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In the contemporary ICT environment, we are confronted with a growing number of failing innovations. New technological innovations often fail because too much attention is still given to (technical) product-related features without taking into account the most important parameters of user acceptance. In addition, suppliers of ICT products often lack accurate insight into the distinguished profiles of their (potential) target audience. In this article theoretical considerations and empirical results on this matter are highlighted. First of all, an approach is proposed in which more traditional and often scattered vision(s) on adoption determinants are broadened into an integrated framework. The approach provides a stronger base for better targeting of (new) users of technologies. Secondly, the authors elaborate on this by rethinking these determinants with regard to later adopters. Later adopters (or even non-adopters/users) are often ignored in technology acceptance research. However, especially for policy purposes, the understanding of why people do not adopt or do not use ICT is strongly relevant in the light of the development of an inclusive information society. Both approaches are illustrated by case studies starting from a common list of nineteen ICT appropriation determinants. This framework enables to better profile both earlier and later adopters as well as it allows to formulate recommendations how to bring innovations in the market. Summarizing, this contribution offers an integrated approach on technology acceptance research by bridging the gap between a market and a policy-oriented point of view.  相似文献   

Technological synergy in mergers and acquisitions (M&As) is achieved when there is an increase in value generated by combining the stock of complementary technologies of acquirers and targets, as well as utilizing target’s patents to initiate or defend lawsuits against competitors. Using U.S. patent data, we provide quantitative measures of these two sources of technological synergy. We find that these measures of technological synergy are important considerations of acquiring firms and capital market in valuing target firms’ innovative assets, as the measures are positive determinants of merger premium and total synergy gain. The expected total gains of acquirers’ and targets’ shareholders from technological synergy decrease with the difficulties of post-merger integration as proxied by geographical distance between acquirer and target. Our technological synergy measures are also good predictors of post-merger realized synergy, i.e., increase in patent outputs in the overlapped technology classes and market share.  相似文献   

This article examines the elimination of two old steel technologies, the Bessemer method and oxygen-steelmaking. This particular aspect of technological change has not been explored much, whereas substantial effort has been put into determining how these, and other steel technologies were originally adopted. The limited objective of this paper is to conduct a time analysis, i.e., to establish when the two processes began to be phased out, the pattern of such elimination, and how long it took for the steel industry to abandon completely these once-dominant technologies. While the elimination, or extinguishing of the two technologies was relatively fast in terms of their whole life-span, old technologies tend to hang on in a residual role a rather long period of time.  相似文献   

This research considers the diffusion of computer-aided production management (CAPM) technology in the UK manufacturing sector during the mid to late 1980s, focusing on the role of inter-organizational networks in the diffusion process. Research on innovation diffusion has tended to adopt a ‘pro-innovation bias’ such that adoption of prescribed best practice technologies is always considered to be the best policy. In the UK, one particular form of CAPM (MRP/MRPII) has been heavily promoted by technology suppliers as best practice. However, the notion of ‘best practice’ de-emphasizes the importance of decisions about technology design when users attempt to develop firm-specific solutions. Crucial to these decisions are the inter-organizational networks through which potential adopters learn about relevant technologies. Using three case companies, where the introduction of CAPM occurred at approximately the same time, decisions regarding adoption, design and subsequent implementation, are explored in order to establish the influence of inter-organizational networks on the diffusion and subsequent appropriation of CAPM technologies. These cases revealed that potential adopters engaged in a range of inter-organizational networks through which they learned about new technologies. However, the knowledge diffused through many of these networks was shaped by technology suppliers who were promoting similar ideas about best practice. Thus, while involvement in inter-organizational networks gave potential adopters access to information about new technology, this information tended to reinforce supplier images of best practice and did not always lead these firms to develop appropriate technological solutions. Problematic relationships between the suppliers of the technology and the users was seen here to limit the redesign and further diffusion of CAPM.  相似文献   

Reports on the effects of government's role in stimulating technological development provide a mixed picture. Some policies have had the expected, stimulating effect and other policies have not. We suggest that specific characteristics of technologies that government has sought to stimulate have not been taken into account when governments formulated and implemented innovation policies. While technologies can be characterized according to more dimensions, we focus on two highly relevant characteristics. Technologies either develop in a discrete manner, independent of what specific knowledge has been developed in the past, or develop cumulatively. In addition, network effects may be present or absent in the market anticipated for the products for which a technology is used. A 2×2 typology of technological development ensues. We suggest that governments should consider developing policies to stimulate technological change keeping these characteristics in mind.  相似文献   

Recent trends in the project finance industry include an increasing volume and a growing awareness of sustainable development. This has raised the question of whether and a how voluntary code of conduct such as the Equator Principles (EP) could enhance its impact on the project finance industry. We apply an event study methodology, and also consider the market model and conditional variance. We find positive abnormal returns for financial institutions adopting the EP, which supports the reputational risk hypothesis. Furthermore, we document that adopters outperform the global project finance market, especially in terms of market share. However, we do not find evidence that non‐adopters are excluded from lending syndicates. Results include practical recommendations for environmental policy. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

Estimates by the US Office of Technology Assessment of the costs to clean up the 1246 EPA National Priority List sites stand at more than $500 billion over the next 50 years. This cost estimate is based on existing technologies which are neither as technically advanced nor economically efficient as is necessary to realistically complete the job. However, despite the potential profits for remediation technology vendors, new and innovative technologies are not entering the market as rapidly as is needed. This is the result of major flaws in the US regulatory program, the Superfund, for dealing with the issue. Using neoclassical economic theories of technological change, the two primary obstacles to remediation technology research are identified: appropriability and market uncertainty. The conclusions reached offer valuable lessons for US policy-makers in revamping the present system. These lessons can also be applied to policy-makers in other countries as an example of how government intervention in the market can be not only inefficient, but also a hindrance for technological development.  相似文献   

This paper explores the strategic dimensions of R&D decisions toward novelty and openness in explaining the performance of latecomer firms in a developing economy. A structural equation model of R&D decision-making is formulated using survey data from 279 Chinese firms. The dimension of R&D novelty is defined as the degree of technological newness found in firms' R&D projects, while R&D openness describes the degree to which technologies are acquired from external sources. Our results indicate that firms' R&D decisions regarding novelty and openness are associated with demand opportunities, market competition, technological capability, and external networks. Greater R&D novelty contributes positively to innovative output but does not affect sales growth. Greater R&D openness contributes positively to sales growth but negatively to innovative output.  相似文献   

Many advertised products are established and have little quality variation. For these products advertising signaling explanations are unconvincing. We develop a coordination model of advertising with consumers observing ads probabilistically and never observing advertising levels. Consumers who fail to see an ad for a product believe it will likely have low sales and so be of low value. Firms advertise to avoid these beliefs. The model's predictions on advertising, market share, and profitability are consistent with observed outcomes. The model produces the time series behavior for prices and market share observed in the data and not available from existing coordination models.  相似文献   

循环经济的技术经济范式与政策研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
本文对循环经济技术经济范式的概念进行了定义,对其经济学特征进行了分析,并在此基础上指出,发展循环经济必须进行技术经济范式创新。通过对循环经济内涵的分析,提出了循环经济技术体系是传统技术范式的纵向延伸和横向拓展的观点,据此探讨了循环经济技术创新的内容。在对循环经济技术体系研究的基础上,提出了把循环经济技术开发与高技术研究开发一样纳入国家科技发展战略的观点,探讨了促进循环经济技术创新政策体系。  相似文献   

In this paper, I develop a regression-based system of labour productivity equations that account for capital-embodied technological change and I incorporate this system into IDLIFT, a structural, macroeconomic input-output model of the US economy. Builders of regression-based forecasting models have long had difficulty finding labour productivity equations that exhibit the "Solowian' property that movements in investment should cause accompanying movements in labour productivity. The production theory developed by Solow and others dictates that this causation is driven by the effect of traditional capital deepening as well as technological change embodied in capital. Lack of measurement of the latter has hampered the ability of researchers to estimate properly the productivity-investment relationship. Recent research by Wilson (2001) has alleviated this difficulty by estimating industry-level embodied technological change. In this paper, I utilize those estimates to construct capital stocks adjusted for technological change and then use these adjusted stocks to estimate Solow-type labour productivity equations. It is shown that replacing IDLIFT's former productivity equations, based on changes in output and time trends, with the new equations, results in a convergence between the dynamic behaviour of the model and that predicted by traditional (Solowian) production theory.  相似文献   

技能偏向技术进步已成为理解各国普遍存在的技能劳动需求分化和技能溢价的关键性因素。采取Malmquist-TFP指数分解方法,测度技术进步偏向性,发现我国制造业并非全部都存在技能偏向技术进步,技术进步技能偏向也没有表现出线性增长趋势,而是呈现出较大的波动性。对技能偏向技术进步演变机制的研究发现,技能劳动供给增长增强了技能偏向技术进步,但国际贸易对其促进作用仅仅在高技术和低技术行业中存在。  相似文献   

Nanotechnology is frequently heralded as the next wave of technological advance, poised to enable radical innovation across many industries. But as yet little is known about how firms will ultimately create that value. We do know that nanotechnology is based on process innovation, a category of innovation less well understood than product innovation. And we know that new ventures are an important vehicle for commercializing radical technology. As new ventures seek to commercialize nanotechnology, they evolve value creation strategies to better link fundamental scientific advance with the creation of value for users and investors. This paper asks “How do the successful value creation strategies of technology ventures differ in process vs. product-based innovation?”An investigation of 12 ventures representing the extremes of value creation through process-based (nanotech) and product-based (fuel cell) innovation reveals significant differences in their value creation challenges, in the mechanisms of technology–market matching and alliance building, and in their levels of experimentation. Ventures exploiting process innovation faced greater uncertainty in their value chain positioning, market breadth, customization, and the changes required of their customers in contrast to product-based ventures. Our evidence shows that nanotechnology ventures benefit from prioritizing technology–market matching, alliance building and experimenting with technologies in new value networks.  相似文献   

本文从贸易结构变动出发为研究我国劳动收入份额变动的原因提供一种新的视角。近年来我国商品贸易结构发生了重要变动。理论分析表明,对外贸易不仅通过国际分工和专业化对劳动收入份额产生直接影响,还通过要素密集度变化和技术进步偏向等机制产生间接影响;实证研究发现,出口发展对我国劳动收入份额具有显著的负向作用,进口发展则具有正向作用。进出口贸易对不同要素密集度行业的影响程度与方向存在差异。  相似文献   

T. R.  Uma  Vinod 《Technovation》2004,24(12):979-993
This research investigates the critical elements that affect the ability of firms in developing countries to cultivate their technological capability through imported technology. Based on resource-based theory, we propose both internal and external factors contribute to technological capability of the recipient firms. Technology planning and control, market orientation, training and number of technical manpower were the internal factors considered in this study. Government support and national technology infrastructure are the external factors proposed to affect the technological capability of firm. Data collected from Indian and Indonesian manufacturing firms reveals that R&D investment, and availability of technical personnel; the transfer channels; government’s involvement; and the firm’s learning culture are significant contributors to the technology capability process. Also, the acquisition of mature technology just to boost production capacity or improve product quality contributes very little to the development of technological capability.  相似文献   

研究目标:廓清中国分企业所有制的出口技术含量地域结构及变化动因。研究方法:基于区分内外资全球投入产出模型的出口技术含量和反事实分析法。研究发现:中国内外资企业出口中来自(内资企业)国内技术含量的比重逐渐强化,表明中国出口实现了一定程度的本土技术升级。对计算机业分析发现,其出口国外技术含量地域结构具有稳定性,但趋于下降,而来自内资企业国内技术含量的贡献不断上升。质和量均对中国出口国内技术含量具有正向促进效应,但更多依赖最终生产工序技术含量的提升。研究创新:首次将中国内外资企业生产异质性纳入分析范畴,科学分析出口技术含量地域结构变迁及变化动因。研究价值:准确理解中国对外贸易技术含量水平与升级。  相似文献   

The case study evidence in this paper suggests that management of technological change is more complicated than the existing literature has acknowledged. Rather than merely introduce or not introduce new technology, managers have to choose between more or less advanced technologies whose implications are difficult to assess. Moreover, the choice between advanced and conventional production technologies seems to be influenced more by situational determinants than by the habitual actions of managers or changes in management characters. Taking these situational determinants and firm-specific critical incidents seriously is essential, especially for an understanding of why managerial actors alter their approach to managing technological change. By adopting a longitudinal firm-in-sector perspective to technological change this paper demonstrates how coinciding increases in material resources and competitive pressures encourage management to adopt advanced instead of conventional technology. To justify this argument, the paper compares two consecutive technological change projects in the same firm and describes the background of their profoundly different degrees of sophistication.  相似文献   

The effect of technological innovation on employment is of major concern for workers and their unions, policy makers and academic researchers. We meta‐analyse 570 estimates from 35 primary studies that estimate a derived labour demand model. We contribute to existing attempts at evidence synthesis by addressing the risks of selection bias and that of data dependence in observational studies. Our findings indicate that: (i) hierarchical meta‐regression models are sufficiently versatile for addressing both selection bias and data dependence in observational data; (ii) innovation's effect on employment is positive but small and highly heterogeneous; (iii) only a small part of residual heterogeneity is explained by moderating factors; (iv) selection bias tends to reflect preference for upholding prevalent hypotheses on the employment effects of process and product innovations; (v) country‐specific effect‐size estimates are related to labour market and product market regulation in six OECD countries in a U‐shaped fashion; and (vi) OLS estimates reflect upward bias whereas those based on time‐differenced or within estimators reflect a downward bias. Our findings point out to a range of data quality and modelling issues that should be addressed in future research.  相似文献   

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