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Although the empirical literature has delivered evidence in favor of nonlinearities in nominal and real exchange rate adjustment, the corresponding mechanisms with respect to the relationship between nominal exchange rates and fundamentals in general have rarely been put under any close scrutiny. This paper extends the work of other authors, who estimate exponential smooth transition autoregressive models to deviations of the exchange rate from monetary fundamentals. Using monthly data from 1976:01 to 2010:12 for the USA, UK, and Japan, this paper first adopts a cointegrated vector autoregression (VAR) framework to test for the multivariate validity of the monetary model by applying restrictions on the long‐run relationships. Then, nonlinear vector error correction models are estimated to tackle the question of whether the adjustment of the nominal exchange rate with respect to those relationships follows a nonlinear path.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a two‐country general‐equilibrium model incorporating a tradable sector with pricing‐to‐market as well as a nontradable sector. In that case, real exchange rate fluctuations arise from two sources: changes in the relative price of traded goods, that exemplify deviations from the law of one price, and movements in the relative price of traded to nontraded goods across countries. Our framework sheds light on the propagation mechanisms through which monetary shocks affect the real exchange rate. More specifically, the two components respond in opposite directions to monetary disturbances, which is consistent with data. Besides, the introduction of nontraded goods does not alter the predictive power of monetary shocks because the presence of nontraded goods magnifies the response of the deviation from the law of one price.  相似文献   

Journal of Quantitative Economics - The objective of this paper is to find the points of structural shift in the exchange rate model under a Bayesian framework which incorporates the possibility of...  相似文献   

本文基于当前人民币外汇市场制度特征,构建了一个央行频繁干预情形下的人民币汇率决定的市场微观结构模型。该模型描述了各类外汇市场参与者,即外汇指定交易银行、流动性需求者、流动性供给者以及中央银行等,在人民币汇率日内价格形成过程中的报价与交易策略。外汇市场参与主体的报价与交易策略共同决定了人民币汇率的形成。本文为人民币外汇市场参与者和监管当局初步打开了人民币汇率形成的“黑匣子”。  相似文献   

中国即将加入WTO,从长期来看对中国的经济改革的深化,促进经济的增长有着重要的意义。但是,必须清楚地看到中国在加入WTO的短期内存在着严重的冲击,就宏观经济而言冲击最大的莫过于国际收支平衡问题,它关系到中国未来的经济安全和可持续发展。本文对汇率制度选择为基点,探讨中国入世后国际收支平衡的可能变化;合理的汇率制度以及中国目前的汇率制度在调节国际收支平衡方面存在的弊端,认为中国在加入WTO后应将目前的  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyse the problem of optimal domestic credit expansion for a small open economy. We show that (i) the transition from the fixed to the flexible exchange rate regime proceeds smoothly with no speculative attack on the central bank's foreign reserves; (ii) once the exchange rate has floated, it will never be optimal to repeg it afterward; (iii) even under uncertainty, there will not be any speculative attack; however, the optimal rate of credit expansion jumps discontinuously at the date of complete depletion of the known stock of foreign reserves.  相似文献   

The transmission mechanisms of monetary policy in a small open economy like Norway are analysed through structural VARs, with special emphasis on the interdependence between monetary policy and exchange rate movements. By imposing a long‐run neutrality restriction on the real exchange rate, thereby allowing the interest rate and the exchange rate to react simultaneously to news, I find considerable interdependence between monetary policy and the exchange rate. In particular, following a contractionary monetary policy shock, the real exchange rate immediately appreciates, after which it gradually depreciates back to the baseline. The results are found to be consistent with findings from an “event study”.  相似文献   

In this article, we develop an analytical general equilibrium model of the equilibrium exchange rate for emerging countries. This theoretical framework allows us to identify a relevant set of variables which determinate the equilibrium exchange rate and to explore how these variables influence the trajectory of the equilibrium exchange rate.  相似文献   

Monetary Policy and Exchange Rate Volatility in a Small Open Economy   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
We lay out a small open economy version of the Calvo sticky price model, and show how the equilibrium dynamics can be reduced to a simple representation in domestic inflation and the output gap. We use the resulting framework to analyse the macroeconomic implications of three alternative rule-based policy regimes for the small open economy: domestic inflation and CPI-based Taylor rules, and an exchange rate peg. We show that a key difference among these regimes lies in the relative amount of exchange rate volatility that they entail. We also discuss a special case for which domestic inflation targeting constitutes the optimal policy, and where a simple second order approximation to the utility of the representative consumer can be derived and used to evaluate the welfare losses associated with the suboptimal rules.  相似文献   

Domestic fiscal and monetary policy settings can influence the strength of the Australia dollar in a number of different ways.  相似文献   

文章基于2005年7月21日我国人民币汇率改革以来的连续时间序列数据和离散数据,利用多元回归模型,实证研究了人民币汇率市场化改革以来我国货币政策对人民币汇率的影响。实证结果表明:我国货币政策的两个变量—货币供应量和利率,会对人民币汇率产生显著的影响,其中人民币货币供应量增加会引起人民币汇率贬值,银行间信用隔夜拆借利率上升可以引起人民币汇率升值。因此,中国在稳步推进人民币汇率制度改革同时,应有效监控我国货币供应量对汇率的影响,密切关注银行间同业拆解利率对人民币汇率波动的影响,从而促进我国经济内外平衡和外汇市场的平稳健康发展。  相似文献   

Time Inconsistency and the Exchange Rate Channel of Monetary Policy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper analyses time–inconsistency problems related to the exchange rate channel of monetary policy. Within a simple open–economy macroeconomic model, where the exchange rate is the only forward–looking variable, we show that a difference emerges between optimal policy under discretion and under commitment. Moreover, the nature of the time–inconsistency problem resembles that resulting from standard New Keynesian models: when cost–push shocks occur, the exchange rate channel gives rise to excessive output stabilisation and insufficient inertia in monetary policy under a discretionary policy.
JEL classification : E 42; E 52; E 61  相似文献   

汇率涉及庞大数量的商品、投资和服务的国际交换,在各国经济中发挥着举足轻重的作用.由于近年来国际政治局势紧张,经济波动幅度较大,为了获取充足的样本量,文章采用2009-2016年美元与欧元的每日汇率用以构建Vasicek模型,根据估计分析所得的参数估计量寻求利润最优的汇率套利区间.文章分为两个部分进行探讨:第一部分是通过回归分析发现汇率波动服从均值回归趋势;第二部分是基于汇率变动服从均值回归的基础上确定汇率套利区间.同时,借助于最优套利区间的存在得出政策启示,即货币当局在维持外部经济稳定方面应谨慎使用外汇市场干预措施,同时应聚焦外汇市场中投机者情绪并建立汇率稳定与协调机制,减少因情绪剧烈波动从而对政治和经济造成的冲击.  相似文献   

汇率制度与货币政策——发展中国家和小国经济的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文中,我们将研究在资本市场对外开放及汇率固定条件下货币政策的管理机制问题。我们的目标是探讨货币政策能否在此种情况下继续独立而有效地稳定国内经济。为此,我们建议两种制度上的约束。给定这些约束,我们证明货币政策仍然有效。同时,本文讨论了此种制度选择对发展中国家和小国经济的意义。  相似文献   

基于SVAR模型研究我国货币政策与人民币汇率的相互作用关系,发现我国货币政策对汇率冲击的反应具有逆经济风向的操作特征,汇率升值,货币政策扩张;而人民币汇率对货币政策冲击的反应也符合经济理论,货币政策扩张会引起人民币汇率贬值。同时,在货币供应量作为货币政策变量时,汇率水平的反应表现为经典的超调现象,但在名义利率作为货币政策变量时,汇率的反应曲线则表现为延迟的超调现象。总体上,我国货币政策对人民币汇率变动非常敏感,相反人民币汇率对货币政策的反应相对较弱。  相似文献   

关税、货币政策与中国实际均衡汇率   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
加入WTO后 ,降低进口品关税等措施将影响人民币均衡汇率水平 ,同时开放经济下国内货币政策、财政政策等宏观经济政策调整也会改变均衡汇率水平。本文运用动态一般均衡的方法 ,探讨中国在加入世界贸易组织之后 ,关税税率调整、货币供应量增长率改变、财政政策调整等措施对实际均衡汇率的长期效应。把货币引入生产函数和消费者的效用函数 ,我们扩展了由Turnovsky提出的两商品资本积累模型 ,利用参数赋值(calibration)的方法进行了均衡状态下的比较静态分析。研究发现降低进口品关税使人民币面临贬值压力 ,而政府增加税收 ,减少对贸易品的消费则有利于人民币的保值和升值。实证研究结果表明 :国外实际利率水平下降 ,实际货币供应量增长率降低都将引起人民币均衡汇率贬值。  相似文献   

人民币升值压力与货币政策:基于货币模型的实证分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用1994年1月至2008年1月的月度数据,采用外汇市场压力的货币模型,构建了人民币外汇市场升值压力指数,并利用向量自回归方法研究了中央银行国内信贷变化、中美相对经济增长率变化、中国利率水平变化与外汇市场压力之间的相互作用,探讨了美国基础货币增长、美国利率水平变化等外生变量对人民币升值压力的影响。发现中国中央银行国内信贷与人民币升值压力呈现负向关系,而中国经济增长和国内利率水平与人民币升值压力呈正向关系。当人民币升值压力增加时,货币当局的反应是减少其净国内信贷,而国内利率水平的变化则并不显著地反映人民币升值压力的变化。  相似文献   

当前汇率制度下中国的货币政策效应分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李成  姜柳 《经济与管理》2007,21(4):72-77
在中国当前的汇率制度下,外汇储备持续增加,使得基础货币投放量被动增加,进而导致了经济中流动性过剩问题.提高货币政策独立性的根本途径在于汇率制度改革:完善中国汇率形成的市场机制,培育相对均衡汇率;深化中国外汇管理体制改革,有序开放资本市场;汇率制度改革要与其他政策改革配合协调.  相似文献   

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