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刘戈 《现代商业》2013,(29):105-106
深圳在全国大力推广绿色建筑的大背景下,绿色建筑的发展取得了较好的成效,其发展水平处于全国前列.但是,还存在着一些关键性的问题,如建筑生态技术应用不够普遍、建筑总能耗比重大、工业化水平有待提高、建筑垃圾综合利用有待加强、建筑绿色化资金需求巨大等,绿色建筑的推广面临巨大的压力和挑战.  相似文献   

绿色建筑必须因地制宜、物尽其用、与生物的和谐相处。我国绿色建筑发展的障碍主要有政府表率作用未凸显,观念转化不彻底,政策法规机制的不健全,缺乏有效的激励机制,宣传普及推广工作不到位等。加快我国绿色建筑发展必须发挥政府在发展绿色建筑行业中的作用,加快完善绿色建筑的相关法律法规体系,完善与绿色建筑相关的激励制度,加大宣传和普及绿色建筑的相关内容。  相似文献   

目前,世界各国普遍重视绿色建筑的研究,许多国家和组织都在绿色建筑方面制定了相关政策和评价体系,有的已着手研究编制可持续建筑标准.由于世界各国经济发展水平、地理位置和人均资源等条件不同,对绿色建筑的研究与理解也存在差异.  相似文献   

环境污染,资源浪费等造成的环境问题已上升为全球问题,各行各业都在呼吁"绿色"。随着绿色建筑?生态住宅的出现,绿色物业管理的兴起势在必行。概述了绿色物业管理的概念及其特征,并在此基础上探索实施绿色物业管理的途径和绿色效益。  相似文献   

中国国情下绿色建筑的发展研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了绿色建筑的定义,通过分析我国绿色建筑发展现状,指出目前推广绿色建筑的主要障碍与存在问题,提出绿色建筑的实现既是意识形态问题,更是建筑职业行为方式的变革问题,并提出了推动其发展的若干措施。  相似文献   

李彩 《商》2013,(7Z):201-201
随着绿色建筑推广力度的加大,中国城市以往清一色的建筑正被“染”上越来越多的“绿色”。绿色建筑和绿色施工可以最大限度地节约资源、保护环境、减少污染,为人们提供健康、适用和高效的使用空间。建筑活动的过程中,建筑材料的生产、加工、运输、建筑物的施工以及建成后的维护都与自然环境发生着密切联系。随着我国城市化的,由施工带来的环境污染也日趋严重,在此背景下,走绿色建筑和实施绿色施工是时代的必然选择。  相似文献   

<正>当绿色生存成为一个全球性话题的时候,绿色建筑、地产也在悄然进入人们的视野。绿色建筑作为一种理念已深入人心,现实也让人憧憬。在绿色经济方兴未艾的大背景下,绿色建筑开始进入人们的视野。然而,相对绿色理念灌输比较成熟的领域,建筑地产业的绿色概念仍不明晰,专家认为,廓清绿色建筑地产的准确含义是当务之急。怎样才算是"绿色"建筑绿色地产已经成为中国地产经济脉搏中的关键部分,在中国房地产企业绿色转型探索的路上,呈现出多样化的发展模  相似文献   

曾华华 《现代商业》2012,(31):86-88
绿色建筑的推广与使用是彻底改善我国人居环境、降低建筑能耗、解决能源问题的根本途径。本文基于计划行为理论,定性地概括了21个影响绿色建筑使用意愿的因素,应用网络层次分析法对这些因素进行了定量分析,得出了影响因素的重要性排序,提取了影响绿色建筑使用意愿的2个关键因素:政府政策支持和市场购买力。并进一步对影响绿色建筑使用意愿的因素进行了综合分析评价,指出了在绿色建筑的推广和市场化过程中应重点关注的主要内容。  相似文献   

尤向辉 《科技转让集锦》2012,(7):194-194,196
随着环保理念的不断发展,如何将实现建筑的绿色化已经成为摆在建筑设计人员面前的重大课题。鉴于此,本文从绿色建筑的概念入手,重点探讨了绿色建筑的设计理念及其设计要点,希望能够推广绿色建筑的发展和应用。  相似文献   

随着人类对环境危机意识的加强,世界各国陆续提出"可持续发展"的概念。可持续发展的思想揭开了人类文明发展的新篇章,节能、减耗、绿色、生态,已成为未来世界对建筑的共同追求。建筑一直以来被视为高投入、高能耗、高污染、低效率的产业,给环境带来了巨大压力。要实现可持续发展,就必须走绿色道路,建筑领域也开始提出了"绿色建筑"的概念。以绿色建筑的内涵为切入点,从社会效应、经济效应、环境效应三个角度定位,以大连为例,进行地域性绿色建筑发展状况、节能特点和技术应用情况的研究,并分析及预测绿色建筑未来的发展前景。  相似文献   

Because no previous literature discusses the determinants of green product development performance, this study develops an original framework to fill the research gap. This study explores the influences of green dynamic capabilities and green transformational leadership on green product development performance and investigates the mediation role of green creativity. The results demonstrate that green dynamic capabilities and green transformational leadership positively influence green creativity and green product development performance. Besides, this study indicates that the positive relationships between green product development performance and their two antecedents—green dynamic capabilities and green transformational leadership—are partially mediated by green creativity. It means that green dynamic capabilities and green transformational leadership can not only directly affect green product development performance positively but also indirectly affect it positively via green creativity. Hence, companies have to increase their green dynamic capabilities, green transformational leadership, and green creativity to enhance their green product development performance.  相似文献   

This article proposed four novel constructs – green brand image, green satisfaction, green trust, and green brand equity, and explored the positive relationships between green brand equity and its three drivers – green brand image, green satisfaction, and green trust. The object of this research study was information and electronics products in Taiwan. This research employed an empirical study by use of the questionnaire survey method. The questionnaires were randomly mailed to consumers who had the experience of purchasing information and electronics products. The results showed that green brand image, green satisfaction, and green trust are positively related to green brand equity. Furthermore, the positive relationship between green brand image and green brand equity is partially mediated by green satisfaction and green trust. Hence, investing on resources to increase green brand image, green satisfaction, and green trust is helpful to enhance green brand equity.  相似文献   

This study proposed a novel construct – green core competence – to explore its positive effects on green innovation and green images of firms. The results showed that green core competences of firms were positively correlated to their green innovation performance and green images. In addition, this research also verified two types of green innovation performance had partial mediation effects between green core competences and green images of firms. Therefore, investment in the development of green core competence was helpful to businesses for the enhancement of their green innovation and green images. Furthermore, this study found that green core competence, two types of green innovation performance, and green images of medium & small enterprises (SMEs) were all significantly less than those of large enterprises in the information and electronics industry in Taiwan. Therefore, there was the advantage of firm size for the green core competence in this industry, and it was imperative for SMEs to develop and create their green core competences to strengthen their green innovation performance, and green images.  相似文献   

Quality of life of the future generations depends on the efforts of current generations to protect environment. The purchase decisions based on their green behavioral intentions not only helps the society, but also helps companies to gain a green competitive advantage. In this study, the relationships between green satisfaction, green trust, green equity and behavioral intentions are examined. Data were collected from Turkey, Finland and Pakistan with self‐administered questionnaires regarding with green white goods. The hypotheses were tested with structural equation modeling. Results of a structural model reveal positive relationships green satisfaction, green trust and green brand equity across three countries. In addition, green brand equity plays a remarkable role in behavioral intentions towards green white goods in general. Managers should consider green trust, green satisfaction, and green brand equity while implementing green marketing strategies in a global marketplace.  相似文献   

The paper explores the influence of greenwash on green trust and discusses the mediation roles of green consumer confusion and green perceived risk. The research object of this study focuses on Taiwanese consumers who have the purchase experience of information and electronics products in Taiwan. This research employs an empirical study by means of the structural equation modeling. The results show that greenwash is negatively related to green trust. Therefore, this study suggests that companies must reduce their greenwash behaviors to enhance their consumers’ green trust. In addition, this study finds out that green consumer confusion and green perceived risk mediate the negative relationship between greenwash and green trust. The results also demonstrate that greenwash is positively associated with green consumer confusion and green perceived risk which would negatively affect green trust. It means that greenwash does not only negatively affect green trust directly but also negatively influence it via green consumer confusion and green perceived risk indirectly. Hence, if companies would like to reduce the negative relationship between greenwash and green trust, they need to decrease their consumers’ green consumer confusion and green perceived risk.  相似文献   

This study applies perceived risk theory to explore the factors that influence consumers’ purchase behaviour towards green brands, including green perceived quality, green perceived value, green perceived risk, information costs saved, and purchase intentions towards green brands. This study focuses on consumers who have the experience of purchasing products from green brands in the food and restaurant service industry in Taiwan. The results of this study show that purchase intentions are positively associated with purchase behaviour. Moreover, the study demonstrates that purchase intentions mediate the impacts of green perceived quality, green perceived value, information costs saved, and green perceived risk on purchase behaviour. Specifically, green perceived risk is negatively influenced by green perceived value and information costs saved and functions as a mediator among green perceived value, information costs saved, and purchase intentions. The study has critical implications for green brand researchers and practitioners.  相似文献   

王戌楼 《中国市场》2007,(23):26-27
从绿色奥运物质和意识两方面分析发展绿色营销,形成绿色物流管理系统是国际奥委会的政策导向和2008北京绿色奥运的需求。本文分析了绿色奥运的含义及绿色营销与绿色物流的理论基础,并提出发展绿色营销和绿色物流管理的策略。  相似文献   

构建绿色供应链体系是人类社会可持续发展的必然需求,具有重大社会效益,对全社会树立正确的消费观和社会价值观具有积极的现实意义和长远的历史意义。绿色供应链体系包括绿色战略、绿色设计、绿色材料的选用、绿色物流、绿色生产、绿色营销和绿色回收等基本内容,而构建绿色供应链体系必须从构建企业内部绿色供应链体系、加强外部供应链的绿色管理、强化消费者绿色消费意识、加强制度建设等多方面着手。  相似文献   

基于循环经济的绿色物流系统发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
循环经济的发展需要物质流通领域的绿色化,绿色物流是现代物流的主要发展趋势,它突破了以往非绿色物流对环境与资源的负面影响,在物流过程中抑制物流对环境造成危害的同时,实现物流环境的净化,使物流资源得到最充分利用,从而能够推进循环经济的发展。在绿色物流系统构成中,发挥主要功能的要素包括集约资源、绿色仓储、绿色运输、绿色包装、绿色流通加工、绿色装卸、绿色信息搜集和管理、废弃物回收等,正是这些要素与绿色物流的行为主体——政府、公众和企业相结合,形成绿色物流系统的运行模式。从我国现阶段来看,绿色物流发展仍然较为滞后,存在许多问题,因此需要整合多方资源,从绿色物流行为主体角度,采取措施来发展我国绿色物流系统。  相似文献   

略论绿色企业文化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
开展绿色管理是企业适应绿色经济时代的必然选择,而绿色企业文化是绿色管理的重要内容,构建绿色企业文化将成为企业赢在绿色起跑线的有力武器。因此,加强绿色企业文化建设是企业绿色管理的重要部分,进而应从绿色价值观、绿色精神、绿色形象和绿色监管的角度制定培育绿色企业文化的对策。  相似文献   

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