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There have been tensions as ethnic tourism develops in western China leading to various responses from local people, including resistance. Cornet discussed Dong villagers’ responses to tourism development in Zhaoxing using concepts such as livelihoods, resistance, agency, and ethnicity. This paper aims to reinterpret these responses and extend the scope of discussion through multiple case studies using primary data collected in our fieldwork. This study showed that the issues involving ethnic minority groups mentioned by Cornet commonly appear in Han areas and ethnicity is less significant in local responses to tourism development. In addition, we found that villagers have little voice in tourism development and their rights and interests are often ignored by local government. These findings have important implications for increasing our understanding of the issues arising from ethnic tourism.  相似文献   

Ethnic tourism has been employed as a development strategy in many minority communities where options for development are often limited. This research explores the impacts of ethnic tourism development on minority people and their identities in an ethnic community in Lugu Lake, Yunnan, China. Findings reveal that active involvement in tourism and commercialization of Mosuo cultural traditions have resulted in the consolidation of a collective Mosuo identity for economic, social and cultural purposes. Local villagers actively express their identity and re-create their dress, dances and religion to satisfy tourists' desires for authenticity. Tourism has reinforced elements of Mosuo culture, giving it new prestige in the Han-dominated society, but it has also brought numerous changes to Mosuo communities. It is argued that the preservation of minority culture and identity should be enhanced if long-term sustainable development of tourism is to occur and the evolving nature of ethnic identity is to be recognized.  相似文献   

This study identifies the impacts of tourism development on the living conditions of local poor and examines the role of local government and major investors in this process. A village in southern China was chosen as the research site. Because of tourism development, the villagers had all been relocated and initially, it was thought that their housing conditions had improved. Nevertheless, the relocated houses were later criticized as being small and of low quality. The traditional local means of livelihood also changed, from farming and fishing to mainly being employed in paid work. Yet, because of the high cost of living, the villagers' actual living standards had not greatly improved. This study claims that, since the municipal government took a developmental approach and investors followed market logic, the interests of the local poor were sacrificed to tourism development. This suggests that if tourism development is to reduce local levels of poverty, the interests of the local community should be front and center. Particularly in cases when tourism development tends to cause the transformation of local means of production, supportive initiatives and proper supervision and management strategies are needed in helping the poor adapt to new conditions.  相似文献   

过往旅游感知研究多停留在实证研究层面——以管理学、社会学、统计学的视角居多,而实证之后对其从制度伦理等哲学角度的反思鲜有涉及。实际上,研究旅游只在管理学或社会学层面的思考是远远不够的,许多问题还涉及目前旅游学界未给予足够关注的制度伦理。文章拟从另一视角来验证旅游发展带来制度伦理方面的诉求。通过比较两个地理位置相当、人口社会学特征相似的古村落——广东开平自力村和马降龙村的旅游影响感知及态度,发现由于旅游发展程度的不同,居民对开放社会的制度伦理诉求存在一定的差异;得出旅游发展程度越高,居民呈现出对公民社会的伦理诉求越强烈,即居民对村里的公共事务的参与意识越强,对分配公正的诉求、公共利益的关注越明显等制度伦理特征。  相似文献   

This article presents findings from mixed-method research into ethnic tourism in Vietnam. Drawing on critical discourse analysis and ethnographic research carried out in Sapa, northern Vietnam, the article examines how minority Indigenous groups are represented in ways that reproduce certain racial and gendered tropes that are drawn upon by tourists before, during and after actual tours. Findings from the study suggest that ethnic tourism is having a marginalising effect on minority ethnic women, who are becoming excluded from social, symbolic and economic space for behaviour that is deemed inauthentic. Tourists are drawing on a narrow range of Orientalist tropes throughout different stages of their participation in ethnic tourism and are carrying forward their pre-conceptions into tourism environments. Therefore, the ways in which indigeneity is packaged for tourists and the ways that tourists “authenticate” ethnicity inform their desires, which then shape their behaviour and interactions with locals. By bringing together ideas about authentication and gendered Orientalism and Othering, the analysis shows that the power play and its effects on Indigenous groups are considerable and troubling, with the whims and desires of tourists steering tourism organisation, including the surveillance and controlling of Indigenous women traders in and around the town.  相似文献   

民族地区原住民参与旅游开发的法律赋权研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐兵  惠红 《旅游学刊》2014,(7):39-46
民族地区原住民既是当地旅游活动的重要对象,又是民族文化旅游资源的创造者和传承者。但在旅游扶贫开发和运营中,由于旅游吸引物权规定的“法律真空”,缺乏法律制度保障的原住民在与开发商和政府博弈中往往被边缘化,导致经济收益偏低,却要承担旅游开发所产生的各种各样的成本,严重损害了原住民的利益。文章运用赋权与产权理论,对原住民参与旅游开发的弱势地位的核心原因进行了辨析,指出原住民参与处于“无权”或“弱权”状态是因为对旅游者最具吸引力的天然属于原住民所有的原生态民族文化旅游资源产权界定上的法律缺失,提出了加强旅游吸引物权的“确权+流转”为主要内容的法律赋权建议,并分析了赋权后可能产生的消极影响及其防范措施。最后以石泉苗寨为例,具体剖析了法律赋权下的民族地区原住民参与旅游开发的方式与企业的经营机制,以期彻底改变原住民的地位弱势、收益偏低和参与“无话语权”的现状,增加原住民的财产性收益,缓解原住民与开发商之间的矛盾,维护民族地区的和谐稳定。  相似文献   

After returning home from fieldwork on the Guarani reservation in Misiones, Argentina, the author was approached by one of his colleagues and asked about the difference between ethnography and ethnic tourism. The immediate response was, what do you mean by ‘ethnic tourism’? After a moment of silence, he responded that, to him, ethnic tourism meant people traveling to interact with indigenous people and experience their lifestyles and customs. This thought process brought about the interest in writing this reflective research note. This short opinion piece teases out the importance of aboriginal peoples and their culture as heritage attractions and proposes the role of anthropology in creating conditions of neo-colonialism in the tourism context.  相似文献   

陈刚 《旅游学刊》2012,27(5):94-102
文章考察地处四川和云南之间泸沽湖地区旅游的发展及其对当地族群关系的影响.以观察、访谈和问卷的方式,研究小组收集当地人对旅游开发后泸沽湖地区族群关系互动的认识.研究发现,旅游的发展促进了该地区族群间的交流和融合,强化了当地居民(特别是摩梭人)的族群认同.但旅游开发并没有完全消除当地族群间存在的偏见和歧视,旅游发展带来的对传统文化的冲击、族群意识的加强、市场经济的竞争和贫富差距的增大,都影响当地族群关系的健康发展.文章建议,在多民族地区旅游开发中,推行参与式开发和包客性增长的策略.  相似文献   

周坤 《旅游研究》2020,12(3):30-40
旅游业加速了民族村寨社会分化,极端分化可能造成社会关系紧张和矛盾冲突激化。积极的社会整合成为消除分化负面影响、促进旅游发展、推动乡村振兴的必要手段。文章引入柯林斯的互动仪式链理论,分析了民族旅游村寨中的互动仪式情境及社会整合的具体措施。研究认为,旅游开发后民族村寨衍生出旅游互动仪式、生活互动仪式和生产互动仪式三种互动情境类型,三种情境基于情感交流与角色互换展开,满足身体在场、共同焦点、群体身份等互动仪式要素。通过互动仪式促进民族村寨社会整合应注意维护和提升村民集体意识,在主客互动、生活仪式、生产协作等方面强化仪式整合作用。  相似文献   

Chinese ethnic tourism has grown rapidly alongside national goals to eradicate poverty by 2020, but not without concern. This study analyzes the rise and evolution of ethnic tourism elites (n = 29) in three minority villages of southwest China. Linking Elite Circulation Theory to ethnographic work in the region since 2013, findings highlight a differentiable conversion of ethnic tourism and other resources fueling 1) individuals' rise to power, and 2) shifts characterizing elite positioning across political, traditional, economic, and educational fields. The study proposes a framework for understanding elite-led tourism, conceptualizing elite circulation in rural China according to evolving attributes of elite groups competing for increased rights and capital within ethnic tourism systems.  相似文献   

This study reconstructs the place branding model from the perspective of Peircean semiotics. Taking rural tourism development in Dadong, Tibet, as a case study, the multi-method ethnographic approach to data collection consists of field observation and in-depth interviews. Place branding is defined as a dynamic negotiation between planned place image from place planners (immediate interpretant), villagers' place identity (dynamic interpretant), and tourists' constructed place image (final interpretant). These results confirm the importance in place branding of placemaking based on authentic place culture and restate the roles played by villagers as place ambassadors and authentic narrators of place culture. Furthermore, the study extends the understanding of place branding and will help destination planners manage destination brands more effectively.  相似文献   

This study examines China’s urban–rural transition in the process of development and change. Regarding tourism as a discourse of difference, it focuses on a rural ethnic community, Jiabang, in Southwest China. It aims to highlight the role of tourism in providing a stimulus for the creation of a local group identity that subverts wider discourses of rural areas. With the goal of understanding how toured places are imagined, presented and consumed, this study utilises mixed data sources collected from tourism promotional materials and ethnographic fieldwork. The findings suggest that the forces behind the touristic place creation and consumption are both integral to and the result of the changing attitudes and perceptions of people and places in contemporary China.  相似文献   

张爱平 《旅游学刊》2020,35(4):51-63
农户生计多样化与维持传统农业生产之间的矛盾是当前农业文化遗产保护的核心问题,旅游发展被认为是弥合二者关系的有效路径。遗产旅游地农户生计与农地利用问题的研究,可从实践层面揭示旅游发展环境下农户生计变化对农业生产的影响。文章基于元阳县12个村寨401家农户的研究表明:(1)劳动力就业呈现非农化转移,农户生计由此分化形成务农主导、务工主导、均衡兼营、旅游参与、旅游主导5种发展类型;(2)非农化发展总体上对农地保护与利用形成负面影响,对旱地的利用变化主要表现在种植结构上,对水梯田的利用变化则表现在弃耕撂荒、农地流转、劳动力投入等多个方面;(3)不同类型农户的农地利用行为改变存在差异,生计旅游化转型的农户其传统农业生产维持不及留守务农农户,劳动力投入与省工性的物质要素投入行为改变明显,但在农地保有与劳动力投入方面优于外出务工农户;(4)旅游的弥合效应与遗产保护学界的理论构想存在差异,研究区弥合效应仅在旅游从业农户群体中有所体现,这类农户根据旅游从业特点、遗产保护要求形成了旅游化兼业模式,生计压力之下对家庭劳动力的充分利用促成了农户兼顾传统农业生产。遗产保护须多方审视旅游的正反向效应,在遗产保护基础和前提下,维持适度旅游发展规模以保持农户多产兼业才是可持续发展之路。  相似文献   

Understanding the complex and adaptive nature of Pacific Island communities is a growing yet relatively unexplored area in the context of tourism development. Taking an ethnographic research approach, this study examines how over 40 years of tourism development have led to complex and multi-scale changes within an Indigenous Fijian village. The study establishes that tourism development has brought a range of ecological shifts that have, over time, spurred far-reaching changes within the embedded sociocultural constructs of the community. The development of the Naviti Resort, a water catchment dam, a causeway and a man-made island have created substantial changes in totemic associations, livelihood approaches, and traditional knowledge structures within Vatuolalai village. The emergence of internal adaptive cycles, and new behaviours, practices and values that redefine the cultural landscape will be discussed. This paper demonstrates the interconnectivity of nature, society and culture within Indigenous communal systems and asserts that ecological changes introduced in one part of a community stimulate complex, non-linear responses in other elements of the socio-ecological system of a Fijian village.  相似文献   

Natural disaster, economic recession and political turmoil pose major challenges to local tourism in developing countries. To address such challenges, this article investigates the multiple ways in which local tourism businesses respond to crises and the resources these businesses employ to build resilience in an unpredictable business environment. The data underlying this article have been generated in a longitudinal study of small-scale businesses in the accommodation sector in the city of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Based on qualitative research, comprising ethnographic methods, the study reveals that local tourism businesses show remarkable resilience during the decade of crisis that affected the Indonesian tourism industry. This resilience has to be understood in terms of the businesses’ embeddedness in a package of livelihood strategies.  相似文献   

Tourism and related development can lead to the displacement and resettlement of communities, disrupting local livelihood systems, socio-political processes and organizations. However, limited attention has been paid to community resettlement in the tourism context. Taking Yinhuwan village at Mount Sanqingshan World Heritage Site in China as an example, this study examines the results of tourism and resettlement on the livelihoods of this rural community and the extent to which tourism-related livelihood strategies contribute to community livelihood sustainability. A sustainable livelihood framework is adopted to guide the analysis. Face-to-face in-depth interviews were conducted with management officials, community leaders and village residents through three field investigations in 2013. It was found that traditional livelihood methods have been largely replaced by tourism, which has become the primary livelihood strategy for the resettled community. Despite current economic benefits, high dependency on tourism-related opportunities as the single livelihood option may diminish the sustainability of local livelihoods. The current resettlement plan highlights short-term economic impacts on the affected community, overlooking their socio-cultural concerns and long-term livelihood sustainability. Possible measures are discussed to diversify livelihood options and mitigate potential challenges for the affected community so as to ensure their long-term benefits and increase future options.  相似文献   

十九大报告明确指出,促进农村一二三产业融合发展,支持和鼓励农民就业创业,拓宽增收渠道。乡村旅游是农民创业的热点行业,也是乡村振兴的重要举措。本研究以北京市怀柔区旅游山村莲花池村为例,利用半结构式访谈及田野调研资料,基于扎根理论分析了农民旅游创业的行动逻辑及影响因素,建立了创业者特征、创业条件以及创业环境3个主范畴下农民旅游创业的影响因素理论模型,采用二元logistic回归分析方法,从是否旅游创业、是否存续的角度,讨论了农民旅游创业因素作用的动态变化。研究发现:(1)农民旅游创业决策模型分为创业者与创业条件两个维度。其中,创业条件包括家庭人力资本、物质资本和社会资本;(2)农民旅游创业存在女性化、年轻化趋向,家庭劳动能力、道路便捷性是进行创业的先决条件,家庭社交支出、创业者周围人群以及区域大环境是创业存续的促进条件;(3)农民旅游创业主导因素由个体因素转为外部社会化因素。  相似文献   

This paper is based upon 12 months of ethnographic study while living among the Tuva and Kazakh people in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, China. Based on observation, interviews, participation and secondary documents the paper uses Coser's theory of Social Conflict to suggest a four part model of how tourism engenders different forms of social conflict and fluctuating alliances between stakeholders in an environment where tourism has been introduced by agents external to the indigenous community. The actors are ethnic groupings and members of those groups, governmental officials at local, regional and national level, intermediaries of the tourism industry and private sector entrepreneurs drawn from the majority and minority ethnic groups. Tensions are identified as being based on beliefs, resources and power, and a sequential pattern of primacy is identified consistent with stages of the tourist area life cycle.  相似文献   

民族认同感是族群意识的基本组成部分。在旅游影响下,少数民族地区的民族认同呈现出多维度和不同方向的发展轨迹。文章通过对一位土家族青年女性个人生活史的记录,分析了在旅游发展进程中族群个体的民族认同感的演化过程,发现旅游对民族认同的影响在于:旅游引致的经济增长提高了民族文化的"势位";旅游产品创造了民族的集体记忆和文化景观;文化旅游的发展使民族认同的层次不断深化;民族旅游的盲目开发和过度开发将误导民族认同的方向。研究将为民族旅游地社会文化影响研究提供新的视角。  相似文献   

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