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在工业化和现代化过程中必然产生农业剩余劳动力,农业剩余劳动力向非农产业和城镇转移是一个不可避免的过程。我国农村剩余劳动力的大规模转移是从20世纪80年代后期开始,大量的农村劳动力从经济落后的地区向经济发达地区流动。农村剩余劳动力的  相似文献   

中部地区是我国“二元经济”结构较为突出的区域,大量农村富余劳动力需要转移。本文通过分析中部地区农村劳动力转移面临的困境和区域经济特点,提出了通过农村城镇化、工业化、农业产业化、农民工返乡创业等途径实现中部地区富余劳动力“就地转移”模式。  相似文献   

加快劳动力转移是工业化进程的必然选择,也是反哺农业、繁荣农村、富裕农民,促进社会主义新农村建设的内在要求。近期,笔者对滨海县农村劳动力转移的有关问题进行了调研,剖析了劳动力转移新的特点及制约因素,并就加快劳动力转移问题做了一些思考,提出了一些自己的见解,对其他地区的劳动力转移工作也具有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

尚娟  郝虹亮  王璐 《特区经济》2013,(9):122-123
劳动力向非农产业和城镇转移,是世界各国工业化、城镇化的普遍趋势,也是农业现代化的必然要求。在城镇化进程中,劳动力的转移至关重要。本文结合陕西省的具体情况和必要的实地调查,运用SPSS19.0和EViews6.0软件,以非农人口比重作为人口转移的变量,进行相关分析和多元统计回归分析去研究劳动力转移的驱动因素,结果表明:发展三产业、提高农民纯收入、发展医疗教育事业是人口转移的动因。陕西政府应提倡因地制宜,对不同的区域采取不同的促进农业人口的合理转移方案,提出大力增加农民财产性收入、大力发展第三产业、医疗卫生教育事业的政策。  相似文献   

近些年,随着农业和农村经济结构的调整、工业化的推进和城镇化的提速,据不完全统计,截至2008年,已有超过1/3的农村劳动力转移到非农产业。由于目前我国农村劳动力转移具有盲目性和集体无意识性,且以青壮年劳动力为主,致使劳动力转移过快,部分地区出现劳动力转移过多、农村劳动力不足等,造成了我国耕地资源利用不足的浪费现象。再加上当前国际经济形势复杂严峻,全球气候变化影响加深,我国耕地和淡水资源短缺压力加大,我国农业发展和粮食安全面临的风险和不确定性明显上升,巩固和发展农业农村好形势的任务更加艰巨。  相似文献   

<正> 不发达地区位于我国西部,包括桂、滇、黔、藏、陕、甘、宁、青、新9省区,其经济远远落后于发达地区(包括京、津、沪、苏、浙、辽、鲁、粤8省市)和中等地区(包括冀、晋、蒙、吉、黑、皖、闽、赣、豫、鄂、湘、蜀12省区)。不发达地区迅速发展农村经济的首要任务是使农业劳动力尽快向非农产业转移。本文从不发达地区农村经济实际情况出发,论述其农业劳动力转移的特点、条件和对策。  相似文献   

农村富余劳动力转移将关系农村发展大环境。不论从乡镇企业薄弱的中西部地区大量中年以上农业富余劳动力需要通过就业增加收入看,还是从亿万流动就业农民工转移尚在中途看,都需要防止贻误时机,“煮”农村劳动力转移“夹生饭”。要转变重工业化、城镇化发展而轻农业富余劳动力转移拉动“三农”问题解决的观念.从促进中小企业,小城镇与劳动密集产业发展、推进城乡二元体制改革、提高农民就业能力等方面采取措施,促进农村劳动力持续转移。[编者按]  相似文献   

目前,产业转移主要是以制造业为主,国际问跨国公司为实现资本利益最大化,实施“脑体分离”式产业转移,即把产品研发、营销和营运管理作为“脑袋”产业,留在本部,把产品制造作为“躯体”产业,转移到劳力、土地、资源相对丰富,价格低廉的国家或地区,以实现利益最大化。这客观上带动发展中国家和地区快速实现工业化。国内,则主要是东部沿海发达地区由于土地、能源、劳动力等生产要素的紧缺性和非经济性,把部分传统产业和劳动密集型产业向广大中西部地区转移。  相似文献   

乡村工业化、农业产业化和农村城镇化是新时期农村和农业发展的必然趋势,必须将农村富余劳动力转移与乡村工业化、农业产业化和农村城市化结合起来,广开就业渠道,实现农村富余劳动力的多元化转移。(一)将农村富余劳动力转移与乡村工业化结合起来,大力发展乡镇企业,努力推动农村富余劳动力由农业生产者向非农生产者转变乡镇企业既是推进乡村工业化的有效途径,又是转移农村富余劳动力的良好载体。改革开放以来,乡镇企业的发展对于缓解农村富余劳动力就业压力,做出了巨大的贡献。20世纪90年代后,受自身条件以及各种因素的影响,乡镇企业发展陷入…  相似文献   

一、农村劳动力转移的现状分析。当前中国的首要问题是农民问题,现阶段农民问题的核心是农民增收缓慢。随着工业化进程的加快和国民经济的发展,农民要想更快地实现收入增长,农村劳动力必须向能获得更大效益的行业进行转移。在此次历时一年的调研中我们发现,目前福建省乡镇农村劳动力转移呈现以下特点:(一)农业以兼业经营为主,劳动力向农业产业化生产转移。我们调研的这些乡镇中绝大部分农业经营以兼业经营为主,而且经济越发达的乡镇,从事农业劳动的劳动力所占的比重越小。从事农林牧副渔的劳动力占农业人口的比重情况如下:福清龙田镇占21%,…  相似文献   

The paper examines the wage structure in the Chinese state enterprise sector between 1981 and 1987. This period is of particular interest given the introduction of major labour market reforms in China during the early 1980s. In essence the reforms represented a movement away from administratively determined prices towards a market–oriented system combined with a relatively flexible system of labour allocation. The Juhn, Murphy and Pierce (1991) decomposition is employed to shed light on the role of changing labour market institutions over the period.
JEL classification : J 31; J 16  相似文献   

丁元 《特区经济》2006,213(10):38-39
本文分析了中国劳动力市场发育的结构特征,并对转型期中国劳动力市场分割的制度变迁和制度均衡进行了分析,认为制度非均衡已成为中国劳动力市场发育的一种“常态”。中国劳动力市场的制度非均衡又成为该市场制度变迁的诱致因素,它的轨迹也就是劳动力市场制度变迁的轨迹。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,新疆劳动力产业分布结构不断变化。利用Moore变动系数来测定了劳动力的产业分布结构,利用历史数据分析劳动力产业分布变动趋势,确定新疆产业结构是"三、一、二"格局。新疆的劳动力变动结构并没有加速产业变动结构,新疆产业结构的非正常发展导致了新疆产业劳动力分布结构不合理状态,对新疆经济社会长远发展产生显著影响。  相似文献   

This article examines the structural transformation trajectory in Zambia since independence. Drawing from sectoral analysis of the structure of output and the composition of labour over the last five decades, the article illustrates that although there have been shifts in the composition of output and labour in the economy, especially since 2000, these shifts have not contributed to positive structural transformation. Instead the economy has been experiencing widening productivity gaps between sectors, signalling perverse economic structural transformation. Although there have been some slight improvements in the overall productivity since 2000, productivity in the agriculture and informal sectors, where almost 85% of the labour works, has remained stagnantly low. This is compounded by the economy experiencing a net movement of labour from high to low-productivity employment, mainly the informal urban sector.  相似文献   

叶安宁 《科技和产业》2008,8(9):42-44,68
生产率的测度是产出和投入之比。对产出和投入的不同界定而产生的生产率包括:直接劳动生产率、完全劳动生产率、增加值劳动生产率等。本文探讨了完全劳动投入的测度,并比较了这些生产率之间的关系。  相似文献   

We test the often-cited hypothesis that high levels of child labour attract foreign investors. Using panel data we show the overall effect which child labour has on foreign direct investment (FDI) to be a (small) negative one. We find strong evidence for the theoretical prediction that child labour deters FDI by slowing down economic development. Weaker evidence is provided for our theoretical prediction that child labour can discourage FDI via its impact on the availability of a skilled labour force in an economy. The data do not indicate that high levels of child labour drive down the factor share of labour, thereby increasing the attractiveness of an economy for foreign investors. JEL no. C33, F23, J82  相似文献   

安徽是我国人口大省之一,做为欠发达地区和农业大省,每年约有1800万剩余劳动力亟需寻求出路。近年来,安徽省劳务输出发展强劲,尤其是具有传统优势的建筑劳务输出规模迅速扩大,对解决农村富余劳动力具有重要意义。本文从人力资源和市场管理的理论出发,结合实际工作经验,通过比  相似文献   

Given the conventional wisdom that poverty and associated income shocks are the fundamental causes of child labour, from a policy perspective, there is a perception that social safety net programmes can play a vital role in reducing child labour. While there is extensive evidence that shows the prevalence of child labour is low among beneficiaries of conditional cash transfer programmes, the impact of workfare programs on child labour has been rarely investigated in the economics literature. This paper addresses the issue by evaluating the impact of the public works component of the Productive Safety Net Programme implemented in Ethiopia in 2005. The programme aims to help poor households to build assets and develop resilience to shocks through employment in public projects. Results from child fixed effects estimations show that children in programme beneficiary households are significantly less likely than their counterparts in non‐beneficiary households to be involved in child labour. The findings suggest that, if well targeted, even safety net programmes that do not primarily target child outcomes can be useful in addressing child labour problems.  相似文献   

This paper examines and disentangles the factors that have led to the largely unchanged participation (about 51%) of women in Indonesia’s labour force in the past two decades. We use data from the National Socio-economic Survey (Susenas) and Village Potential Statistics (Podes) from 1996 to 2013 in order to conduct a cohort analysis that distinguishes the effects of time and age on female labour force participation. We find that the raw labour market participation figures, which show little change over time, mask changes that offset one another in the current population. Evidence suggests that social norms are changing to support female participation, but this is offset by the changing industrial structure. Our projections show that the government’s current policies are unlikely to allow Indonesia to reach its G20 goal of decreasing the gender gap in labour force participation by 25% between 2014 and 2025.  相似文献   

随着中国经济的快速发展,经济转型期的到来,农村劳动力的转移对中国经济发展的重要性日益凸显出来。"民工荒"的进一步加剧,"三农"问题的重要性,都迫使我们进一步研究我国农村劳动力转移的新思路。本文拟从中外农村劳动力转移的对比中,试图探索中国农村劳动力转移的新路径。  相似文献   

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