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目前,具有高度行业关联性的房地产业已经成为国民经济的重要增长点.在我国,房地产金融是确保房地产业平稳发展的重要因素,商业银行为房地产业提供金融支持的同时,也累积了大量风险,关乎金融稳定.因此,如何分散、避免房地产金融风险成为重中之重.本文在分析了房地产金融面临的主要风险的基础上,从宏观和微观层面上提出了五项房地产金融防范对策.  相似文献   

房地产金融政策风险及其防范对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

金融风险的表现形式是多种多样的,金融会计风险是金融风险很重要的一个方面,其重要程度并不亚于信贷风险。因此,防范金融会计风险是防范金融风险的一个重要组成部分。  相似文献   

颜珂 《投资与合作》2014,(5):152-152
本文通过引入什么是金融投资风险这一概念介绍了金融投资风险概念、投资目的、当前主要的金融投资产品:详细地阐述了金融投资存在的四种授资风险;最后,针对几种不同类型的风险,提出了相对应的解决方案和办法,避免投资风险的发生。  相似文献   

董懿 《上海会计》2002,(9):18-19
我国的房地产开发业在经历了大起大落之后,目前又处于高涨阶段。如何增强风险防范意识,慎重选择投资项目在当前尤为重要。笔者就此谈些看法。 一、房地产开发企业的投资特点 1.投资周期长。房地产开发项目从投入到产出一般需要2—3年时间,有的周期更长。项目一旦启动,又很难逆转。 2.资金需求量大。一个房地产开发项目少者需几千万元资金,多则需以亿计的资金。其中约30%的资金可从预售款取得,70%的资金要开发商自筹。银行对房地产开发企业的贷款一般要在土地拆平以后才给予贷放。开发商至少必须具有拆平土地(约占总成本40%)的资金实力。  相似文献   

近年来,房价"拐点"成为社会讨论的热点话题,尽管目前无法有效判定房价"拐点"来临,但多地房价增长乏力甚至出现下行的现实情况正在对房地产业产生影响。在此背景下,过去几年来房地产爆发式增长积累下的金融风险开始逐渐显现,并且在个别地区已明显暴露出来。本文以晋城样本为切入点,对房地产金融与风险防范进行了调查和研究。  相似文献   

房地产市场结构性失衡与银行信贷风险防范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

房地产行业是国民经济的重要支柱产业,房地产金融风险影响着房地产及相关行业的稳定和发展.近年来,房地产产业迅速发展,但同时也面临着越来越大的金融风险.文章对我国房地产金融风险进行了分析并给出了相应措施.  相似文献   

本文聚焦于当前房地产企业运营过程中的财务风险,结合具体的房地产企业财务管理实际情况,进行财务风险的识别,给出具有针对性的规避策略。  相似文献   

随着我国改革开放的深入发展和市场经济体制的不断完善,作为商业经济主要经营场所的商业房地产发展迅速,但由于其本身的特殊性及其他外部环境因素,商业房地产的开发、管理运营过程中存在巨大的投资风险。本文首先对商业房地产作总体概述,然后在商业房地产投资风险类别论述的基础上提出商业房地产投资风险防范策略,以尽可能的识别、评价并且防范商业房地产的投资风险,增加房地产企业的盈利。  相似文献   

田林永 《新理财》2011,(1):76-78
只有对企业财务风险的表现形式进行分析,才能制定合理的财务风险防范措施和策略,建立短期和长期财务预警系统,为房地产企业科学发展奠定基础。  相似文献   

我国汽车消费信贷的风险控制与市场拓展是汽车消费信贷发展的重要课题.文章以农业银行湖北省襄樊市分行汽车消费信贷为对象,进行了实证分析,具有启迪意义.  相似文献   

In this article we test the urban asset pricing model of Capozza and Sick (1988) and focus on the empirical dimensions of the effects of risk on urban land prices. The effects of systematic and unsystematic risk are distinguished in the model which incorporates the value of the option to convert land to urban uses into the pricing of urban real estate. We find the value of systematic risk in our Canadian urban areas to be negative and highly statistically significant. We find that approximately 2.5 percent of the value of houses in our sample arises from systematic risk. In our sample, unsystematic risk is a larger proportion of total risk than systematic risk. Therefore, most of the effect of total risk may be ascribed to unsystematic risk. The effect of total risk on land prices is illustrated through the irreversibility premia estimates. These premia vary greatly in size and statistical significance. Thus, the effect of unsystematic risk is highly city specific. In the two regions where the irreversibility premia are statistically significant, it accounts for 22 percent and 53 percent of the average housing price; thus, unsystematic risk can be a very important determinant of housing prices.These results highlight the importance of risk in determining urban land prices. The value of the option to convert land to urban uses imparts considerable value to developed land and must be considered when evaluating interurban area price differences.  相似文献   

This research investigates the valuation impact of financing decisions on the common stock of real estate corporations. We compare the results of our study with the results of similar studies in the corporate finance literature to test whether the response to security offerings by real estate firms differs systematically from the response to offerings by industrial and utility firms. The results of this study indicate a generally favorable price response to straight bond announcements, and unfavorable responses to common stock, convertible bonds, and lines of credit announcements.  相似文献   

We empirically evaluate how accounting and financial variables affect the level of systemic risk in traditional and shadow banks, and in real estate finance services in China over the period 2006–2019. We also conduct some stability analysis by evaluating the impact of crisis sub-periods. We find that systemic risk increases in the Size of large financial institutions, particularly shadow entities, while it is insensitive to the Size of real estate finance services. Real estate finance services are instead particularly sensitive to Maturity Mismatch and Leverage. Finally, systemic risk differs across state and non state owned banks.  相似文献   

This study employs an asset pricing approach to quantify the exposure of private real estate funds to both private and publicly traded real estate risk factors. The analysis includes the creation of specific performance indices and the use of methods seeking to address some of the inherent issues with private real estate fund data, such as the high degree of serial correlation in observed total returns. The use of the Driessen et al. (2012) estimator leads to markedly higher risk factor coefficient estimates than seen in the prior literature and estimated with time series regression.  相似文献   

四大投融资政策解读 第一,在需求侧围绕有效投资,扩大有效投资.有效投资兼顾短期和长期,既拉动短期需求,同时要看到长期对经济有效的拉动作用.最重要的着力点是要确保到2020年全面建成小康社会."十三五"规划期间,中国平均每年的经济增长速度约为6.5%,全面建成小康社会是中国"五个全面"中领头的第一个,这也是中共中央对全国人民的庄严承诺.为保持到2020年全面建成小康社会,虽然目前消费已经成为拉动经济的主动力,但必要的投资对稳增长非常重要.初步预测,如果到2020年每年经济增长保持在6.5%,投资约增长8%,就可以保障全面建成小康社会的主要目标.  相似文献   

While a number of papers have investigated the time-series behavior ofex post bank stock returns and real estate returns, no study has comprehensively studied the relationship betweenex ante risk premiums on both assetsand the time-varying nature of such premiums in relationship to economic and real estate market conditions. In this study, we investigate how the changing nature of bank risk taking, especially in the real estate market, has affected theex ante pricing of risk in the market for bank stocks. We find that the time variation in bank risk premiums are partly determined by interest rate and real estate market conditions. We also discover that the real estate factor has been important for banks in the 1980s.  相似文献   

2010年,中国房地产市场再次被人们广泛关注。继国务院4月17日发出的《关于坚决遏制部分城市房价过快上涨的通知》(简称“新国十条”)后,各地方政府相继颁布了相关调控房地产政策。如何看待这次调整,在第六届中国金融(专家)年会上,国务院参事、国务院发展研究中心金融所所长夏斌提出了他的看法  相似文献   

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