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通过查阅文献、归纳分析,梳理和评述身体锻炼对主观幸福感的影响及其相关心理机制的研究现状,了解目前该领域研究中所存在的不足,为进一步全面、深入地了解身体锻炼对主观幸福感的影响进行研究展望。  相似文献   

We construct individual well‐being measures that respect individual preferences and depend on the bundles of goods consumed by the individual. Building on previous work in which general families of well‐being measures are identified, we introduce basic transfer principles that apply either to bundles or directly to indifference sets, and we characterize specific well‐being measures that involve either the ray utility or the money‐metric utility.  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper identifies and decomposes sources that explain household economic well‐being in Cameroon. It uses the 2001 and 2007 Cameroon Household Consumption Surveys, synthetic variables constructed by the multiple correspondence analysis and econometric approaches that correct for potential endogeneity and unobserved heterogeneity in a step‐wise manner and simultaneously. Sources of well‐being that explain poverty are then decomposed into growth and redistribution components. Variables that significantly explain household economic well‐being are education, health, household size, fraction of active household members, working in the formal sector and area of residence. Decomposition analysis shows that the growth components largely account for changes in deprivation in terms of each regressed‐income source. With the exception of the income source education, redistribution components slowed down progress in alleviating shortfall in other regressed‐income sources. These results have implications for public interventions that affect education and health for all, labour market participation and infrastructure development.  相似文献   

The present paper assesses the impact of improved upland rice technology on farmers' well‐being. The study uses propensity‐score matching to address the problem of ‘self‐selection,’ because technology adoption is not randomly assigned. It applies this procedure to household survey data collected in Yunnan, China in 2000, 2002 and 2004. The findings indicate that improved upland rice technology has a robust and positive effect on farmers' well‐being, as measured by income levels and the incidence of poverty. The effect of technology on well‐being shows a diminishing impact on producers' incomes. This implies that newer innovations are continuously needed to replace older technologies that have reached their saturation points.  相似文献   

This paper examines what makes us feel richer or poorer than others. It investigates cross‐sectional and longitudinal determinants of individuals’ subjective economic status in Indonesia. Using two waves of Indonesian Family Life Surveys, 1997 and 2000, I show that individuals’ perceptions of where they are on the economic scale are more dependent on a number of socioeconomic characteristics, as well as their attitudes towards their future economic status, than their current spending capacities would suggest. I also find significant, albeit weaker, expenditure and income effects on individuals’ subjective economic status once individual fixed effects are controlled for in the regression.  相似文献   

文章阐述在合肥市大建设市场实行工程招投标有效最低价中标制度的背景下,公路施工企业运用科学的施工组织措施进行公路施工经济管理,着重分析在公路工程施工经济管理中如何采用科学的施工组织措施,创新地应用流水作业法——约翰逊—贝尔曼法则,在确保工程施工质量的前提下有效缩短公路项目施工工期,从而降低公路施工的经济成本,达到“质量有保证,工期尽可能短,造价尽可能低”的现代公路工程施工经济管理目标.  相似文献   

针对A气田地面管网出现较为严重的积液和段塞流的问题,根据A气田现场数据,建立了基于OLGA软件的油藏-井筒-管网一体化模型,研究了新井接入条件下相邻井的压力变化和集输管线中积液与段塞流的变化情况。结果表明,建立的油藏-井筒-管网OLGA一体化模型最大误差为6.92%,满足生产模拟;新井产量增加到一定条件时(11 万m3/d),相邻井平台汇压明显下降(从3.75 MPa降至2.56 MPa),其他井平台的汇压变化不大(0.1 MPa范围内波动),主要原因是新井和相邻井汇合后的管线压降出现明显降低。而汇合管线压降降低的原因是新井汇入后管线输量增大,管内积液量、持液率、段塞流数量明显降低,增大了汇合管线的输送效率。同时,模拟发现管网积液高风险位置主要为低洼段,段塞流高风险位置主要为上坡段。  相似文献   

During the late nineteenth century, the physical stature of New Zealand‐born men stagnated, despite an apparently beneficial public health environment and growth in per‐capita incomes. We examine trends and differentials in male stature through World War I enlistment and casualty records. Stature varied by social class, with professionals and men in rural occupations substantially taller than their peers. There is not enough evidence to show that the indigenous Maori population differed in height from men of European descent. Stagnation in stature in late nineteenth‐century New Zealand is consistent with patterns observed in Australia, North America, and Western Europe.  相似文献   

居民合理参与保险市场,可以有效转移风险.然而,我国当前的保险密度和保险深度远远低于世界平均水平,亟待寻求提高居民保险市场参与的关键因素.基于清华大学中国金融研究中心2010年和2011年中国消费金融现状及投资者教育调查数据,采用IVprobit、2SLS等模型考察了主观金融素养对居民投保人身保险的影响,研究发现:主观金融素养对居民家庭投保人身保险具有正向影响,该影响在细分的人寿保险、意外伤害保险、健康保险市场同样存在.并且,主观金融素养越高的家庭,保费支出水平越高.部分核心结论在CFPS2014和CHFS2017样本中依然成立.同时,居民的财富水平、收入水平、负债水平对其投保人身保险投保均具有正向影响.此外,家庭成员的健康状况越差,购买健康保险的可能性越大,这说明健康保险市场存在逆选择问题.研究结果表明,提高居民的主观金融素养非常重要,它对于优化居民保险参与乃至家庭金融行为具有深远影响.  相似文献   

This paper examined the short- and long-run impacts of gasoline price, macroeconomic factors and road length on road traffic crashes, injuries and fatalities in Nigeria. Annual data from 1995 to 2019 and autoregressive distributed lag approach were employed. Results suggest that gasoline price, per capita income, road length and population density significantly influence road safety outcomes. Gasoline price has a positive short-run impact on crashes, injuries, and fatalities contrary to findings in developed countries. Road crashes tend to decrease when income increases in the short term. Population density leads to improvement in road safety outcomes while road length exacerbates it. Government's policy on gasoline price increase could worsen road safety outcomes unless it is accompanied by improvement in road infrastructure, safe public transport and economic growth,  相似文献   

Despite their potential health benefits, the controversial nature surrounding the use of GM technology in biofortified crops remains a subject of discussion. This paper investigates the role of information on willingness‐to‐pay for folate‐biofortified rice in a Chinese folate‐deficient region. We conducted second price auctions with 252 women of childbearing age, split up into two target groups based on street (n = 132, non‐student sample) or school auctions (n = 120, student sample). Notwithstanding a general positive effect of folate‐related information (i.e. content, benefits and regional situation), evidence reveals that the non‐student sample is less concerned about GM technology. The results also provide insight into serial position effects in conflicting GM information. Whereas participants in the non‐student sample are more prone to a primacy bias when receiving both positive and negative information, an alarmist reaction is observed in the student sample. This study highlights the need for segmented, targeted communication strategies on biofortification.  相似文献   

Does the recent introduction of public health insurance influence households' risk‐coping measures in developing countries? This study investigates risk‐coping measures for health shocks using a Living Standard Measurement Survey in Vietnam where universal health coverage is aimed to be achieved. The estimated results suggest that precautionary savings are the main form of assets in poor households. Health insurance seems to be used by people in poor health, which indicates that the problem of adverse selection exits. Importantly, get well gifts in the form of money play a significant role in helping households cope with health shocks. A traditional informal insurance system still exists in close Vietnamese communities.  相似文献   

This paper examines the change in the average level of moral development over a 7.5‐year period of promotion, attrition, and survival in five Big 6 firms. The study improves upon previous cross‐sectional studies that found decreases in the average level of moral development at the senior manager and partner levels, which has been referred to as the “inverted‐U” phenomenon. Problems with these studies that limit the generalizability of their findings include their cross‐sectional nature and samples that usually come from one or two firms. Over a 7.5‐year period, we found that the participating Big 6 firms retained auditors with higher average levels of moral development (measured using the defining issues test), while those with lower average levels left the firms. The average level of moral development for new partners was at least as high as the group from which they came. This research suggests that the concern about Big 6 firms retaining a higher proportion of auditors with lower moral development may be an artifact of research design.  相似文献   

咸宁市位于湖北省东南部,有“湖北南大门”之称,其地域优势使得咸宁交通发展直接或间接影响到武汉城市圈,乃至全省经济的综合发展.本文主要利用1992-2010年的咸宁市骨干公路与经济发展的年度数据建立反映骨干公路与经济发展关系的VAR模型.通过对样本数据进行协整检验和格兰杰因果检验,脉冲反应形象的表明骨干公路与地区经济发展之间存在长期的正相关关系且两者之间相互促进、相互拉动,并结合地区骨干公路的现状、发展潜力和国内外学者进行不同程度的研究,提出看法和建议.  相似文献   

进入十二五,江西经济发展机遇与挑战共存,在对江西经济发展水平的实证分析与综合评价中可以发现,江西经济发展速度较快,除了统筹指数较好外,发展指数与后劲指数都较全国平均水平低。分析的结果江西必须进行产业创新、加大技术投资力度、突破资源约束困境、增强优势产业的国内国际竞争力。为此,文章从以下三方面提出了相应的策略:一是转变经济发展理念,实现体制机制创新;二是转变工业发展路径,实现新型工业化产业体系的创新;三是转变农业发展方式,推进农业发展现代化。  相似文献   

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