企业取得现实及长远良好绩效的根本保证。因此讨论绩效管理中各种因素如人力资源管理者的选拔、战略性绩效管理的实施、领导层的支持以及绩效沟通的效果,对中小企业人力资本提升具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

Empirical work on human capital has tended to focus on the direct effects of human capital on performance, whereas little attention has been paid to behaviours through which human capital influences performance. This study uses the “human capital emergence” model to examine relationships among human capital, social capital, coordination, and performance over a 2‐year period of time. Findings indicate that human capital, social capital, and coordination each influence performance. Human capital and social capital also positively predict coordination. Lastly, coordination mediates the relationships between human capital and performance and social capital and performance.  相似文献   

关于城市治理的理论与实践   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国亟待建立一个符合国情的城市综合治理的理论体系 ,这将对我国城市的高质量发展具有深刻的现实意义。文章探讨了恒常综合治理、临时综合治理与专项治理的关系 ,并提出城市综合治理的基本要求 ,即 ,规范教育预防与依法严治相结合、法治与德治相结合以及国际对接、国际认证与中国国情相结合。  相似文献   

受各种因素的影响,目前对人力资本重要性的认识基本还处于定性阶段,这极大地限制了人力资本的开发和利用。本文着重研究人力资本计量问题,在总结人力资本常用计量方法的基础上,提出了人力资本价值计量的一种新方法———改进完全价值法。在设计计量模型时,以产出为基础,充分注意人力资本与非人力资本在创造剩余价值中的共同作用,把人力资本价值的计量模型构思为:人力资本的补偿价值+利润中属于人力资本的部分,并用柯布-道格拉斯函数对利润进行分割,在此基础上考虑员工类型、企业类型、企业投资、员工服务期限等因素,对模型进行设计。  相似文献   

In this article we strive to reconcile equivocal findings about the effects of top leader succession and prior leadership experience on postsuccession organizational performance. In doing so, we draw on insights from theories of human capital, learning, and asymmetric information to better understand the conditions under which leaders increase or decrease postsuccession performance. Employing a sample of 119 newly appointed leaders in the English Premier League (1996–2010), we find the following results. First, relating to the succession event, outside leaders that directly move between leadership positions are associated with higher postsuccession performance while the departure of a prior leader to a leadership position in another organization has a negative effect on postsuccession performance. Second, relating to prior leadership experience, leaders with domestic top leader experience are associated with lower postsuccession performance, while leaders with foreign top leader experience are associated with higher postsuccession performance. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper is an attempt to understand the impact of public R&D and public infrastructure on the performance of the U.S. agricultural sector during the last part of the twentieth century. A neoclassical Solow growth model is not sufficient for this understanding given the sustained growth performance of the sector. We base our analysis on a well-known endogenous growth model, the ‘AK model’ where non-convexities are introduced through non-rival inputs. Based on these models and within the dynamic models that rationalize private and public decision making, we have identified three testable hypotheses regarding the aggregate agricultural production technology. They are: (1) increasing returns to scale over all inputs; (2) positive effect of additional units of public inputs on the long-run demand for private capital; and (3) negative impact of public inputs on cost. They are tested using two estimation procedures on two data sets for U.S. agriculture. One, covering the period 1948–1994, developed by USDA, the other, covering the period 1926–1990, from Thirtle et al. Maximum likelihood estimates do not conform to the regularity and behavioral properties of the economic model rendering them unusable for testing these hypotheses. Bayesian estimates, although not totally satisfactory, do not reject the hypotheses after prior imposition of some of the regularity conditions. This supports the notion of an important role for public inputs on the rapid and sustained growth of the sector. We calculate that, on average, one additional dollar spent on public R&D stock reduces private cost by $6.5, implying a return on these public expenses of 190%.
Lilyan E. FulginitiEmail:

This paper generalizes the standard forward method of recursive substitution to a general class of linear rational expectations models with potentially multiple fundamental solutions. It is shown that the existence and uniqueness of the well-known forward solution are preserved in a general context. We also propose a key property embedded in the forward solution - the no-bubble condition - as an economically sensible solution refinement in the class of fundamental solutions. In the literature, the no-bubble condition has been assumed to rule out non-fundamental bubble solutions. We show that the forward solution is the only rational expectations equilibrium satisfying the no-bubble condition and consequently, it is the most relevant fundamental solution within the class of fundamental equilibria. Several economic examples are provided where the fundamental solutions obtained by other solution methods and refined by other solution selection criteria violate the no-bubble condition.  相似文献   

上市公司人力资本与公司绩效的实证分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王怀明  吴佩远 《价值工程》2007,26(8):138-140
选取IT行业和纺织行业上市公司作为研究对象,采用线性回归和独立样本T检验的方法,对上市公司人力资本与公司绩效的关系进行实证分析。分析结果表明,上市公司人力资本与公司绩效正相关,拥有高人力资本存量的公司的绩效优于拥有低人力资本存量的公司的绩效。  相似文献   

俞达 《科技与企业》2012,(13):371-372
采用对比实验对大学生跆拳道教学的不同方法及效应进行研究,结果表明:自由组合教学法在学生掌握跆拳道技术有显著效果;同时在发挥学生的主体作用,提高分析和解决问题的能力,加快学生对技术动作的理解和掌握等方面呈现明显效果。  相似文献   

Assets are coupled to endogenous aggregate output fluctuations in a model of heterogeneous agents. Those agents wish to avoid reacting inadvertently to an unobservable noise process, but to do so must elicit reactions to that noise from each other. An abstract institution is modeled that optimizes this elicitation by strategically transmitting information about aggregates; I designate this feedback. Feedback is used by agents and so influences the characteristics of aggregate fluctuations. The optimal feedback policy minimizes asset rates of return, maximizes the persistence of aggregate output fluctuations, and causes the distribution of wealth to widen continually and without limit.  相似文献   

人力资本参与物流企业剩余收益分配的量化模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴粒  胡可果 《物流科技》2005,28(4):89-91
探索人力资本参与企业收入分配问题,对于完善我国收入分配制度与健全收入分配机制,加强我国人才队伍建设具有重要的理论和实践意义。物流企业是独立于生产领域之外从事物流活动的经济组织,在我国是一个新兴行业,建立一个操作性较强的机制促使人力资本参与企业剩余收益分配对物流企业来说也是大有裨益的。  相似文献   

农地"三权分置"改革通过影响农业资本、技术、劳动力等生产投入要素进而影响农业内生发展。本文利用调研数据对其实证检验的结果表明,代表农地"三权分置"改革的土地确权和土地转入显著提高了农户的农业投资及贷款意愿,提升了其农业科技使用意愿,并增强了其农业人力资本提升意愿;而代表"三权分置"改革的土地转出对三者的影响均为负。由此表明,农地"三权分置"改革对农业资本、技术和劳动力的内生增长有显著促进作用,进而推动农业内生发展。建议深化"三权分置"改革,推进确权成果应用,完善土地流转机制,借助大数据建立网络化土地流转平台,以土地为杠杆撬动农业其他生产要素投入。  相似文献   

浅析人力资本的保值与增值   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从熵的角度解释了人力资本的贬值问题,认为熵与人力资本有着紧密的联系,并从人力资本的生产过程和使用过程两方面提出了人力资本保值与增值的对策。  相似文献   

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