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品牌建立是物业管理企业个性和特点的集中体现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
品牌是市场经济发展和市场竞争的必然产物,是企业赢得市场的利刃。在物业管理竞争日趋激烈的今天,创名牌企业、建优秀物业管理小区,已成为我国物业管理企业的追求目标和努力方向。品牌物业管理企业就像商海中的“灯塔”,体现出一种强大的信任和效益,是一种无形的资产和力量。一流的物业配以一流的管理服务,通过服务构筑起一个有利于人与人之间沟通,人与自然和谐,人与文化融通的居住环境。因而,名牌物业管理将受到消费者的青睐。本期《,中国物业管理》杂志“专题聚焦”栏目特别推出物业管理企业品牌建设专题,邀请业界有关人士参与讨论和交流,希望给行业以借鉴。  相似文献   

自建设部颁布了《进一步限制使用粘土实心砖的暂行规定》后,长期以来作为主要墙体材料的传统粘土实心砖将退出历史舞台。由此,多孔砖的发展与应用越来越受到关注。本文从对多孔砖的外观结构及强度检验,结合多孔砖的实际应用,分析多孔砖的特点和应用技术。  相似文献   

模糊综合评价法在供应商绩效评价体系中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
高玉娜 《物流科技》2007,30(1):135-137
供应商的选择和评价是企业产品质量保证的源头,评价供应商受很多不确定因素的影响.本文在分析供应商评价指标体系所应遵循的CQDS原则的基础上,建立了供应商绩效评价体系的层次结构,构建了基于模糊综合评价法的供应商绩效评价模型,并对基于模糊综合评价法的供应商绩效评价进行了详尽的阐述.  相似文献   

杨蓓 《中国审计》2007,(1):51-52
在项目监督管理中,为了有效地同时对工程进度、成本进行监控及绩效评价,从整体上反映和评价项目进展情况,引入了项目管理中的项目进展评价技术一挣值法。  相似文献   

房地产业作为我国国民经济的支柱产业,一直是投资者选择的主要投资对象。但随着全国房地产业的不景气,房地产开发商开始寻找有潜力的城市进行投资。从地理学的角度出发,基于人口规模预测,选择人口增长率预测法,对西部的四大省会城市、直辖市的人口规模进行预测分析。再结合预测出的城市未来还需要的人口居住需求面积与现有的住房总面积进行供求关系的对比分析,最终得出西部四大省会城市、直辖市的房地产潜力评价。  相似文献   

物流被企业称为"第三利润源泉",物流中心的选址问题是物流管理系统中一个非常重要的问题。回顾了物流中心的理论现状,介绍了TOPSIS法的理论模型和步骤,提出了物流中心选址考核指标体系。通过实例分析,阐述了企业如何应用TOPSIS法进行物流中心选址的。  相似文献   

在投资项目决策中,差额投资内部收益率法是常用且有效的方法之一,但采用该方法进行投资决策工作量大,计算烦琐,而Excel软件内置大量函数,可以有效地解决此问题。基于此,本文首先阐述了差额投资内部收益率法理论,然后提出采用差额投资内部收益率法进行投资决策的步骤,并对投资决策方案比选中相关的Excel函数模型进行详细说明。最后结合案例,说明了如何利用Excel将差额投资内部收益率法应用到中职学校投资项目决策中,这为会计理论和实践的结合提供了有效的应用思路。  相似文献   

简支梁桥作为梁式桥中应用最为广泛的桥形之一。通过对钢筋混凝土简支梁桥结构的耐久性影响因素分析,选择合理的钢筋混凝土结构寿命评估准则,能够进一步对钢筋混凝土简支梁桥结构耐久性的设计和评定。  相似文献   

项目投资决策正确与否,决定着企业的未来与发展,会对企业产生重大影响,一旦决策失误,则会给企业带来巨大的损失,因此,企业如何进行正确的项目投资决策显得尤其重要.本文主要分析了项目投资决策评价指标的计算方法和决策原则,并通过具体的案例分析,说明了评价指标在具体项目投资中的应用,为企业在投资决策时提供参考意见.  相似文献   

The article reports on a methodical part of a combined substantive and methodical investigation experimenting with a new type of Policy Delphi method. The common problem defined for both parts was the question whether Delphi method could be transformed in an instrument of controlling technological change by employees. The question was answered positively by the participating (bank) employees, all union members engaged with an automatisation project, themselves. Self rating scales, an evaluation questionnaire and numerous data collected about the research process showed that the most relevant social categories of participants managed to serve as “experts” according to the high levels of cognition, effort, involvement and self-confidence required in a Delphi research project. Participants with low job level, women and non-trained union members joined in very well. The special steps required to broaden a successful participation of all categories, particular methods and techniques of information transmitting questioning and reporting, did not violate the quality of scientifically valid information gathering. So the result was a practical and scientific instrument.  相似文献   

This work presents the Delphi method, in its Policy Delphi variant, as an efficient mechanism for carrying out consultations regarding regulatory actions that affect professional bureaucracies, and also, in the last analysis, for forecasting and constructing their future. The Delphi application presented here incorporates some specific characteristics which are aimed at making the plurality of opinions in the organisation under analysis visible, facilitating reasoned debate, minimising the risk of manipulation by study leaders, and maximising the generalised acceptance of the results by the whole collective.This study was performed on the university community of the Basque Country, prior to the enactment of the Act which was to organise the Basque university system. Its results, which were accepted as being representative of the real dissensus existing in the community, constituted a valuable input for the final drawing up of the Act, and for its acceptance without conflict.This Delphi application cannot be classified within its traditional field of exploratory forecasting, but it can be situated within the normative sphere, geared towards the construction of a desired future.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with a methodology for efficiently obtaining concensus from a panel of evaluators on questions which are shrouded in uncertainty and can not be measured or evaluated in the classical sense. The methodology and its historical development are described, it is placed in context vis-a-vis other methods of subjective scaling, and a critique is provided. An extensive and current annotated bibliography is presented.  相似文献   

The research presented in this paper is structured on the basis of the extensive literature on the world energy shift and, in particular, the dynamics of the political, social, market, and community acceptability of different energy sources. This study attempts to determine which sources of energy are most accepted or preferred by political systems, public opinion, and the market and the weights that these dynamics of acceptability have on the global energy shift. In this theoretical framework, we present an application and propose a methodology resulting from the integration of two methods: the Delphi method and the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). While Delphi seeks a convergence of opinions among a group of experts, the AHP helps solve complex decision problems using a hierarchical structure. To integrate the Delphi and AHP methods, we propose an innovation in the way the feedbacks are circulated among the participants. The experts’ judgements are given in a box-plot using a slider, which simplifies the procedure because the respondents have all the most important information on the distribution of responses from the previous round. At the same time, our method eliminates the problem of the choice of one of the diverse methods of aggregation, which are necessary when the AHP is applied in a group setting. The application of this method to energy issues and the dynamics of the acceptability of the different sources in particular revealed the feasibility and advantages of the instrument and produced interesting results.  相似文献   

文章从GOF所提出的设计模式出发,分析了单件模式、门面模式、桥模式的特点,并结合实际开发,研究了在Delphi中如何实现这些设计模式。  相似文献   

This study proposes a novel approach that integrates the qualitative approach, the quantitative approach, and fuzzy set theory for developing a framework of critical managerial competences of electronic commerce (EC) professional managers. The approach combines a focus group, a fuzzy Delphi method and the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (Fuzzy AHP) for identifying competences via experts’ opinions and questionnaires for developing the framework of managerial EC professional managers. Comparing the competences of traditional managers and EC managers reveals main differences in the emphasis on EC manager professional skills. Furthermore, competency weights for EC managers lie particularly in domain knowledge and information management skills. Research results reveal that our proposed EC competence framework not only help firms in selecting/hiring high quality EC professional managers more objectively, but also in evaluating the performance of EC managers.  相似文献   

基于Delphi的物流货运作业管理系统的设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以Access2000作为后台数据库,用Delphi7.0作程序开发工具,研讨货运作业信息管理系统的基本架构以及相关的技术。  相似文献   

文章通过对比两个测区的AMT法和标量CSAMT法勘探结果,包括采集参数、原始测深曲线和剖面图,发现AMT法对童子岩组煤系地层反映较好,可用于福建地区的隐伏区找煤工作。并且AMT法采集5个电磁场分量,得到3个卡尼亚电阻率剖面图,可以更全面地观察测区的电性分布情况,相比标量CSAMT法更易于资料解释。但AMT法和标量CSAMT法一样会受到低阻屏蔽作用的影响。  相似文献   

文章系统阐述了地下工程灾害预警信息化研究的理论基础、研究方法和研究步骤,并对某工程的工程灾害预警信息化研究进行了介绍。  相似文献   

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