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This paper draws upon a survey of the life science and biotechnology regions of Oxford, Central Scotland and South West England to examine the innovation and embeddedness traits of the regions. The insights into the compositional weaknesses and strengths of the regions suggest opportunities and threats for the future development of the UK's life sciences and biotechnology. The discussion moves forward debates on biotechnology, regional innovation, regional economic development and policy by posing research questions relating to the gap of knowledge of two under-researched regions, the need for a differentiated view of regions and a public policy approach tailored towards them, as well as the prospects of ‘engineering’ high-tech regions. Some of the highlighted policy challenges are common to the three regions, while others are region-specific and reflect the variations of regional make-up and stage of development.  相似文献   

我国中部地区区域创新能力评价与比较分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
王宗军  毛磊  王清 《技术经济》2011,30(8):44-50
选取第一次和第二次全国经济普查的数据,基于涵盖区域创新基础、区域创新环境、区域创新投入、区域创新产出4个方面并包括22个指标的区域创新能力评价指标体系,采用因子分析法对我国中部地区的创新能力进行综合评价,并进一步对中部6省的区域创新能力进行比较分析,为中部各省构建区域创新系统和制定区域发展政策提供依据。研究结果表明:中部地区的区域创新能力处于全国平均水平之下,远低于东部地区,但略高于东北地区及西部地区;中部6省中,湖南省的区域创新能力最强,河南次之,湖北、安徽、山西,江西的区域创新能力相对较弱。  相似文献   

Research and Development (R&D) service firms make significant contributions to innovation in other businesses. The extant literature considers these firms a homogenous sub-group of Knowledge Intensive Business Service firms (KIBS). The objective of this study is to investigate how R&D service firms innovate and the variety of innovation practices within these firms. Employing data from semi-structured interviews with senior managers from 32 UK-based R&D service firms, we suggest that there are two different modes of innovation: in the first mode, R&D service firms innovate similarly to KIBS whose innovation is ad-hoc in nature and driven by customers’ requests; another group of R&D service firms innovate like New Technology-based Firms (NTBFs) relying more on structured in-house R&D activities.  相似文献   

原始创新是我国新世纪科技发展的战略新思想.采取定性与定量相结合的方法,着重对区域进行原始创新的可行性和显著效应进行了深入探讨,并提出了相应的发展策略.  相似文献   

采用多案例研究方法,通过研究8个典型案例验证了农业生物技术的接力创新在发生范围、创新类型、接力关系及接力方式等方面的特性。基于农业生物技术创新过程及生物农业产业的其他特征,进一步研究了农业生物技术接力创新的形成机理,并对相关特性进行了解释。最后,针对中国农业生物技术创新提出了若干政策启示。  相似文献   


We use an extended version of the well-established Crepon, Duguet, and Mairesse model [1998. “Research, Innovation and Productivity: An Econometric Analysis at the Firm Level.” Economics of Innovation and New Technology 7 (2): 115–158] to model the relationship between appropriability mechanisms, innovation, and firm-level productivity. We enrich this model in three ways: (1) We compare estimates obtained using a broader definition of innovation spending to those that use R&D spending. (2) We assume that a firm simultaneously innovates and chooses among different appropriability methods to protect the innovation. (3) We estimate the impact of innovation output on firm productivity conditional on the choice of appropriability mechanism. We find that firms that innovate and rate formal methods for the protection of intellectual property highly are more productive than other firms, but that the same does not hold in the case of informal methods of protection, except possibly for large firms as opposed to SMEs. We also find that this result is strongest for firms in the services, trade, and utility sectors, and negative in the manufacturing sector.  相似文献   

文章结合欧盟传统的创新指标,分析了英国的创新与其他发达国家存在着的差距,提出了英国悖论(UK Paradox):即没有创新的经济成功。然后,进一步从对这一悖论的原因分析入手,对英国的隐性创新、开放创新、创新“需求侧”、柔性创新进行概括性研究。为了实现对创新全面科学的评价,为对我国建立创新评价指标体系提供借鉴,文章介绍了英国创新需求指标体系,创新投入、企业创新和创新环境指标体系,以及柔性创新指标体系等,并在此基础上对英国的经验进行了简要总结,供国内相关创新管理者和研究人员参考。  相似文献   

面对日益严重的全球环境问题,推动低碳产业集群的建设已经成为可持续的必然要求,集群内区域创新系统的构建至关重要。结合国内外最新发展趋势构建低碳产业集群的区域创新系统,它主要包括技术创新子系统、服务创新子系统和环境创新子系统构成。在此基础上,提出优化调整产业结构、完善促进集群创新机制、扶持引导集群核心企业、培育净化区域文化环境等支撑政策,以期进一步推动中国低碳产业集群的发展,实现节能减排的目标。  相似文献   

王鹏 《产经评论》2012,(1):68-79
如何提高企业竞争优势是当前理论界和企业界所关注的一个重要问题。国内外学者已从多种不同的研究层次、研究视角和内涵界定,对企业竞争优势进行了深入研究。本文从区域创新环境和绿色技术创新内外两个视角,对企业竞争优势的外部影响因素与内部决定因素进行文献回顾和总结,归纳与整理企业竞争优势的相关理论和实证研究,探讨区域创新环境、绿色技术创新与企业竞争优势之间的内在关系,并对现有研究进行评述及提出研究展望。  相似文献   

以浙江省为实证,研究创新活动与经济发展的互动性,采用统计分析方法,探讨了区域科技创新与区域经济发展之间的时滞性及其影响因素。由于科技创新作用于经济发展存在时滞性,因此有必要构建创新型区域的创新资源配置模型及其判断指标。  相似文献   


The literature on the links between innovation and productivity at the firm level in agriculture is almost nonexistent. In this paper, we analyze the factors behind the innovation effort of farms and the impact that innovation effort has on farm’s productivity, exploiting a unique farm-level agricultural innovation survey carried out in Uruguay. The results indicate that farm size, cooperation with other agents to perform R&D, the education of the owner of the farm, the participation of foreign capital and the existence of links with other organizations, in particular scientific, horizontal and vertical ones, are positively correlated with innovation effort. Public and private financial support are not clearly linked with innovation effort. The innovation effort has a positive effect on farm’s productivity. Some heterogeneities across industries in agriculture are found.  相似文献   

Using a novel approach, partial correlations within a complex network framework, we examine the degree of globalization and regionalization of stock market linkages and how these linkages vary across different economic or market cycles. Our results show that geography influences network linkages differently across economic cycles. During normal times, regional factors shape market linkages; however, during periods of turbulence, global rather than regional factors drive the linkages. The network traffic also increases during times of turmoil, but contrary to previous results, we do not find a consistent or overwhelming increase in positive linkages between markets. Also, contrary to expectations, financial centres such as the US, China, Japan, and the UK command a greater regional rather than global influence. Our findings have implications for asset pricing and policy decision making.  相似文献   

This paper studies the effect of product and process innovations on job creation in the Spanish manufacturing sector over the period 1991–2005. We use a change in the employment protection legislation (EPL) in 1997 to study the effect of innovations on permanent and temporary workers before and after that change. We find that (i) product and process innovation created jobs, (ii) before the change in the EPL in 1997 innovations did not affect the number of permanent workers and all the increase in employment was explained by the increase in the number of temporary workers, (iii) after the change in the EPL, innovations increased both the number of temporary and permanent employees, and (iv) while the increase in temporary workers takes place after one year of the innovations, the increase in permanent workers occurs mainly two years after the innovations.  相似文献   

复杂性科学打破了新古典经济学的简单性、稳定性和线性的均衡范式,开创了一种建立在复杂性、动态性和非线性基础上的演化范式。区域创新网络由于具有非线性、动态性和不可逆性等特征,更适合纳入到复杂性科学的范式中来研究。根据区域创新网络的复杂性特征,归纳出其实质上是一种复杂性适应系统,进而运用复杂性科学对其进行了阐释,最后得出了基于高新区培育和发展区域创新网络的几点启示。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the development of biotechnology clusters in North Carolina (NC) and Israel. In both NC and Israel, when the biotechnology was identified as a potential strategic priority, the framework conditions were suitable for successful policy-targeting. NC presents a case of a successful transition from a traditional manufacturing economy to a knowledge economy. The most successful part of this transition was a policy-led development of a biotechnology cluster in the Research Triangle. While Israel also presents a case of a successful transition from a low-tech economy to a knowledge-intensive economy, Israel failed to develop a successful biotechnology cluster. We suggest that this failure is mostly due to a failure to implement policy to encourage such development. We argue that the elements, which separate NC's success from Israel's failure, are: a clear vision and strategic planning; timely response, long-term commitment; strong leadership; cooperation between the government, private sector and academia, and an adjustable policy-making process.  相似文献   


This paper considers the extent to which the monetary policy operations of three major central banks can be regarded as an application of Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) control rules. The paper outlines the general PID framework and estimates a series of dynamic models to identify how interest rate policy adjustments are affected by the rate of inflation and the level of macroeconomic activity. The paper examines data for the UK, the USA and the Eurozone. The results suggest that the PID rules can provide a useful theoretical and empirical framework for estimating central bank responses to the inflation and macroeconomic activity variables by improving the explanatory power of the Taylor rule model and determining the effect of the parameters.  相似文献   

生物技术是当前最具潜力和最富活力的科技领域之一。德国联邦政府认为,从传统化石能源时代向生物经济时代过渡是人类社会发展的必然趋势.未来生命科学和生物技术将更广泛地应用于农业、林业、渔业、畜牧业、食品、化工、制药、能源、环保和商贸服务等众多产业领域。知识生物经济将提高国家竞争力。2010年11月,德国联邦政府发布了《生物经济2030:国家研究战略》。包括德国在内的世界各国政府都高度重视推动本国生物技术研发创新和产业化发展。本文对德国生物技术产业发展最新情况进行了调研,并对其研发创新及其产业化发展的政策机制进行了总结分析。  相似文献   

在分析我国地区产业多样化、技术创新与经济发展之间相互影响机制的基础上,构建联立方程组模型,并利用2003-2011年我国31个省份的面板数据进行实证检验。结果表明,产业多样化通过技术创新促进地区经济发展;相邻地区产业多样化与创新水平对地区经济发展影响显著为正,表明存在空间依赖效应;进一步将产业多样化划分为相关和无关多样化,发现相关多样化是创新产出的主要原动力,无关多样化的影响效应不显著。  相似文献   

Based on the application of the latest technological innovation theory and the successful experience generated by the domestic and overseas medium and small-sized enterprises, this thesis proposes a theoretical framework, strategic proposition and some secure measures for the regional technological innovation to promote the technological innovation within medium and small-sized enterprises in Hubei Province. In addition, the author also provides some tactics concerning the original motivation, technological market, innovation talents and innovation system, which aim at offering some consultation for the government decision, optimize industrial structure, implement the innovation strategy and propel to the medium and small-sized enterprises' development.  相似文献   

During the last two decades, policymakers in various positions have been adopting a systems-approach to policy thinking. However, in contrast with the quasi-evolutionary way in which policy is thought of and conceptualised it seems that policy doing is still being guided by ‘market-failure’ justifications causing actual policies to remain narrow in their scope. In this paper we sidestep this analytical divide of thinking/doing by developing a co-evolutionary framework that utilises a more productive analytical divide of means/ends. That is to say we focus on a process of co-evolution of a higher-order, one which takes place ‘inside’ the agent of policy herself, and involves changes in the ways ‘means’ and ‘ends’ are understood and acted upon. Conceptualising policy problems in terms of means/ends contributes to current debates by rendering the difficulty that countries are facing in their attempts to prioritise biotechnology more intelligible and thus manageable.  相似文献   

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