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市场化的今天,企业往往面临财务信息公开与商业机密保护的两难选择。本文在界定商业机密的基础上,分析企业通过适度公开财务信息,以权衡财务信息公开与商业机密保护。 相似文献
公开财务信息与保护商业机密已经成为市场经济环境下,企业必然面临的冲突。本文对这一冲突进行分析,提出了权衡公开财务信息与保护商业机密的意见。 相似文献
原产地证书有着"经济护照""纸黄金""有价证券"等美誉,在出口贸易中,越来越多的企业利用原产地证书,以降低货物出口成本,提升货物国际竞争力。本文首先介绍了企业出口货物原产地证书的种类,主要有非优惠原产地证书、优惠原产地证书、专用原产地证书三类;其次对关检融合后企业出口货物原产地证书申领之备案申请、证书申请、证书获取作了解析。 相似文献
2010年3月29日,上海市第一中级人民法院对力拓“间谍案”作出一审判决,胡士泰、王勇等四人分别以非国家工作人员受贿罪、侵犯商业秘密罪,数罪并罚被处以不同刑期和经济处罚。胡士泰、王勇、葛民强、刘才魁采取利诱等不正当手段,获取中国钢铁企业商业秘密,严重影响和损害中国钢铁企业的利益, 相似文献
On the protection of cultural goods 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
We identify cultural goods as goods which are valued differently by consumers at home than by individuals abroad, and which are produced under scale economies. It is shown that restrictions on the trade of cultural goods can raise welfare in both recipient and source countries. 相似文献
Michihiro Ohyama 《Journal of International Economics》1980,10(4):567-578
This paper examines the response of net and gross outputs of tradeable goods to changes in tariff structure in the context of a comprehensive general equilibrium model with interindustry flows and non-traded, as well as imported, intermediate goods. There are two major results. First, the nominal rate of tariffs on a tradeable good is shown to correctly indicate the movements of its net output under most general conditions. Second, the (modified and) generalized Corden index of effective protection for a tradeable good is revealed to be in a close relationship with the behavior of its gross output under certain restrictions on the input substitutability of industries. 相似文献
John McCollough 《International Journal of Consumer Studies》2007,31(3):213-219
With each passing year consumers find more and more disposable goods for sale in the market place. Even goods that were considered to be reusable goods just a few years back are now disposable goods. As a result the American economy has been labelled a ‘throwaway society’. This paper examines a main underlying cause for this trend by linking growth in consumer income with the purchases of disposable goods. More specifically, the model proposes that as incomes rise, consumers will purchase more of both reusable goods and disposable goods. However, as incomes rise, consumers will naturally substitute purchases away from reusable goods and into disposable goods. The shift towards disposable goods occurs because it becomes too costly for consumers to spend their time repairing and maintaining products. Their time is better spent in more productive endeavours. It is simply cheaper (in terms of opportunity cost of time) to dispose of old products and replace them with new products. 相似文献
《Journal of World Business》2022,57(2):101307
Based on inductive qualitative multiple case studies of MNE subsidiaries in a sub-Saharan African market, this study investigates how multiple political networking capabilities are developed and leveraged to institutionalize protection for strategic internationally transferrable intangible assets in weak institutional environments. The study finds that MNE subsidiaries use a three-phase process to institutionalize protection for intangible assets: diagnosis of the nature of transaction costs and risks in the weak institutional environment (Phase 1); development of political networking capabilities to generate multiple political resources (Phase 2); and leveraging of a multiplicity of political resources to institutionalize protection for internationally transferable intangible assets (Phase 3). The study concludes that an ability to develop and leverage political networking capabilities to recombine multiple political resources enables MNE subsidiaries to institutionalize protection for internationally intangible assets in challenging host-market institutional environments. The wider theoretical, managerial, and public-policy complications of these findings are discussed, and avenues for future research proposed. 相似文献
我国加入WTO,给对外贸易带来了前所未有的机遇,但也伴随着严峻的挑战,如与许多国家发生了贸易摩擦,出口商品遭退货甚至被销毁的情况聚增。去年我国有24000批出口商品遭到退货,其中我省有230批,占全国的0.96%,而我省出口额占全国出口额的份额为0.60%。深入调查分析我省出口商品遭退货的原因及情况,对于改进我省外贸工作、推动出口、帮助企业进一步开拓海外市场有着极其重要的意义。为此,我们对所涉及的85个单位的230票货进行了深入调查,取得了大量的第一手资料,具体如下:一、概况(一)退货商品类别(… 相似文献
利用一种机内测试(BIT)设计提高了二次雷达系统的任务可靠性,将二次雷达集成系统中原本独立的雷达敌我识别(IFF)和航管(ATC)二次雷达通道变为互备份通道,在一路通道正常的情况下就能成功执行两种二次雷达任务,无需人工干预,切换时间为微秒级,大大提高了任务实时、可靠的完成能力。同时,系统BIT设计中采用了集中-分布式相结合的BIT设计方式,融合两者的优势,完成通道状态的准确判断,能够将故障定位到现场可更换单元(LRU)。这种BIT设计方法的优点在于提高故障检测率的同时有效降低了系统的虚警概率,提高了系统的测试性和维修性;在不增加硬件资源的情况下,提供了一种简单灵活的热备份方法,大大提高了系统的任务可靠性。这种设计方法已成功应用于实际工程,提高了系统的综合性能。 相似文献
Robert C. Tatum 《The journal of international trade & economic development》2013,22(3):385-419
This paper examines the impact of capital import liberalization on the balance of payments when protection takes the form of a quota and when it takes the form of a tariff. Since tariff liberalization affects tax revenues, the analysis of tariff liberalization allows for a fiscal imbalance and a mechanism by which the fiscal imbalance is covered, namely an inflation tax. The analysis shows that the economy experiences a series of balance of payments deficits following trade liberalization, but an open capital account reduces the magnitude of these deficits. 相似文献
The great pretenders: the magic of luxury goods 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Bernard Catry 《Business Strategy Review》2003,14(3):10-17