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罗淑娟 《商场现代化》2005,(12X):191-192
广告文化与其追求的商业利益唇齿相依,如果缺乏终极关怀,必然有社会负面效应;广告文化的贬损、广告文化的消费误导、广告文化对传统文化的颠覆等。因此,建立广告文化批评机制势在必行。  相似文献   

广告文化与其追求的商业利益唇齿相依,如果缺乏终极关怀,必然有社会负面效应;广告文化的贬损、广告文化的消费误导、广告文化对传统文化的颠覆等。因此,建立广告文化批评机制势在必行。  相似文献   

罗淑娟 《商场现代化》2005,(36):191-192
广告文化与其追求的商业利益唇齿相依,如果缺乏终极关怀,必然有社会负面效应;广告文化的贬损、广告文化的消费误导、广告文化对传统文化的颠覆等.因此,建立广告文化批评机制势在必行.  相似文献   

搜狐对于互联网领域的探索,普遍认为是代表着整个中国互联网的一种探索走在了最前沿。搜狐营销的每一步。都作为中国互联网广告发展中的标志性事件,见证了中国互联网广告从无到有再到繁荣的成长之路。  相似文献   

赵翌 《广告大观》2013,(12):92-92
中国互联网广告已经走过16年,互联网已成为仅次于电视的广告主投放最大的媒体,2013年中国互联网广告或将迎来干亿元的市场规模。但在繁荣的市场背后却暗藏着危机,而这其中最大的问题来自于互联网广告的异常流量,大量的异常曝光和异常点击不仅造成了巨大的浪费,还给整个互联网行业带来了诚信问题。  相似文献   

上至电视、广播、报纸、杂志和互联网,下至路牌、天桥和电线杆,虚假广告比比皆是。2009年,国家工商总局共查处违法广告案件46903件。消费者对违法广告避之不及,防不胜防。如“中科灵芝孢子油软胶囊”这一产品广告,早在2008年中国消费者协会就曾公开发布消费警示称,“灵芝孢子油不抗癌,违规宣传花样多”,并以指向性的措辞批评广告中“紧傍”中科院,矛头直指中科灵芝孢子油生产商——南京中科集团股份有限公司。然而,  相似文献   

紫石 《广告导报》2007,(7):60-61
有观点认为,中国和美国的互联网的起点应该是电子商务,因为电子商务的繁荣促生了在线广告的繁荣,从而滋养了各种小型内容服务风站的诞生。  相似文献   

有观点认为。中国和美国互联网的起点应该是电子商务,因为电子商务的繁荣促生了在线广告的繁荣,从而滋养了各种小型内容服务网站的诞生。  相似文献   

谷岩 《中国广告》2014,(3):145-146
正在搏杀激烈的互联网广告市场,要和行业巨头抗衡,必须聚焦于一个切入点,只做一件大事,并坚持不懈,这是形成独特竞争力的必然途径。随着移动互联网下载App、用手机看视频、移动购物等高流量消耗行为的门槛不断降低,一些新出现的广告展现形式和技术成为移动互联网营销的发力点。而本地化移动广告因其效果好、价格低而迅速被众多广告主所关注,以精准的广告切入  相似文献   

褚伟 《成功营销》2008,(7):74-75
网络视频广告与传统媒体广告的征战已然拉开序幕,也许,对于互联网将取代传统媒体的预言还为时尚早,但在两者的博弈中,互联网广告新形式、新模式的层出不穷显然是传统媒体所无法比拟的。  相似文献   

唐建 《江苏商论》2014,(9):18-22
移动互联网是各种移动终端通过移动通信网络与互联网结合的产物,在我国有着广阔的发展前景。我国目前在该领域处于领先地位,但鉴于缺少可借鉴的成功经验,其商业模式更多的来自于桌面互联网的移植。本文从我国移动互联网现状出发,阐述了广告、游戏、移动电商、入口、硬件平台结合内容服务等几种商业模式,并在分析制约创新移动互联网商业模式的障碍的基础上提出相关对策,力图为我国移动互联网从业者提供参考,以促进我国移动互联网产业的发展。  相似文献   

Consumers’ attitudes toward advertising ethics are of interest to marketers who understand that negative attitudes can be harmful to brands. Today advertisers increasingly depend on internet advertising. This study compares attitudes of Millennials (the first generation to use digital media more than traditional media) toward internet advertising with attitudes toward advertising in traditional media. Similar to previous generations who had more negative attitudes toward TV advertising, which was their most frequently used medium, Millennials’ attitudes appeared to be more negative toward internet advertising. Thus, we conclude that advertisers must work to engender positive relationships with Millennials through more ethical internet advertising and other innovative strategies.  相似文献   

数字技术和网络技术的迅猛发展引发了媒介融合。媒介融合的影响面涉及媒介生态系统中的每一个环节,其中也包括广告传播,媒介融合对广告传播的影响是全方位的,本文着重探析媒介融合对广告主体、广告媒介、广告信息以及广告客体的影响,以期找到演变中广告传播活动的正确方向。  相似文献   

张日 《北方经贸》2012,(11):131-133
网络丰富了现代人的生活。网络语言是现代人交往的重要工具,是传播思想的重要载体,也实现了话语权的自由。网络隐蔽性、虚拟性和工具性的特点,改变着人的思维方式、交往方式和生活方式,甚至形成了人和社会的异化。工具理性优于价值理性,高校园内网络语言暴力屡见不鲜,学生自身全面健康发展受到影响。在信息化背景下,高校思政课要加强对大学生自我审视、反思、批判和承担社会责任的教育,提高大学生的道德修养和法律意识,着力培养全面发展的受社会欢迎的人才。  相似文献   

This study was designed to provide insights into why people avoid advertising on the Internet. Recent negative trends in Internet advertising, such as "banner blindness" and extremely low click-through rates, make it imperative to study various factors affecting Internet ad avoidance. Accordingly, this study builds a comprehensive theoretical model explaining advertising avoidance on the Internet. We examined three latent variables of Internet ad avoidance: perceived goal impediment, perceived ad clutter, and prior negative experience. We found that these constructs successfully explain why people cognitively, affectively, and behaviorally avoid advertising messages on the Internet. Perceived goal impediment is found to be the most significant antecedent explaining advertising avoidance on the Internet.  相似文献   

Many critics have raised concerns about online advertising directed to children. This study investigated the role of several antecedent variables that may impact children’s attitudinal and behavioural responses to online advertising. Specifically, online ad scepticism, family communication patterns, time spent on the internet, and perceived internet competency were examined as factors that may impact children’s online advertising attitudes and behaviours. A survey conducted with a dyad sample of 381 parents-preteens in South Korea revealed that children with high scepticism towards online advertising, who spent less time using the internet and who perceived lower levels of confidence about their internet skills were more likely to have a negative attitude towards online advertising and less likely to disclose personal information to online marketers. However, the relationship between family communication and children’s responses to online advertising found in this study was inconsistent with the previous empirical findings. Implications of findings are discussed and directions for future research suggested.  相似文献   

This study examines the creative, placement and budget strategy of internet advertising by Eastern and Western multinationals in China. A content analysis of 47,131 online ads indicates that both Eastern and Western companies dominantly use individualist appeals for internet advertising in China, a collectivist country. However, Eastern multinationals also rely on emotional appeals, whereas Western companies generally adopt rational appeals. This study offers several theoretical and managerial implications, including that multinationals appear to recognise the changing culture of internet users and especially the younger generation, as well as some future research directions for internet advertising.  相似文献   

贺薇 《中国广告》2012,(8):130-132
在媒介融合的时代背景下,手机广告作为一种新兴的广告形式日益引起人们广泛关注。相对于传统媒体广告,二维码广告具有受众卷入程度高、传播内容立体化、较强的伴随性和互动性等特点。本文从精确测定广告效果、精准定位消费者、拓宽广告营销渠道、改变广告传播方式等四方面探讨了二维码对广告业的影响,并预测随着互联网的发展、智能手机的普及、3G服务的渗透,手机直接访问互联网将越来越便利,二维码这一新型广告形式将大有作为。  相似文献   

The convergence of the Internet and wireless telecommunications in the late 1990s has opened the way for a plethora of data services for the mobile handset user. One potential area of development is wireless advertising. The personal, always-at-hand nature of devices, along with the ability to assess context dependence (e.g. time and location), presents a rich platform for wireless advertising. Using a range of wireless platforms, operators will be able to offer very different advertising services that go beyond those of the wired Internet. The purpose of this paper is to review the emerging technologies, applications and research issues associated with wireless advertising. It concludes with some predictions on the future role of wireless advertising.  相似文献   


This study explores a wide variety of Internet advertising tools. It presents an assessment of the persuasive impact of Internet advertising tools based on the perceptions of senior executives at interactive advertising agencies. The persuasion matrix developed by McGuire (1978) is used as a framework for assessing the impact of Internet advertising tools on the response hierarchy of consumers. Based on this assessment, a series of research propositions are offered in the spirit of propositional inventories for future testing. Finally, included is a discussion that alerts managers to important issues involved in using Internet advertising tools.  相似文献   

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