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This paper examines how individualism-collectivism, the core dimension of cultural variability, is reflected in the learning styles of accounting students in Australia, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Australia represents the Western individualistic culture, and Hong Kong and Taiwan represent the Chinese collectivistic culture. Using Kolb's model this study shows that the learning styles of accounting students from Hong Kong and Taiwan are more abstract and reflective, as well as less concrete and active. Their Australian counterparts are more concrete and active, as well as less abstract and reflective. While the former exhibit the assimilation style, the latter represent the accommodation style.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of procrastination on academic performance. Prior research has often relied upon self-reported measures of procrastination, which are only weakly correlated with actual procrastination. We use the start and submission of a set of online homework problems as two objective, direct measures of student procrastination and the grade on the assignments as a measure of performance. In our study, there were a number of potential benefits to submitting online assignments ‘just-in-time’. Thus, there was a direct benefit to procrastination, which students had to weigh against potential drawbacks. With a sample size larger than those previously reported in the literature, we find that for both procrastination measures, task procrastination is associated with lower task performance. To ensure that our results are not just an association between performance and student quality, we test for the association between task procrastination and task performance, while controlling for student quality. We find that even after controlling for student quality, task procrastination is associated with lower task performance.  相似文献   

Cultural intelligence (CQ) is an essential feature of the skills-set demanded of accounting graduates entering the worlds of modern business and professional practice. Accounting educators are challenged to be innovative pedagogically to equip their students with this skills-set. This paper, drawing on the theoretical framework of CQ, reports on the experiences of students and faculty in accounting and taxation, in the context of an action research study which introduced cross-cultural learning across two geographies, namely Ireland and a Southern US state. Two action research cycles were designed, adapted, and reflected upon. Cycle 1 results indicate students were successful in the behaviour and cognitive dimensions of CQ only. Key changes made for cycle 2 led to overall success for students in all four dimensions of CQ. Evidence suggests the motivation dimension of CQ functions more strongly as enablers of others. Results highlight the invaluable support of an international collaborator despite challenges around grading issues. This study demonstrates how moving the cultural experience outside of a mono-cultural setting serves to energise and enhance the overall learning experience for students and faculty alike. Future research agendas can expand into other accounting sub-disciplines and/or use sufficiently large sample sizes to enable more quantitative analyses.  相似文献   

The study investigates changes in Israeli accounting students' career aspirations during their course of studies, and the relationship between these and their perceptions of professional accountancy firms. We employed a cross-sectional analysis of students across consecutive educational levels from the first year to the end of their formal education. We assumed that revealed differences between the accounting student cohorts, in terms of their perceptions of professional accountancy firms and their career aspirations, could be interpreted as reflecting changes over time in students' attitudes. Results from the sample show that accounting student' aspirations to pursue a career with a professional accountancy firm decline significantly between the first and postgraduate years, while their desire to work in the business sector increases. The results show the same trend with regard to the student's positive perceptions of the above firms as future workplaces. Non-parametric tests demonstrate significant relationships between students' career aspirations and their perceptions of professional accountancy firms. We suggest that the change in students' perceptions and aspirations is a symptom of something similar to a ‘reality shock’, and that it results from the students' exposure to the accounting profession. Professional accountancy firms need to implement innovative policies to meet the challenge.  相似文献   

Many accounting departments have initiated programs to integrate writing into the accounting curriculum; others have just begun the process. The purpose of this paper is to present the unique features of the writing program used at our university. As with many programs, this one elevates our accounting students' perceptions about the importance of writing, and improves the quality of accounting students' writing within the framework of the kinds of writing accountants actually do on the job. What's different about our approach is (1) a transition workshop, (2) the collaboration of an accounting instructor, a writing consultant, and professional accountants, and (3) a unique way of incorporating peer reviews. After these differences are discussed, a final section of the paper provides recommendations for designing a writing program.  相似文献   

This paper considers accounting academics' views of the mutuality of accounting research and education. These views are captured by administering a survey instrument that measures eleven dimensions of the relationship between teaching and research in the accounting discipline. This model was developed from the extant education literature considering those factors that encourage or militate against the integration of accounting research and education (the teaching-research gestalt). These factors relate to issues relating to students, researchers, the curriculum and extrinsic rewards available. Cluster analysis was performed to identify distinct subgroups of academics with similar teaching-research relations profiles. Three distinct clusters were identified. One cluster labelled ‘teaching-research incongruity’ sees teaching and research as mutually exclusive activities. In contrast ‘teaching-research connexion’ sees teaching and research as mutually reinforcing and compatible. A third cluster, allied to the world of teaching-research incongruity, emphasises the lack of extrinsic rewards for integrating teaching and research. This third cluster we label ‘Extrinsic-reward focus’. The clusters are described in terms of their demographics. There are significant barriers to integrating accounting research into education; these include the role of professional education and resistance from many accounting academics in universities.  相似文献   

This paper examines the influences on the potential supply of accounting graduates in Australia with reference to the personal and social influences on the decision to major in accounting using the Theory of Reasoned Action and focusing on differences between local and international students. Responses from 437 accounting majors’ found that personal attitudes linked to ‘intrinsic interest’ and ‘extrinsic interest’ was influential in choice of major. ‘Reference groups’ were an important social influence for international students. The findings have implications for government policy and the accounting profession in terms of attracting students and particularly international students, who are sufficiently interested in accounting as a career choice to address the skill shortage in Australia.  相似文献   

Many students find the application of sampling theory to audit testing difficult, even if they have a good grounding in business statistics. This paper describes an action-learning technique used to teach audit sampling theory to third-year business degree students at The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand. Feedback from students indicated that they found action-learning better than traditional lectures and printed material in enhancing their understanding of sampling theory and practice and in maintaining their interest and enjoyment.  相似文献   

This paper describes a series of coordinated and proactive recruitment and retention efforts within the accounting department of a southeastern university. Each semester, recruitment of successful students in Principles of Accounting classes is a departmental priority. The intention is to encourage Principles students to declare a major in accounting. For accounting majors in the junior and senior years, a series of programs is offered for professional development. Each year students are surveyed to gauge the perceived value of the time spent out-of-classroom. The results indicate that the time spent out-of-classroom is beneficial. Most important, the results of our efforts to recruit to the major from Principles classes correlate to previous research that indicates contacting potential majors in the introductory course is crucial.  相似文献   

Tele teaching is a form of instruction that transmits image and speech back and forth between two or more physically separate locations. This paper investigates students' views on the use and effectiveness of tele teaching. Tele teaching was used to transmit Introductory Accounting lectures to students at two campus locations in Australia. Results show that, while students did accept that some benefits of tele teaching existed, most preferred the traditional face-to-face approach to teaching accounting.  相似文献   

The present paper provides empirical evidence regarding the academic performance of university students studying accounting. In particular, the effect of student origin is investigated by comparing the accounting performance of resident and international students. The present study controls for a number of other key variables, including ability, anxiety, work experience in accounting, accounting study prior to university and enrolment status. The question of whether international student performance improves over time through an acculturation effect is also investigated. Bivariate analyses revealed higher anxiety and lower general ability for international vis‐à‐vis resident students yet no significant difference in accounting performance between the two groups. After controlling for key variables, an association was observed between student origin and accounting performance with superior performance reported for the international student cohort. Statistically significant relationships were also observed between accounting performance and ability, anxiety, employment experience in accounting, enrolment status and accounting study prior to university. An acculturation effect was not clearly evidenced.  相似文献   

Transactions between related parties have been the subject of increasing concern in recent years. Corporate scandals, overseas and local, have typically involved non-arm's length transactions contrived between the reporting entity and related companies or affiliates. These scandals provided catalysts for the relatively recent development of accounting standards on related party transactions.
This paper considers whether the application of the new pronouncements, particularly the Financial Accounting Standards Boards' statement 57 and its international equivalent, International Accounting Standard 24, is likely to overcome the problems highlighted in several major scandals. The methodology adopted involves the hypothetical application of the two pronouncements to the pertinent facts in four case studies: (1) Continental Vending, a U.S. criminal court case; (2) Penn Central, a U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission investigation case; (3) Tarling (Haw Par), a Singapore criminal court case; and (4) Stanhill, an Australian case investigated by a government appointed Inspector.
In each hypothetical application, the resultant presentation is compared with the stated expectations found in the relevant findings of the case. In all cases, SFAS 57 and IAS 24 are found to be deficient.
While four case studies may not be sufficient for drawing general conclusions about either SFAS 57 or IAS 24 the conclusions of this study represent preliminary evidence for evaluating those standards.  相似文献   

The letter is the formal mechanism for communication in the business community. Even contemporary advances in electronic mail have not yet displaced the legitimacy invested in this form of correspondence. However, its very functionality has detached it from the fabric of its social history. This history locates its roots in early letter writing manuals and reveals an epistolary transition from fawning flattery to professional neutrality. The paper examines the history of this particular transformation and suggests its lasting influence in constructing notions of credibility around the contemporary business letter.  相似文献   

In the context of the massive expansion of the knowledge base facing all fields of professional activity, instructional science (which embraces the use of a knowledge-engineering approach to curriculum design) could well help to unvael the complexity of important pedagogical issues confronting accounting educationalists. The delineation and use of an expert knowledge base within the framework of the ‘dimensions of processing model’ of human information processing provides a valuable focus for making decision about the breadth, depth and nature of specific educatinal objectives. Knowledge engineering, which is fundamental to this process, appears to provide an appropriate framework for the systematic planning, development, delivery and evaluation of high-quality education and training programmes. Such an approach base while ensuring practitioners and teachers to keep pace with their rapidly changing knowledge base while ensuring that students acquire and become competent in the use of the cognitive skills they need in order to work effectively in their chosen profession.  相似文献   

This study considers the psychological influences on academic performance using a goal‐efficacy framework. Data were gathered using a survey questionnaire (N = 375). The paper is motivated by a repeated high failure rate for a second‐year core accounting unit and anecdotal evidence that international students perform poorly in comparison with domestic students. The results demonstrate the role of self‐regulated learning strategy as a mediating variable for goal orientation and academic performance. While the analyses suggest no significant differences between domestic and international students with respect to the main psychological variables and academic performance, further analyses reveal that four specific factors of the main psychological variables are significantly different between domestic and international students.  相似文献   

Knowledge Preservation in Accounting: A Citational Study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ROBERT J. BRICKER 《Abacus》1988,24(2):120-131
This study explores knowledge preservation in accounting research through an examination of a sample of 428 published accounting articles and their nearly 11,000 citations. The examination shows that accounting scholars tend to cite very recent literature. The small volume of cited pre-1960 literature (preponderantly from non-accounting sources) and the low incidence of historical research articles in most non-historical journals suggests that earlier accounting knowledge may become lost to future generations of accounting scholars. This conclusion implies that accounting scholars can play an important role in the preservation and dissemination of previous generations of accounting knowledge.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a project which is designed to increase the participation of high school students in accounting work experience placements. The focus of the paper is on an Australian-based project which overcomes the identified barriers to offering high school accounting work experience placements with a resultant increase in the number and quality of placements offered. The research project responds to a decline in both the number and quality of students enrolling in accounting degree programmes in Australia. The paper draws on the work experience, social psychology, careers, and accounting education literatures to design a ‘connective’ model (Guile &; Griffiths, 2001 Guile, D., &; Griffiths, T. (2001). Learning through work experience. Journal of Education and Work, 14(1), 113131. doi: 10.1080/13639080020028738[Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar]) of accounting work experience for high school students. The project adopts an action research methodology which engages professional accounting practice, high school career advisors, and the university sector to deliver a structured work experience programme which addresses barriers to participation in accounting work experience and improves the quality of the work experience ‘experience’ for both employers and students.  相似文献   

P. J. M. KLUMPES 《Abacus》1994,30(2):140-159
Describing the politics surrounding accounting rule development may provide greater insights to such processes than analysing written submissions to rule-making bodies. Over a twenty-year period a rule-making contest evolved between the accounting profession and an alliance of pension industry interest groups over the introduction of different forms of regulation (accounting standards versus legislative-backed rules) relating to pension fund accounting. From the perspective of government, the debate about pension fund accounting reflects the outside-initiative model (Cobb and Elder, 1972; Cobb et al., 1976). Issues were created by the (accounting and actuarial) professions, expanded in the relevant (pension and life insurance) industry and then gained entrance to the formal agenda of both regulatory and government deliberations. In this case the accounting profession failed to gain acceptance of its professional rule-making activities. Alternative possible explanations as to why the alliance of interest groups eventually prevailed over the accounting profession are explored.  相似文献   

R. G. Walker  Stewart Jones 《Abacus》2003,39(3):356-374
Australia has a long tradition of using methods of valuation which depart from the traditional 'historical cost' model—and this has steadily been reflected in regulatory requirements and practices for different industries. However, while many forms of market value accounting have been introduced into a variety of accounting standards, the Australian Accounting Standards Board's conceptual framework (CF) has not led these changes, nor provided any substantive guidance on measurement issues. This article suggests criteria that can be used to select among accounting measurement alternatives.  相似文献   

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